Content Posted in 2020
14th Annual Origins Banquet, Asian Pacific American Law Students Association
2Ls/3Ls Bid November 11-13, University of Michigan Law School
94th Henry M. Campbell Moot Court Competition: Final Round, University of Michigan Law School
95th Henry M. Campbell Moot Court Competition: Final Round, University of Michigan Law School
A Banker's Adventures in Brokerland: Looking Through Glass-Steagall at Discount Brokerage Services, Michigan Law Review
A Book Review with an Eye to Ethics, William H. Erickson
A Bridge to Nowhere? Our Energy Transition and the Natural Gas Pipeline Wars, Sam Kalen
Absolute Preferences in Municipal Civil Service Appointments: The Unresolved Conflict With Municipal Discretion, Thomas E. Swaney
Academic Life and the Great War, Henry M. Bates
A Case for Higher Corporate Tax Rates, Edward G. Fox and Liscow D. Zachary
Access to Justice and the Welfare State, Michigan Law Review
Accommodating Absence: Medical Leave as an ADA Reasonable Accommodation, Sean P. Mulloy
Account of Some Psychological Experiments on the Subject of Trade-Mark Infringement, Edward S. Rogers
A Child Conceived Through Artificial Insemination by a Third-Party Donor Is Illegitimate-Gursky v. Gursky, Michigan Law Review
A Comparative Perspective on Legal Evolution, Revolution, and Devolution, Laura Nader
A Comprehensive Attack on Tax Deferral, Mary Louise Fellows
A Constitutional Wealth Tax, Ari Glogower
A Conversation between Milner Ball and James Boyd White, Milner S. Ball and James Boyd White
A Conversation with Dr. Yusef Salaam, University of Michigan Law School
Acquisition and Protection of Water Supplies by Municipalities, Wilbert L. Ziegler
A Critical View of the Uniform Crime Reports, Sophia M. Robison
A Crossroads, Not an Island: A Response to Hanoch Dagan, Zoë Hitzig and E. Glen Weyl
Actions on Commercial Paper: Holder's Procedural Advantages Under Article Three, Stanley V. Kinyon
Actual Expenses of Ohio Utility Are Considered in Computing Rates Even Though the Hypothetical Company Technique Is Used-General Tel. Co. v. Public Util. Comm'n, Michigan Law Review
Address by Hon. Thomas M. Cooley, and Poem by D. Bethune Duffield, Esq., on the Dedication of the Law Lecture Hall of the Michigan University, Thomas M. Cooley and D. Bethune Duffield
Adequate Protection and Administrative Expense: Toward a Uniform System for Awarding Superpriorities, Julia A. Goatley
A Digest of Important Cases on the Law of Crimes, John R. Rood
A Digest of the Reported Cases Contained in the Michigan Reports, Thomas M. Cooley
A Divided Country in Foreign Courts-Recent Litigation Involving Germany's Legal Status and the Zeiss Stiftung, Herbert L. Bernstein
Administering Justice the Medical Prepossession, Clarence A. Lightner
Administrative Delay and Judicial Relief, Steven Goldman
Administrative Law - Administrative Procedure Act- Status of Tax Court, James Cripe
Administrative Law-Community Representatives Have Standing To Challenge FCC License Renewal-Office of Communication of United Church of Christ v. FCC, Michigan Law Review
Administrative Law - Judicial Control - Appellate Review of Federal Trade Commission Proceedings, David A. Nelson S. Ed.
Administrative Law - Judicial Control - Veterans Administration's Findings of Law and Fact Are Not Conclusvie in Government's Suit to Recover Sums Allegedly Due From Veteran, James M. Porter S.Ed.
Administrative Law - Powers of Agencies - Right of Registrant to Withdraw Registration Statement Filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission, John Edward Porter
Administrative Law - Powers of Agencies - The Interstate Commerce Commission and Discontinuance of Railroads Under the Transportation Act of 1958, Robert A. Smith
Administrative Law - Procedure - Consideration of Initial Rate in Natural Gas Act Sale Certification, Robert Jillson
Administrative Law - Procedure - Primary Jurisdiction to Determine Illegality of Contract Under Shipping Act, Stephen B. Flood
Administrative Law--Procedure--Right of Interention in FCC Rate-Making Proceeding, Jon E. Denney
Administrative Law-Rate-Making-Authority of FPC to Limit Rate of Return on Tax Reserves Resulting From Liberalized Depreciation, Harry T. Edwards
Administrative Law - Workmen's Compensation Proceedings - Use of Lay Representatives, Stanley A. Williams S.Ed.
Administrative Legislation, John A. Fairlie
Administrative Procedure-Enforcement of NLRB Orders-Power of Cour of Appeals to Modify Scope of Consent Order, Lee D. Powar
Adminsration of Justice in the Lake Michigan Wilderness, George Pickard
Admiralty - Collision - Last Clear Chance, Erik Stapper
Admiralty - Death on the High Seas Act - Effect on Workmen's Compensation Recoveries, Thomas E. Kauper S.Ed.
Admiralty-Jurisdiction - Statute Extending Admiralty Jurisdiction to Include Amphibious Torts Resulting in Personal Injury, Francis X. Beytagh
Admiralty-Laches-Expiration of Analogous State Statute of Limitations as Ground For Dismissal, Herbert H. Brown
Admiralty--Liability--Transitory Unseaworthiness, Richard DeLamielleure
Admiralty - Limitation of Liability - Right of Vendor of Chattel to Limit Liability, Bruce L. Bower S.Ed.
Admiralty- Shipowner's Right to Indemnification for Loss Caused by Latently Defective Gear Supplied by Nonnegligent Stevedoring-Compnay, John W. Erickson
Admiralty- "Twilight Zone" In Workmen's Compensation - Pursuit of State Common Law Action Against Employer, James S. Leigh
Admiralty - Unseaworthiness - Recovery for Injuries Resulting from Condition Arising After Commencement of the Voyage, John L. Peschel
Admiralty - Warranty of Seaworthiness - Longshoreman's Choice of Remedies, Richard E. Young
Admiralty - Wrongful Death Statutes - Use of State Law, Louis Frey
Admissibility of Parol Evidence in Judicial Determinations of Arbitrability, Michigan Law Review
Admitted Student Phonathon, University of Michigan Law School
Advanced Legal Studies, University of Michigan Law School
Advertised Value of Trading Stamps Is Basis for State Sales Tax--Red Head Premium Co. v. Schneider, Michigan Law Review
Advising a Witness To Exercise His Privilege Against Self-Incrimination When the Adviser's Motive Is To Protect Himself Is an Obstruction of Justice-Cole v. United States, Michigan Law Review
Advisory Committee on Fair Trial and Free Press: American Bar Association Project on Minimum Standards for Criminal Justice: Standards Relating to Fair Trial and Free Press (Tentative Draft), George Edwards and Robert M. Cipes
Advocating the Rights of the Injured, Benjamin Marcus
A General Theory for Measuring Seller's Damages for Total Breach of Contract, Robert J. Harris
Age of Unreason: Rationality and the Regulatory State, Louise Weinberg
A Guide to Diplomatic Practice, Edwin D. Dickinson
A House Divided: Free African Americans, Migration, and Citizenship (1847-1859), University of Michigan Law School
Air Law - Imputed Negligence - Liability of Airplane Owner for Negligence of Pilot, George E. Lohr S.Ed.
Air Law - The Federal Aviation Act of 1958, John W. Gelder S.Ed.
Alcoholism and the Law, Melvin L. Selzer
Alien Rights in the United States in Wartime, W C. Hunter
"Aliens are Coming! Drain the Pool", John D. Ayer
Aliens - Deportation - Activity Consituting Membership in Communist Party, Mark Shaevsky
Almost Citizens: Puerto Rico, the U.S. Constitution, and Empire, University of Michigan Law School
Along the Midway: Some Thoughts on Democratic Constitution-Amending, Clifton McCleskey
A Manual of Equity Pleading and Practice, Bradley M. Thompson
A Meditation on Juliana v. United States, University of Michigan Law School
American Bar Association: American Bar Association Project on Minimum Standards for Criminal Justice: Standards Relating to Pleas of Guilty (Tentative Draft), Donald J. Newman
American Bar Association Project on Minimum Standards for Criminal Justice: Standards Relating to Trial by Jury (Approved Draft), Melvin M. Belli
American Bar Association Section of Antitrust Law: Jury Instructions in Criminal Antitrust Cases, Ralph M. Carson
American Bar Foundation: Model Business Corporation Act Annotated, Norman D. Lattin
American Court Management: Theories and Practices, Michigan Law Review
America's Paper Prisons: The Second Chance Gap, Colleen Chien
A More Perfect Pickering Test: Janus v. AFSCME Council 31 and the Problem of Public Employee Speech, Alexandra J. Gilewicz
Analogical Persuasion, University of Michigan Law School
An American Approach to Social Democracy: The Forgotten Promise of the Fair Labor Standards Act, University of Michigan Law School
A National Incorporation Law, Horace L. Wilgus
Anatomy of Racism, Damon J. Keith
A New Corporate Tax, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah
A New Deal for Fiduciaries' Stock Transfers, Alfred F. Conard
A New Role for the Black Law Graduate--A Reality or an Illusion, Harry T. Edwards
A New Urban Front for Shareholder Primacy, Anne Choike
Anglo-Saxon Jurisprudence, Thomas M. Cooley
An Inquiry Into the Utility of "Domicile" as a Concept in Conflicts Analysis, Russell J. Weintraub
An Old-Fashioned View of the Nature of Law, James Boyd White
Antitrust and the Consumer Interest, Kenneth S. Carlston and James M. Treece
Antitrust and the Corporate Tax: Why We Need Progressive Corporate Tax Rates, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah and Lior Frank
Antitrust Civil Process Act-Requirements for a Civil Investigative Demand, Mary Mandana Long
Antitrust-Clayton Act-Admissibilty of Criminal Conviction Entered on a Plea of Guilty as Prima Facie Evidence in Civil Suit for Treble Damage, Arthur M. Sherwood
Antitrust Law-Exclusive Dealing Arrangements-Employment by Courts of Dual Tests in Applying Section 3 of the Clayton Act, Walter A. Urick
Antitrust Law--Restraint of Trade--Antitrust Implications of the Exchange of Price Information Among Competitors: The Container Corporation Case, Michigan Law Review
Antitrust Laws - Concerted Refusals to Deal - Public Injury, Jerome S. Traum S.Ed.
Antitrust Laws- Judicial Relief for Violations of Section Seven of the Clayton Act - Disenfranchisement in United States v. E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Barbara B. Burt S. Ed.
Antitrust Law - Suggested Resale Price Policy - Limitations of Use of the Colgate Doctrine, Stanley Zax
Antitrust-Limitation of Actions-Clayton Act Statute of Limitations Tolled on Treble Damage Suits Against Non-Government Defendant Co-Conspirators-- Michigan v. Morton Salt Co., Michigan Law Review
Antitrust-Patents-Licenses-Regulation of Patent License Royalty Rates Under the Antitrust Laws, Michigan Law Review
Antitrust's "Curse of Bigness" Problem, D. Daniel Sokol
Antitrust Significance of Covenants Not To Compete, Michigan Law Review
Antitrust's Newest Quagmire: The Noerr-Pennington Defense, L. Barry Costilo
Antitrust's Protected Classes, Herbert Hovenkamp
Antitrust-Venue-Time of Venue Under Section 12 of the Clayton Act Refers to Time When Action Accrued-Eastland Construction Co. v. Keasbey & Mattison Co., Michigan Law Review
Antiturst Law-Exemptions for Regulated Industries - Applicability of the Antitrust Laws to Stock Exchanges, Peter D. Byrnes S.Ed.
