Content Posted in 2019
Michigan's Teacher Certification Requirement as Applied to Religiously Motivated Home Schools, Donald D. Dorman
Michigan Technology Law Review Recritment, Michigan Technology Law Review
Michigan Water Resources Commission Act Amendments: A Response to the Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972, Jeffrey K. Haynes
Microeconomics Made (Too) Easy: A Casebook Approach to Teaching Law and Economics, Gregory S. Crespi
Microgrids for Micro-Communities: Reducing the Energy Burden in Rural Areas, Julie C. Michalski
Midterms and the Midwest: The State of Voting Rights and Election Law, University of Michigan Law School
Midway Mixer, University of Michigan Law School
Military and Foreign Affairs Function Rule-Making Under the APA, Arthur Earl Bonfield
Miller: The Assault on Privacy, Michael S. Josephson
Minimum Wages for Prisoners: Legal Obstacles and Suggested Reforms, James J. Maiwurm and Wendy S. Maiwurm
Minor Changes: Emancipating Children in Modem Times, Carol Sanger and Eleanor Willemsen
Minority Admissions to Law School: More Trouble Ahead and Two Solutions, 80 ST. JOHN'S L. REV. 301 (2006), Jeffrey Evans Stake
Minority Cultures and the Cosmopolitan Alternative, Jeremy Waldron
Minority Enterprise, Federal Contracting, and the SBA's 8 (a) Program: A New Approach to an Old Problem, Michigan Law Review
Misreading the Williams Act, Lyman Johnson and David Millon
Misregulating Television: Network Dominance and the FCC, Robert R. Morse Jr.
Missing the Point About State Takeover Statutes, Lyman Johnson and David Millon
Misunderstanding Positivism, Anthony J. Sebok
Misuse of the Antitrust Laws: The Competitor Plaintiff, Edward A. Snyder and Thomas E. Kauper
Mobility Factors in Antitrust Cases: Assessing Market Power in Light of Conditions Affecting Entry and Fringe Expansion, William H. Wentz
Modeling Relevance, Richard O. Lempert
Models of Regulation, James V. DeLong
Modern Investment Management and the Prudent Man Rule, Creighton R. Meland Jr.
Modernizing Bank Merger Review, University of Michigan Law School
Modern Legislation, Metropolitan Court, Miniscule Results: A Study of Detroit's Landlord-Tenant Court, Marilyn Miller Mosier and Richard A. Soble
Modifications of Antitrust Consent Decrees: Over a Double Barrel, John D. Anderson
Money and Justice: Who Owns the Courts?, Michigan Law Review
Money Rules: OMB, Auditors, and the Enforcement of Federal Grants, University of Michigan Law School
Monopolistic Competition, Second Best, and The Antitrust Paradox: A Review Article, Richard S. Markovits
Monuments to the Past in a Leveling Wind, Benjamin Means
Moral Discourse and Family Law, Lee E. Teitelbaum
Moral Discourse and the Transformation of American Family Law, Carl E. Schneider
Moral Diversity and Efficient Breach, Matthew A. Seligman
Moral Foundations of Constitutional Thought: Current Problems, Augustinian Prospects, Arthur J. Burke
Moral Icons: A Comment on Steven Lubet's Reconstructing Atticus Finch, William H. Simon
Moral Reality Revisited, Michael S. Moore
Moral Responsibility in the Age of Bureaucracy, David Luban, Alan Strudler, and David Wasserman
More Guns, Less Crime, The Federalist Society
More on European Community Law, Trevor Hartley
More than Birds: Developing a New Environmental Jurisprudence Through the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, Patrick G. Maroun
Morgan Kousser's Noble Dream, Heather K. Gerken
Moses and Modernism, Neil H. Cogan
Mother Knows Best: Informed Consent in Labor & Delivery, Reproductive Rights & Justice
Mother-Love and Abortion: A Legal Interpretation, Darleen Darnell
Motions for Appointment of Counsel and the Collateral Order Doctrine, Michigan Law Review
Mr. Justice Powell and the Emerging Nixon Majority, A.E. Dick Howard
Multinationals Revisited, John M. Niehuss
Municipal Bankruptcy: The Need for an Expanded Chapter IX, Daniel J. Goldberg
Murdering The Spirit: Racism, Rights, and Commerce, Robin West
Mutuality of Estoppel: A Question, Stephen Millman and David Gruber
Myths about Student Loans, University of Michigan Law School
Myths and Relatives of the Judicial Power: The Case for Originalism and Textualism, The Federalist Society
Nagel: The Legal Process from a Behavioral Perspective, G. Theodore Mitau
Narrowing the "Routine Use" Exemption to the Privacy Act of 1974, John W. Finger
Narrowing the Scope of Civil Drug Forfeiture: Section 881, Substantial Connection and the Eighth Amendment, James B. Speta
National Injunctions and Preclusion, Zachary D. Clopton
National Law School Wellness Day, University of Michigan Law School
National Parks and Self-Restraint, Peter Steinhart
National Security Law Society General Body Meeting, National Security Law Society
National Study of the Aftermath of Apprehension, Martin Gold and Jay R. Williams
Natural Law and Justice, Heidi Li Feldman
Negative Attitudes of Law Students: A Replication of the Alienation and Dissatisfaction Factors, Paul D. Carrington and James J. Conley
Neglecting Nationalism, Gil Seinfeld
Negligent Accounting and the Limits of Instrumental Tort Reform, John A. Siliciano
Neoliberalism, Colonialism, and International Governance: Decentering the International Law of Government Legitimacy, James Thuo Gathii
New Deal Labor Policy and the American Industrial Economy, Patrick T. Connors
New Jersey Retail Installment Sales Act, Eric A. Oesterle
New Juvenile Discovery Rules: Mandatory, Comprehensive, and Streamlined., Joshua B. Kay
New Perspectives on Prisons and Imprisonment, Michigan Law Review
News of Crime: Courts and Press in Conflict, Michigan Law Review
New Ways in Corporate Governance: European Experiments with Labor Representation on Corporate Boards, Klaus J. Hopt
New York City Consumer Protection Law of 1969, Thomas G. Morgan
New York City School Decentralization, Barry D. Hovis
New York Minimum Wage Act for Migrant Workers, Karen E. Kuntz
New York Specious Cash Sales Act, Craig D. Holleman
New York's Revised Nursing Home Legislation, Michael G. McGee
NLRA Preemption of State Law Actions for Wrongful Discharge in Violation of Public Policy, Thomas Bean
No-Fault Auto Reparation in Florida: An Empirical Examination of Some of Its Effects, Joseph W. Little
Nondeposit Deposits and the Future of Bank Regulation, Jonathan R. Macey and Geoffrey P. Miller
Nonmajority Bargaining Orders: The Only Effective Remedy for Pervasive Employer Unfair Labor Practices During Union Organizing Campaigns, David S. Shillman
Non-Trial Dispositions of Criminal Offenders: A Case Study, Nancy S. Warder and David C. Zalk
No Pity: People with Disabilities Forging a New Civil Rights Movements, Cheryl A. Leighty
Normative and Policy Restraints on War, William V. O'Brien
"No Soul to Damn: No Body to Kick": An Unscandalized Inquiry into the Problem of Corporate Punishment, John C. Coffee Jr.
No State Shall Abridge: The Fourteenth Amendment and the Bill of Rights, Mark A. Grannis
Nothing Lasts Forever: Toward a Coherent Theory in American Preservation Law, Kathryn R.L. Rand
Notice by Citizen Plaintiffs in Environmental Litigation, Michigan Law Review
Notice to Class Members Under the Fair Labor Standards Act Representative Action Provision, Thomas Ashby
No Time for Trumpets: Title VII, Equality, and the Fin De Sièchle, D. Marvin Jones
Nuclear Power and Legal Advocacy, Michigan Law Review
Nuclear Power: Risk, Liability, and Indemnity, Harold P. Green
Nuts and Bolts: Clerkship Application Basics for 2Ls, University of Michigan Law School
Objectivity and Habeas Corpus: Should Federal District Court Judges be Permitted to Rule upon the Validity of Their Own Criminal Trial Conduct?, Marilyn L. Kelley
Objectivity in Legal Judgement, Heidi Li Feldman
Oday Salim: Clinical Assistant Professor of Law and Director of the Environmental Law and Sustainability Clinic, University of Michigan Law School
Of Citizen Suits and Citizen Sunstein, Harold J. Krent and Ethan G. Shenkman
Of Cultural Determinism and the Limits of Law, Paul R. Dimond and Gene Sperling
Of Foxes and Hen Houses: Licensing and the Health Professions, Michigan Law Review
Oh No! A New Bluebook!, James D. Gordon III
Oklahoma School Finance Litigation: Shifting from Equity to Adequacy, Mark S. Grossman
Omnibus Taxpayers' Bill of Rights Act: Taxpayers' Remedy or Political Placebo?, Creighton R. Meland Jr.
On Becoming a Lawyer: Some Challenges for the Future, Harry T. Edwards
On-Call Time Under the Fair Labor Standards Act, Eric Phillips
On Coming of Age: Twenty-five Years of the University of Michigan Journal of Law Reform, Francis A. Allen
On Describing Legal Research, Steven M. Barkan
One Philosophy for an American Revolution, Paul K. Conkin
On Humiliation, Jeremy Waldron
On Justifying Democracy, Michigan Law Review
On Leading a Horse to Water: NEPA and the Federal Bureaucracy, Roger C. Cramton and Richard K. Berg
Only Girls Wear Barrettes: Dress and Appearance Standards, Community Norms, and Workplace Equality, Katharine T. Bartlett
Only Judgment: The Limits of Litigation in Social Change, Michigan Law Review
Only Words, David C. Dinielli
On Reading the Constitution, Bruce Fein
On Tapp (and Levine), Michael J. Saks
On the "Auschwitz Lie", Herbert A. Strauss, Ernst Nolte, Helge Grabitz, and Christian Meier
On The Craft and Philosophy of Judging, James L. Oakes
On The Early History of Lower Federal Courts, Judges, and the Rule of Law, Alfred S. Konefsky
On the Human Body as Property: The Meaning of Embodiment, Markets, and the Meaning of Strangers, Thomas H. Murray
On the Nature of Norms: Biology, Morality, and the Disruption of Order, Owen D. Jones
On the Need for a Uniform Choice of Law Code, Larry Kramer
On the Relation Between the Rule of Law and Public Opinion, John V. Orth
On the Threshold of Wainwright v Sykes: Federal Habeas Court Scrutiny of State Procedural Rules and Rulings, Michigan Law Review
On the Use of Practitioner Surveys in Commercial Law Research: Comments on Daniel Keating's 'Exploring the Battle of the Forms in Action', Avery Wiener Katz
On the Voluntary Admission of Minors, Louis Lessem
Onward Constitutional Soldiers, Milner S. Ball
On What the Constitution Means, Michigan Law Review
Opacity and Scientific Progress in Machine Learning
Open Chambers?, Richard W. Painter
Opportunity and Action in Federal Environmental Policy, University of Michigan Law School
Optimal Standards of Proof for Non-Obviousness and Infringement, University of Michigan Law School
Oral Argument and Expediting Appeals: A Compatible Combination, Joy A. Chapper
Order and Chaos: The Role of International Law in Foreign Policy, Alfred P. Rubin
Organized Crime Control Act of 1970: Introduction, J. Brian Williams
Organized Labor, the Environment, and the Taft-Hartley Act, James C. Oldham
Organizing the Ethnography of Negotiations, William L.F. Felstiner
OSCAR Researching Judges and Building Clerkship Applications, University of Michigan Law School
Our Endangered Rights: The ACLU Report on Civil Liberties Today, Michigan Law Review
Outer Space: New Challenges to Law and Policy, Timothy J. Chorvat
Outlaw Blues, Suzanna Sherry
Overcoming Barriers to Scattered-Site Low-Cost Housing, Darrel J. Grinstead
Over the Wire and On TV: CBS and UPI in Campaign '80, Michigan Law Review
Packer & Ehrlich: New Directions in Legal Education, Richard C. Maxwell
Pain and Suffering Guidelines: A Cure for Damages Measurement "Anomie", Frederick S. Levin
Palestine and Israel: A Challenge to Justice, James E. Hopenfeld
Paradox and Pandora's Box: The Tragedy of Current Right-to-Die Jurisprudence, Cathaleen A. Roach
Parental Notification as a Prerequisite for Minors' Access to Contraceptives: A Behavioral and Legal Analysis, Michael N. Finger
Parent-Child Incest: Proof at Trial Without Testimony in Court by the Victim, Dustin P. Ordway
Parenting At and After Divorce: A Search for New Models, Carol S. Bruch
Parents and the State: Joining Forces to Report Incest and Support Its Victims, Lynne Olman Lourim
Participatory Management Under Sections 2(5) and 8(a) (2) of the National Labor Relations Act, Michigan Law Review
Passion: An Essay on Personality, Michigan Law Review
Passive in name only: Delegated Management and "Index" Investing, University of Michigan Law School
Patents and Antitrust Law, Merrill N. Johnson
Patents for Sharing, Toshiko Takenaka
Patrons Despite Themselves: Taxpayers and Arts Policy, Michigan Law Review
Paul A. Leidy, Michigan Law Review
Paul G. Kauper: As Remembered by His Students, John M. Nannes, Jerome B. Libin, and Eugene Gressman
Paul G. Kauper, Memorial Resolution by The University of Michigan Law Faculty Concerning Paul G. Kauper, Michigan Law Review
Pay Equity--The Minnesota Experience, Nina Rothchild
Penalizing Bribery of Foreign Officials Through The Tax Laws: A Case for Repealing Section 162 (c)(1), Christopher Alan Lewis
Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency Act of 1972, John A. Stevens
Pension Plan Terminations and Asset Reversions: Accommodating the Interests of Employers and Employees, Carl A. Butler
Peril and Possibility: Strikes, Rights, and Legal Change in the Era of Trump, Kate Andrias
Periodical Index, Michigan Law Review
Periodical Index, Michigan Law Review
Periodical Index, Michigan Law Review
Periodical Index, Michigan Law Review
Periodical Index, Michigan Law Review
Periodical Index, Michigan Law Review
Periodical Index, Michigan Law Review
Periodical Index, Michigan Law Review
Periodical Index, Michigan Law Review
Periodical Index, Michigan Law Review
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Periodical Index, Michigan Law Review
Periodical Index, Michigan Law Review
Periodical Index, Michigan Law Review
Periodical Index, Michigan Law Review
Periodical Index, Michigan Law Review
Periodical Index, Michigan Law Review
Periodical Index, Michigan Law Review
Perlman v. Feldmann: A Case Study in Contemporary Corporate Legal History, Jan G. Deutsch
Personal Jurisdiction and Choice of Law, James Martin
Personal Jurisdiction over Aliens in Patent Infringement Actions: A Uniform Approach Toward the Situs of the Tort, David Wille
Personal, Living or Family Matters and the Value Added Tax, L. Hart Wright
Personal Responsibility and Public Integrity, J. Patrick Dobel
Persons and Consequences: Observations on Fried's Right and Wrong, Stephen R. Munzer
Perspectives on the Jurisprudence of International Trade: Costs and Benefits of Legal Procedures in the United States, John H. Jackson
Persuader: Mobilization of Support, Mary Ann Beattie
Persuasion, Joseph William Singer
Philosophical Perspectives on Affirmative Action, Kenneth W. Simons
Philosophy and Law: Some Observations on MacCormick's Legal Reasoning and Legal Theory, Patricia D. White
Philosophy, The Federalist, and the Constitution, Edward J. Sebold
Philosophy in Bankruptcy, David Gray Carlson
Pinochet and International Human Rights Litigation, Curtis A. Bradley and Jack L. Goldsmith
Plaintiff Personal Jurisdiction and Venue Transfer, Scott Dodson
Planet in Peril: Averting Climate Catastrophe Through Law and Social Change, University of Michigan Law School
Plans, Protections, and Professional Intervention: Innovations in Divorce Custody Reform and the Role of Legal Professionals, Jane W. Ellis
Playing with the Rules, Mark V. Tushnet
Plea Bargaining: A Model Court Rule, Kenneth A. Kraus
Plea Bargaining Reexamined, Lynn M. Mather
Pleading Under Section 11 of the Securities Act of 1933, Krista L. Turnquist
Pleas of Guilty and the Loss of Constitutional Rights: The Current Price of Pleading Guilty, Stephen A. Saltzburg
Plebiscites, Participation, and Collective Action in Local Government Law, Clayton P. Gillette
Plus Ҫa Change, Paul Brest
Poised at the Threshold: Sexual Orientation, Law, and the Law School Curriculum in the Nineties, Jane S. Schacter
Poisoning for Profit: The Mafia and Toxic Waste in America, Geoffrey Garver
Polarized Voting and the Political Process: The Transformation of Voting Rights Jurisprudence, Samuel Issacharoff
Police Initiated Emergency Psychiatric Detention in Michigan, Mark F. Mehlman
Police Liability for Creating the Need To Use Deadly Force in Self-Defense, Frank G. Zarb Jr.
