

For the past twenty years, bioethics has exerted a profound influence on American medicine. Although its full impact cannot be precisely measured, one need only speak to European physicians and clinical investigators to grasp the full extent of the change. Americans may debate the sufficiency of the information that physicians share with their patients, but hear a European doctor exclaim angrily that it is criminal to ask a woman to decide whether to have a radical mstectomy or lumpectomy, and you know that bioethics has made a significant difference in the United States. So too, Americans, far more intensely than Europeans, will fiercly contest any proposed exception to informed consent in research protocols, and our Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) are unmatched for the protections they provide human subjects. Not only foreign comparisons but daily events point to the difference that bioethics has made: consider the newspaper space devoted to bioethical considerations, whether the case be multiple births, AIDS testing in Africa, cloning, or organ donation, to choose recent examples; or the readiness of lawyers to have clients sign an advanced directive and proxy assignment; or the intensity of public debate on physician-assisted suicide. Bioethics has clearly become the stuff of referendum campaigns and dinner-table discussions.