A Positive Dialectic: BEPS and The United States, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah
Applying Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act to Single-Member Offices, Edward J. Sebold
Appointment of Non-Lawyer Counsel in Courts-Martial Does Not Violate the Fifth or Sixth Amendment--United States v. Culp, Michigan Law Review
A Prior Restraint by Any Other Name: The Judicial Response to Media Challenges of Gag Orders Directed at Trial Participants, René L. Todd
A Radical Restatement of the Law of Seller's Damages: Michigan Results Compared, Robert J. Harris
Arbitration Waiver and Prejudice, Timothy Leake
A Reappraisal of the Role of Disclosure, Robert L. Knauss
Are Charges against the Moral Character of a Candidate for an Elective Office Conditionally Privileged, Jeremiah Smith
Are Charges against the Moral Character of a Candidate for an Elective Office Conditionally Privileged, Jeremiah Smith
Are Litigation Outcome Disparities Inevitable? Courts, Technology, and the Future of Impartiality., Avital Mentovich, J.J. Prescott, and Orna Rabinovich-Einy
A Republican Chief Justice, Mark V. Tushnet
A Requiem for Requiems: The Supreme Court at the Bar of Reality, Stanley K. Laughlin Jr.
A Revisionist Theory of Abstention, Barry Friedman
Arnold: Fair Fights and Foul: A Dissenting Lawyer's Life, Paul D. Carrington
Article Eight: A Premise and Three Problems, Ernest L. Folk III
Article V: The Comatose Article of Our Living Constitution?, Robert G. Dixon Jr.
Art of Judgement in Planned Parenthood v. Casey, James Boyd White
A Selection of Cases and Other Authorities on the Law of Admiralty, Pt.1: The Jurisdiction of Admiralty Courts, Edwin D. Dickinson
A Selection of Cases and Other Authorities on the Law of Admiralty, Pt.2: The Maritime Law, Edwin D. Dickinson
A Selection of Cases and Other Authorities on the Law of Admiralty, Pt.3: The Reception and Modification of Maritime Law, Edwin D. Dickinson
Ask Me Anything: Veteran Edition, Michigan Law Veterans Society
Associations-Expulsion, Suspension, or Exclusion of Members-Physician's Right to Membership in County Medical Society, David K. Kroll
A Supplement to "Constitutionality of Marketable Title Acts"-1951-1957, Ralph W. Aigler
A Surety's Claim against His Bankrupt Principal under the Present Law, Evans Holbrook
A Suspended Death Sentence: Habeas Review of Expedited Removal Decisions, Lauren Schusterman
Atomic Energy - Indemnity Legislation - Anderson Amendments to the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, Dudley H. Chapman S.Ed.
Atomic Energy Law-Atomic Energy Act of 1954- Substantial Legal Restrictions on the Private Development of Nuclear Reactors, Martin Adelman
Atomic Energy - Patents - Patent Aspects of Domestic Law, Euratom, and the International Atomic Energy Agency, Peter H. Hay
Atomic Energy - Uranium Procurement - Legal Aspects of the AEC Domestic Ore Purchase Program, Michael Scott S.Ed. and Edward M. Heppenstall
A Townhall for Washtenaw County Prosecutor Candidates, University of Michigan Law School
A Treatise on the Constitutional Limitations Which Rest Upon the Legislative Power of the States of the American Union, Thomas M. Cooley
A Treatise on the Constitutional Limitations Which Rest Upon the Legislative Power of the States of the American Union, Thomas M. Cooley
A Treatise on the Constitutional Limitations Which Rest Upon the Legislative Power of the States of the American Union, Thomas M. Cooley
A Treatise on the Constitutional Limitations Which Rest upon the Legislative Power of the States of the American Union, Thomas M. Cooley and Victor H. Lane
A Treatise on the Law of Taxation Including the Law of Local Assessments, Thomas M. Cooley
A Treatise on the Law of Taxation Including the Law of Local Assessments, Thomas M. Cooley
A Treatise on the Powers and Duties of the Justices of the Peace in the State of Michigan, under Chapter Ninety-Three of the Revised Statutes of 1846, Being Chapter Thirty-Four of the Compiled Laws of 1897; with Practical Forms and an Appendix Containing the Justice Court Acts of Those Cities Having Provisions Differing Materially from the General Justice Court Act., Alexander R. Tiffany and Victor H. Lane
A Tribute to Lewis H. LaRue, James Boyd White
Attachment and Garnishment in the Federal Courts, Brainerd Currie
Attention 1Ls: Join us for Meet The Employers, University of Michigan Law School
Attorney and Client- Attorney's Rights Under Contract of Partial Assignment-Effet of Premature Termination or Settlement of Action, Charles Frederickson S.Ed
Attorney and Client - Scope of Attorney's Authority - Client Bound by Wrongful Settlement of Claim, Robert M. Vorsanger
Attorney-Client-Client's Right To Engage Out-of-State Attorney for Advice Concerning Federal Claim Is a Privilege and Immunity of National Citizenship--Spanos v. Skouras Theatre Corp., Michigan Law Review
Attorneys--Self-Incrimination--The Attorney's Privilege Against Self-Incrimination in a Disbarment Proceeding, Michigan Law Review
Authorization of Involuntary Blood Transfusion for Adult Jehovah's Witness Held Unconstitutional--In re Brooks' Estate, Michigan Law Review
Automated Linguistic Analysis to Assess Cognitive Decline on the Bench, University of Michigan Law School
A view of the Tower, 1893 - 1898, University of Michigan Law School
Avins: The Law of AWOL, Major General Thomas H. Green
“A World of Steel-Eyed Death”: An Empirical Evaluation of the Failure of the Strickland Standard to Ensure Adequate Counsel to Defendants with Mental Disabilities Facing the Death Penalty, Michael L. Perlin, Talia Roitberg Harmon, and Sarah Chatt
Azadeh Shahshahani, '04, University of Michigan Law School
Back to the Future: Creating a Bipartisan Environmental Movement for the 21st Century, David M. Uhlmann
Bakal: The Right To Bear Arms, Virgil W. Peterson
Ball: Dynamics of the Patent System, Robert A. Choate
Banking-Disclosure of Records-The Duty of a Bank as to Customer Information, Robert B. Wessling S.Ed.
Bankruptcy--Bank Paying Depositor's Check After His Adjudication in Bankruptcy is Liable to Trustee for Amount of Check--Bank of Marin v. England, Michigan Law Review
Bankruptcy - Creditor's Right Against Entirety Property - Applicablity of State Law When United States is Plaintiff, James Cripe
Bankruptcy-Federal Tax Claims-Accrual of Post-Petition Interest, Robert Lane
Bankruptcy-Fradulent Transfers-Venue for Plenary Actions Under Section 70(e), Martin B. Dickinson Jr.
Bankruptcy-Prior Discharge Within Six Years as Bar to Wage Earner's Extension Plan, Anthony Lynch
Bankruptcy - Priorities - Priority Status of Tax on Wages Earned But Unpaid at Time of Bankruptcy, John F. Powell
Bankruptcy - Priorities - Status of Employer Contributions to Union Welfare Fund, John W. Simpson
Bankruptcy-Proof and Allowance of Claims-Reopening of Estate to Allow Creditors to Reach Tenancy by the Entirety, Robert V. Seymour
Bankruptcy--Section 70c--Recent Reactions To Constance v. Harvey, George Sidney Buchanan Jr.
Bankruptcy--Stay of Bankruptcy Proceedings Denied to Creditor Seeking Lien on Exempt Property--Harris v. Hoffman, Michigan Law Review
Bankruptcy - Summary Jurisdiction - Filing Proof of Claim as Basis for Money Judgment on a Counterclaim in Favor of the Trustee, Jerome M. Salle S. Ed
Bankruptcy - Tenancy by the Entireties - Creditors's Right Against Entry Property After Discharge of Husband in Bankruptcy, E. Roger Frisch
Bankruptcy - Uniform Trust Receipts Act - Rights of Entruster to a Lien Interest in the General Assets of Bankrupt Trustee, Barry I. Fredericks
Banks and Banking-Bank's Liability for Breach of Its Duty to Corporate Depositor-Maley v. East Side Bank of Chicago, Michigan Law Review
Banks and Banking - Bank's Right of Set-Off-Deposit of Funds by a Fiduciary, James Blanchard
Banks and Banking- Housing and Home Finance - Scope of Insurance Coverage of Banks Under National Housing Act, Robert L. McLaughlin
Bank Statements, Cancelled Checks, and Article Four in the Electronic Age, Norman Penney
Bauer & Greyser: Advertising in America: The Consumer View, Robert L. Birmingham
Bayne: Conscience, Obligation, and the Law, E. F. Roberts
Be an Extern!, University of Michigan Law School
Be an International Extern!, University of Michigan Law School
Bedi: Freedom of Expression and Security: A Comparative Study of the Function of the Supreme Courts of the United States and India, Chester J. Antieau
Berger's Defense of the Death Penalty: How Not to Read the Constitution, Hugo Adam Bedau
Berle: The American Economic Republic, Henry G. Manne
Beutel: Some Potentialities of Experimental Jurisprudence as a New Branch of Social Science, Samuel I. Shuman
Bid Depositories, George H. Schueller
Bill of Lading as Collateral Security under Federal Laws, Frederick Thulin
Bills and Notes - Acceptance - Payment by Drawee of Raised Check Precludes Recovery Under Section 62 of the Uniform Negotiable Instruments Law, Louis A. Kwiker
Bills and Notes - Indorsements - Effect of Contemporaneous Agreement on the Indorsement Contract, W. Stanley Walch
Bills and Notes - Indorsements - Liability of Drawee Bank on Forged Indorsement, John P. Williams S.Ed.
Bills and Notes-Payees by Impersonation and by Assumption of a Name-Drawer's Intent and Commercial Policy, Stuart S. Gunckel S. Ed.