Police-Obtained Evidence and the Constitution: Distinguishing Unconstitutionally Obtained Evidence from Unconstitutionally Used Evidence, Arnold H. Loewy
Police Use of CCTV Surveillance: Constitutional Implications and Proposed Regulations, Gary C. Robb
Policing, Danger Narratives, and Routine Traffic Stops, Jordan Blair Woods
Policing Hate Speech and Extremism: A Taxonomy of Arguments in Opposition, Leonard M. Niehoff
Policing the Executive Privilege, Keith Borman
Policymaking and Politics in the Federal District Courts, Michigan Law Review
Political Asylum in the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of France: Lessons for the United States, T. Alexander Aleinikoff
Political Asylum Under the 1980 Refugee Act: An Unfulfilled Promise, Arthur C. Helton
Political Broadcasting After the Aspen Ruling: Legislative Reform of Section 315(a) of the Communications Act of 1934, Stuart N. Brotman
Political Candidates' Loyalty Oaths, Jeffrey F. Liss
Political Crime in Europe: A Comparative Study of France, Germany, and England, Michigan Law Review
Political Theory and International Relations, Michigan Law Review
Political Views of Graduates of University of Michigan Law School, Classes of 1952-2001, David L. Chambers
Politics Against Law, Ernest van den Haag
Popular Justice: A History of American Criminal Justice, Michigan Law Review
Population Changes and Constitutional Amendments: Federalism versus Democracy, Peter Suber
Pornography and Obscenity Sold in "Adult Bookstores": A Survey of 5132 Books, Magazines, and Films in Four American Cities, Park Elliott Dietz and Alan E. Sears
Pornography is a Civil Rights Issue for Women, Andrea Dworkin
Positivism, Emergent and Triumphant, Vincent A. Wellman
Posner on Literature, L. H. LaRue
Post-Accountability Accountability, Nicole Stelle Garnett
Post-Conviction Review in the Federal Courts for the Service-member Not in Custody, Michigan Law Review
Postconviction Review of Jury Discrimination: Measuring the Effects of Juror Race on Jury Decisions, Nancy J. King
Postmodern Constitutionalism as Materialism, Francis J. Mootz III
Postsecondary and Vocational Education Programs and the "Otherwise Qualified" Provision of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Marc P. Charmatz and Andrew S. Penn
Post-Totalitarian Politics, Guyora Binder
Poverty Lawyering in the Golden Age, Matthew Diller
Power from the People, Milner S. Ball
Powerline: The First Battle of America's Energy War, Michigan Law Review
Power, Responsibility, and Republican Democracy, Marci A. Hamilton
Practical Legal Studies and Critical Legal Studies, Jay M. Feinman
Practicing Poetry, Teaching Law, David A. Skeel Jr.
Pragmatism, Feminism, and the Problem of Bad Coherence, Catharine Pierce Wells
Precedent in Law, Erik G. Light
Preclusion and Procedural Due Process in Rule 23(b)(2) Class Actions, Mark C. Weber
Preface, Journal of Law Reform
Preface, Journal of Law Reform
Preface, Journal of Law Reform
Preface, Journal of Law Reform
Preface, Journal of Law Reform
Preface, Journal of Law Reform
Preferential Property Tax Treatment of Farmland and Open Space Under Michigan Law, Ronald Henry
Preferential Remedies for Employment Discrimination, Harry T. Edwards and Barry L. Zaretsky
Preferential Transfers on the Eve of the Bankruptcy Amendments, Richard M. Kohn
Pregnancy and Unemployment: Problems and Solutions?, Mark R. Brown
Prejudice, Politics, and Proof, Peter Tillers
Preparing for Meet the Employers Workshop, University of Michigan Law School
Preserving Purchase Money Security Interests and Allocating Payments, Lynda Kay Chandler
Preserving the Constitution: The Autobiography of Senator Sam J. Ervin, Jr., Brent E. Johnson
Preserving the Progressive Spirit in a Conservative Time: The Joint Reform Efforts of Justice Brandeis and Professor Frankfurter, 1916-1933, David W. Levy and Bruce Allen Murphy
Presidential Pensions and Impeachment: A Proposal for Reform, Patrick E. Mears
Presidential Permitting for Pipelines: Constitutionality and Reviewability, Joan Campau
Presumption of Dependence in Workers' Compensation Death Benefits as a Denial of Equal Protection, A. Russell Localio
Pretextual Fourth Amendment Activity: Another Viewpoint, James B. Haddad
Pretrial Diversion: The Premature Quest for Recognition, Raymond T. Nimmer and Patricia Ann Krauthaus
Preventative Pretrial Detention and the Failure of Interest-Balancing Approaches to Due Process, Albert W. Alschuler
Price Discrimination Law and Economic Efficiency, Edward H. Cooper
Prior Consultation in International Law: A Study of State Practice, Michigan Law Review
Privacy in a Public Society: Human Rights in Conflict, David Clark Esseks
Privacy Preserving Social Norm Nudges, Yifat Nahmias
Privacy, Property, and Publicity, Mark A. Lemley
Privacy's Problem and the Law of Criminal Procedure, William J. Stuntz
Private Causes of Action Under Section 206 of the Investment Advisers Act, Michigan Law Review
Private Lawyers and Public Responsibilities, Carl McGowan
Private Ordering at the World's First Futures Exchange, Mark D. West
Private Order Under Dysfunctional Public Order, John McMillan and Christopher Woodruff
Private Plaintiffs' Use of Equitable Remedies Under the RICO Statute: A Means to Reform Corrupted Labor Unions, Randy M. Mastro, Steven C. Bennett, and Mary P. Donlevy
Private Settlement as Alternative Adjudication: A Rationale for Negotiation Ethics, Robert B. Gordon
Private Standing and Public Values, Michael Boudin
Private Trusts for Indefinite Beneficiaries, George E. Palmer
Privity Revisited: Tort Recovery By a Commercial Buyer for a Defective Product's Self-Inflicted Damage, Mark A. Kaprelian
Proactive Legislation and the First Amendment, Stuart Minor Benjamin
Probability Theory Meets Res Ipsa Loquitur, David Kaye
Probable Cause and Common Sense: A Reply to the Critics of Illinois v. Gates, Joseph D. Grano
Problems in the Application of Political Philosophy to Law, Christopher T. Wonnell
Pro Bono Kick-Off and Training Week, University of Michigan Law School
Pro Bono Legal Work: For the Good of Not Only the Public, but Also the Lawyer and the Legal Profession, Nadine Strossen
Procedural Due Process in Administrative Law: Some Thoughts from the French Experience, Richard L. Herrmann
Procedural Reform in the Unemployment Insurance System, Marla D. Clark and Jesse S. Reyes
Products Liability: Developments in the Rule of Successor Liability for Product-Related Injuries, Mary Annette Horan
Professional Discipline of Solicitors in England, Michigan Law Review
Professionalism and the Chains of Slavery, Redmond J. Barnett
Professional Responsibility and Choice of Law: A Client-Based Alternative to the Model Rules of Professional Conduct, Colin Owyang
Professor Bishop: A Student's Tribute, George Lehner
Professor Bishop's Contributions to International Law, Brunson MacChesney
Program Environmental Impact Statements: Review and Remedies, Michigan Law Review
Prohibiting Conduct, Not Consequences: The Limited Reach of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, Benjamin Means
Prohibiting Nonaccess Testimony by Spouses: Does Lord Mansfield's Rule Protect Illegitimates?, Michigan Law Review
Promises Unfulfilled: How Investment Arbitration Tribunals Mishandle Corruption Claims and Undermine International Development, Andrew T. Bulovsky
Promoting Predictability in Business: Solutions for Overlapping Liability in International Anti-Corruption Enforcement, Andrew T. Bulovsky
Promulgating the Marriage Contract, Lynn A. Baker
Properly Accounting for Domestic Violence in Child Custody Cases: An Evidence-Based Analysis and Reform Proposal, Debra Pogrund Stark, Jessica M. Choplin, and Sarah Elizabeth Wellard
Proportional Representation by Race: The Constitutionality of Benign Racial Redistricting, Michigan Law Review
Proposal for a Model Name Act, Ellen Jean Dannin
Proposal for a Uniform Radar Speed Detection Act, Douglas M. Tisdale
Proposals to Amend Rule 68- Time to Abandon Ship, Stephen B. Burbank
Proposed Amendments to the Welfare and Pension Plans Disclosure Act, Stephen E. Dawson
Proposed Regulation of Limited Partnership Investment Programs, Ivan J. Schell
Proposed SEC Rules for Private Offerings: The Impact on Venture Capital Financing, Gregory A. Kearns
Proprietary Duties of the Federal Government Under the Public Land Trust, Michigan Law Review
Prosecution of Minor Subcontractors Under the Major Fraud Act of 1988, Chris Liro
Prosecutorial Discretion and Environmental Crime Redux: Charging Trends, Aggravating Factors, And Individual Outcome Data For 2005-2014, David M. Uhlmann
Prospective Waiver of the Right To Disqualify Counsel for Conflicts of Interest, Michigan Law Review
Protecting Employee Solicitation - Distribution Rights from Union Waiver, Alan V. Reuther
Protecting Local Authority in State Constitutions and Challenging Intrastate Preemption, Emily S.P. Baxter
Protecting Nonshareholder Interests in the Market for Corporate Control: A Role for State Takeover Statutes, Frank J. Garcia
Protecting Retired Workers from Inflation: Collective Bargaining for Retiree Benefits, Richard M. Bank and Thomas C. Woodruff
Protecting the Best Men: An Interpretive History of the Law of Libel, Frank G. Zarb
Protecting the Free Speech Rights of Insurgent Teachers' Unions: Evaluating the Constitutionality of Exclusive Access to School Communications Facilities, Stephen E. Woodbury
Protecting the Independence of Administrative Law Judges: A Model Administrative Law Judge Corps Statute, Karen Y. Kauper
Protecting the Older Worker, H. Patrick Callahan and Charles T. Richardson
Protecting the Whistleblower from Retaliatory Discharge, Martin H. Malin
Protection Against Unjust Discharge: The Need for a Federal Statute, Jack Stieber and Michael Murray
Protection for Trade Secrets Under the Toxic Substances Control Act of 1976, Paula R. Latovick
Protection of Children from Use in Pornography: Toward Constitutional and Enforceable Legislation, T. Christopher Donnelly
Protection of Civil Rights: A Constitutional Mandate for the Federal Government, Julius Chambers
Protection of Privacy of Computerized Records in the National Crime Information Center, Stuart R. Hemphill
Providing an Effective Remedy in Shareholder Suits Against Officers, Directors, and Controlling Persons, Michael H. Woolever
Prudence in Trust Investment, Thomas D. Johnston
Prurient Interest and Human Dignity: Pornography Regulation in West Germany and the United States, Mathias Reimann
Psychiatric Assistance for Indigent Defendants Pleading Insanity: The Michigan Experience, Paul Zisla
Psycho-Enigmatizing Felix Frankfurter, Eugene Gressman
Psycholegal Research: Past and Present, Wallace D. Loh
Psychological Barriers to Litigation Settlement: An Experimental Approach, Russell Korobkin and Chris Guthrie
Public Broadcasting and the Problem of Government Influence: Towards a Legislative Solution, Oscar G. Chase
Public Employees or Private Citizens: The Off-Duty Sexual Activities of Police Officers and the Constitutional Right of Privacy, Michael A. Woronoff
Public Employees' Right to Strike: Law and Experience, Martin H. Malin
Public Official's Qualified Immunity in Section 1983 Actions under Harlow v. Fitzgerald and its Progeny: A Critical Analysis, Stephen J. Shapiro
Public Participation in the Adoption of Interpretive Rules and Policy Statements, Michael Asimow
Public Prayer and the Constitution, Ethan M. Posner
Public Response to Racist Speech: Considering the Victim's Story, Mari J. Matsuda
Public School Meltdown, Stephen Arons
Public Support for Pro-Choice Abortion Policies in the Nation and States: Changes and Stability After the Roe and Doe Decisions, Eric M. Uslaner and Ronald E. Weber
Publish or Perish, Gideon Parchomovsky
Punishing Hateful Motives: Old Wine in a New Bottle Revives Calls for Prohibition, Carol S. Steiker
Punishment: Desert and Crime Control, Ernest van den Haag
Punishment for War Crimes: Duty--or Discretion?, Michigan Law Review
Punitive Damages in Products Liability Litigation, David G. Owen
Punitive Damages Under Section 102 of the Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act, S. Thomas Wienner
Punitive Surcharges Against Disloyal Fiduciaries--Is Rothko Right?, Richard V. Wellman
Purchaser's Depreciation Rights in Property Subject to a Lease, Michigan Law Review
Putting Accessible Expression to Bed, Jamila A. Odeh
Putting Bite in NEPA's Bark: New Council on Environmental Quality Regulations for the Preparation of Environmental Impact Statements, David M. Lesser
Putting Women First, Mary Coombs
Qualification Requirements for Foreign Corporations: The Need for a New Definition of "Doing Business" Based on In-State Sales Volume, Stanley M. Klem
Qualified Immunity and Constitutional Structure, Katherine Mims Crocker
Questioning Broadcast Regulation, Jonathan Weinberg
Questioning the Relevance of Miranda in the Twenty-First Century, Richard A. Leo
Quinney: The Social Reality of Crime, Melvin M. Belli
Race Against the Court: The Supreme Court and Minorities in Contemporary America, Melissa Nicholson Starkey
Race and Redistricting: Drawing Constitutional Lines After Shaw v. Reno, T. Alexander Aleinikoff and Samuel Isaacharoff
Race, Class, Caste…? Rethinking Affirmative Action, Clark D. Cunningham and N.R. Madhava Menon
Racial Prejudice and Scholarly Prejudice: New Confrontations at the Selma Bridge, J. Mills Thornton III
Racial Vote Dilution in Multimember Districts: The Constitutional Standard After Washington v. Davis, Michigan Law Review
Rape Discourse in Press Coverage of Sex Crimes, Peggy Reeves Sanday
Rape Shield Laws--Is It Time for Reinforcement?, Catherine L. Kello
Rationalizing Administrative Searches, Michigan Law Review
Rationalizing Juvenile Justice, Carolyn J. Frantz
Read My Lips: Examining the Legal Implications of Knowingly False Campaign Promises, Stephen D. Sencer
"Ready? Induce. Sting!": Arguing for the Government's Burden of Proving Readiness in Entrapment Cases, David D. Tawil
Reaffirming Relationship-Specific Investments: Comments on Miwa and Ramseyer's 'Rethinking Relationship-Specific Investments', Scott E. Masten
Reaffirming the Freedom of the Press: Another Look at Miami Herald Publishing Co. v. Tornillo, Michigan Law Review
Real Property Tax Relief for the Elderly, Edsell M. Eady Jr.
Reapportionment--Nine Years into the "Revolution" and Still Struggling, Michigan Law Review
Rearranging Deck Chairs on the Titanic: The Inadequacy of Modest Proposals to Reform Labor Law, Charles B. Craver
Reason and Law, George C. Christie
Recent Books, Michigan Law Review
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Recent Books, Michigan Law Review
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Recent Books, Michigan Law Review
Recent Books, Michigan Law Review
Recent Books, Michigan Law Review
Recent Books, Michigan Law Review
Recent Books, Michigan Law Review
Recent Books, Michigan Law Review
Recent Books, Michigan Law Review
Recent Books, Michigan Law Review
Recent Developments in the Struggle for Probate Reform, Richard V. Wellman
Recent Trends in Transport Rate Regulation, Leonard S. Goodman
Reciprocal Altruism as a Felony: Antitrust and the Prisoner's Dilemma, John Shepard Wiley Jr.
