About Institutional Repositories | University of Michigan Law School Scholarship Repository

About the Repository

The University of Michigan Law School Scholarship Repository is designed to offer global access to the scholarship of the University of Michigan Law School. This repository is a service of the University of Michigan Law Library, which contributes to the mission of the Law School by supporting research, scholarship, and access to legal information.

Faculty Scholarship

The University of Michigan Law School Repository Faculty Scholarship Collection includes published books, articles, book chapters, reviews and other publications written by the University of Michigan Law faculty.


The University of Michigan Law School student-edited Journals include articles by legal scholars, practitioners, and social scientists, notes by students and student-editors, books reviews, and symposium pieces, as well as other types of scholarship. For most of the Journals, coverage starts with 2010 and is updated with current content as it is published in print. We are also actively working to add all Journal back issues.

Law & Economics Working Papers

The University of Michigan Law School Law & Economics Working Papers Collection includes works-in-progress on law & economics and related subjects.

Law Librarian Scholarship

The University of Michigan Law Librarian Scholarship Collection includes publications written by the University of Michigan Law librarians.

University of Michigan Law School Alumni Survey Project

The University of Michigan Law School Alumni Survey Project site includes statistical reports and other information about the Law School's alumni based on questionnaires that were first administered in 1966.

Law School Buildings

The Law School Buildings Collection includes photographs and information about the architecture of the several Michigan Law buildings.

SJD Dissertations

The SJD Dissertations Collection includes full-text copies of the dissertations the Michigan Law students completed for their SJD degrees.