Bishop: General Course of Public International Law, 1965, Wolfgang Friedmann
Blest Be The Tie That Binds, Joan Heifetz Hollinger
Boles: The Bible, Religion and the Public Schools, Arthur E. Sutherland
Book Reviews, John R. Rood and Gordon Stoner
Book Reviews, Evans Holbrook and Gordon Stoner
Book Reviews, Michigan Law Review
Book Reviews, Gordon Stoner, Michigan Law Review, and James H. Brewster
Book Reviews, Edson R. Sunderland, Willard Barbour, Horace LaFayette Wilgus, Edgar N. Durfee, and Edwin C. Goddard
Book Reviews, Frank Egleston Robbins, Willard Barbour, Joseph H. Drake, Ralph W. Aigler, Edwin C. Goddard, Horace LaFayette Wilgus, John B. Waite, and John R. Rood
Book Reviews, W B. Shaw, Horace LaFayette Wilgus, Robert E. Bunker, Willard T. Barbour, Evans Holbrook, and Victor H. Lane
Book Reviews, John R. Rood, John B. Waite, Joseph H. Drake, Henry F. Adams, Edson R. Sunderland, Robert T. Crane, and A S. Whitney
Book Reviews, John B. Waite and Evans Holbrook
Book Reviews, Joseph H. Drake, Victor H. Lane, Willard Barbour, Edwin C. Goddard, and Robert E. Bunker
Book Reviews, Edgar N. Durfee, Hessel E. Yntema, Floyd B. Streeter, Arthur Lyon Cross, Jospeh H. Drake, and Horace LaFayette Wilgus
Book Reviews, Willard Barbour, Horace L. Wilgus, Edwin C. Goddard, Robert T. Crane, and Joseph H. Drake
Book Reviews, Edwin C. Goddard and Joseph H. Drake
Book Reviews, Henry M. Bates and Horace LaFayette Wilgus
Book Reviews, Henry M. Bates
Book Reviews, Willard T. Barbour and Joseph H. Drake
Book Reviews, Horace LaFayette Wilgus
Book Reviews, Horace LaFayette Wilgus and Willard T. Barbour
Book Reviews, Victor H. Lane, Horace LaFayette Wilgus, and Edwin D. Dickinson
Book Reviews, John B. Waite, Edwin C. Goddard, and Edwin D. Dickinson
Book Reviews, Edwin D. Dickinson
Book Reviews, Edson R. Sunderland and Edwin D. Dickinson
Book Reviews, Robert T. Crane, Edwin D. Dickinson, Grover C. Grismore, Henry M. Bates, and Joseph H. Drake
Book Reviews, Joseph H. Drake
Book Reviews, Henry M. Bates and Ernest F. Lloyd
Book Reviews, John B. Waite and Ralph W. Aigler
Book Reviews, Hessel Edward Yntema and Edwin C. Goddard
Book Reviews, Edgar N. Durfee, Evans Holbrook, and Edwin D. Dickinson
Book Reviews, Edwin D. Dickinson
Book Reviews, Herman W. Oliphant and Ralph W. Aigler
Book Reviews, Edward S. Rogers and John Barker Waite
Book Reviews, G L. Canfield
Book Reviews, C D. Allin
Book Reviews, Edwin D. Dickinson and Herman Oliphant
Book Reviews, William W. Cook, Edwin D. Dickinson, Joseph H. Drake, and Wayne C. Williams
Book Reviews, Edwin C. Goddard and Edwin D. Dickinson
Book Reviews, Henry M. Bates, Evans Holbrook, and Edwin D. Dickinson
Book Reviews, Victor Hale Lane, Grover C. Grismore, R. G. Walker, Edwom D. Dickinson, and John Barker Waite
Book Reviews, Edwin C. Goddard, Evans Holbrook, Ralph W. Aigler, and Edwin D. Dickinson
Books Received, Michigan Law Review
Books Received, Michigan Law Review
Books Received, Michigan Law Review
Books Received, Michigan Law Review
Books Received, Michigan Law Review
Books Received, Michigan Law Review
Books Received, Michigan Law Review
Books Received, Michigan Law Review
Books Received, Michigan Law Review
Books Received, Michigan Law Review
Books Received, Michigan Law Review
Books Received, Michigan Law Review
Books Received, Michigan Law Review
Books Received, Michigan Law Review
Books Received, Michigan Law Review
Books Received, Michigan Law Review
Books Received, Michigan Law Review
Books Received, Michigan Law Review
Books Received, Michigan Law Review
Books Received, Michigan Law Review
Books Received, Michigan Law Review
Books Received, Michigan Law Review
Books Received, Michigan Law Review
Books Received, Michigan Law Review
Books Received, Michigan Law Review
Books Received, Michigan Law Review
Books Received, Michigan Law Review
Books Received, Michigan Law Review
Books Received, Michigan Law Review
Books Received, Michigan Law Review
Books Received, Michigan Law Review
Books Received, Michigan Law Review
Books Received, Michigan Law Review
Books Received, Michigan Law Review
Bootstraps and Capital Gain--A Participant's View of Commissioner v. Clay Brown, William H. Kinsey
Bosland: Estate Tax Valuation in the Sale of Merger of Small Firms, Herman L. Trautman
Boulwareism and Good Faith Collective Bargaining, Michigan Law Review
Bowett: The Law of the Sea, Brunson MacChesney
Boycotts and Restrictive Marketing Arrangements, Richard M. Buxbaum
Breaking the Silence: Why International Organizations Should Acknowledge Customary International Law Obligations to Provide Effective Remedies, Kristina Daugirdas and Sachi Shuricht
Brewster, Jr.: Antitrust and American Business Abroad, and Fugate: Foreign Commerce and the Antitrust Laws, Kenneth S. Carlston
Brief of T.M. Cooley, Cook and Waldron v. Hillsdale, 1859, Thomas M. Cooley
British Antitrust in Action, Michael Conant
British War Cabinets, John A. Fairlie
Brown: British Statutes in American Law 1776-1836, William F. Swindler
Brown: Legal Education at Michigan. 1859-1959, Louis Quarles
Buck: Children for Adoption, Sanford N. Katz
Burke Shartel, Michigan Law Review
Business Associations - Uniform Limited Partnership Act - Activites Making a Limited Partner Liable as a General Partner, Frank D. Jacobs
Business Purpose and the Subchapter S Inspired Reorganization, Eugene C. Roemele
Can Federal Legislation Affecting Consumers' Economic Interests Be Enacted?, Philip A. Hart
Can Ignorance Be Bliss? Imperfect Information as a Positive Influence in Political Institutions, Michael A. Fitts
Canon of Professional Ethics-Cooperation in Preparation of News Articles as Advertising in Violation of Canon 27, Joseph F. McDonald
Can Rights Move Left?, Jeremy Paul
Career Panel, Environmental Law Society
Careers over Coffee, University of Michigan Law School
Carmack Amendment in the State Courts, Wayland H. Sanford
Carmen: Movies, Censorship and the Law, Abner J. Mikva
Carrington: Civil Procedure: Cases and Comments on the Process of Adjudication, Jerome A. Barron
Cary: Politics and the Regulatory Agencies, Donald C. Cook
Case Club Final Argument, University of Michigan Law School
Case Club Final Argument, University of Michigan Law School
Cases on Equity Jurisprudence, Harry B. Hutchins
Cases on Personal Property, Levi T. Griffin and A. M. Fletcher
Cases on Principal and Agent and Master and Servant Selected from Decisions of English and American Courts, Edwin C. Goddard
Cases on Procedure, Annotated. Code Pleading, Edson R. Sunderland
Cases on Procedure, Annotated. Common Law Pleading, Edson R. Sunderland
Cases on Procedure Annotated. Trial and Appellate Practice, Edson R. Sunderland
Cases on Procedure, Annotated. Trial Practice, Edson R. Sunderland
Cases on the General Principles of the Law of Private Corporations, Volume 2, Horace L. Wilgus
Cases on the Law of Damages, Floyd R. Mechem
Cases on the Law of Damages, Floyd R. Mechem
Cases on the Law of Damages, Floyd R. Mechem
Cases on the Law of Evidence, Horace L. Wilgus
Cases on the Law of Mortgages, Edgar N. Durfee
Cases on the Law of Partnership, Floyd R. Mechem and Frank L. Sage
Cases on the Law of Succession to Property After the Death of the Owner, Floyd R. Mechem
Cataldo, Gillam, Kempin, Jr., Stockton, & Weber: Introduction to Law and the Legal Process, Joseph Lazar
Catalogue of Graduates, Non-Graduates, Officers, and Members of the Faculties 1837-1921, University of Michigan Law School
Caveat Emptor and the Judicial Process, Waite John B.
Cease and Desist: The History, Effect, and Scope of Clayton Act Orders of the Federal Trade Commission, Thomas E. Kauper
Center on Finance, Law & Policy Progress Report, 2020, Center on Finance, Law & Policy
Central Bank of the Future, University of Michigan Law School
Chamberlin, Bradley, Reilly and Pound: Labor Unions and Public Policy & Gregory: Labor and the Law, Paul R. Haerle
Chancery Practice on the American Frontier: A Study of the Records of the Supreme Court of Michigan Territory, 1805-1836, William Wirt Blume
Change in Entrance Requirements to State University Law School, Henry M. Bates
Changes in the Balance of Governmental Power, Thomas M. Cooley
Changing Legal Order, Floyd R. Mechem
Characterization of Interstate Arrangements: When is a Compact Not a Compact, David E. Engdahl
Chayes, Ehrlich, Lowenfeld: International Legal Process: Materials for an Introductory Course, John J. Costonis
Child Custody in a Federal System, Leonard G. Ratner
Chinese Communist Law: Its Background and Development, Luke T. Lee
Choice of Law in Secured Personal Property Transactions: The Impact of Article 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code, Russell J. Weintraub
Choka: An Introduction to Securities Regulation, Laylin K. James
Chroust: The Rise of the Legal Profession in America, William Wirt Blume
Church and State: Cooperative Separatism, Paul G. Kauper
Cipes: The Crime War, Michael S. Josephson
Citizens' Grievances Against Administrative Agencies--The Yugoslav Approach, Walter Gellhorn
Civil Aeronautics Act-Discrimination-Private Cause of Action for Punitive Damages, L. B. Hirsch
Civil Procedure and Economic Inequality, Maureen Carroll
Civil Procedure - Disclosure of Minutes When Grand Jury was Used for Purpose of Preparing for Civil Action, L. Vastine Stabler Jr.
Civil Procedure - Forum Non Conveniens - Judicial Adoption of Doctrine When Statue of Limitations Has Run Elsewhere, Jerome S. Traum
Civil Procedure - Interstate Interpleader Compact, Louis Frey
Civil Procedure-Judgements-Mutuauty as Requirement for Assertion of Collateral Estoppel Against Claimant Who Was Claimee in Prior Action, William E. Wickens
Civil Procedure - Judgments - Effect of Prior "Compromise" Judgment as Collateral Estoppel, Peter H. Hay S.Ed.
Civil Procedure - Jurisdiction - Effect of Filing Counterclaim After Denial of Objection to Jurisdiction, David Shute S.Ed.
Civil Procedure - Jurisdiction - Service of Process on Foreign Television Corporation, Arnold Henson S.Ed.
Civil Procedure on the American Frontier, William Wirt Blume
Civil Procedure - Pre-Trial Discovery - Disclosure of Amount of Defendant's Liability Insurance, David L. Genger
Civil Procedure - Process - Immunity from Service of Nonresident Entering State to Discuss Settlement of a Dispute, Edward M. Heppenstall
Civil Procedure - Trial Practice - Consecutive Motions for Directed Verdict, John Gelder S.Ed.
Civil Procedure-Trial Practice-Introduction of Inadmissible Evidence to Cure Improper Argument by Counsel, Arthur M. Sherwood
Civil Procedure-Trial Practice-Special Verdict Question That Can Be Decisive Only if Answered Negatively, Samuel J. McKim III
Civil Procedure- Venue-Effect of Contract Provision Fixing Venue as to Future Litigation, Robert C. Bonges
Civil Rights - Due Process - Action for Civil Conspiracy Based on Section 1983, James B. Blanchard
Civil Rights Ecosystems, Joanna C. Schwartz
Civil Rights - Elections - Federal Injunction Against Racial Discrimination, Robert Jillson
Civil Rights - Legislation - The Civil Rights Act of 1957, Thomas R. Winquist S.Ed.