Reckless Endangerment of an Employee: A Proposal in the Wake of Film Recovery Systems to Make the Boss Responsible for His Crimes, Anne D. Samuels
Reckless Juveniles, Kimberly Thomas
Recognition of the National Football League as a Single Entity Under Section 1 of the Sherman Act: Implications of the Consumer Welfare Model, Myron C. Grauer
Recognizing a Constitutional Right of Media Access to Evidentiary Recordings in Criminal Trials, Teri G. Rasmussen
Recognizing Child Abuse: A Guide for the Concerned, Denise Esposito
Reconceiving the Right to Present Witnesses, Richard A. Nagareda
Reconciling Police Power Prerogatives, Public Trust Interests, and Private Property Rights Along Laurentian Great Lakes Shores, Richard K. Norton and Nancy H. Welsh
Reconciling the Old Theory and the New Evidence: Comments on Ronald Mann's 'The Role of Letters of Credit in Payment Transactions', Jacob I. Corré
Reconsideration of the Katz Expectation of Privacy Test, Michigan Law Review
Reconstituting "Original Intent": A Constitutional Law Encyclopedia for the Next Century, David M. Skover
Reconstructing Atticus Finch, Steven Lubet
Reconstructing Atticus Finch? A Response to Professor Lubet, Ann Althouse
Reconstructing Public Philosophy, Michigan Law Review
Recovering the Original Fourth Amendment, Thomas Y. Davies
Redefining the "Cost of Suit" Under Section Four of the Clayton Act, Michigan Law Review
Redefining the Family: Recognizing the Altruistic Caretaker and the Importance of Relational Needs, Beverly Horsburgh
Redefining the Supreme Court's Role: A Theory of Managing the Federal Judicial Process, Robert S. Whitman
Redevelopment Redefined: Revitalizing the Central City with Resident Control, Benjamin B. Quinones
Rediscovering Hegel's Theory of Crime and Punishment, Markus Dirk Dubber
Reducing Acid Rain in Eastern North America: The Scientific Basis for an Acid Rain Control Policy, Michael Oppenheimer
Reducing Court Costs and Delay: An Overview, Leonard S. Janofsky
Reducing the Overburden: The Doris Coal Presumption and Administrative Efficiency Under the Black Lung Benefits Act, Eric R. Olson
Reducing the Size of Juries, David M. Powell
Reexamining the Law of Rape, Janet E. Findlater
Refining the Lawmaking Function of the Supreme Court, Frederick Schauer
Reflecting on the Subject: A Critique of the Social Influence Conception of Deterrence, the Broken Windows Theory, and Order-Maintenance Policing New York Style, Bernard E. Harcourt
Reflection on the Law Reforming Process, Sanford J. Fox
Reflections from a Different Perspective, B. J. George Jr.
Reflections on Alfred Hill's "Testimonial Privilege and Fair Trial", Peter Westen
Reflections on Fuller and Perdue's The Reliance Interest in Contract Damages: A Positive Economic Framework, Avery Katz
Reflections on Public Interest Directors, Alfred F. Conard
Reflections on Self-Determination, William Burnett Harvey
Reflections on Stare Decisis in Michigan: The Rise and Fall of the "Rezoning as Administrative Act" Doctrine, Roger A. Cunningham
Reflections on the Exclusionary Zoning of American Nature, A.E. Keir Nash
Reflections on Unconstitutionality In Futuro: Shavers v. Attorney General and Robinson V. Cahill, Philip H. Hecht
Reforming At-Will Employment Law: A Model Statute, Liana Gioia and Per Ramford
Reforming FCC Regulation of Dominant Telephone Carriers: Putting Some Teeth into the Test for Predation, Thomas K. Gump
Reforming Products Liability, Suzanne M. Lambert
Reforming the Federal Grand Jury and the State Preliminary Hearing to Prevent Conviction Without Adjudication, Peter Arenella
Reforming the Immigration and Nationality Act: Labor Certification, Adjustment of Status, the Reach of Deportation, and Entry by Fraud, Elwin Griffith
Reforming the Laws and Practice of Diplomatic Immunity, Paul F. Roye
Reforming the NCAA Drug-Testing Program to Withstand State Constitutional Scrutiny: An Analysis and Proposal, Thomas P. Simon
Reforming Welfare Through Social Security, Stephen D. Sugarman
Refunding Overcharges Under the Emergency Petroleum Allocation Act: The Evolution of a Compensatory Obligation, Michigan Law Review
Regulating America, Regulating Sweden: A Comparative Study of Occupational Safety and Health Policy, Michigan Law Review
Regulating Campaign Activity: The New Road to Contradiction?, Sanford Levinson
Regulating Carcinogens in Food: A Legislator's Guide to the Food Safety Provisions of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, Richard A. Merrill
Regulating Judicial Misconduct and Divining "Good Behavior" for Federal Judges, Harry T. Edwards
Regulating Viatical Settlements: Is the Invisible Hand Picking the Pockets of the Terminally Ill?, Russell J. Herron
Regulation of Campaign Funding and Spending for Federal Office, Roscoe L. Barrow
Regulation of Electroconvulsive Therapy, Michigan Law Review
Regulation of Indecency in Political Broadcasting, Jonathan Golomb
Regulation of Intermodal Rate Competition in Transportation, Joseph R. Rose
Regulation Through the Looking Glass: Hospitals, Blue Cross, and Certificate-of-Need, Sallyanne Payton and Rhoda M. Powsner
Regulatory Reform in the Intercity Bus Industry, Cornish F. Hitchcock
Rehabilitating Federalism, Erwin Chemerinsky
Reich: The Greening of American and Skinner: Beyond Freedom and Dignity, Donald H.J. Hermann
Reimagining the Marshall Court, H. Jefferson Powell
Rejection Versus Termination: A Sublessee's Rights in a Lease Rejected in a Bankruptcy Proceeding Under 11 U.S.C. § 365(D)(4), Vivek Sankaran
Rejoinders to Hart on Rules and Rights, Stanley L. Paulson
Rejoinder: Truth, Justice, and the American Way--or Professor Haddad's "Hard Choices", John M. Burkoff
Rejoinder: Twailing International Law, James Thuo Gathii
Relaxation of Implementation Plans Under the 1977 Clean Air Act Amendments, David P. Currie
Relief for Prison Overcrowding: Evaluating Michigan's Accelerated Parole Statute, Frank T. Judge III
Relief from Final Judgment Under Rule 60(b)(1) Due to Judicial Errors of Law, Michigan Law Review
Religion and Child Custody, Carl E. Schneider
Religion and the Burger Court, Rex E. Lee
Religion and the Search for a Principled Middle Ground on Abortion, Michael W. McConnell
Religious Convictions and Lawmaking, Kent Greenawalt
Religious Corporations and the Law, Paul G. Kauper and Stephen C. Ellis
Religious Discrimination and the Role of Arbitration Under Title VII, Harry T. Edwards and Joel H. Kaplan
Remade in Japan, Jennifer Friesen
Remarks on the Occasion of the Memorial Service for William Warner Bishop, Jr. Held at the Lawyers' Club on January 22, 1988, Elizabeth Gaspar Brown
Remedies for Environmental Racism: A View from the Field, Luke W. Cole
Remedies for Wage Discrimination, Ruth Gerber Blumrosen
Remedying Environmental Racism, Rachel D. Godsil
Removal and the Eleventh Amendment: The Case for District Court Remand Discretion To Avoid a Bifurcated Suit, Mitchell N. Berman
Repatriation and Cultural Preservation: Potent Objects, Potent Pasts, Peter H. Welsh
Reply, William J. Stuntz
Reply: Further Reflections on Libertarian Criminal Defense, William H. Simon
Reply: Self-Incrimination and the Constitution: A Brief Rejoinder to Professor Kamisar, Akhil Reed Amar and Renée B. Lettow
Reply to Comments on Reconstructing Atticus Finch, Steven Lubet
Repossession: of History, Poverty, and Dissent, Martha Minow
Representation of Children in Child Abuse and Neglect Cases: An Empirical Look at What Constitutes Effective Representation, Donald N. Duquette and Sarah H. Ramsey
Representation of Claimants at Unemployment Compensation Proceedings: Identifying Models and Proposed Solutions, Maurice Emsellem and Monica Halas
Representation of Claimants at Unemployment Compensation Proceedings: Indentifying Models and Proposed Solutions, Maurice Emsellem and Monica Halas
Representation of the Public Interest in Michigan Utility Rate Proceedings, Michigan Law Review
Representing Race Outside of Explicitly Racialized Contexts, Naomi R. Cahn
Reprisal Discharges of Union Officials, Alan V. Reuther
Republicanism and the Law of Inheritance in the American Revolutionary Era, Stanley N. Katz
Reputation as a Disciplinarian of International Organizations, Kristina Daugirdas
Rescuing the Revolution: The Revived Case for Enterprise Liability, Steven P. Croley and Jon D. Hanson
Research Resources for Michigan Criminal Law, Kate E. Britt
Residential Tenants and Their Leases: An Empirical Study, Warren Mueller
Res Judicata and Multi-State Integration, Lea Brilmayer
Res Judicata in the Derivative Action: Adequacy of Representation and the Inadequate Plaintiff, Michigan Law Review
Resolving Doctor-Patient Conflicts, Bernard L. Diamond
Resolving the Problem of Undocumented Workers in American Society: A Model Guest Worker Statute, Marjorie E. Powell
Resolving Transnational Insolvencies Through Private Ordering, Robert K. Rasmussen
Resources for Special Education Advocacy, Virginia A. Neisler
Response: Between Economics and Sociology: The New Path of Deterrence, Dan M. Kahan
Response: Exaggerated and Misleading Reports of the Death of Conditional Relevance, Peter Tillers
Response: The Problems with Privacy's Problem, Louis Michael Seidman
Response to Review by Terrance Sandalow, William G. Bowen and Derek Bok
Response to Steven Lubet: A Reaction: "Stand Up, Your Father [A Lawyer] is Passing", Burnele V. Powell
Restitution and Reform, Dale A. Oesterle
Restoring Rights to Rites: The Religious Motivation Test and the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, Steven C. Seeger
Restricting Adult Access to Material Obscene as to Juveniles, Ann H. Coulter
Restrictions on Electric Utility Advertising, Michigan Law Review
Restrictions on Publication and Citation of Judicial Opinions: A Reassessment, Robert J. Martineau
Restrictions on Student Voting: An Unconstitutional Anachronism?, W. Perry Bullard and James A. Rice
Restructuring Federal Estate and Gift Taxes: Impact of Proposed Reforms on Estate Planning, Verner F. Chaffin
Restructuring the Corporate Board of Directors: Fond Hope--Faint Promise?, Lewis D. Solomon
Rethinking Absolute Priority After Ahlers, John D. Ayer
Rethinking Guild, Juries, and Jeopardy, George C. Thomas III and Barry S. Pollack
Rethinking Relationship-Specific Investments: Subcontracting in the Japanese Automobile Industry, Yoshiro Miwa and J. Mark Ramseyer
Retirement Communities: The Nature and Enforceability of Residential Segregation by Age, Mary Doyle
Retirement, Partial Retirement, and Working into Old Age: Michigan Law School Graduates 45 Years Out of Law School, David L. Chambers
Retroactive Application of the Civil Rights Act of 1991 to Pending Cases, Michele A. Estrin
Retroactive Laws--Environmental Law--Retroactive Application of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, Michigan Law Review
Return of an Employee's Claim of Right Income, Douglas A. Kahn
Return of the Campus Speech Wars, Thomas Healy
Review, David L. Callies
Review by Justice John Paul Stevens (Ret.), John Paul Stevens
Reviewed Work: Escapism: The Logical Basis of Ethics by A.N. Prior, Layman E. Allen
Reviewed Work: Escapism: The Logical Basis of Ethics by P.H. Nowell-Smith and Lemmon, Layman E. Allen
Reviewed Work: Obligation and Modal Logic, Layman E. Allen
Review Essay: Sunstein, Statutes, and the Common Law--Reconciling Markets, the Communal Impulse, and the Mammoth State, Peter L. Strauss
Review of Draft No. 4, Beth Hirschfelder Wilensky
Review of South Sudan: A Slow Liberation, Laura Nyantung Beny
Revisionism Misplaced: Why This is Not the Time to Bury Autonomy, David J. Rothman
Revitalizing Environmental Federalism, Daniel C. Esty
Revitalizing our Cities or Restoring Ties to Them? Redirecting the Debate, Donald A. Hicks
Revitalizing Regulation, Daniel A. Farber
Revocation of Conditional Liberty for the Commission of a Crime: Double Jeopardy and Self-Incrimination Limitations, Michigan Law Review
Revolt Against Regulation: The Rise and Pause of the Consumer Movement, Michigan Law Review
Revolution in the Balance: Law and Society in Contemporary Cuba, Eugene Whitlock
(Re)Writing the Rules of the Road, University of Michigan Law School
Re(Writing) the Rules of The Road: Reflections from the Journal of Law and Mobility's 2019 Conference, Raphael Beauregard-Lacroix
(Re)Writing the Rules of the Road - Schedule of Events, University of Michigan Law School
Rezoning by Amendment as an Administrative or Quasi-Judicial Act: The "New Look" in Michigan Zoning, Roger A. Cunningham
Rheinstein: Marriage Stability, Divorce, and the Law, Robert F. Drinan and Michael Wheeler
Rhetorical Slavery, Rhetorical Citizenship, Gerald L. Neuman
Rhetoric and Skepticism in Antitrust Argument, Herbert Hovenkamp
Rhoades: Income Taxation of Foreign Related Transactions, Alan G. Choate
Rights Against Rules: The Moral Structure of American Constitutional Law, Matthew D. Adler
Rights and Judges in a Democracy: A New Canadian Version, Paul C. Weiler
Rights and Wrongs, John C.P. Goldberg
Rights as Trumps, University of Michigan Law School
Risk as an Arena of Struggle, Richard L. Abel
Risk Regulations and Its Hazards, Stephen F. Williams
Road Signs and the Goals of Justice, Joseph Sanders
Robot Criminals, Ying Hu
Rodrigo's Second Chronicle: The Economics and Politics of Race, Richard Delgado
Rodrigo's Thirteenth Chronicle: Legal Formalism and Law's Discontents, Richard Delgado
Rolling Down the Curtain on "Roll-Ups": The Case for Federal Legislation To Protect Limited Partners, Kenneth R. Hillier
Roman Canon Law in the Medieval English Church: Stubbs vs. Maitland Re-examined After 75 Years in the Light of Some Records from the Church Courts, Charles Donahue Jr.
Roman Law as a Political Agenda, Mathias Reimann
Rostow: Is Law Dead?, Francis A. Allen
Rule 10b-6: Options Trading by Participants in a Distribution, Michigan Law Review
Rule-Making and the Police, Carl McGowan
Rummaging Through the Emperor's Wardrobe, Don Herzog
Running Covenants and Public Policy, Olin L. Browder
Safeguarding the Litigant's Constitutional Right to a Fair and Impartial Forum: A Due Process Approach to Improprieties Arising from Judicial Campaign Contributions from Lawyers, Mark Andrew Grannis
Saliency, Anchors & Frames: A Multicomponent Damages Experiment, Bernard Chao
Salvaging Proportionate Prison Sentencing: A Reply to Rummel v. Estelle, Thomas F. Cavalier
Salvaging the Opportunity: A Response to Professor Clark, Michael J. Yelnosky
Samuel E. Thorne and Legal History in Law Schools, DeLloyd J. Guth
Sanctuary: The New Underground Railroad, Daniel M. Brinks
Satisfaction with Law School among Graduates of the University of Michigan Law School, Classes of 1952-2001, David L. Chambers
Saving the Self?, Daniel R. Ortiz
Saying No to Stakeholding, Jeffrey S. Lehman and Deborah C. Malamud
Schedule of Work, Fall Semester, 1963-64, University of Michigan Law School
Schiller: An American Experience in Roman Law, Charles Donahue Jr.
Scholarship of the Absurd: Bob Bork Meets the Bald Soprano, Alex Kozinski
Scholarship, Pedagogy, and Federal Indian Law, Philip P. Frickey
School Finance Adequacy as Vertical Equity, Julie K. Underwood
School Metal Detector Searches and the Fourth Amendment: An Empirical Study, Myrna G. Baskin and Laura M. Thomas
Science Gone Astray: Evolution and Rape, Elisabeth A. Lloyd
Scientific Responsibility and the Law, Harold P. Green
Scope of Disclosure of Internal Revenue Communications and Information Files Under the Freedom of Information Act, Peter R. Spanos
Scrutinizing Anticompetitive State Regulations Through Constitutional and Antitrust Lenses, Daniel A. Crane
Search and Seizure: A Treatise on the Fourth Amendment, William H. Erickson
Search and the Single Dormitory Room, Michigan Law Review
Seasoned to the Use, Carol Sanger
SEC Disciplinary Proceedings Against Attorneys Under Rule 2 ( e ), Michigan Law Review
Second Generation State Takeover Legislation: Maryland Takes a New Tack, Michigan Law Review
Second Redemption, Third Reconstruction, Richard A. Primus
Secret Searches: The SCA's Standing Conundrum, Aviv S. Halpern
Section 1983 and Implied Rights of Action: Rights, Remedies, and Realism, Michael A. Mazzuchi
Section 558( c ) of the Administrative Procedure Act: Provision for Informal Agency Hearings Prior to License Revocation or Suspension, Joan P. Snyder
Section 707(b) of the Bankruptcy Code: A Roadmap With a Proposed Standard for Defining Substantial Abuse, David L. Balser
Securing Russia's Future: A Plea For Reform in Russian Secured Transactions Law, Jason J. Kilborn
Securities Disclosure in a Globalizing Market: Who Should Regulate Whom, Merritt B. Fox
Securities Law in the Sixties: The Supreme Court, the Second Circuit, and the Triumph of Purpose Over Text, Adam C. Pritchard and Robert B. Thompson
Seeking Solidarity, University of Michigan Law School
Segregation of Poor and Minority Children into Classes for the Mentally Retarded by the Use of IQ Tests*, Michigan Law Review
"Seizures" Typology: Classifying Detentions of the Person to Resolve Warrant, Grounds, and Search Issues, Wayne R. LaFave
Selected Problems in Wrap-Around Financing: Suggested Approaches to Due-on-Sale Clauses and Purchaser's Depreciable Basis, Sanford M. Guerin
Selecting Law Clerks, Patricia M. Wald
Selective Nontreatment of Handicapped Newborns, Michigan Law Review
Self Defense for Women Lawyers: Enforcement of Employment Rights, Giovanna M. Longo
Self-Determination for Indigenous Peoples at the Dawn of the Solar Age, Dean B. Suagee
Self-Incrimination: Privilege, Immunity, and Comment in Bar Disciplinary Proceedings, Michigan Law Review
Self-Regulation of Judicial Misconduct Could Be Mis-Regulation, Anthony D'Amato
Selling the Idea to Tell the Truth: The Professional Interrogator and Modern Confessions Law, Joseph D. Grano
Semantical Order and Unequal Encounters: The Formation of Private International Law in the 19th Century, University of Michigan Law School
Senior Day, University of Michigan Law School
Separate and Unequal: The Law of "Domestic" and "International" Terrorism, Shirin Sinnar
Separated at Birth but Siblings Nonetheless: Miranda and the Due Process Notice Cases, George C. Thomas III
Separation of Powers: Congrssional Riders and the Veto Power, Richard A. Riggs
Service of Process by Mail, Michigan Law Review
Set-Offs Against Back Pay Awards Under the Federal Age Discrimination in Employment Act, Michigan Law Review
Settlements, Conditional Covenants, and the Availability of CERCLA Contribution Actions
Sex-Bias Topics in the Criminal Law Course: A Survey of Criminal Law Professors, Nancy S. Erickson and Mary Ann Lamanna
Sex Discrimination in Newscasting, Leslie S. Gielow
Sexual Harassment and Title VII: The Foundation for the Elimination of Sexual Cooperation as an Employment Condition, Michigan Law Review
Shadow Justice: The Ideology and Institutionalization of Alternatives to Court, Andrew J. McGuinness
Shame, Culture, and American Criminal Law, Toni M. Massaro
Shareholder Derivative Actions: A Modest Proposal to Revise Federal Rule 23.1, Robert A. Kessler
Shareholder Passivity Reexamined, Bernard S. Black
Shareholders Versus Managers: The Strain in the Corporate Web, John C. Coffee Jr.
Short-Term Rehabilitation and Crim Prevention, Jon C. MacKay
Should Automakers Be Responsible for Accidents?, Kyle D. Logue
Should Courts Impose RICO's Pretrial Restraint Measures on Substitute Assets?, James M. Rosenthal
Should Shareholders Be Rewarded for Loyalty? European Experiments on the Wedge Between Tenured Voting and Takeover Law, Chiara Mosca
Siskel and Ebert at the Supreme Court, Thomas E. Baker
Six-Member and Twelve-Member Juries: An Empirical Study of Trial Results, Lawrence R. Mills
Slices and Lumps: Division and Aggregation in Law and Life, University of Michigan Law School
Small Claims Courts: An Overview and Recommendation, Alexander Domanskis
Small Crimes, Big Injustices, Stephanos Bibas
Social and Political Aspects of Civil Procedure--Reforms and Trends in Western and Eastern Europe, Mauro Cappellitti
Social Investing and the Law of Trusts, John H. Langbein and Richard A. Posner
Socialism and Federation, John N. Hazard
Socialist Federation--A Legal Means to the Solution of the Nationality Problem: A Comparative Study, Viktor Knapp
Social Justice in the Liberal State, Michigan Law Review
Social Order and the Limits of Law, Michigan Law Review
Social Research and the Use of Medieval Criminal Records, Edward Powell
Society and Legal Change, Michigan Law Review
Sociobiology and the Law: The Biology of Altruism in the Courtroom of the Future, Charles F. Weiss
Soft and Hard Strategies: The Role of Business in the Crafting of International Commercial Law, Susan Block-Lieb
Solely Beneficial: How Benefit Corporations May Change the Duty of Care Analysis for Traditional Corporate Directors in Delaware, Dustin Womack
Soliciting Sophisticates: A Modest Proposal for Attorney Solicitation, Victor P. Filippini Jr.
Solitude, Leadership, and Lawyers, Amul R. Thapar and Samuel Rudman
Some Enlightenment on Crime, Shirley S. Abrahamson
Some Lesson About the Law From Self-Referential Problems in Mathematics, John M. Rogers and Robert E. Molzon
Some Natural Confusions About Natural Law, Philip Soper
Some Observations on the Disposition of CCW Cases in Detroit, Michigan Law Review
Some Reflections on the State Taxation of a Nonresident's Personal Income, Walter Hellerstein
Some Suggestions for Nonurgent Reforms in the UCC's Treatment of Accommodation Parties, James A. Martin
Sound Governance and Sound Law, Colin S. Diver
Souped Up Affirmative Disclosure Orders of the Federal Trade Commission, William F. Lemke Jr.
Source, Character and Taxable Presence in a Digital World: International Taxation of Online Advertising, Assaf Prussak
Sources of Law, Legal Change, and Ambiguity, Michigan Law Review
South Africa: Using the Law to Establish and Maintain a Pigmentocracy, Rex S. Heinke
Speaking Differences: The Rules and Relationships of Litigants' Discourses, Naomi R. Cahn
Special Care: Medical Decisions at the Beginning of Life, Jonathan H. Margolies
Specific Performance of "Unfulfillable" Plea Bargains, Stuart L. Gasner
Staking Out the Border Between Comandeering and Conditional Preemption: Is the Driver's Privacy Protection Act Constitutional Under the Tenth Amendment?, Rachel F. Preiser
Standards for Accepting Guilty Pleas to Misdemeanor Charges, Richard A. Kopek
Standards for Insecurity Acceleration Under Section 1-208 of the Uniform Commercial Code: A Proposal for Reform, Darlene M. Nowak
Standards of Willfulness Under the Fair Labor Standards Act, Michigan Law Review
Standing to Sue Under the Model Land Development Code, Richard L. Epling
Standing Under Rule 10b-5 After Blue Chip Stamps, Michigan Law Review
Stark Karst, Richard Delgado
Starting from Scratch: The First Amendment Reporter-Source Privilege and the Doctrine of Incidental Restrictions, Marcus A. Asner
State and Local Limitations on Ballot Measure Contributions, Michigan Law Review
State Constitutional Law: Federalism in the Common Law Tradition, Ellen A. Peters
State Control over the Reclamation Waterhole: Reality or Mirage, Michigan Law Review
State Income Taxation of Multijurisdictional Corporations: Reflections on Mobil, Exxon, and H.R. 5076, Walter Hellerstein
State Legislative Responses to the Arab Boycott of Israel, Maurice Portley
State Management of the Environment Part One: An Evaluation of the Michigan Experience, Geoffrey J. Lanning
State Management of the Environment Part Two: A Continuing Evaluation of the Michigan Experience, Geoffrey J. Lanning
States Empowering Plaintiff Cities, Eli Savit
Statesman of the Old Republic, Craig Joyce
State Taxation and the Supreme Court: Toward a More Unified Approach to Constitutional Adjudication?, Walter Hellerstein
Statistics for Lawyers and Law for Statistics, D. H. Kaye
Statutes of Limitations and Defendant Class Actions, Michigan Law Review
Statutory and Common Law Considerations in Defining the Tort Liability of Public Employee Unions to Private Citizens for Damages Inflicted by Illegal Strikes, Michigan Law Review
Statutory Interpretation, Legislative Inaction, and Civil Rights, Daniel A. Farber
Statutory Obsolescence and the Judicial Process: The Revisionist Role of the Courts in Federal Banking Regulation, Donald C. Langevoort
Staying in Place: The Colored Methodist Episcopal Church and Church Property After the Civil War, University of Michigan Law School
Stein: Harmonizing of European Company, Richard M. Buxbaum
Stein: Impact of New Weapons Technology on International Law: Selected Aspects, Egon Schwelb
Stemming the Modification of Child-Support Orders by Responding Courts: A Proposal to Amend RURESA's Antisupersession Clause, Jane H. Gorham
Stewardship, Donald B. Ayer
Stockholder's Derivative Actions by Holders of Convertible Debentures, Robert A. Malstrom
Stories of Origin and Constitutional Possibilities, Milner S. Ball
Stories of Rights: Developing Moral Theory and Teaching Law, Patricia A. Cain and Jean C. Love
Storm Center: The Supreme Court in American Politics, Nelson P. Miller
Storytelling for Oppositionists and Others: A Plea for Narrative, Richard Delgado
Straightjacketing Professionalism: A Comment on Russell, David B. Wilkins
Strangers in Paradise: Griggs v. Duke Power Co. and the Concept of Employment Discrimination, Alfred W. Blumrosen
Strangers on a Train, Peirre N. Leval
Strange Visions in a Strange World: A Reply to Professors Bradley and Rosenzweig, Lynn M. LoPucki
Street-Level Bureaucracy: Dilemmas of the Individual in Public Services, Michigan Law Review
Strings Attached--Violin Fraud and Other Deceptions, Carla J. Shapreau
Structural Free Exercise, Mary Ann Glendon and Raul F. Yanes
Structuralist and Cultural Domination Theories Meet Title VII: Some Contemporary Influences, Martha Chamallas
Structure, Relationship, Ideology, or, How Would We Know a "New Public Law" If We Saw It?, Peter M. Shane
Student Employee Appreciation Party, University of Michigan Law Library
Students as Teachers, Teachers as Learners, Derrick Bell and Erin Edmonds
Studying Immigration: A Border Crossed, Lynda S. Zengerle
Study Smarter All Semester Long, University of Michigan Law School
Subsequent Use of Electronic Surveillance Interceptions and the Plain View Doctrine: Fourth Amendment Limitations on the Omnibus Crime Control Act, Raymond R. Kepner
Substance and Procedure in the Construction of the National Environmental Policy Act, Lloyd A. Fox
Substantiating "Competitive Disadvantage" Claims: A Broad Reading of Truitt, Brandon David Lawniczak
Subversive Thoughts on Freedom and the Common Good, Larry Alexander and Maimon Schwarzschild
Suing Government, Michigan Law Review
Suing in the Right of the Corporation: A Commentary and Proposal for Legislative Reform, Lawrence A. Larose
Suing the Press: Libel, the Media, and Power, Michael L. Chidester
Summary Judgment Before the Completion of Discovery: A Proposed Revision of Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 56(f), John F. Lapham
Sunset Legislation: Spotlighting Bureaucracy, John M. Quitmeyer
Supercharger: Igniting Interest in Corporate Tax, Edward J. Martineck
Supplemental Jurisdiction over Claims by Plaintiffs in Diversity Cases: Making Sense of 28 U.S.C. § 1367 (b), Darren J. Gold
Surveying the Groundwork, Collins J. Seitz
Survival of Rights of Action After Corporate Merger, Michigan Law Review
Suspect Linkage: The Interplay of State Taxing and Spending Measures in the Application of Constitutional Antidiscrimination Rules, Dan T. Coenen and Walter Hellerstein
Suspect Spheres, Not Enumerated Powers: A Guide for Leaving the Lamppost, University of Michigan Law School
Suspension of Miscellaneous Itemized Deductions is Ill-Advised, Douglas A. Kahn
Swift to Erie/York, Hanna and Beyond: Proposed Solutions for a Major Problem of Diversity Jurisdiction, E. Blythe Stason Jr.
Switching Employers in a Working World: American Immigrants and the Revocation Notice Problem, Julie Aust
Symbols, Perceptions, and Doctrinal Illusions: Establishment Neutrality and the "No Endorsement" Test, Steven D. Smith
Symposium: Recondification of the Criminal Laws, Francis A. Allen
Symposium Schedule, Journal of Law Reform
"Take This Job and Shove It": The Rise of Free Labor, Jonathan A. Bush
Taking a Byte Out of Abusive Agency Discretion: A Proposal for Disclosure in the Use of Computer Models, John P. Barker
Taking Aim at an American Myth, Paul Finkelman
Taking Fact Analysis Seriously, Bernard Robertson and G. A. Vignaux
Takings, Efficiency, and Distributive Justice: A Response to Professor Dagan, Glynn S. Lunney Jr.
Taking the Fifth: Reconsidering the Origins of the Constitutional Privilege Against Self-Incrimination, Eben Moglen
Targeting Poverty in the Courts: Improving the Measurement of Ability to Pay Fines, Meghan M. O'Neil and J.J. Prescott
Target Litigation, Michael Rosenzweig
Tax Avoidance, Alan Gunn
Tax Avoidance and Income Measurement, Joshua D. Rosenberg
Tax-Based Incomes Policy (TIP) as a Alternative to Wage and Price Controls, Steven R. Hunsicker
Taxes and Public Policy: How Ross Students and City Administrators Are Working Together to Help Finance Revitalization Efforts in Detroit, University of Michigan Law School
Taxpayer Rights in Noncustodial IRS Investigations after Beckwith v. United States, Curtis L. Christensen
Tax Tips for Law Students: Put Money in Your Pocket, University of Michigan Law School
Tax Treaties and Developing Countries, University of Michigan Law School
Tax Treatment of Prepublication Expenses of Authors and Publishers, Michigan Law Review
Tax Treatment of Previously Expensed Assets in Corporate Liquidations, Michigan Law Review
Teaching Conflicts, Improving the Odds, Gene R. Shreve
Teaching the Theories of Evolution and Scientific Creationism in the Public Schools: The First Amendment Religion Clauses and Permissible Relief, J. Greg Whitehair
Teams, University of Michigan Law School
Television in the Courtroom: Mightier than the Pen?, Richard P. Matsch
Tempered Zeal: A Columbia Law Professor's Year on the Streets with the New York City Police, Carol J. Sulcoski
Tenant's Attorney: Evaluation of Impact, Ronald D. Glotta
Tenants' Rights in Police Power Condemnations Under State Statutes and Procedural Due Process, Eric Wills Orts
Tender Offers for Corporate Control, Martin Lipton
Territoriality and the Perils of Formalism, Mark P. Gergen
Territorial Restrictions and Per Se Rules--A Re-evaluation of the Schwinn and Sealy Doctrines, Michigan Law Review
Terrorism and the Democratic State, Alona E. Evans
Testing The Limits of Law Enforcement, James J. Fyfe
Textualism for Realists, Ian Samuel
The 1986 and 1987 Affirmative Action Cases: It's All Over but the Shouting, Herman Schwartz
The 2000 Presidential Election: Archetype or Exception?, Michael C. Dorf
The 2016-17 Survey of Applied Legal Education, Robert R. Kuehn, David A. Santacroce, Margaret Reuter, and Sue Schechter
The Abortion-Funding Cases and Population Control: An Imaginary Lawsuit (and Some Reflections on the Uncertain Limits of Reproductive Privacy), Susan Frelich Appleton
The Admissibility of Prior Silence to Impeach the Testimony of Criminal Defendants, Rex A. Sharp
The Admission of Criminal Histories at Trial, Department of Justice Office of Legal Policy
The Adventures of Eric Blair, George P. Fletcher
The Adversary Proceeding in the Year 2000, Maurice Rosenberg
The Age of Rights, Stephen D. Sencer
The Airwaves Meet the Highways, David Redl
The Alienation of Law Students, Paul D. Carrington and James J. Conley
The Allocation of Prosecution: An Economic Analysis, Michigan Law Review
The American Indian in Western Legal Thought: The Discourses of Conquest, Melissa L. Koehn
The American Law School & The Rise of Administrative Government, Michigan Law Review
The American Prosecutor: A Search for Identity, Michigan Law Review
The Anatomy of a Leading Case: Lawrence v. Fox in the Courts, the Casebooks, and the Commentaries, M. H. Hoeflich and E. Perelmuter
The Anatomy of Antiliberalism, Jeffrey R. Costello
The Anticaste Principle, Cass R. Sunstein
The Anticompetitive Effect of Passive Investment, David Gilo
The Antitrust Implications of the Arab Boycott, Michigan Law Review
The Apologetics of Suppression: The Regulation of Pornography as Act and Idea, Steven G. Gey
The Applicability of Miranda Warnings to Non-felony Offenses: Is the Proper Standard "Custodial Interrogation" or "Severity of the Offense"?, Kenneth W. Gaul
The Applicability of the Antitrust Procedures and Penalties Act of 1974 to Voluntary Dismissals, Jon B. Jacobs
The Applicability of the ECSC-Cartel Prohibition (Article 65) During a "Manifest Crisis", Ernst-Joachim Mestmäcker
The Application of a Due Diligence Requirement to Market Share Theory in DES Litigation, Thomas C. Willcox
The Application of Depletion to Geothermal Resources, Stephen A. Million
The Assault that Failed: The Progressive Critique of Laissez Faire, Richard A. Epstein
The Attainment of Pay Equity Between the Sexes by Legal Means: An Economic Analysis, George E. Johnson and Gary R. Solon
The Attorney-Client Privilege After Attorney Disclosure, Michigan Law Review
The Automatic Stay in Bankruptcy, Frank R. Kennedy
The Automobile Manufacturer's Liability to Pedestrians for Exterior Design: New Dimensions in "Crashworthiness", Michigan Law Review
The Availability of Jury Trials in Copyright Infringement Cases: Limiting the Scope of the Seventh Amendment, Andrew W. Stumpff
The Bankruptcy Reform Process: Maximizing Judicial Control in Wage Earners' Plans, Marjorie Girth
The Bar in America: The Role of Elitism in a Liberal Democracy, Philip S. Stamatakos
The Battering Parent Syndrome: Inexpert Testimony as Character Evidence, Thomas N. Bulleit Jr.