Civil Rights--Segregation--Federal Income Tax: Exemptions and Deductions--The Validity of Tax Benefits to Private Segregated Schools, Michigan Law Review
Claim Requirements of the Federal Tort Claims Act: Minimal Notice or Substantial Documentation?, Michigan Law Review
Clark & Sohn: World Peace Through World Law, Harding Bancroft
Class Actions for Punitive Damages, Michigan Law Review
Class Bidding Know-How For 1Ls, 2Ls, and 3Ls, University of Michigan Law School
Classroom in first Law Building c. 1888, University of Michigan Law School
Classroom in Hutchins Hall 1934, University of Michigan Law School
Closing Remarks of Prof J.V. Campbell to the Graduating Class of the Law Department, March 21st, 1863., James V. Campbell
Code Remedies: Remedies and Remedial Rights by the Civil Action According to the Reformed American Procedure, John Norton Pomeroy and Thomas A. Bogle
Coercing a State to Pay a Judgement Virginia v West Virginia, Thomas Reed Powell
Coffee and Tea Break Underground, University of Michigan Law School
Coffee Chat with Rev. Faith Fowler, University of Michigan Law School
Cohen, Robson & Bates: Parental Authority: The Community and the Law, Luke K. Cooperrider
Coin, Currency, and Constitution: Reconsidering the National Bank Precedent, David S. Schwartz
Collateral Estoppel in Civil Tax Fraud Cases Subsequent to Criminal Conviction, Michigan Law Review
Collective Bargaining for Public Employees and the Prevention of Strikes in the Public Sector, Michigan Law Review
Collective Bargaining in Higher Education, Ralph S. Brown Jr.
Collective Bargaining in the Public Service of Canada: Bold Experiment or Act of Folly?, H. W. Arthurs
College Athletics: The Chink in the Seventh Circuit's "Law and Economics" Armor, Michael A. Carrier and Marc Edelman
College Savings Accounts for Headstart Families: Preliminary Results from Michigan, University of Michigan Law School
Color Blindess But Not Myopia: A New Look at State Action, Equal Protection, and "Private" Racial Discrimination, Theodore J. St. Antoine
Combination Not Competition of Railroads, Blewett Lee
Come get Lexis points while learning about applying to 1L Summer Positions in Natural Security, National Security Law Society
Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States : with a Preliminary Review of the Constitutional History of the Colonies and States Before the Adoption of the Constitution, Joseph Story and Thomas M. Cooley
Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States : with a Preliminary Review of the Constitutional History of the Colonies and States Before the Adoption of the Constitution, Joseph Story and Thomas M. Cooley
Commentaries on the Laws of England : in Four Books, William Blackstone and Thomas M. Cooley
Commentaries on the Laws of England : in Four Books, William Blackstone and Thomas M. Cooley
Commentaries on the Laws of England : in Four Books, William Blackstone and Thomas M. Cooley
Commentaries on the Laws of England : in Four Books, William Blackstone and Thomas M. Cooley
Commentaries on the Laws of England : in Four Books, William Blackstone and Thomas M. Cooley
Commentaries on the Laws of England : in Four Books, William Blackstone and Thomas M. Cooley
Commercial Instruments, the Law Merchant and Negotiability, Ralph W. Aigler
Commercial Law--A Farmer is Not a "Merchant" Under the Uniform Commercial Code--Cook Grains, Inc. v. Fallis, Michigan Law Review
Commissioner May Examine Taxpayer's Records for Years Barred by Statute of Limitations Without Proving Reasonable Suspicion of Fraud--United States v. Powell, Michigan Law Review
Commitment of the Mentally Ill: Problems of Law and Policy, Hugh Alan Ross
Common Sense About the Age of Statutes, Steve MacIsaac
Community Control, Public Policy, and the Limits of Law, David L. Kirp
Comparative Negligence and Automobile Liability Insurance, Cornelius J. Peck
Compassion: The Necessary Foundation to Reunify Families Involved in the Foster Care System, Katherine Markey and Vivek Sankaran
Compensation for Constitutional Torts: Reflections on the Significance of Fault, John C. Jeffries Jr.
Competition Wrongs, Nicolas Cornell
Computational Complexity and Tort Deterrence, University of Michigan Law School
Conceptualizing Legal Childhood in the Twenty-First Century, Clare Huntington and Elizabeth S. Scott
Conceptual Overburden in the System's Operation?: Of Judges and Scholars, Jurisdiction and All That, James Dickson Phillips Jr.
Concurrent Causation in Insurance Contracts, William Conant Brewer Jr.
Conditioning of Relief From Unenforceable Judgment Upon Showing of Meritorious Defense to Claim Upon Which It Was Entered Can Deny Due Process of Law--Armstrong v. Manzo, Michigan Law Review
Condominium--Home Ownership for Megaopolis?, John E. Cribbet
Conflicting Perfected Security Interests in Proceeds Under Article 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code, Michigan Law Review
Conflict of Laws - Custody Decrees - Jurisdiction to Modify and Effect in Sister States, Donald R. Jolliffe S.Ed.
Conflict of Laws - Estoppel - Extra-Territorial Effect of Probate Decree, Thomas A. Hoya S.Ed.
Conflict of Laws-Full Faith and Credit-Extraterritorial Enforcement of State Revenue Law, Edwin A. Howe Jr.
Conflict of Laws-Law Applicable in Federal Courts-Federal Law Applied to Contractual Relations of Admiralty Lawyer, Robert E. Thorne S.Ed.
Conflict of Laws-Public Policy Used To Apply Forum Law to Joint Bank Accounts of Foreign-Domiciliaries Wyatt v. Fulrath, Michigan Law Review
Conflict of Laws - Release in a Tort Action - Effect of Lex Loci Delicti and Contractus, Stanley A. Williams
Conflict-of-Laws Rules by Treaty: Recognition of Companies in a Regional Market, Eric Stein
Conflict of Laws-State Cession of Territory-Effect of Exclusive Jurisdiction by Federal Government on State Law, William R. Nicholas
Conflict of Laws - Status of Foreign Statute - Non-Recognition of Support Obligation, David C. Berg S.Ed.
Conflict of Laws - Tort - Lex Loci or Lex Domicilii to Determine Interspousal Capacity to Sue?, E. Roger Frisch S.Ed.
Conflict of Laws-Torts-Application of Whole Law, Including Choice-of-Law Rules, of State of Negligent Act Under Federal Tort Claims Act, Byron Bronston S.Ed
Congressional Apportionment: The Unproductive Search for Standards and Remedies, Michigan Law Review
Congressional Repair of the Erie Derailment, Leonard V. Quigley
"Congress Shall Make No Law..."*, O. John Rogge
"Congress Shall Make No Law…":II, O. John Rogge
Conscription and the Constitution: The Original Understanding, Leon Friedman
Consent, Coercion, and Employment Law, Samuel R. Bagenstos
Conservation and Rehabilitation of Housing: An Idea Approaches Adolescence, J. Michael Warren
Constitutional and Statutory Bases of Governors' Emergency Powers, F. David Trickey
Constitutional Change and Constitutional History, University of Michigan Law School
Constitutional Cohesion and the Right to Public Health, James G. Hodge Jr., Daniel Aaron, Haley R. Augur, Ashley Cheff, Joseph Daval, and Drew Hensley
Constitutional Decisions by a Bare Majority of the Court, Robert Eugene Cushman
Constitutional Law - Certiorari - Integrity of the Rule of Four, Robert L. Knauss S.Ed.
Constitutional Law--Church and State--Freedom of Religion--The Constitutionality Under the Religion Clauses of the First Amendment of Compulsory Sex Education in Public Schools, Michigan Law Review
Constitutional Law-Church and State-Shared Time: Indirect Aid to Parochial Schools, Michigan Law Review
Constitutional Law - Citizenship - Draft -Avoidance Statute Declared Unconstitutional, Ralph L. Wright
Constitutional Law - Citizenship - Power of Congress to Effect Involuntary Expatriation, Robert J. Hoerner S.Ed.
Constitutional Law - Civil Rights - Recent New York City Ordinance Bans Discrimination in Certain Private Housing Facilities, W. Stanley Walch
Constitutional Law - Civil Rights - Restrictions on the Use of Legal Materials by Prisoner, Russell A. McNair Jr.
Constitutional Law-Civil Rights-Solitary Confinement of Prisoner's Based on Religious Belief, Harvey Friedman
Constitutional Law-Civil Rights-Threat of Mob Violence as Justification for Restraint on Exercise of Right to Travel in Interstate Commerce, Chester A. Skinner
Constitutional Law- Civil Rights - Union Use of Dues for Political Action, Paul Hanke
Constitutional Law - Commerce Clause - Local Smoke Control Ordinance Not an Undue Burden on Interstate Commerce, John M. Niehuss
Constitutional Law - Commerce Clause - Power of States to Levy Net Income Tax on Businesses Engaged in Soley Interstate Commerce, John C. Peters S.Ed.
Constitutional Law - Congressional Investigation of Political Activity-Watkins v. United States Re-Examined, Avrum M. Gross S.Ed.
Constitutional Law - Courts-Martial - Power of Congress to Provide for Military Jurisdiction Over Civilian Dependents, Gerald M. Smith
Constitutional Law - Courts - Martial - Power of Congress to Provide for Military Jurisdiction Over Retired Servicemen, Stephen B. Flood
Constitutional Law - Criminal Procedure - Successive State Prosecutions for Same Activity, Robert L. Bombaugh
Constitutional Law--Double Jeopardy--Prosecutions by both a City and a State for an Identical Offense as a Violation of the Prohibition Against Double Jeopardy--Waller v. State, Michigan Law Review
Constitutional Law - Due Process and Right of Confrontation- Jencks Act, Robert J. Margolin S.Ed.
Constitutional Law - Due Process - Collection of State Use Tax From Nonresident Vendor, Jerome M. Salle
Constitutional Law- Due Process- Conviction Without Evidence of Guilt, Donald A. Slichter
Constitutional Law - Due Process - Denial of Admission to the Bar Based on Unwarranted Inferences of Bad Moral Character, Jerome B. Libin
Constitutional Law - Due Process - Dismissal of State Employees for Refusal to Answer Questions Concerning Membership in Communist Organizations, Roger W. Findley
Constitutional Law - Due Process - Expulsion of Student fro m State-Operated College Without Notice or Hearing, James A. McDermott
Constitutional Law - Due Process - Jurisdiction of State Court Over Nonresident Tortfeasor, J. Martin Cornell
Constitutional Law - Due Process -Knowledge of the Law Required for Conviction Under Criminal Registration Ordinance, David C. Berg
Constitutional Law - Due Process - Limits on Investigative Power of State Legislative Committees, George E. Lohr
Constitutional Law - Due Process- Residence Substituted for Domicile as Basis for Divorce Jurisdiction, Paul Gerding S.Ed.
Constitutional Law - Due Process - Retroactive Application of Uniform Principal and Income Act, Thomas E. Kauper S.Ed.
Constitutional Law - Due Process - Right of Second Offender to Pre-Sentence Hearing Regarding Prior Conviction, John Edward Porter S.Ed.
Constitutional Law - Due Process - Right of Witness to Counsel Before State Investigatory Officer, William G. Mateer S.Ed.
Constitutional Law - Due Process - Summary Dismissal of a State Employee Who Invokes Fifth Amendment Before a Congressional Committee, John L. Peschel
Constitutional Law - Due Process -Watkins v. United States as a Limitation on Power of Congressional Investigating Committees, Allan F. Bioff S. Ed.
Constitutional Law - Due Process - Zoning Restrictions Requiring Land Owners to Provide Off-Street Parking, Eldon Olson
Constitutional Law-Elections-Jurisdiction of State Courts to Entertain Actions Arising Out of Congressional Elections, C. Douglas Kranwinkle
Constitutional Law-Eminent Domain-Master Flight Plan as a Taking of Land Under Approach Area to Municipal Airport, Ralph L. Wright S. Ed
Constitutional Law--Equal Protection--Property Ownership Qualifications on the Right To Vote in Special Municipal Elections--Cipriano v. City of Houma, Michigan Law Review
Constitutional Law - Equal Protection - Racial Discrimination and the Role of the State, William C. Griffith S.Ed.
Constitutional Law - Equal Protection - Racial Segregation of Spectator Seating in Courtroom, Thomas W. Van Dyke
Constitutional Law- Equal Protection - Right to Counsel in Appeal by Indigent Person, Gertrude S. Rosenthal S.Ed.
Constitutional Law-Exclusion of Negroes From Dental Society That Controls Selection of State Dental Officials Violates the Equal Protection Clause-Hawkins v. North Carolina Dental Society, Michigan Law Review
Constitutional Law--Executive Agreements--International Law--Executive Authority Concerning the Future Political Status of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, Michigan Law Review
Constitutional Law - Executive Powers - Use of Troops to Enforce Federal Laws, Robert H. Elliott Jr., S.Ed. and Richard I. Singer S.Ed.
Constitutional Law-Expatriation-Criminal Due Process as Prerequisite to Expatriation When Imposed as Punishment, John W. Erickson
Constitutional Law-Federal Criminal Procedure-Right to Counsel Under Section 2255 of the Judicial Code, Gerald J. Laba
Constitutional Law - Fifth Amendment - Right of Defendant in Denaturalization Proceedings to Refuse to Testify, Theodore G. Koerner
Constitutional Law - Former Jeopardy - Retrial for Greater Offense After Conviction of Lesser Included Offense Reversed on Appeal, Ralph E. Boches
Constitutional Law - Freedom of Press - Validity of Motion Picture Licensing Statute, Dean L. Berry S.Ed.
Constitutional Law- Freedom of Religion- Tuition Payments to Parochial Schools Violate Fourteenth Amendment, William S. Bach
Constitutional Law - Freedom of Speech and Press - Prohibitions on the Publication or Distribution of Anonymous Campaign Literature, Frank G. Reeder S.Ed.
Constitutional Law--Freedom of Speech--Desecration of National Symbols As Protected Political Expression, Michigan Law Review
Constitutional Law-Freedom of the Press-Right of News Media Personnel to Refuse to Disclose Confidenial Sources of Information, Francis X. Beytagh Jr., S.Ed
Constitutional Law - Governmental Immunity - Immunity of Agent of Federal Government to State Taxation, Robert M. Steed S.Ed.
Constitutional Law - Import-Export Clause - Power of State to Tax Foreign Imports Supplying Current Operating Needs, Stevan Uzelac
Constitutional Law in 1919-1920, Thomas Reed Powell
Constitutional Law in 1919-1920 II, Thomas Reed Powell
Constitutional Law in 1919-1920, III, Thomas Reed Powell
Constitutional Law - Intergovernmental Tax Immunities - Erosion of Distinction Between Taxation of Property and of Privilege, Barry L. Kroll S.Ed.
Constitutional Law - Judicial Power - Power to Compel Fair Apportionment by the Legislature, Walter L. Adams S.Ed.
Constitutional Law - Persons Entitled to Raise Constitutional Questions - Standing to Suppress Evidence Obtained in Violation of the Fourth Amendment, William R. Nicholas
Constitutional Law--Police Power--Michigan Statute Requiring Motorcyclists To Wear Protective Helmets Held Unconstitutional, Michigan Law Review
Constitutional Law - Privilege Against Self-Incrimination - Danger of Prosecution in Other Jurisdictions, George R. Haydon, Jr.
Constitutional Law-Relation of Federal and State Governments- Applicability of State Minimum Price Regulations to Federal Procurement, Alexander E. Bennett
Constitutional Law-Relation of State and Federal Governments-Application of the Hatch Act to the Political Activity of a State Official, Rolfe A. Worden S.Ed.
Constitutional Law - Right to a Trial by Jury-Power of Trial Court to Use Additur, Robert W. Steele S.Ed.
Constitutional Law - Right to Jury Trial in Indirect Criminal Contempts in Federal Courts, Denis T. Rice S.Ed.
Constitutional Law - Right to Travel - Authority of Secretary of State to Deny Passports, Arnold Henson S.Ed.
Constitutional Law - Search and Seizure - Admissibility in a Federal Court of Evidence Illegally Obtained by State Officers, Robert J. Paley
Constitutional Law - Search and Seizure - Duty of Home Owner to Permit Housing Inspection Without A Warrant, Joseph J. Schneider
Constitutional Law-Search and Seizure-Retrospective Application of Mapp v. Ohio, Timothy D. Wittlinger
Constitutional Law- Search and Seizure- Search Incidental to an Administrative Arrest, James J. White
Constitutional Law-Self-Incrimination- Denial of Privilege to General Partner Holding Subpoenaed Books and Records of Limited Partnership, Roger L. McManus
Constitutional Law - Separation of Church and State - Bible Reading in the Public Schools, Henry B. Pearsall
Constitutional Law- State Action and the Equal Protection Clause - Status of Lessee of Public Property, Stephen Bard
Constitutional Law - State Action - Imposing Criminal Penalties to Enforce Private Discrimination, Melvyn I. Mozinski S.Ed.
Constitutional Law-State Action: Significant Involvement in Ostensibly Private Discriminations-Mulkey v. Reitman, Michigan Law Review
Constitutional Law - Substantive Due Process - Statute Prohibiting Use of Contraceptives, Erik J. Stapper S.Ed.
Constitutional Law--The Right to a Jury Trial in Disbarment Proceedings, Michigan Law Review
Constitutional Right to Jury Trial in Criminal Contempt Cases?-United States v. Barnett, Michigan Law Review
Constitution of the Empire of Japan, George A. Malcolm
Constraints on Local Governments in Public Employee Bargaining, Charles M. Rehmus
Constructing a Constitution: 'Orginal Intention' in the Slave Cases, James Boyd White
Construction, Reformation, and the Rule Against Perpetuities, Olin L. Browder Jr.
Consumer Protection in an Age of Uncertainty, University of Michigan Law School
Consumer Protection in Michigan: Current Methods and Some Proposals for Reform, Michigan Law Review
Contacts - Subrogation - Partial Subrogation of a Cause of Action for Personal Injuries, Jerome M. Salle
Contempt-Injunctions-Federal Civil Contempt Decree Orders Deputy Sheriff To Resign From Office-Lance v. Plummer, Michigan Law Review
Contempt of Congress: A Reply to the Critics of an Absolute Rule of Statutory Stare Decisis, Lawrence C. Marshall
Continuing Korematsu: Our Fight in the Trump Era, University of Michigan Law School
Contract as Promise: A Theory of Contractual Obligation, Michigan Law Review
Contract Law, Default Rules, and the Philosophy of Promising, Richard Craswell
Contracts--Consideration--Inadequacy of Consideration As a Factor in Determining Unconscionability Under Section 2-302 of the Uniform Commercial Code, Michigan Law Review
Contracts - Damages - Punitive Damages Awarded for Breach Accompanied by Fraudulent Act, Theodore G. Koerner
Contracts--Expanded Application of Promissory Estoppel in Restatement of Contracts Section 90--Hoffman v. Red Owl Stores, Inc., Michigan Law Review
Contracts-Frustration of Purpose, T. Ward Chapman S.Ed.
Contracts - Offer and Acceptance - Newspaper Advertisement as Offer to Sell, Theodore G. Koerner
Contracts - Statute of Frauds - Effect on Oral Exclusive Distributorship Agreement for Indefinite Duration, Robert Segar
Contracts - Statute of Frauds - Signature Applicable to Only Part of a Memorandum, George R. Haydon Jr.
Contractual Complexity in Debt Agreements: The Case of EBITDA, University of Michigan Law School
Contribution - Joint Liability - Claimant Not a Volunteer But Not Subject to a Common Liability, Melvyn I. Mozinski
Controlling Jury Damage Awards in Private Antitrust Suits, Michigan Law Review
Controlling the Police: The Judge's Role in Making and Reviewing Law Enforcement Decisions, Wayne R. LaFave and Frank J. Remington
Control of Foreign Investment in France, Charles Torem and William Laurence Craig
Conversations on Actual Innocence & The Michigan Innocence Clinic, Criminal Law Society
Convertible Securities and Section 16(b): The persistent Problems of Purchase, Sale, and Debts Previously Contracted, W. Richard Keller
Cooperation between the Bar and the Public in Improving the Administration of Justice, Edson R. Sunderland
Co-operation Between the Judiciary and the Police, John B. Waite
Cooper: Living the Law, John P. Dawson
Cooper: The Lawyer and Administrative Agencies, Whitney R. Harris
Cooper: State Administrative Law, Dan M. Byrd Jr.
Cooper: Writing in Law Practice, John L. FitzGerald
Coordinating Injunctions, University of Michigan Law School
Copyright and Morals, Edward S. Rogers
Copyright-Notice Requirements-Pitfalls for the Unwary, Gregor N. Neff
Copyright of Textile Designs - Clarity and Confusion in the Second Circuit, Thomas Ehrlich
Copyright Pre-emption and Character Values: The Paladin Case as an Extension of Sears and Compco, Michigan Law Review
Copyright--Protection Denied to Verbal Expression of Simple Subject Matter--Morrissey v. Proctor & Gamble Co., Michigan Law Review
Copyrights-Liabilty of Store Owner for Sale of Infringing Phonograph Records by Concessionaire, Terrence L. Croft
Copyrights-Limitations on Proprietor's Exclusive Right to Vend, David M. Ebel
Corporate Criminal Law is Too Broad--Worse, It's Too Narrow, University of Michigan Law School
Corporate Earnings as Gains Profits and Income as Depending Upon the Time of Their Accrual, Robert M. Drysdale and Maurice C. McGiffin
Corporate Governance + Social Impact, University of Michigan Law School
Corporate Life After Death: CERCLA Preemption of State Corporate Dissolution Law, Audrey J. Anderson
Corporations- Allocation of Subsidiary's Tax Benefit from Consolidated Return, Thomas B. Ridgley
Corporations - Amendment of Articles of Incorporation - Power of Majority to Require Holders of Redeemable Preferred Stock to Accept Bonds Instead of Money in Redemption, Clayton R. Smalley
Corporations and Express Trusts as Business Organizations, Horace L. Wilgus
Corporations and Express Trusts: As Business Organizations, Horace La Fayette Wilgus
Corporations - Capital and Stock - Applicability of Restrictions on Transfer of Stock to Transfer Caused by Death, Robert P. Luciano
Corporations - Clayton Act - Service of Process on Alien Corporations Through Their Local Subsidiaries, George R. Haydon Jr.
Corporations - Compensation of Management - Bonus Plan, Sidney Buchanan
Corporations - Derivative Suits - Stockholder Demand as Condition Precedent, W. Stanley Walch S.Ed.