The Battle Hymn of a Federal Trial Judge, The Federalist Society
The Believer and the Powers That Are, Elizabeth Ferguson
The Best of Times and the Worst of Times: The Current Landscape of Mandatory Arbitration Clause Enforcement in Domestic Arbitration, Virginia Neisler
The BFOQ Defense in ADEA Suits: The Scope of "Duties of the Job", Robert L. Fischman
The Big Chill: Third-Party Documents and the Reporter's Privilege, Bradley S. Miller
The Bigness Complex: Industry, Labor, and Government in the American Economy, James R. Steffen
The Birth of a Public Corporation, Jon C. Teaford
The Birth of the Legal Profession, Alan Watson
The Black Book of Polish Censorship, Michigan Law Review
The Bladensberg Cross Case and Religious Freedom in America, The Federalist Society
The Bottom Line Limitation to the Rule of Griggs v. Duke Power Company, James P. Scanlan
The Breath of the Unfee'd Lawyer: Statutory Fee Limitations and Ineffective Assistance of Counsel in Capital Litigation, Albert L. Vreeland II
The Broad Role, Robert P. Griffin
The Burden of Brown: Thirty Years of School Desegregation, Michigan Law Review
The Burden of Proof in Double Jeopardy Claims, Michigan Law Review
The Canadian Arctic Waters Pollution Prevention Act: New Stresses on the Law of the Sea, Richard B. Bilder
The Canons of Indian Treaty and Statutory Construction: A Proposal for Codification, Jill De La Hunt
The Capital Punishment Conundrum, Eric Schnapper
The Cardinal's Court: The Impact of Thomas Wolsey in Star Chamber, Michigan Law Review
The Care and Feeding of the United States Constitution, Abner J. Mikva
The Case Against Intermediate Owner Liability Under CERCLA for Passive Migration of Hazardous Waste, Robert L. Bronston
The Case Against Living Probate, Mary Louise Fellows
The Case Against Section 1983 Immunity for Witnesses Who Conspire with a State Official to Present Perjured Testimony, Jennifer S. Zbytowski
The Case for (and Against) Harvard, Robert W. Gordon
The Case for Appellate Court Revision, Joseph F. Weis Jr.
The Case for Cooperative Territoriality in International Bankruptcy, Lynn M. LoPucki
The Case for Federalizing Rules of Civil Jurisdiction in the European Community, Peter Hay
The Case for the Marginal Revenue Rule, University of Michigan Law School
The Casey Standard for Evaluating Facial Attacks on Abortion Statutes, John Christopher Ford
The Challenge of Indigenous Self-Determination, Russel Lawrence Barsh
The Challenges of Multiplicity, Jennifer Nedelsky
The Changing, But Not Declining, Significance of Race, Thomas F. Pettigrew
The Changing Student Body at the University of Michigan Law School, David L. Chambers
The Civil Jury--An Endangered Species, John Feikens
The Civil Rights Hydra, Neal Devins
The Class-Based Animus Requirement of 42 U.S.C. § 1985(3): A Limiting Strategy Gone Awry?, Devin S. Schindler
The Clean Air Act Amendments of 1977 and the National Parklands, Robert Maynard
The Closing of the American Mind: How Higher Education Has Failed Democracy and Impoverished the Souls of Today's Students, Maureen P. Taylor
The Code of Professional Responsibility in the Corporate World: An Abdication of Professional Self-Regulation, Carl A. Pierce
The Cognitive Dimension of the Agon Between Legal Power and Narrative Meaning, Steven L. Winter
The Commerce Clause Meets the Delhi Sands Flower-Loving Fly, John Copeland Nagle
The Common Law in Cyberspace, Tom W. Bell
The Communications Decency Act: Reconceptualizing the Service and Content Provider Distinction, University of Michigan Law School
The Compulsory Process Clause, Peter Westen
The Concept of Law and the New Public Law Scholarship, Edward L. Rubin
The Concept of Privacy and the Fourth Amendment, Steven C. Douse
The Conclusive Presumption Doctrine: Equal Process or Due Protection?, Michigan Law Review
The Concurrent State and Local Regulation of Marijuana: The Validity of the Ann Arbor Marijuana Ordinance, Michigan Law Review
The Conditions of Discretion: Autonomy, Community, Bureaucracy, Steven F. Cherry
The Confrontation Clause and the Scope of the Unavailability Requirement, Jerry J. Phillips
The Conservatorship Model: A Modification, Gregory S. Alexander
The Constitutional Conundrum of Black Lung Appeals: Two Proposed Solutions, Pete S. Michaels
The Constitutionality of Airport Searches, Michigan Law Review
The Constitutionality of Candidate Filing Fees, Michigan Law Review
The Constitutionality of Employer-Accessible Child Abuse Registries: Due Process Implications of Governmental Occupational Blacklisting, Michael R. Phillips
The Constitutionality of Laws Forbidding Private Homosexual Conduct, Michigan Law Review
The Constitutionality of Michigan's Guilty But Mentally Ill Verdict, John M. Grostic
The Constitutionality of Punitive Damages Under the Excessive Fines Clause of the Eighth Amendment, Andrew M. Kenefick
The Constitutionality of State Residency Requirements for Admission to the Bar, Michigan Law Review
The Constitutionality of the 1972 Amendment to Title VII's Exemption for Religious Organizations, Michigan Law Review
The Constitutionality of the Special Prosecutor Law, Donald J. Simon
The Constitution as Mirror: Tribe's Constitutional Choices, Richard A. Posner
The Constitution Besieged: The Rise and Demise of Lochner Era Police Powers Jurisprudence, C. Ian Anderson
The Constitution of Reasons, Robin L. West
The Constitution, the Legislature, and Unfair Surprise: Toward a Reliance-Based Approach to the Contract Clause, Robert A. Graham
The Continuing Debate on Corporate Governance, J. Kirkland Grant
The Convergence of the First Amendment and Vatican II On Religious Freedom, Robert F. Drinan S.J.
The Corporate and Securities Adviser, The Public Interest, and Professional Ethics, Simon M. Lorne
The Corporation's Split Personality, Herbert Hovenkamp
The Costs of Complexity, Stephen B. Burbank
The Countermajoritarian Paradox, Neal Davis
The Courage of Our Convictions, Sherman J. Clark
The Court of Justice as a Decisionmaking Authority, Ulrich Everling
The Court of Justice of the European Communities and Governance in an Economic Crisis, J. Mertens de Wilmars and J. Steenbergen
The Courts and the 1980 Census Challenges: Tailoring Rights to Fit Remedies, David B. Tachau
The Court, The Legislature, and Governmental Tort Liability in Michigan, Luke K. Cooperrider
The Court Years, 1939-1975: The Autobiography of William O. Douglas, Michigan Law Review
The Criminal Forfeiture Provisions of the RICO and CCE Statutes: Their Application to Attorneys' Fees, Gregory Merz
The Criminalization of Homelessness, University of Michigan Law School
The Criminal Liability of Corporations and Other Groups: A Comparative View, L. H. Leigh
The Crisis in Arms Control, Harold K. Jacobson
The Crisis of the Western Legal Tradition, William Chester Jordan
The Curriculum, University of Michigan Law School
The Death Penalty in the Nineties: An Examination of the Modern System of Capital Punishment, Thomas L. Shaevsky
The Declaration of Independence: The Reality Behind the Myth, Gerald F. Moran
The Decline and Fall of Taxable Income, Glenn E. Coven
The Deduction of Unemployment Compensation from Back-Pay Awards Under Title VII, Eric A. Martin
The Delegation Doctrine: Could the Court Give it Substance?, David Schoenbrod
The Democracy-Forcing Constitution, Neal Devins
The Deprofessionalization of Legal Teaching and Scholarship, Richard A. Posner
The Determinants of Legal Doubt, Frederick Schauer
The Deterrence Case for Comprehensive Automaker Enterprise Liability, Kyle D. Logue
The Devil and the One Drop Rule: Racial Categories, African Americans, and the U.S. Census, Christine B. Hickman
The Dialogic Aspect of Soft Law in International Insolvency: Discord, Digression, and Development, John A. E. Pottow
The Dilemma of Moral Commitments in Addressing Income Inequality, University of Michigan Law School
The Dilemmas of Individualism: Status, Liberty, and American Constitutional Law, Michigan Law Review
The Dilution of the Clean Water Act, Mark C. Van Putten and Bradley D. Jackson
The Discriminating Role, Philip A. Hart
The Disjunction Between Judge Edwards and Professor Priest, Louis H. Pollak
The Distinction Between the Scope of Section 2(a) and Sections 2(d) and 2€ of the Robinson-Patman Act, Michigan Law Review
The Distributive Foundation of Corrective Justice, Hanoch Dagan
The Doctrine of Prior Restraint Since the Pentagon Papers, James L. Oakes
The Economics of Accidents, Michelle J. White
The Economics of Justice, Michigan Law Review
The Effectiveness of Measures to Increase Appellate Court Efficiency and Decision Output, Thomas B. Marvell and Carlisle E. Moody
The Effect of "Getting Caught": Apprehension of the Juvenile Offender as a Cause of Subsequent Delinquencies, Prospectus: A Journal of Law Reform
The Effect of Insider Trading Rules on the Internal Efficiency of the Large Corporation, Robert J. Haft
The Effects of Educational Debts on Career Choices of Graduates of the University of Michigan Law School, David L. Chambers
The Efficiency of Specific Performance: Toward a Unified Theory of Contract Remedies, Thomas S. Ulen
The Efficient Norm for Corporate Law: A Neotraditional Interpretation of Fiduciary Duty, Thomas A. Smith
The Eighteenth-Century Background of John Marshall's Constitutional Jurisprudence, William E. Nelson
The Electronic Commonwealth: The Impact of New Media Technologies on Democratic Politics, Gregory T. Everts
The Elephant in the Room: Helping Delaware Courts Develop Law to End Systemic Short-Term Bias in Corporate Decision-Making, Kenneth McNeil and Keith Johnson
The Elephant Problem, Richard Primus
The Elusive Object of Punishment, Gabriel S. Mendlow
The Emerging Constitutional Protection of the Putative Father's Parental Rights, Michigan Law Review
The Emerging Duty to Bargain in the Public Sector, Harry T. Edwards
The Emerging Right of Legal Assistance for the Indigent in Civil Proceedings, Jeffrey M. Mandell
The Emerging Role of the Quid Pro Quo Requirement in Public Corruption .Prosecutions Under the Hobbs Act, Peter D. Hardy
The Employee's Home Office Deduction: The Problem of Duplicate Facilities, Michigan Law Review
The Schneiderman Case: An Inside View of the Roosevelt Court, Jeffrey F. Liss
The Enduring Constitution: A Bicentennial Perspective, Robert F. Drinan
The Engineers in the Price System, Alfred A. DeSimone Jr.
The Environment, Human Rights and Immunity at the World Bank, University of Michigan Law School
The Equal Access to Justice Act--Are the Bankruptcy Courts Less Equal than Others?, Matthew J. Fischer
The Establishment Clause and Religion in Child Custody Disputes: Factoring Religion into the Best Interest Equation, Michigan Law Review
"The Eternal Triangles of the Law": Toward a Theory of Priorities in Conflicts Involving Remote Parties, Menachem Mautner
The Ethics of Criminal Defense, William H. Simon
The European Alternative to Uniformity in Corporation Laws, Alfred F. Conard
The European Community and the Requirement of a Republican Form of Government, Jochen Abr. Frowein
The European Community's Place in World Affairs: Legal Competence and Political Reality, Francis G. Jacobs
The Ever-Changing Scope of Insider Trading Liability for Tippees in the Second Circuit, Sari Rosenfeld
The Evolution of Law in the Barrios of Caracas, Robert C. Means
The Evolution of State Supreme Courts, Robert A. Kagan, Bliss Cartwright, Lawrence M. Friedman, and Stanton Wheeler
The Excessive History of Federal Rule 15(c) and its Lessons for Civil Rules Revision, Harold S. Lewis Jr.
The Expanding Constitutional Protection for the News Media from Liability for Defamation: Predictability and the New Synthesis, Michigan Law Review
The Extraterritorial Scope of NEPA's Environmental Impact Statement Requirement, Michigan Law Review
The Failed Discourse of State Constitutionalism, James A. Gardner
The Failure of the Word: The Protagonist as Lawyer in Modern Fiction, Nancy T. Hammar
The Fantastic Wisconsylvania Zero-Bureaucratic-Cost School of Bankruptcy Theory: A Comment, James W. Bowers
The FCC Computer Inquiry: Interfaces of Competitive and Regulated Markets, Michigan Law Review
The Federal Arbitration Act and Individual Employment Contracts: A Better Means to an Equally Just End, William F. Kolakowski III
The Federal Courts in the Political Order: Judicial Jurisdiction and American Political Theory, James Hopenfeld
The Federal Priority in Insolvency: Proposals for Reform, William T. Plumb Jr.
The Feudal Framework of English Law, Robert C. Palmer
The Fifth Amendment and the Inference of Guilt from Silence: Griffin v. California After Fifteen Years, Donald B. Ayer
The Final Report: Harvard's Affirmative Action Allegory, Derrick Bell
The First Amendment Comes of Age: The Emergence of Free Speech in Twentieth-Century America, G. Edward White
The First Amendment's Establishment Clause, The Federalist Society
The First American Constitutions: Republican Ideology and the Making of the State Constitutions in the Revolutionary Era, Michigan Law Review
The First Word: The President's Place in "Legislative History", Kathryn Marie Dessayer
The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act: Legislating a Judicial Role in National Security Surveillance, Michigan Law Review
The Formulaic Constitution, Robert F. Nagel
The Fortas Controversy: The Senate's Role of Advice and Consent to Judicial Nominations, Prospectus: A Journal of Law Reform
The Foundations of Liberty, Lawrence B. Solum
The Fourth Amendment and the Control of Police Discretion, William J. Mertens
The FTC's Injunctive Authority Against False Advertising of Food and Drugs, Michigan Law Review
The Future of Asylum Claims for Victims of Domestic Violence, Michigan Journal of Law Reform
The Future of Confrontation, Peter K. Westen
The Future of Imprisonment, Ronald J. Allen
The Future of Imprisonment: Toward a Punitive Philosophy, Norval Morris
The Future of Liberal Legal Scholarship, Ronald K.L. Collins and David M. Skover
The Future of Sentencing Reform: Emerging Legal Issues in the Individualization of Justice, John C. Coffee Jr.
The Future of the Post-Batson Peremptory Challenge: Voir Dire by Questionnaire and the "Blind" Peremptory, Jean Montoya
The Games They Will Play: Tax Games, Roadblocks, and Glitches Under the 2017 Tax Legislation, David Kamin, David Gamage, Ari Glogower, Rebecca Kysar, Darien Shanske, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah, Lily Batchelder, J. Clifton Fleming, Daniel Hemel, Mitchell Kane, David Miller, Daniel Shaviro, and Manoj Viswanathan
The "Genius of the Place": William Wilson Cook and the Michigan Law Quad, Kenneth A. Breisch
The Glittering Eye of Law, Geoffrey P. Miller
The Greek Concept of Justice, Michigan Law Review
The Growing Disjunction Between Legal Education and the Legal Profession, Harry T. Edwards
The Growing Disjunction Between Legal Education and the Legal Profession: A Postscript, Harry T. Edwards
The Growth of Interdisciplinary Research and the Industrial Structure of the Production of Legal Ideas: A Reply to Judge Edwards, George L. Priest
The Haitian Vacation: The Applicability of Sham Doctrine to Year-End Divorces, Michigan Law Review
The Hardest Drug: Heroin and Public Policy, Michigan Law Review
The Hermeneutics of Indian Law, Robert A. Williams Jr.