Corporations - Directors - Validity of By-Law Permitting Removal of Directors Without Cause, Timothy F. Scanlon
Corporations - Dissolution - Effect on Federal Criminal Prosecution Against Corporation, Lawrence J. LaBrie
Corporations - Dissolution - Equity Power to Dissolve Going Concern for Dissension, Robert P. Luciano S.Ed. and Robert M. Vorsanger
Corporations - Liabilites - Inadequate Capitalization as Ground for Disregarding Corporate Entity, Lewis L. Clum
Corporations - Officers and Directors - Indemnification of Expenses Incurred in Defense of Contract of Employment, John P. Williams
Corporations-Officers and Directors-Liability for Representative Acts Under the Sherman Act, Leon E. Irish
Corporations - Stock Transfer - Enforceability of Restrictions on Right of Transfer When Not Stated on Certificate, L. Ronald Modlin
Costs of Unsuccessful Criminal Defense Are Deductible "Ordinary and Necessary" Business Expenses--Tellier v. Commissioner, Michigan Law Review
Cound, Friedenthal & Miller: Civil Procedure, Cases and Materials, Arthur J. Lombard
Coup De Grace for Personal Injury Torts?, Alfred F. Conard
Courage // Purpose // Authenticity, University of Michigan Law School
Courage // Purpose // Authenticity: Black Women Leaders in the Civil Rights Movement Era and Beyond, University of Michigan Law School
Court, Congress, and Reapportionment, Robert B. McKay
Courts-Scope of Authority-Sterilization of Mental Defectives, William R. Warnock
Courts-State Substantive Law Applies in Non-Diversity Actions When Local Interests Predominate-United States v. Yazell, Michigan Law Review
Covering the Trump Administration, American Constitution Society
Cox, Fellmeth, Schulz: The Consumer and the Federal Trade Commission, Ernest Gellhorn
Coyle v. The Commonwealth, Henry W. Rogers
Cramton & Currie: Conflict of Laws: Cases--Comments--Questions, Robert A. Leflar
Creditor's Rights - Garnisment -Garnishment of Branch Banks, Thomas S. Erickson S.Ed.
Creditors' Rights - Physicians' Liens on Patients' Tort Claim, Clayton R. Smalley
Crewmen Under Contract to Professional Salvor May Claim Salvage Award--Nicholas E. Vernicos Shipping Co. v. United States, Michigan Law Review
Crimes Against Humanity and the Principle of Nonextradition of Political Offenders, Manuel R. Garcia-Mora
Crimes of Obedience: Toward Social Psychology of Authority and Responsibility, Michael Kenneth Isenman
Crime, the Public, and the Crime Commission: A Critical Review of the Challenge of Crime in a Free Society, Warren Lehman
Criminal Law-Aiding and Abeiting-Criminal Liablity for Knowingly Furnishing Racing Results to Bookmakers, John H. Blish
Criminal Law-Confessions-Admission of Illegally Obtained Confession in State Criminal Prosecution Is Harmless Error Not Requiring Reversal of Conviction--People v. Jacobson, Michigan Law Review
Criminal Law - Due Process - Public Policy as Valid Grounds for Denying Recovery of Proceeds of Illegal Act, John Morrow S.Ed.
Criminal Law - Evidence - Wiretapping, James A. Park
Criminal Law - Felony - Murder-Guilt of Robber for the Justifiable Killing of His Accomplice by a Policeman, Nick E. Yocca S.Ed.
Criminal Law - Insane Persons - Competency to Stand Trial, John H. Hess M.D., Henry B. Pearsall S.Ed., Donald A. Slichter S.Ed., and Herbert E. Thomas M.D.
Criminal Law - Insane Persons - Influence of Mental Illness on the Parole Return Process, David G. Davies S.Ed. and John H. Hess M.D.
Criminal Law-Involuntary Manslaughter- Presence as a Pre-Requisite to Liablity for Permitting an Incompetent to Drive an Automobile, Peter D. Byrnes S. Ed
Criminal Law-Reiterated Contempt of Court, Robert C. Bonges
Criminal Procedure--Discovery-Right of Prosecution to Pre-trial Discovery, Thomas G. Dignan Jr.
Criminal Procedure--Evidence--Composite Drawing Not Producible Under Jencks Act--United States v. Zurita, Michigan Law Review
Criminal Procedure - Jurisdiction - Juvenile Court's Right to Exclusive Jurisdiction Over a Contempt Proceeding Originally Initiated Against a Minor Child in a Court of General Jurisdiction, Victor J. Gibbons S.Ed.
Criminal Procedure on the American Frontier: A Study of the Statutes and Court Records of Michigan Territory 1805-1825, William Wirt Blume
Criminal Procedure - Search and Seizure - Federal Court Injunction Against State Officer to Suppress Illegally Obtained Evidence in State Court, S. Anthony Benton
Crisis-Driven Tax Law: The Case of Section 382, Albert H. Choi, Quinn Curtis, and Andrew T. Hayashi
Critical Legal Studies, Michael F. Colosi
Culp: Discretionary Justice: A Preliminary Inquiry, Albert J. Reiss Jr.
Current Problems in Securities Regulation, Robert N. Dorosin, Ira J. Jaffe, Rolfe A. Worden, James C. Lockwood, and Willoughby C. Johnson
Currie: Selected Essays on the Conflict of Laws, Elliott E. Cheatham
Custodial Police Interrogation in Our Nation's Capital: The Attempt to Implement Miranda, Richard J. Medalie, Leonard Zeitz, and Paul Alexander
Customary Law of Indigenous Communities: Making Space on the Global Environmental Stage, Melissa L. Tatum
Cyber Mobs, Disinformation, and Death Videos: The Internet as It Is (and as It Should Be), Danielle Keats Citron
Damage Liability of Charitable Institutions, Carl Zollman
Damages - Automobile Collisions - Penalties for Failure to Settle Small Claims Promptly, Ralph E. Boches
Damages-Compensation for Curtailment of Life Expectancy as a Separate Element of Damages-Downie v. United States Lines Co., Michigan Law Review
Damages-Pain and Suffering-Use of a Mathematical Formula, Thomas D. Heekin S .Ed.
Dara Pincas, '97, University of Michigan Law School
Data Privacy and Portability in Financial Technology: About the Symposium, Michigan Technology Law Review
Data Privacy and Portability in Financial Technology: Closing Remarks, Michigan Technology Law Review
Data Privacy and Portability in Financial Technology: Keynote Address, Michigan Technology Law Review
Data Privacy and Portability in Financial Technology: The Impact of the GDPR on Fintech Data Portability, Michigan Technology Law Review
Data Privacy and Portability in Financial Technology: Why Data Owndership Matters, Michigan Technology Law Review
Davey v. Aetna Life Ins. Co., Henry W. Rogers
David Darwin Hughes, Thomas M. Cooley
David Maynard et al v. Fractional School District, & c., Thomas M. Cooley
Dawson: A History of Lay Judges, Spencer L. Kimball
Deal Protection Devices, University of Michigan Law School
Decisions, Statutes, & C., Concerning the Law of Estates in Land, John R. Rood
Decisions, Statutes, & C., Concerning the Law of Estates in Land, John R. Rood
Declaratory Judgments-Avoidance of Peril-Refusal to Adjudicate Rights of Will Beneficiary Under No-Contest Clause-Testator, Burton L. Raimi S.Ed
Decolonial Comparative Law: A Conceptual Beginning, University of Michigan Law School
Dedication, Michigan Law Review
Deducting the Cost of Smoking Cessation Programs Under Internal Revenue Code Section 213, Michigan Law Review
Defending DACA: Preparing for the SCOTUS Argument, University of Michigan Law School
Defending Women, Susan Estrich
Delivery and Acceptance of Deeds, Herbert T. Tiffany
Democracy and Its Critics, Cary Coglianese
Democratic Debate Watch Party, Michigan Law American Civil Liberties Union
Departure from Precedent, H W. Humble
Descent and Distribution - Joint Ownership - Imposition of Constructive Trust on Murderer of Co-Tenant, John B. Schwemm S.Ed.
Designing and Enforcing Preliminary Agreements, Albert H. Choi and George Triantis
Determination of Federal Jurisdictional Amount in Suits on Unliquidated Claims, Michigan Law Review
Detroit Savings Bank v. Zeigler, Henry W. Rogers
Development of the Doctrine of Impossibility of Performance, William Herbert Page
Dickerson: The Fundamentals of Legal Drafting, George P. Smith II
Dicta, University of Michigan Law School
Dietze: America's Political Dilemma, Paul G. Kauper
Digital Redlining in the Fintech Marketplace: Evidence from U.S. Zipcodes, University of Michigan Law School
Digitizing Scent and Flavor: A Copyright Perspective, Amara Lopez
Dignity Transacted: Emotional Labor and the Racialized Workplace, Lu-in Wang and Zachary W. Brewster
Direct Primary Legislation in Michigan, Arthur C. Millspaugh
Disability Rights and the Discourse of Justice., Samuel Bagenstos
Disadvantages of a Federal Constitutional Convention, Ralph M. Carson
Disaggregating Ineffective Assistance of Counsel Doctrine: Four Forms of Constitutional Ineffectiveness, Eve Brensike Primus
Disclosure of Finance Charges: A Rationale, Robert L. Jordan and William D. Warren
Discovery as Regulation, Diego A. Zambrano
Discrimination in the Hiring and Assignment of Teachers in Public School Systems, Michigan Law Review
Dismantling the Master’s House: Toward a Justice-Based Theory of Community Economic Development, Etienne C. Toussaint
Disposition of the Irresponsible: Protection Following Commitment, Travis H. Lewin
Dispossessing Detroit, Michigan Journal of Law Reform
Dispossessing Detroit: How the Law Takes Property, Mary Kathlin Sickel
Dispossessing Resident Voice: Municipal Receiverships and the Public Trust, Juliet M. Moringiello
Divergent Views as to Applicability to National Banks of State Restrictions on Home-City Branching--Walker Bank & Trust Co. v. Saxon; Commercial Security Bank v. Saxon, Michigan Law Review
Diversity in the Judiciary, American Constitution Society
Divestiture of Illegally Held Assets: Observations on Its Scope, Objective, and Limitations, William T. Kerr
Doctrine of Bad Faith in the Law of Negotiable Instruments, George W. Rightmire
Document of Title: A Comparison of the Uniform Commercial Code and Other Uniform Acts, With Emphasis on Michigan Law, Douglass Boshkoff
Documents and Their Scientific Examination, Victor H. Lane
Does Capital Bear the U.S. Corporate Tax After All? New Evidence from Corporate Tax Returns, Edward Fox
Does NEPA Require an Impact Statement on Inaction?, Michigan Law Review
Does the Constitution Protect Free Speech, Herbert F. Goodrich
"Do Lawyers Need Economists?" Review of Economic Transplants: On Lawmaking for Corporations and Capital Markets, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah
Domestic Corporate Tangible and Intangible Invested Capital, Frederick M. Thulin
Donnelly, Goldstein & Schwartz: Criminal Law, B. J. George Jr.