The Heroin Solution, Michigan Law Review
The Historical Origins of the Privilege Against Self-Incrimination at Common Law, John H. Langbein
The Home Front: Notes from the Family War Zone, Michigan Law Review
The Homer of the Pacific: Melville's Art and the Ambiguities of Judging Evil, Lee C. Bollinger
The How of Why We Remember Roger Brooke Taney, University of Michigan Law School
The Iconoclast as Reformer: Jerome Frank's Impact on American Law, Matthew W. Frank
The Idea of Fairness in the Law of Enterprise Liability, Gregory C. Keating
The Illinois Criminal Code of 1961 and Code of Criminal Procedure of 1963, Charles H. Bowman
The Immigration Reform and Control Act: Immigration Policy and the National Interest, Alan K. Simpson
The Immovable Object Versus the Irresistable Force: Rethinking the Relationship Between Secured Credit and Bankruptcy Policy, Lawrence Ponoroff and F. Stephen Knippenberg
The Impact if Howard Johnson on the Labor Obligations of Successor Employer, Michigan Law Review
The Impact of Michigan's Common-Law Disabilities of Coverture on Married Women's Access to Credit, Michigan Law Review
The Impact of Michigan's Health Maintenance Organization Act, Roger Alan Petzke
The Impact of Public Abortion Funding Decisions on lndigent Women: A Proposal to Reform State Statutory and Constitutional Abortion Funding Provisions, Carole A. Corns
The Impact of the Case Law of the Court of Justice of the European Communities on the Economic World Order, Pieter VanLoren van Themaat
The Impact of the FOIA on NLRB Discovery Procedures, Del Dillingham
The Impact of the Uniform Probate Code on Court Structure, Ralph P. Dupont
The Importance of Being Biased, Anthony M. Dillof
The Inadequacy of Judicial Remedies in Cases of Exclusionary Zoning, Michigan Law Review
The Inauguration of Criminology Annuals, David F. Greenberg
The Income Tax Treatment of Social Welfare Benefits, Jonathan Barry Forman
The Incompetent Spouse's Election: A Pecuniary Approach, Susan P. Barnabeo
The Increasing Reliance on Educational Loans By University of Michigan Law School Graduates, David L. Chambers
The Indefinite Detention of Excluded Aliens: Statutory and Constitutional Justifications and Limitations, Michigan Law Review
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act: A Parent's Perspective and Proposal for Change, Martin A. Kotler
The Influence of Race in School Finance Reform, James E. Ryan
The Inherent Power in Mapping Ownership, Michael P. Conzen
The Innocent Villain: Involuntary Manslaughter by Text, Charles Adside III
The Insanity Plea: The Uses and Abuses of the Insanity Defense, Michigan Law Review
The Integration of Religious Liberty, John Witte Jr.
The Integrity of the Arbitral Process, Roger I. Abrams
The Interlocking Death and Rebirth of Contract and Tort, Jeffrey O'Connell
The Internal Revenue Service's "Hart Wright Method", Mortimer Caplin
The International Law of Pollution: Protecting the Global Environment in a World of Sovereign States, Michigan Law Review
The Interpretable Constitution, Steven C. Coberly
The Interrelationship Between Exclusionary Zoning and Exclusionary Subdivision Control, Robert E. Hirshon
The Interrelationship Between Excusionary Subdivision Control - A Second Look, Roger A. Cunningham
The Interrelationship Between United Nations Law and the Law of Other International Organizations, Richard H. Lauwaars
The Involuntary Public Figure Class of Gertz v. Robert Welch: Dead or Merely Dormant?, Dale K. Nichols
Their Litigious Society, A.W. Brian Simpson
The Journal: After a Decade, Alexander R. Domanskis
The Judicial Opinion and the Poem: Ways of Reading, Ways of Life, James Boyd White
The Judicial Public Policy Doctrine in Tax Litigation, Michigan Law Review
The Judiciary's Use of Supervisory Power to Control Federal Law Enforcement Activity, Department of Justice Office of Legal Policy
The Juridical Status of the Fetus: A Proposal for Legal Protection of the Unborn, Patricia A. King
The Jurisprudence of Reasons, Frederick Schauer
The Jurisprudence of Skepticism, Richard A. Posner
The Jury: Trial and Error in the American Courtroom, John C. Blattner
The Justice from Beacon Hill: The Life and Times of Oliver Wendell Holmes, Charles A. Bieneman
The Juvenile Court and Emotional Neglect of Children, James B. Stoetzer
The Labor-Bankruptcy Conflict: Rejection of a Debtor's Collective Bargaining Agreement, Michigan Law Review
The Language of Involuntary Mental Hospitalization: A Study in Sound and Fury, Steven H. Levinson
The Last Butskellite, John D. Ayer
The Last Minuet: Disparate Treatment After Hicks, Deborah C. Malamud
The Last Minuet: Disparate Treatment After Hicks, Deborah C. Malamud
The Law and Politics of the Enforcement of Federal Standards for the Administration of the Unemployment Insurance Program, John C. Gray
The Law and Politics of the Enforcement of Federal Standards for the Administration of Unemployment Insurance Hearings, John C. Gray Jr. and Jane Greengold Stevens
The Law as a Path to the World, Francis A. Allen
The Law Business, David W. Belin
The Lawful Rights of Mankind: An Introduction to the International Legal Code of Human Rights, Alexander W. Joel
The Law Giveth…Legal Aspects of the Abortion Controversy, Michigan Law Review
The Law Library and Legal Research, Office of Research Administration, University of Michigan
The Law of Chill, University of Michigan Law School
The Law of Chill, University of Michigan Law School
The Law of Pretrial Interrogation, Department of Justice Office of Legal Policy
The Law of the American West: A Critical Bibliography of the Nonlegal Sources, Charles F. Wilkinson
The Law Quadrangle of the University of Michigan, Hobart Coffey
The Law School (2013), Margaret A. Leary
The Law School of the University of Michigan: 1859-1984: An Intellectual History, Elizabeth Gaspar Brown
The Law School's Role in Post-J.D. Specialty Education, Guy O. Kornblum
The Law's Conscience: Equitable Constitutionalism in America, Neil A. Riemann
The Lawsuit Lottery: Only the Lawyers Win, Michigan Law Review
The Left Critique of Normativity: A Comment, Mark V. Tushnet
The Legacy of the Stubborn and Rebellious Son, Irene Merker Rosenberg and Yale L. Rosenberg
The Legal and Institutional Framework for an Airport Noise-Compatibility Land Use Program, Mark Kantor
The Legal Architecture of United Nations Peacekeeping: A Case Study of UNIFIL, Layan Charara
The Legal History of the Family, Lee E. Teitelbaum
The Legal Profession: Client Interests, Professional Roles, and Social Hierarchies, John P. Heinz and Edward O. Laumann
The Lenses of Gender: Transforming the Debate on Sexual Inequality, Jill M. Dahlmann
The Lessons of Miller and Hudnut: On Proposing a Pornography Ordinance that Passes Constitutional Muster, Martin Karo and Marcia McBrian
The Liability of Officers and Directors Under the Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery and Enforcement Act of 1989, Jon Shepherd
The Liability of Third Parties Under Title VII, Andrew O. Schiff
The Life and Times of Boyd v. United States (1886-1976), Michigan Law Review
The Limited Liability Company: A Catalyst Exposing the Corporate Integration Question, Susan Pace Hamill
The Limits of Empiricism: What Facts Tell Us: Comments on Daniel Keating's 'Exploring the Battle of the Forms in Action', Dennis Patterson
The Limits of Litigation: Putting the Education Back into Brown v. Board of Education, T. Alexander Aleinikoff
The Lindbergh Kidnapping Revisited, John F. Keenan
The Litigious Society, Michigan Law Review
The Little Agency That Could, Sallyanne Payton
The Lochnerized First Amendment and the FDA: Toward a More Democratic Political Economy, University of Michigan Law School
The Locked Gates to Tension City: The Commission on Presidential Debates, the FEC, and the Two-Party System, Tommy La Voy
The Making of International Agreements: Congress Confronts the Executive, Michigan Law Review
The Man in the Mirror, David A. Logan
The Matrix of Professionalization: Three Recent Interpretations, Alan Creutz
The Meaning of Dissent, Lee C. Bollinger
The Meaning of "Under Color of" Law, Steven L. Winter
The Medicare Rx: Prospective Pricing to Effect Cost Containment, H. Lynda Kugel
The Michael Jackson Pill: Equality, Race, and Culture, Jerome McCristal Culp Jr.
The Michigan Abortion Refusal Act, G. Michael White
The Mind in the Major American Law School, Lee C. Bollinger
The Monopoly Component of Inflation in Food Prices, Neal Smith
The Moral Dimensions of Politics, Steven G. Bradbury
The Morality of Obedience, Joseph Raz
The Moral Value of Law, Philip Soper
The Multicultures of Belief and Disbelief, Sanford Levinson
The Myth of Choice of Law: Rethinking Conflicts, Kermit Roosevelt III
The Myth of Sisyphus: Legal Services Efforts on Behalf of the Poor, Lawrence E. Rothstein
The Myth of State Intervention in the Family, Frances E. Olsen
The Myth of the Disposable Opinion: Unpublished Opinions and Government Litigants in the United States Courts of Appeals, Lauren K. Robel
The NAACP's Legal Strategy Against Segregated Education, Robert L. Carter
The National Court of Appeals: A Constitutional "inferior Court"?, Michigan Law Review
The Natural Duty to Obey the Law, Kent Greenawalt
The Nature of Copyright: A Law of Users' Rights, Lydia Pallas Loren
The Need for an Ombudsman in State Government, Frank E. Cooper
The New American Dilemma: Liberal Democracy and School Desegregation, Mary Jo Newborn
The New Gold Rush: Mine Tailings in Southeast Alaska and Perversion of the Clean Water Act, Beth Leibowitz
The New Housing Segregation: The Jim Crow Effects of Crime-Free Housing Ordinances, Deborah N. Archer
The New Impartial Jury Mandate, Richard Lorren Jolly
The New Non-Territorial U.S. International Tax System, Part 1 & Part 2, University of Michigan Law School
The New Public Law Movement: Moderation as a Postmodern Cultural Form, William N. Eskridge Jr. and Gary Peller
The News and the Accused, Lawrence W. Schad
The Newsman's Privilege: An Empirical Study, Vince Blasi
The Newsman's Privilege: Protection of Confidential Associations and Private Communications, Wayne C. Dabb Jr. and Peter A. Kelly
The New Social Contract: An Inquiry into Modern Contractual Relations, Michigan Law Review
The New World of Patents Created by the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, Martin J. Adelman
The New York Truth in Travel Act, Lisa Kennedy
The Next Step: Definition, Generalization, and Theory in American Family Law, Carl E. Schneider
The NLRB and Arbitration: Is the Board's Expanding Jurisdiction Justified?, Richard I. Bloch
The NLRB's Deferral Policy and Union Reform: A Union Perspective, Leonard Page and Daniel W. Sherrick
The Nobel Prize for Law, Alfred F. Conard
The Nonpartisan Freedom of Expression of Public Employees, Michigan Law Review
The Nonprofit Health Care Corporation Reform Act of 1980, David L. Hollister and Patience A. Drake
The Nonsupreme Court, Kathleen M. Sullivan
The Numbers Game: Statistical Inference in Discrimination Cases, David H. Kaye
The Obliging Shell: An Informal Essay on Formal Equal Opportunity, Patricia Williams
The Obsolescence of Wall Street: A Contextual Approach to the Evolving Structure of Federal Securities Regulation, Joel Seligman
The Offense: Interpreting the Indictment Requirement in 21 U.S.C. § 851, Christopher Serkin
The Organization as Weapon in White-Collar Crime, Stanton Wheeler and Mitchell Lewis Rothman
The Organized Bar: A Catalyst for Court Reform, Paul R.J. Connolly
Theories of Loss of Citizenship, T. Alexander Aleinikoff
Theory and Application of Roscoe Pound's Sociological Jurisprudence: Crime Prevention or Control?, Louis H. Masotti and Michael A. Weinstein
The Other Government, Daniel D. Polsby
The Other View of The Other Government, Mark Green
The Outcome of Influence: Hitler’s American Model and Transnational Legal History, Mary L. Dudziak
The Outer Fringes of Chapter 11: Nonconsenting Senior Lenders' Rights Under Subordination Agreements in Bankruptcy, David Kravitz
The Parable as Legal Scholarship, G. Edward White
The Parole Board's Duty of Self-Regulation, John P. Quinn
The Partially Secured Creditor Under Chapter XIII of the Bankruptcy Act, Wayne C. Dabb Jr.
The Patentee's Gains from Royalty Differentiation Under Exclusive Territorial Licensing, William G. Snead
The Paths Not Taken: The Supreme Court's Failures in Dickerson, Paul G. Cassell
The Perils of Courtroom Stories, Stephan Landsman
The Perils of Privilege: Waiver and the Litigator, Richard L. Marcus
The Perils of Writing an Intellectual History of Torts, George C. Christie
The Persistence of the Probabilistic Perspective, Richard D. Friedman
The Persistent Appeal of S Corporations: How Tax Cuts Might Not Help Small Corporations, Manas Kumar
The Pharma Barons: Corporate Law's Dangerous New Race to the Bottom in the Pharmaceutical Industry, Eugene McCarthy
The Plessy Case: A Legal-Historical Interpretation, David D. Meyer
The Policy Dilemma: Federal Crime Policy and the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration, Michigan Law Review
The Political Economy of Statutory Reach: U.S. Disclosure Rules in a Globalizing Market for Securities, Merritt B. Fox
The Political Party System as a Public Forum: The Incoherence of Parties as Free Speech Associations and a Proposed Correction, Wayne Batchis
The Political Theory of the Federalist and The Authority of Publius, Michigan Law Review
The Politics of Abortion in the House of Representatives in 1976, Maris A. Vinovskis
The Politics of Cancer, Michigan Law Review
The Politics of Federal Judicial Administration, Paul D. Carrington
The Politics of Postmodern Jurisprudence, Stephen M. Feldman
The Politics of Predicting Criminal Violence, Sheri Lynn Johnson
The Politics of the Income Tax, Joseph Bankman
The Politics of Victimization Makes Strange Bedfellows, Jennifer L. Hochschild
The Politics of Welfare: The New York City Experience, Michigan Law Review
The Postmodern Infiltration of Legal Scholarship, Arthur Austin
The Power Line Health Controversy: Legal Problems and Proposals for Reform, Philip S. McCune
The Power of the FCC To Regulate Newspaper-Broadcast Cross-Ownership: The Need for Congressional Clarification, Michigan Law Review
The Practice and Discourse of Legal Scholarship, Edward L. Rubin
The Preliminary Injunction Standard: Understanding the Public Interest Factor, M Devon Moore
The Presidential Monopoly of Foreign Relations, Raoul Berger
The Presidential Veto Power: A Shallow Pocket, Michigan Law Review
The Press and the Public Interest: An Essay on the Relationship Between Social Behavior and the Language of First Amendment Theory, Lee C. Bollinger
The Pretext Search Doctrine: Now You See It, Now You Don't, John M. Burkoff
The Price of Law: How the Market for Lawyers Distorts the Justice System, Gillian K. Hadfield
The Privacy Protection Act of 1980: Curbing Unrestricted Third-Party Searches in the Wake of Zurcher v. Stanford Daily, Jose M. Sariego
The Procedure Fetish, Nicholas Bagley
The Process Is the Punishment: Handling Cases in a Lower Criminal Court, Michigan Law Review
The Professions and Noncommercial Purposes: Applicability of Per Se Rules Under the Sherman Act, Jonathan Cobb Dickey
The Promise of State Takeover Statutes, Richard A. Booth
The Promise of the Future--And Vice Versa: Some Reflections on the Metamorphosis of Contract Law, Charles L. Knapp
The Proper Role of Res Judicata and Collateral Estoppel in Title VII Suits, Charles C. Jackson, John H. Matheson, and Thomas J. Pikorski
The Proposed Federal Rules of Evidence: Of Privileges and the Division of Rule-Making Power, Michigan Law Review
The Proposed Housing Consolidation and Simplification Act of 1971, William A. Newman
The Proposed Michigan Business Corporation Act, Stanley Siegel
The Proposed Model Surrogate Parenthood Act: A Legislative Response to the Challenges of Reproductive Technology, Murray L. Manus
The Proposed "Science Court", James A. Martin
The Propriety of Benefit-Spreading Regulations Under the 10% Lending Limit of the National Bank Act, Michigan Law Review
The Propriety of Denying Entry to Homosexual Aliens: Examining the Public Health Service's Authority Over Medical Exclusions, Robert Poznanski
The Propriety of Section 10(j) Bargaining Orders in Gissel Situations, Michigan Law Review
The Prosecutor's Duty To Present Exculpatory Evidence to an Indicting Grand Jury, Michigan Law Review
The Prosubstitution Trend in Modern Pharmacy Law, Sidney H. Willig
The Public Broadcasting Act: The Licensee Editorializing Ban and the First Amendment, John C. Grabow
The Public Defender, Robert R. Kimball
The Public-Interest Proxy Contest: Reflections on Campaign GM, Donald E. Schwartz
The Public Policy Exclusion and Insurance for Intentional Employment Discrimination, Sean W. Gallagher
The Public Safety Exception to Miranda: Analyzing Subjective Motivation, Marc Schuyler Reiner
The Public Safety Exception to Miranda: Analyzing Subjective Motivation, Marc Schuyler Reiner
The Punishment of Hate: Toward a Normative Theory of Bias-Motivated Crimes, Frederick M. Lawrence
The Pursuit of a Client's Interest, Warren Lehman
The Qualities of Completeness: More? Or Less?, Mark R. Killenbeck
The Quality of Mercy Is Not Strained: Interpreting the Notice Requirement of the Federal Tort Claims Act, Ann McGuire
The Quantum of Suspicion Needed for an Exigent Circumstances Search, Kit Kinports
The Quest for Justice, James S. Fishkin
The Quintessential Public Servant, Otis M. Smith
The Racial Origins of Modern Criminal Procedure, Michael J. Klarman
The Railroad Passenger Problem: American and British Experiences as Bases for a New Model, Vincent J. Tolve
The Real Estate Investment Trust: State Tax, Tort, and Contract Liabilities of the Trust, Trustee, and Shareholder, Michigan Law Review
The Realm of Rights, Richard J. Mooney
The Regulation of Subsidies Affecting International Trade, Warren F. Schwartz and Eugene W. Harper Jr.
The Relevance of Temporary Child Custody Orders to the Formation of an Established Custodial Environment: A Model Statute for Uniform Application Under Michigan Law, Christine M. Drylie
"There'll Always be an England": The Instrumental Ideology of Evidence, Kenneth W. Graham Jr.
The Restoration of In re Winship: A Comment on Burdens of Persuasion in Criminal Cases After Patterson v. New York, Ronald J. Allen
The Rhetoric of Law and Economics, Donald N. McCloskey
The Rhetoric of the Anti-Progressive Income Tax Movement: A Typical Male Reaction, Marjorie E. Kornhauser
The Richness of Contract Theory, Randy E. Barnett
The RICO Nexus Requirement: A "Flexible" Linkage, Michigan Law Review
The Right of Married Women to Assert Their Own Surnames, Roslyn Goodman Daum
The Right of States to Use Armed Force, Oscar Schachter
The Right to Counsel in Police Interrogation Cases: Miranda and Williams, Mitchell Leibson Chyette
The Right to Disobey, Joel Feinberg
The Right to Financial Privacy Act of 1978-The Congressional Response to United States v. Miller: A Procedural Right to Challenge Government Access to Financial Records, Nancy M. Kirschner
The Right to Religious Freedom and World Public Order: The Emerging Norm of Nondiscrimination, Myres S. McDougal, Harold D. Lasswell, and Lung-chu Chen
The Right to Speak, the Right to Hear, and the Right Not to Hear: The Technological Resolution to the Cable/Pornography Debate, Michael I. Meyerson
The Rise and Fall of the "Doctrine" of Separation of Powers, Philip B. Kurland
The Rise of America's Two National Pastimes: Baseball and the Law, Cleta Deatherage Mitchell
The Rise of Modern Judicial Review: From Constitutional Interpretation to Judge-Made Law, Ward A. Greenberg
The Rise of Prisons and the Origins of the Rehabilitative Ideal, Carl E. Schneider
The Rise of the Supreme Court Reporter: An Institutional Perspective on Marshall Court Ascendancy, Craig Joyce
The Rise of Whistleblower Bounties to Prevent and Deter Corporate Wrongdoing, University of Michigan Law School
The Rising Tide of Reverse Flow: Would a Legislative Breakwater Violate U.S. Treaty Commitments?, Michigan Law Review
The Road Not Taken: Criminal Contempt Sanctions and Grand Jury Press Leaks, James W. Fox Jr.
The Role of Ideas in Legal History, Jay M. Feinman
The Role of Letters of Credit in Payment Transactions, Ronald J. Mann
The Role of State Supreme Courts in the new Judicial Federalism, Jonathan T. Foot
The Role of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission Under the Commodity Futures, Michigan Law Review
The Role of the Concept of Responsibility in Juvenile Delinquency Proceedings, Francis Barry McCarthy
The Role of the Democratic and Republican Parties as Organizers of Shadow Interest Groups, Jonathan R. Macey
The Role of the Local Comprehensive Plan in Land Use Regulation, Daniel R. Mandelker
The Role of the Michigan Attorney General in Consumer and Environmental Protection, Michigan Law Review
The Roles of Architect and Contractor in Construction Management, John E. Lehman
The Roles of Lawbooks, Alfred F. Conard
The Rule of Recognition and the Constitution, Kent Greenawalt
The Sale of Human Body Parts, Michigan Law Review
The Scope of Judicial Review of Consent Decrees Under the Antitrust Procedures and Penalties Act of 1974, Michigan Law Review
The Search and Seizure Exclusionary Rule, Department of Justice Office of Legal Policy
These Are the People in Your Neighborhood, Elliot Regenstein
The SEC and Corporate Disclosure: Regulation in Search of a Purpose, Michigan Law Review
The SEC and the Public Interest, Michigan Law Review
The Second Amendment: Structure, History, and Constitutional Change, David Yassky
The Second Death of Federalism, William W. Van Alstyne
The Second Generation of Immigrants, Henry G. Schermers
The Secrets We Keep…: Encryption and the Struggle for Software Vulnerability Disclosure Reform, Ian Williams
The Self-Critical Analysis Privilege and Discovery of Affirmative Action Plans in Title VII Suits, Michigan Law Review
The Sentencing of White-Collar Criminals in Federal Courts: A Socio-Legal Exploration of Disparity, Ilene H. Nagel and John L. Hagan
The Servants, Stephan Landsman
The Settlement of Disputes in Early Medieval Europe, David A. Westrup
The Severability of Legislative Veto Provisions: An Examination of the Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act of 1974, Steven W. Pelak
The Sexual Innocence Inference Theory as a Basis for the Admissibility of a Child Molestation Victim's Prior Sexual Conduct, Christopher B. Reid
The Shadow of Natural Rights, or a Guide from the Perplexed, Hadley Arkes
The Shareholder's Role in Corporate Social Responsibility, Thomas H. Hay
The Sherman Act and Bar Admission Residence Requirements, Harvey Freedenberg
The Single-Scheme Exception to Criminal Deportations and the Case for Chevron's Step Two, David A. Luigs
The Sixth Amendment Right to Counsel under the Massiah Line of Cases, Department of Justice Office of Legal Policy
The Skokie Legacy: Reflections on an "Easy Case" and Free Speech Theory, Lee C. Bollinger
The Social and Political Challenge of Inflation: An Economist's View, Harold T. Shapiro
The "Solely Criminal Purpose" Defense to the Enforcement of IRS Summonses, Darius J. Mehraban
The Solicitor General and Intragovernmental Conflict, Michigan Law Review
The Sound of One Form Battling: Comments on Daniel Keating's 'Exploring the Battle of the Forms in Action', Richard Craswell
The Soviet-American Arms Race: A European Perspective, J. David Singer
The Standing of the United States: How Criminal Prosecutions Show That Standing Doctrine Is Looking for Answers in All the Wrong Places, Edward A. Hartnett
The State of Legal Writing: Res Ipsa Loquitur, George D. Gopen
The Straight and Narrow Path, Gerald T. Dunne
The Strange Pairing: Building Alliances Between Queer Activists and Conservative Groups to Recognize New Families, Nausica Palazzo
The Strategic Structure of Offer and Acceptance: Game Theory and the Law of Contract Formation, Avery Katz
The Structure of the Private Multinational Enterprise, Yitzhak Hadari
The Submerged Constitutional Right to an Absentee Ballot, Michigan Law Review
The Substance of Equality, Jeremy Waldron
The Supervision of Corporate Management: A Comparison of Developments in European Community and United States Law, Alfred F. Conard
The Supreme Court: A Citadel for White Supremacy, Sidney Willhelm
The Supreme Court and Public Schools, Erwin Chemerinsky
The Supreme Court as Constitutional Interpreter: Chronology Without History, Herbert Hovenkamp
The Supreme Court: Myth and Reality, Michigan Law Review
The Supreme Court's Misconstruction of a Procedural Statute--A Critique of the Court's Decision in Badaracco, Douglas A. Kahn
The Tax Recommendations of the Commission on the Bankruptcy Laws--Income Tax Liabilities of the Estate and the Debtor, William T. Plumb Jr.
The Tax Revenue Capacity of the U.S. Economy, James R. Hines Jr.
The Tentative Settlement Class and Class Action Suits Under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, Michigan Law Review
The Theory and Practice of Civil Commitment, Andrew Scull
The Three Faces of Double Jeopardy: Reflections on Government Appeals of Criminal Sentences, Peter K. Westen
The Tort of Bad Faith in First-Party Insurance Transactions: Refining the Standard of Culpability and Reformulating the Remedies by Statute, Roger C. Henderson
The Trampas File, Joseph L. Sax
The Transformation of American Law, 1780-1860, David H. Flaherty
The Transformation Rule Under Section 522 of the Bankruptcy Code of 1978, Raymond B. Check
The Treatment of Mandatory Tax Withholdings in Calculating AFDC Benefits: Fairness as a Relevant Inference in Ascertaining Congressional Intent, Michigan Law Review
The Treaty Power and American Federalism, Curtis A. Bradley
The Treaty Power and American Federalism, Part II, Curtis A. Bradley
The Trend in Water Law Development, Jerome Maslowski
The Trials of Israel Lipski, Blaine G. Renfert
The Trial Transcript—An Unnecessary Roadblock to Expeditious Appellate Review, William H. Erickson
The Trigger Price Mechanism: Limitation on Administrative Discretion under the Antidumping Laws, Mark Alan Kantor
The Triumph of Justice, Stephan Landsman
The Triumph of Tokenism: The Voting Rights Act and the Theory of Black Electoral Success, Lani Guinier
The Truth About Massiah, James J. Tomkovicz
The Twentieth-Century Revolution in Family Wealth Transmission, John H. Langbein
The Tyranny of Money, Edward J. McCaffery
The Ultimate Violation, Todd Maybrown
The UNCITRAL Framework for Arbitration in Contemporary Perspective, Alyssa A. Grikscheit
The Underrepresentation of Minorities in the Legal Profession: A Critical Race Theorist's Perspective, Alex M. Johnson Jr.
The Unfinished Work of the Instrumentalists, Willard Hurst
The Unified Patent Court and Patent Trolls in Europe, Jonathan I. Tietz
The Unimportance of Being Efficient: An Economic Analysis of Stock Market Pricing and Securities Regulation, Lynn A. Stout
The Unintended Cultural Consequences of Public Policy: A Comment on the Symposium, Richard H. Pildes
The United Nations, International Law, and the Rhodesian Independence Crisis, Gary A. MacDonald
The United States vs. Jackie Robinson, University of Michigan Law School
The Universal Grammar of Criminal Law, Stuart P. Green
The University of Michigan: Its Legal Profile, William B. Cudlip
The University of Michigan Law Library, University of Michigan Law School
The University of Michigan Law School Alumni Survey Project: Description, Scope and Limits, David L. Chambers
The Unnecessary Doctrine of Necessaries, Michigan Law Review
The Unsettling of the West: How Indians Got the Best Water Rights, David H. Getches
The Unwelcome Judicial Obligation to Respect Politics in Racial Gerrymandering Remedies, Jeffrey L. Fisher
The Use/Nonuse/Misuse of Applied Social Research in the Courts, Michigan Law Review
The Use of Collateral Estoppel by a Private Party in Suits Against Public Agency Defendants, John Kelly and David Rothenberg
The Use of In Camera Hearings In Ruling On the Informer Privilege, Ronald E. Levine
The Use of Soft Law in the Creation of Legal Norms in International Commercial Law: How Successful Has It Been?, Henry Deeb Gabriel
The Uses of Psychiatry in the Law: A Clinical View of Forensic Psychiatry, Michigan Law Review
The Validity of Ordinances Limiting Condominium Conversion, Michigan Law Review
The Very Idea of "Law and Literature", John D. Ayer
The Virtuous Prosecutor in Quest of an Ethical Standard: Guidance from the ABA, H. Richard Uviller
The Walz Decision: More on the Religion Clauses of the First Amendment, Paul G. Kauper
The Well-Ordered Police State: Social and Institutional Change Through Law in the Germanies and Russia, 1600-1800, Michigan Law Review
The World in Our Courts, Stephen B. Burbank
The Writing on Our Walls: Finding Solutions Through Distinguishing Graffiti Art from Graffiti Vandalism, Marisa A. Gómez
The Wrong Side of the Tracks: A Revolutionary Rediscovery of the Common Law Tradition of Fairness in the Struggle Against Inequality, Gregory A. Kalscheur
The Zen of Corporate Capital Structure Neutrality, Herwig J. Schlunk
Thinking About Public Policy Toward Abuse and Neglect of Children: A Review of Before the Best Interests of the Child, Michael S. Wald
Thinking About the Elgin Marbles, John Henry Merryman
Third World Trade Partnership: Supranational Authority vs. National Extraterritorial Antitrust--A Plea for "Harmonized" Regionalism, Wolfgang Fikentscher
Thirteen Easy Pieces, Frank I. Michelman
Thoughts About Judging, Henry J. Friendly
Thoughts on Comparable Worth Litigation and Organizational Strategies, Nancy Gertner
Three Attorney Fee-Shifting Rules and Contingency Fees: Their Impact on Settlement Incentives, Bradley L. Smith
Three Mistakes About Interpretation, Paul Campos
Threshold Requirements for the FBI Under Exemption 7 of the Freedom of Information Act, Richard A. Kaba
Tightening the Reins of Justice in America: A Comparative Analysis of the Criminal Jury I England and the United States, Michigan Law Review
Timeliness in the Unemployment Compensation Appeals Process: The Need for Increased Federal Oversight, Sharon M. Dietrich and Cynthia L. Rice
Timeliness of Appeals: Improved Federal Oversight Is Needed, Cynthia L. Rice and Sharon M. Dietrich
Timeliness of Petitions for Judicial Review Under Section 106(a) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, Marilyn Mann
Tis a Gift to Be Simple: Aesthetics and Procedural Reform, Janice Toran
Title 2.0: Discrimination Law in a Data-Driven Society, Bryan Casey
Title II - General Immunity, Jeffrey J. Greenbaum
Title III - Recalcitrant Witnesses, Jeffrey J. Greenbaum
Title I - Special Grand Jury, Jeffrey J. Greenbaum
Title IV - False Declarations, Jeffrey J. Greenbaum
Title IX - Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations, Richard Levy
Title VI - Depositions, Peter A. Kelly
Title VII and NLRA: Protection of Extra-Union Opposition to Employment Discrimination, Michigan Law Review
Title VII and the Complex Female Subject, Kathryn Abrams
Title VIII - Gambling and Organized Crime, Richard Levy
Title VII - Litigation Concerning Sources of Evidence, Peter A. Kelly
Title VI, Title IX, and the Private University: Defining "Recipient" and "Program or Part Thereof", Michigan Law Review
Title X - Dangerous Special Offender Sentencing, Richard Levy
Toil of the Firestarters, Peter A. Alces
Tolerance Theory and the First Amendment, James L. Oakes
Toleration and the Constitution, Judith L. Hudson
Torquemada and Unemployment Compensation Appeals, William W. Milligan
Tort Claims Under the Present and Proposed Bankruptcy Acts, Stephen Allen Edwards
Tort Justice Reform, Paul David Stern
Tort Liability of a University for Libelous Material in Student Publications, Michigan Law Review
Tort Liability of Labor Unions for Picket Line Assaults, David R. Case
Torts--Strict Liability--A Hospital Is Strictly Liable for Transfusions of Hepatitis-Infected Blood--Cunningham v. MacNeal Memorial Hospital, Michigan Law Review
Torts--Wrongful Death--Unborn Child--The Estate of an Unborn Child Has a Cause of Action for Wrongful Death--O'Neill v. Morse, Michigan Law Review
To Set the Law in Motion: The Freedmen's Bureau and the Legal Rights of Blacks, 1865-1868, Michigan Law Review
Total-Sales Royalties Under the Patent-Misuse Doctrine: A Critique of Zenith, Michigan Law Review
To Tell the Truth, the Whole Truth, and Nothing but the Truth - Help for Florida's Frazzled Condominium Buyers?, Elizabeth Snider
Toward a 21st-Century International Tax Regime, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah and Kimberly A. Clausing
Toward a European System of Appellate Courts, Hjalte Rasmussen
Toward A More Perfect Union: A Federal Cause of Action for Physician Aid-in-Dying, Todd David Robichaud
Toward a New Theory of Roman Law, David F. Pugsley
Toward an Expanded Conception of Law Reform: Sexual Harassment Law and the Reconstruction of Facts, Holly B. Fechner
Toward an International System of Drug Control, Louis Lessem
Toward a Rational Scheme of Interstate Water Compact Adjudication, Joseph W. Girardot
Toward a Realistic Comparative Assessment of Private Antitrust Enforcement, Daniel A. Crane
Toward a Uniform Approach to Multilevel Distributorships, Donald Daniels
Toward a Universal Standard: Free Exercise and the Sanctuary Movement, Troy Harris
Toward Increased Judicial Activism: The Political Role of the Supreme Court, Michigan Law Review
Toward International Freedom of Religion: A Proposal for Change in FCN Treaty Practice, Bruce F. Howell
Towards a United Kingdom Bill of Rights, Francis G. Jacobs
Toward Understanding Unlawful Organizational Behavior, Diane Vaughan
Town Hall: Climate Survey and Educational Environment, University of Michigan Law School
Toxic Substance Contamination: The Risk-Benefit Approach to Causation Analysis, Bradford W. Kuster
Trade Friction with Japan and the American Policy Response, Thomas J. Schoenbaum
Training Tomorrow's Banking Lawyers, John D. Hawke Jr. and Melanie L. Fein
Transactional Competition Informational Meeting, University of Michigan Law School
Transcendental Deconstruction, Transcendent Justice, J. M. Balkin
Transferability: Helping Students and Attorneys Apply What They Already Know to New Situations (Part 1), Edward R. Becker
Transferability: Helping Students and Attorneys Apply What They Already Know to New Situations (Part 2), Edward R. Becker
Transfer and Choice of Federal Law: The Appellate Model, Robert A. Ragazzo
Transfers of Property in Eleventh-Century Norman Law, William John Gallagher
Transforming Free Speech: The Ambiguous Legacy of Civil Libertarianism, Gregory P. Magarian
Transforming History in the Postmodern Era, G. Edward White
Transparenthood, Sonia K. Katyal and Ilona M. Turner
Traveling Concepts: Substantive Equality on the Road, Susanne Baer
Treading on Sacred Land: First Amendment Implications of ICE's Targeting of Churches, Gabriella M. D'Agostini
Treatise Writing and Federal Jurisdiction Scholarship: Does Doctrine Matter When Law is Politics?, Richard A. Matasar
Treatment of Income Tax Refunds in Bankruptcy After Lines v. Frederick, Michigan Law Review
Treaty-Making and the Nation: The Historical Foundations of the Nationalist Conception of the Treaty Power, David M. Golove
Trial and Error: The Detroit School Segregation Case, Michigan Law Review
Trial by Ordeal, Robert C. Palmer
Trials Without End: Some Comments and Reviews on the Sacco-Vanzetti, Rosenberg, and Hiss Cases, Terry A. Cooney
Tribal Court Jurisdiction over Civil Disputes Involving Non-Indians: An Assessment of National Farmers Union Insurance Cos. v. Crow Tribe of Indians and a Proposal for Reform, Allison M. Dussias
Tribal Self-Government and the Indian Reorganization Act of 1934, Michigan Law Review
Tribes, Cities, and Children: Emerging Voices in Environmental Litigation, Nina A. Mendelson
Trusts and the Doctrine of Estates, Olin L. Browder Jr.