"Downright Indifference": Examining Unpublished Decisions in the Federal Courts of Appeals, Merritt E. McAlister
Driver Behavior and Legal Sanctions: A Study of Deterrence, Roger C. Cramton
#DROPEXXON: Sign the Pledge to Boycott Paul, Weiss, Students of Michigan Law School
Duration and Termination of an Offer, Herman Oliphant
Earl Warren, the "Warren Court," and the Warren Myths, Philip B. Kurland
E. Blythe Stason, John R. Dethmers
E. Blythe Stason- Engineer of Administrative Law, Ashley Sellers
Economic Sanctions: A Look Back and a Look Ahead, Andreas F. Lowenfeld
Economics and Law: Two Cultures in Tension, James Boyd White
Ecosystem Competition and the Antitrust Laws, Daniel A. Crane
Edgar Durfee: Teacher and Scholar, George E. Palmer
Editorial Preface to This Volume, Joseph H. Drake
Editorial Preface to This Volume, Joseph H. Drake
Editors' Note, Michigan Law Review
Edson R. Sunderland and Judicial Administration, Glenn R. Winters
Edson R. Sunderland and the Teaching of Procedure, Charles H. King
Edson R. Sunderland's Contribution to the Reform of Civil Procedure in Illinois, George Ragland Jr.
Edson R. Sunderland's Role in Michigan Procedure, Jason L. Honigman
Edson Sunderland and the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, Charles E. Clark
Effective Representation and Multimember Districts, Michigan Law Review
Egalitarianism and the Warren Court, Philip B. Kurland
Ehrenzweig: Conflict of Laws Part One Jurisdiction and Judgments, Charles D. Kelso
Eighteen Is Not a Magic Number: Why the Eighth Amendment Requires Protection for Youth Aged Eighteen to Twenty-Five, Tirza A. Mullin
EIS Supplements for Improperly Completed Projects: A Logical Extension of Judicial Review Under NEPA, Michigan Law Review
Elements of the Law of Negotiable Contracts, Elias Finley Johnson
Elements of the Law of Partnership, Floyd R. Mechem
Babcock v. Jackson: The Transition from the Lex Loci Delicti Rule to the Dominant Contacts Approach, Arthur M. Sherwood
Betts v. Brady Twenty Years Later: The Right to Counself and Due Process Values, Yale Kamisar
Embezzled Funds as Taxable Income: A Study in Judicial Footwork, Jerome B. Libin and George R. Haydon Jr.
Emerson: Political and Civil Rights in the United States, T. A. Smedley
FTC v. Jantzen: Blessing, Disaster, or Tempest in a Teapot?, Thomas E. Kauper
Eminent Domain - Procedure - Relation of Judge and Jury in Michigan Condemnation Proceedings, John H. Jackson S.Ed.
Eminent Domain-Urban Renewal-Broader Powers to Take Private Property for Public Use, Roger L. McManus
Korematsu's Legacy in the Trump Era, University of Michigan Law School
Linkletter, Shott, and the Retroactivity Problem in Escobedo, J. Alan Galbraith
Employee Selection Base on Susceptibility to Occupational Illness, Mark A. Rothstein
Employee Standing Under Section 4 of the Clayton Act, Michigan Law Review
Empty History, Erwin Chermerinsky
Rodriguez, Tucker, and the Dangers of Textualism, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah
Sabbatino Doctrine Modified in Foreign Assistance Act of 1964, Michigan Law Review
SFF v. Harvard: Defending Diversity in Higher Education, University of Michigan Law School
The Great Gatsby, The Black Sox, High Finance, and American Law, Allen Boyer
Enforcement Procedure of Oberlin, Ohio, Fair Housing Ordinance Held Unconstitutional--Porter v. City of Oberlin, Michigan Law Review
English Law Courts at the Close of the Revolution of 1688, Arthur L. Cross
Equality at the Cemetery Gates: Study of an African American Burial Ground, William A. Engelhart
Equality's Understudies, Aziz Z. Huq
Equal Protection, Class Legislation, and Sex Discrimination: One Small Cheer for Mr. Herbert Spencer's Social Statics, Mark G. Yudof
Equal Protection for the Illegitimate, Harry D. Krause
Equal Protection Under Algorithms: A New Statistical and Legal Framework, Crystal S. Yang and Will Dobbie
Equitable Considerations Held Not Applicable to Defense of Lack of Overpayment--Dysart v. United States, Michigan Law Review
Equitable Defenses under Modern Codes, E W. Hinton
Equitable Servitudes, George L. Clark
Equity and the Constitution, Michigan Law Review
Equity and the Eco-System: Can Injunctions Clear the Air?, Michigan Law Review
Equity, Due Process and the Seventh Amendment: A Commentary on the Zenith Case, Patrick Devlin
Ernst & Schwartz: Censorship: The Search for the Obscene, Erwin B. Ellmann
Escheat - Abandoned Property - Full Faith and Credit as a Bar to Multiple Escheat of Intangibles, Clarold L. Britton S.Ed.
Establishing Relations between Law and Other Forms of Thought and Language, James Boyd White
Establishment of Bargaining Rights Without an NLRB Election, Howard Lesnick
Estate Tax-"Disallowance of Double Deductions" in I.R.C. Section 642 (g) Applies Only to "Statutory Deductions"-Estate of Bray, Michigan Law Review
Estate Tax--Life Insurance--Section 2035 As a Basis for Including Life Insurance Proceeds in the Gross Estate of an Insured Who Paid Premiums on a Policy Owned by Another Person, Michigan Law Review
Estate Tax-The Failure of I.R.C. Section 2039 To Reach Death Benefits Arising Out of the Employment Relationship-Estate of Fusz, Michigan Law Review
European Merger Control: Legal and Economic Analyses on Multinational Enterprises, Volume 1, Michigan Law Review
Evidence-Admissibility and Weight of Photographs, James W. Collier
Evidence--Attorney-Client Privilege -- Identiy of Client Held Privileged, Michael M. Hughes
Evidence - Character Testimony - Impeachment Through Reference to Prior Specific Acts of Defendant, Lawrence E. Blades S.Ed.
Evidence-Confessions-Admissiblity of a Subsequent Confession Under the McNabb-Mallory Doctrine, Ira J. Jaffe S.Ed.
Evidence - Corroboration of Extrajudicial Confession - Quantum of Independent Evidence Required to Sustain Conviction, Thomas A. Dieterich
Evidence-Hearsay-Admissbility of Accident Reports Under the Federal Business Records Act, Thomas G. Dignan Jr.
Evidence-Hearsay-Exclusion of Self-Serving Declarations, John M. Price S.Ed.
Evidence- Hearsay-Scope of Federal Rule 43(a), David K. Kroll S. Ed
Evidence Illegally Seized by Private Persons Excluded From Criminal Prosecution--People v. McComb, Michigan Law Review
Evidence--Medical Treatises To Be Admitted as Direct Evidence in Wisconsin--Lewandowski v. Preferred Risk Mutual Ins. Co., Michigan Law Review
Evidence of the Absence of Fresh Complaint Is Admissible in Sodomy Prosecution-United States v. Goodman, Michigan Law Review
Evidence - Presumptions - Statutory Presumption of Due Care in Wrongful Death Action, Francis X. Beytagh Jr.
Evidence - Rules of Evidence in Disbarment, Habeas Corpus, and Grand Jury Proceedings, Paul S. Gerding S.Ed.
Evidence - Rules of Evidence in Disbarment, Habeas Corpus, and Grand Jury Proceedings, Paul S. Gerding S.Ed.
Evolutionary Jurisprudence: Prospects and Limitations on the Use of Modern Darwinism Throughout the Legal Process, Steven Kasten
Exam Break Perks Preview, University of Michigan Law School
Examining Copyright, University of Michigan Law School
Executors and Administrators-Sale of Realty in the Estate-Better Price as Reason for Permitting Sale Under "Best Interests of the Estate" Provision, William J. Bogaard
Exploring Lawful Hacking as a Possible Answer to the "Going Dark" Debate, Carlos Liguori
Exploring the Roots of Our Criminal Justice Systems, Samuel Walker
Ex Post Facto in the Constitution, Oliver P. Field
Expungement of Criminal Convictions: An Empirical Study, J.J. Prescott and Sonja B. Starr
Extension of Judicial Review in New York, Edward S. Corwin
Extension of Liability of Abstracters, Harry R. Trusler
Extraterritorial Application of Penal Legislation, B. J. George Jr.
Extraterritorial Application of the Export Administration Act of 1979 Under International and American Law, Michigan Law Review
Fadwa Hammoud, Solicitor General of Michigan, Middle Eastern Law Students Association
Fair Housing Laws and Brokers' Defamation Suits: The New York Experience, Michigan Law Review
Falk & Mendlovitz: The Strategy of World Order, Rosalyn Higgins
Fall Blue Jeans Lecture, University of Michigan Law School
False Influencing, University of Michigan Law School
Family Courts, Willis B. Perkins
Family Traits, Inga Markovits
Farnsworth: Introduction to the Legal System of the United States, Luke K. Cooperrider
Fascism and Monopoly, University of Michigan Law School
Fascism and Monopoly, Daniel A. Crane
Fawcett: International Law and the Uses of Outer Space, Stanley D. Metzger
Federal Agency Investigations: Procedural Rights of the Subpoenaed Witness, Frank C. Newman
Federal Agency Investigations: Requirements for the Production of Documents, Frank E. Cooper
Federal and International Proceedings - United States Acceptance of International Court of Justice Compulsory Jurisdiction, Robert Jillson
Federal Antitrust Law-Mergers-An Updating of the "Failing Company" Doctrine in the Amended Section 7 Setting, Philip Sotiroff S.Ed.
Federal Antitrust Law--Price Discrimination--Proof and Measurement of Damages In Treble Damage Action, Richard A. Miller S.Ed.
Federal Antitrust Laws - Exclusive Dealing - Standards of Illegality Under Section 3 of the Clayton Act, Judd L. Bacon S. Ed.
Federal Antitrust Law-Sherman Act-Resale Restrictions in Agreements Between Manufacturer and Distributors, S. Anthony Benton
Federal Antitrust Law - Stockholders' Remedies for Corporate Injury Resulting from Antitrust Violations: Derivative Antitrust Suit and Fiduciary Duty Action, William Y. Webb S.Ed.
Federal Appellate Jurisdiction-International Extradition-Review of Extradition Proceedings, Martin R. Fine S.Ed.
Federal Civil Procedure-Discovery-Availability of Attorney-Client Privilege to Corporations, Stephen M. Wittenberg
Federal Civil Procedure-Existence of Federal Cause of Action for Abuse of Federal Process, Laurence D. Connor
Federal Civil Procedure-Federal Rule 12(E): Motion for More Definite Statement- History, Operation and Efficacy, Stefan F. Tucker S.Ed.
Federal Civil Procedure-Federal Rule 16-Definition of Issues by the Pre-Trial Judge, F. Bruce Kulp Jr.
Federal Civil Procedure - Judgments - Use of Federal Rule 60(b)(6) to Adjust Forfeitures Downward, Cecil R. Mellin
Federal Civil Procedure--Right to Trial by Jury--State Law Controlling in Characterization of Issues as Legal or Equitable, Donald E. Vacin S.Ed.
Federal Civil Procedure-Venue-Effect of 1948 Judicial Code Definition of Corporate Residence on Venue Under the Jones Act, Mary Mandana Long
Federal Courts - Choice of Law Application of Federal Law to Government Subcontract in Federal Diversity Case, H. C. Snyder Jr.
Federal Courts-Choice of Law-Refusal to Apply State Limitation to Federally-Created Right, Paul Tractenberg
Federal Courts--Discovery--Stay of Discovery in Civil Court To Protect Proceedings in Concurrent Criminal Action--The Pattern of Remedies, Michigan Law Review
Federal Courts-Jurisdiciton-District Court Transfer of Action Under Section 1406(a) Without Jurisdiction Over Person of Defendant, J. Patrick Martin S.Ed.