Truth and Interpretation in Legal History, G. Edward White
Turning Away From Law?, David M. Trubek
Two (Federal) Wrongs Make a (State) Right: State Class Action Procedures as an Alternative to the Opt-In Class Action Provisions of the ADEA, Janet M. Bowermaster
Two Ideas of International Organization, John H. Barton
Two Important Books on Res Judicata, Robert C. Casad
Two Models of Corporate Governance: Beyond Berle and Means, Lynne L. Dallas
Two Models of the Fourth Amendment, Craig M. Bradley
Two New Books on Guns, Franklin E. Zimring
Two Theories of Criminal Justice, Alsen D. Miller
Ugly: An Inquiry Into the Problem of Racial Gerrymandering Under the Voting Rights Act, Daniel D. Polsby and Robert D. Popper
Ultra Vires Takings, Matthew D. Zinn
Ultra-Wrong About the "Ultra-Right", Terry Eastland
U-M Disability Community Month Events
Uncivil Procedure: Ranking Law Students Among Their Peers, Douglas A. Henderson
Unconstitutional Uncertainty: A Study of the Use of Detainers, Donald E. Shelton
Uncovering "Nondiscernible" Differences: Empirical Research and the Jury-Size Cases, Richard O. Lempert
Under Coyote’s Mask: Environmental Law, Indigenous Identity, and #NoDAPL, Danielle Delaney
Underground Gas Storage: Economic Needs and a Proposed Statutory Resolution of Legal Obstacles, Steven Y. Winnick
Understanding Legal Compliance, V. Lee Hamilton
Understanding Mixed Motives Claims Under the Civil Rights Act of 1991: An Analysis of Intentional Discrimination claims Based on Sex-Stereotyped Interview Questions, Heather K. Gerken
Understanding Sprawl: Lessons from Architecture for Legal Scholars, Mark S. Davies
Understanding State Agency Independence, Miriam Seifter
Understanding the Jury with the Help of Social Science, Stephen Saltzburg
Unemployment Compensation: Continuity, Change, and the Prospects for Reform, Jerry L. Mashaw
Unemployment Compensation for Employees of Educational Institutions: How State Courts Have Created Variations on Federally Mandated Statutory Language, Maribeth Wilt-Seibert
Unemployment Compensation for Employees of Educational Institutions: How State Courts Have Created Variations on Federally Mandated Statutory Language, Maribeth Wilt-Seibert
Unemployment Compensation in a Time of Increasing Work-Family Conflicts, Martin H. Malin
Unemployment Compensation in a Time of Increasing WorkFamily Conflicts, Martin H. Malin
Unequal Access: Women Lawyers in a Changing America, Miriam I. Pickus
Unfogging Activities, University of Michigan Law School
Uniform Commercial Code--Sales--Sections 2-508 and 2-608--Limitations on the Perfect-Tender Rule, Michigan Law Review
Uniform Probate Code--Illegitimacy--Inheritance and the Illegitimate: A Model for Probate Reform, Michigan Law Review
Unintentional Irony in Landmark Decisions of the Delaware Supreme Court Regarding Corporate Law, Steven J. Cleveland
Union Decisions on Collective Bargaining Goals: A Proposal for Interest Group Participation, Eileen Silverstein
Union Political Involvement and Reform of Campaign Financing Regulation, George P. Macdonald
Union Representatives as Corporate Directors: The Challenge to the Adversarial Model of Labor Relations, Robert A. McCormick
Union Trusteeships and Union Democracy, Clyde W. Summers
United States Urban Policy: What Is Left? What Is Right?, Jack Sommer
United States v. Falstaff Brewing Corporation: Potential Competition Re-examined, Michigan Law Review
University of Michigan Law School, University of Michigan Law School
University of Michigan Law School Student/Faculty Directory 1964-65, University of Michigan Law School
University of Michigan Law School Student/Faculty Directory 1965-66, University of Michigan Law School
Unmarried Couples and Unjust Enrichment: From Status to Contract and Back Again?, Robert C. Casad
Unraveling China's Capital Market Growth: A Political Economy Account, Tamar Groswald Ozery
Unravelling the Tax Treaty, University of Michigan Law School
Unshackling Black Motherhood, Dorothy E. Roberts
Untangling "Operation Common Sense": Reopening and Review of Social Security Administration Disability Claims, Elizabeth S. Ferguson
Untangling the Strands of the Fourteenth Amendment, Ira C. Lupu
Updating Statutory Interpretation, T. Alexander Aleinikoff
Updating the Trust Indenture Act, Howard M. Friedman
Urban Decolonization, Norrinda Brown Hayat
Urban Politics and the Criminal Courts, Milton Heumann
Urban Revitalization and Community Finance: An Introduction, Peter R. Pitegoff
USA 2050: Identity, Critical Race Theory, and the Asian Century, Adrien Katherine Wing
Using Qui Tam Laws to Blow the Whistle on Employer Misconduct, University of Michigan Law School
Using the Federal Tort Claims Act to Remedy Property Damage Following Customs Service Seizures, Richard F. Neidhardt
Utilitarianism Reformed, L. W. Sumner
Values and Assumptions in American Labor Law, Michigan Law Review
Vampires Anonymous and Critical Race Practice, Robert A. Williams Jr.
Vehicle Rental Laws: Road Blocks to Evolving Mobility Models?, Wesley D. Hurst and Leslie J. Pujo
Verbal Sexual Harassment as Equality-Depriving Conduct, Keith R. Fentonmiller
Vertical Distributional Restraints Under Schwinn and Sylvania: An Argument for the Continuing Use of a Partial Per Se Approach, Martin B. Louis
Vertical Distribution Restraints After Sylvania: A Postscript and Comment, Martin B. Louis
Vicious Circles: The Mafia in the Marketplace, Michigan Law Review
Video Game Night with the Law Library, University of Michigan Law School
Videotaping Children's Testimony: An Empirical View, Paula E. Hill and Samuel M. Hill
Virtual Hatred: How Russia Tried to Start a Race War in the United States, William J. Aceves
Voluntary Intoxication: A Defense to Intentional Injury Exclusion Clauses in Homeowner's Policies?, Tracy E. Silverman
Voter Registration Lists: Do They Yield a Jury Representative of the Community, Fred A. Summer
Voting Rights Act Section 2: Racially Polarized Voting and the Minority Community's Representative of Choice, Evelyn Elayne Shockley
Voucher Systems of Public Education After Nyquist and Sloan: Can A Constitutional System Be Devised?, Michigan Law Review
Wade H. McCree, Jr., Sara Sun Beale
Wade H. McCree, Jr., Lee C. Bollinger
Wade H. McCree, Jr., Jimmy Carter
Wade H. McCree, Jr., David L. Chambers
Wade H. McCree, Jr.: A Compassionate and Great Judge, Horace W. Gilmore
Wade H. McCree, Jr.: A Model of Excellence, Harry T. Edwards
Wade H. McCree, Jr.: Born To Be A Judge, Pierce Lively
Wade H. McCree, Jr.--In Tribute, Erwin N. Griswold
Wade H. McCree, Jr.: Student Perspectives, Professor McCree's Students
Wade McCree's Michigan Legacy, G. Mennen Williams
Wage Discrimination and Job Segregation: The Survival of a Theory, Ruth G. Blumrosen
Wage Discrimination and the "Comparable Worth" Theory in Perspective, Bruce A. Nelson, Edward M. Opton Jr., and Thomas E. Wilson
Wage Discrimination, Job Segregation, and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Ruth G. Blumrosen
Wage Garnishment Should be Prohibited, William T. Kerr
Waltz & Inbau: Medical Jurisprudence, Marcus L. Plant
War and P.E.A.C.E.: A Preliminary Report and a Model Statute on an Interdisciplinary Educational Program for Divorcing and Separating Parents, Andrew Schepard
War Crimes and the Limits of Legalism, Gary Jonathan Bass
War Powers: An Essay on John Hart Ely's War and Responsibility: Constitutional Lessons of Vietnam and its Aftermath, Philip Bobbitt
Warrants in Bond-Warrant Units: A Survey and Assessment, Henry B. Reiling
"Was Blind, but Now I See": White Race Consciousness and the Requirement of Discriminatory Intent, Barbara J. Flagg
Was There a Democratic Tradition in Revolutionary France?, University of Michigan Law School
Water Pollution Control in Vermont: A System of Effluent Charges, Hobart Birmingham
Way Beyond Candor, Gail Heriot
Webs of Things in the Mind: A New Science of Evidence, Peter Tillers
West on Story and Theory, L. H. LaRue
What Causes Fundamental Legal Ideas? Marital Property in England and France in the Thirteenth Century, Charles Donahue Jr.
What Corporate Veil?, Joshua C. Macey
What does "Tax Law" Look Like at a Private Sector Law Firm?, University of Michigan Law School
What Ever Happened to the "Checkless Society"?, Isaiah Baker
What Frank Allen Teaches, Robert A. Burt
What Has Happened to the Tax Legislative Process?, Pamela Brooks Gann
What Is a Postmodern Constitutionalism?, J. M. Balkin
What Is "New"?: Defining "New Judgement" After Magwood, Patrick Cothern
What Process is Due? Courts and Science-Policy Disputes, Gregory B. Heller
What's Standing After Lujan? Of Citizen Suits, "Injuries," and Article III, Cass R. Sunstein
What Would It Look Like To #AbolishICE?, Michigan Immigration & Labor Association
When Honesty is "Simply…Impractical" for the Supreme Court: How the Constitution Came to Require Busing for School Racial Balance, Lino A. Graglia
When Is the Senate in Recess for Purposes of the Recess Appointment Clause?, Michael A. Carrier
When Justice Fails, Stephan Landsman
When They Enter, We All Enter, University of Michigan Law School
"When They Enter, We All Enter": Opening the Door to Intersectional Discrimination Claims Based on Race and Disability, Alice Abrokwa
Where is My Body? Stanley Fish's Long Goodbye to Law, Richard Delgado
Where The Money Is: Remedies to Finance Compliance with Strict Structural Injunctions, James M. Hirschhorn
Where They Are Now: The Story of the Women of Harvard Law 1974, Lissa M. Cinat
Where Two Worlds Meet: A Time for Reassessment in the Anthropology of Law, Simon Roberts
Which Queue?, Robert J. Sternberg and Elena L. Grigorenko
Which Radicals?, Cass R. Sunstein
Which Side Are You On?: Trying to Be for Labor When It's Flat on Its Back, John Edward Connelly
White Caller Crime: Racialized Police Communication and Existing While Black, Chan Tov McNamarah
White House Electronic Mail and Federal Recordkeeping Law: Press "D" To Delect History, James D. Lewis
Whiteness at Work, Lihi Yona
White & Summers: Handbook of the Law Under the Uniform Commercial Code, Ellen A. Peters
Who "Owns" a Cultural Treasure?, Jason Y. Hall
Whose Genes Are These Anyway?: Familial Conflicts over Access to Genetic Information, Sonia M. Suter
Whose Loyalties?, Christina Whitman
Whose Needy Children?, David L. Bazelon
Whose World and How?, Milner S. Ball
Why I Teach Water Law, Joseph L. Sax
Why Markets? Welfare, Autonomy, and the Just Society, Hanoch Dagan
Why We Lost the ERA, Judith L. Hudson
Why Would Law Students Benefit from Studying Economics?, Michelle J. White
Will AI Change How or What We Teach, Virginia A. Neisler
William Hastie: Grace Under Pressure, Mark S. Cohen
William J. Pierce, Lawrence J. Bugge
William W. Bishop, Jr., Sudhir K. Chopra
William W. Bishop, Jr., John H. Jackson
William W. Bishop, Jr., Thomas E. Kauper
William W. Cook, University Benefactor, Sawyer Hulme Walter
Winning the Battle, Losing the War?: Judicial Scrutiny of Prisoners' Statutory Claims Under the Americans with Disabilities Act, Christopher J. Burke
Winter 2019 PSI Classes, University of Michigan Law School
Wolverine Street Law, Wolverine Street Law
Women and Law in Classical Greece, Craig Y. Allison
Women and Men Graduates of the University of Michigan Law School: Career Patterns and Adjustments for Children, David L. Chambers
Women and the Law of Property in Early America, David H. Bromfield
Women's Pension Reform: Congress Inches Toward Equity, Anne Moss
Word Games, War Games, Diane H. Mazur
Workable Antitrust Policy, Frank H. Easterbrook
Worker Profiling and Due Process, P. Maureen Bock-Dill
Workers' Compensation Reform: A Case Study of the Legislative Process in Michigan, Robert VanderLaan and Richard K. Studley
Workers' Rights Clinic Info Session for 1Ls
Workmen's Compensation: Toward a Stricter Liability for Enterprise, John A. Payne Jr.
Work picks up on U-M's new law library addition, Guy Snyder
World Politics and International Law, John M. West
Worlds Beyond Theory: Toward the Expression of an Integrative Ethic for Self and Culture, Peter Read Teachout
Wright & Miller: Federal Practice and Procedure, Civil Procedure, William H. Becker and W. Brown Morton Jr.
Wrongs, Rights, and Third Parties, Nicholas Cornell
Yankees Out of North America: Foreign Employer Job Discrimination Against American Citizens, Michigan Law Review
You Can’t Say That!: Public Forum Doctrine and Viewpoint Discrimination in the Social Media Era, Micah Telegen
Young Adults as a Cognizable Group in Jury Selection, Donald H. Zeigler
You've Built the Bridge, Why Don't You Cross It? A Call for State Labor Laws Prohibiting Private Employment Discrimination on the Basis of Sexual Orientation, David E. Morrison
Zen and the Art of Jursiprudence, Matthew K. Roskoski
Zero-Sum Madison, Thomas W. Merrill
Zoning Speech on the Internet: A Legal and Technical Model, Lawrence Lessig and Paul Resnick