Federal Criminal Procedure-Collateral Relief Under 28 U.S.C. Section 2255- Discretion of Sentencing Court to Dismiss Successive Application Without Hearing, Richard B. Rogers
Federal Criminal Procedure-Subpoena of Nonresident Citizen as Witness Before Grand Jury, Andre A. Schwartz
Federal Criminal Procedure-Transfer for Trial Under Rule 21(b), F. David Trickey
Federal Estate Taxation of Community Property Life Insurance, Michigan Law Review
Federal Forum Provisions and the Internal Affairs Doctrine, Dhruv Aggarwal, Albert H. Choi, and Ofer Eldar
Federal Income Taxation-Accounting Methods-Accounting for Prepayments and Estimated Future Expenses, Jerome M. Salle S.Ed.
Federal Income Tax-Deductibilty of Depreciation in Year of Sale Where Sale Price Exceeds Adjusted Basis of Asset, Paul A. Rothman
Federal Income Tax-Definition of Collapsible Corporation, John E. Mogk
Federal Incorporation, Myron W. Watkins
Federal Incorporation, Myron W. Watkins
Federal Incorporation, Myron W. Watkins
Federal Jurisdiction-Federal Civil Procedure-Right to Jury Trial of Seaman's Claim for Maintenance and Cure Where Joined with Claim Under Jones Act, Edwin A. Howe Jr.
Federal Jurisdiction--Pendent Claims--Doctrine of Pendent Jurisdiction Applies to Claim of Second Plaintiff--Wilson v. American Chain & Cable co.; Newman v. Freeman, Michigan Law Review
Federal Jurisdiction-Three-Judge Courts-The Recent Evolution in Jurisdiction and Appellate Review, Peter W. Williamson S.Ed.
Federal Law Held To Govern Effect of the Release of a Joint Tortfeasor in Private Antitrust Suit-Winchester Drive-in Theatre, Inc. v. Twentieth Century Fox Film Co., Michigan Law Review
Federal Practice - Venue - Applicability of General Venue Satute to Defendant Brought Into a Case After Removal from the State Court, Nick E. Yocca S.Ed.
Federal Priority Statute Gives United States Nontax Priority in Chapter X Corporate Reorganizations-United States v. Anderson, Michigan Law Review
Federal Procedure-Appellate Practice-"Excusable Neglect" In Failing to Perfect Criminal Appeal Provides No Ground for Collateral Review of Conviction, H. C. Snyder Jr.
Federal Procedure- Habeas Corpus-Custody as a Prerequisite for Jurisdiction, William C. Griffith
Federal Procedure - Judgments - Finality of Judgment Required to Begin Running of Time for Appeal, Arnold Henson S.Ed.
Federal Procedure - Jurisdiction - Statutory Change in Jurisdictional Amount and Corporate Citizenship, Philip Belleville
Federal Procedure - Mandamus - Power of Courts of Appeal, Jerome K. Walsh, Jr. S.Ed.
Federal Procedure- Pre-Trail Disclosures- Sanctions Available to Enforce Pre-Trial Orders, John M. Price
Federal Procedure - Trial Practice - Not Reversible Error for Trial Judge to Summon Jury Sua Sponte After Waiver, Thomas A. Dieterich
Federal Procedure - Trial Practice - Right to Jury Trial on Common Question of Law and Fact, Cecil R. Mellin
Federal Procedure - Venue - Application of Special Venue Provision to Change of Venue in Patent Infringement Action, Dean L. Berry S.Ed.
"Federal Question" Jurisdiction -- A Snare and a Delusion, Ernest J. London
Federal Registration of Judgments Act Allows Execution Upon Foreign Judgment Although Suit on Judgment Is Time Barred in Registration State--Stanford v. Utley, Michigan Law Review
Federal Rule 44.1 and the "Fact" Approach to Determining Foreign Law: Death Knell for a Die-hard Doctrine, Arthur R. Miller
Federal Rules of Civil Procedure-Rule 19 and Indispensable Parties, Michigan Law Review
Federal Taxation - Tax Aspects of Corporate Buy and Sell Agreement, Joel D. Tauber S.Ed.
Federal Taxation - Transferee Liability of Insurance Beneficiary, John Gelder S.Ed.
Federal Trade Commission-Adjudicatory Proceedings-Receipt of Evidence in Camera, Peter W. Williamson
Federal Trade Commission Proceedings and Section 5 of the Clayton Act: Application and Implications, Michigan Law Review
Federal Trade Commission Regulation of Advertising, Earl W. Kintner
Fee-Shifting Statutes and Compensation for Risk, Maureen S. Carroll
Feigned Consensus: Usurping the Law in Shaken Baby Syndrome/Abusive Head Trauma Prosecutions, Keith A. Findley, D. Michael Risinger, Patrick D. Barnes, Julie A. Mack, David A. Moran, Barry C. Scheck, and Thomas L. Bohan
Feminism and Post-Structuralism, Joan C. Williams
Fictitious Payee, Victor H. Kulp
Fiduciary Administration - Compensation - Extra Compensation and the Rule Against Self-Dealing, David Shute
Fiduciary Administration - Nominee Statutes - Transfer of Securities Held for the Benefit of Another, Joseph T. de Nicola
Fiduciary Administration-Power of Court to Authorize Inter Vivos Distribution from Incompetent's Estate, Robert C. Bonges
Fiduciary Ideology in Transactions Affecting Corporate Control, Victor Brudney
Fifth Circuit Relies on Administrative Standards in School Desegregation Cases--Singleton v. Jackson Municipal Separate School District, Michigan Law Review
Finals Fuel, University of Michigan Law School
Fisher: International Conflict for Beginners, Stanley D. Metzger
Fixing America's Founding, Maeve Glass
Fixing the Problem of Incompetent Defense Counsel Before the International Criminal Court, Matthew Catallo
Food and Fuel Control, William Barker Marvin
Food Freedom, The Federalist Society
For Cause: Rethinking Racial Exclusion and the American Jury, Thomas Ward Frampton
Foreign Investment Protection: A Reasoned Approach, Earl Snyder
Foreign Lienor Cannot Prevail in Ohio Against Subsequent Good Faith Purchaser Who Holds Ohio Certificate of Title- Commercial Credit Corp. v. Pottmeyer, Michigan Law Review
Foreword, Frank R. Kennedy
Foreword: Environmental Quality, the Courts, and the Congress, Henry M. Jackson
Forgotten Points in the "Exclusionary Rule" Debate, James Boyd White
Forming a Subsidiary in the European Common Market, Alfred F. Conard
Forms of Anglo Saxon Contracts and Their Sanctions, Robert L. Henry Jr
Forms of Anglo Saxon Contracts and Their Sanctions, Robert L. Henry Jr
Fortas: Concerning Dissent and Civil Disobedience, Terrance Sandalow and Michael E. Tigar
Foster Parents Versus Agencies: A Case Study in the Judicial Application of "The Best Interests of the Child" Doctrine, Sanford N. Katz
Foundations and the Patman Committee Report, John E. Riecker
Foundations: Curriculum & Faculty, University of Michigan Law School
Fraenkel: Lawyer's Medical Cyclopedia of Personal Injuries and Allied Specialties, C. W. Muehlberger Ph.D.
Frank: Lincoln As A Lawyer, Spencer L. Kimball
Frank: Marble Palace. The Supreme Court in American Life, Earl Latham
Fraudulent Conveyances in the Conflict of Laws: Easy Cases May Make Bad Law, Albert A. Ehrenzweig and Peter K. Westen
Freedom of Navigation for International Rivers: What Does It Mean?, Ralph W. Johnson
Freedom of Speech and of the Press in the Federalist Period the Sedition Act, Thomas F. Carroll
Freedom of Speech and of the Press in War Time the Espionage Act, Thomas F. Carroll
Freeman: Responsibility of States for Unlawful Acts of Their Armed Forces, Brunson MacChesney
Free Speech and Valuable Speech: Silence, Dante, and the 'Marketplace of Ideas', James Boyd White
Free Will in the Frontiers of Federalism, John R. Brown
Freezing Voter Qualifications To Aid Negro Registration, Michigan Law Review
(F) Reorganizations and Proposed Alternate Routes for Post-Reorganization Net Operating Loss Carrybacks, Michigan Law Review
Frey, Morris, Jr. & Choper: Cases and Materials on Corporations, Stanley Siegel
Friedrich: The Philosophy of Law in Historical Perspective, Edgar Bodenheimer
Friendly: Benchmarks, Manuel F. Cohen
Friendly & Goldfarb: Crime an Publicity: The Impact of News on the Administration of Justice, Francis C. Sullivan
From Inactivity to Full Enforcement: The Implementation of the "Do No Harm" Approach in Initial Coin Offerings, Marco Dell'Erba
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Front Matter, Michigan Journal of International Law
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Front Matter, Michigan Law Review
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Front Matter, Journal of Law Reform
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Front Matter, Michigan Journal of International Law
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Front Matter, Michigan Journal of Gender & Law
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Front Matter, Michigan Business & Entrepreneurial Law Review
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Front Matter, Michigan Journal of International Law
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Front Matter, Michigan Journal of Race & Law
Front Matter, Michigan Journal of Environmental & Administrative Law
Front Matter, Michigan Law Review
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Front Matter, Michigan Journal of Race & Law
Front Matter, Journal of Law Reform
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Front Matter, Michigan Law Review
Front Matter, Michigan Law Review
Front Matter, Michigan Law Review
Front Matter, Michigan Law Review
Front Matter, Michigan Law Review
Front Matter, Michigan Law Review
Front Matter, Michigan Law Review
Front Matter, Michigan Law Review
FTC May Determine Whether Advertisements Containing Therapeutic Claims in Promotion of Health Books Are Deceptive- Rodale Press, Inc., Michigan Law Review
Full Faith and Credit to Judgments and Public Acts, Kurt H. Nadelmann
Future Interests--Implying a Requirement of Survival in Future Interests: Continued Confusion--Schau v. Cecil, Michigan Law Review
Future Interests - Oil and Gas - Applicability on the Rule Against Perpetuities to Remote Future Interest Following Reserved Oil and Gas Interest, Robert B. Nelson S.Ed.
Future Interests-Powers of Disposition-Some Practical Considerations in Using Powers of Disposition for Testamentary Purpose, Lawrence Ray Bishop S.Ed.
Future Interests-Rule Against Perpetuities--Cy Pres Applied to Modify an Interest Violating the Rules, T. K. Carroll
Future Interests - Rule Against Perpetuities - Legislation Exempting Options to Purchase in Leases, Edward A. Manuel S.Ed.
Future Interests - Rule Against Perpetuities - Recent Statutory Amendment in New York, Paul K. Gaston S.Ed.
Future Interests - Validity of Shifting Executory Interest on Event Certain to Occur, Jerome B. Libin S.Ed.
Gair & Cutler: Negligence Cases: Winning Strategy, Marcus L. Plant
German Association of Comparative Law: Bibliography of German Law, Lilly Melchior Roberts
German Legal Philosophy, John M. Zane
Giannella: Religion and the Public Order, Rev. Robert F. Drinan S. J.
Gifts-lnformal Writing as Substitute for Delivery, Michigan Law Review
Gifts - Mistake-Rights of the Doner, Donee and Their Successors in Interest to Relief, George RE. Parker III
Gift Taxes-Interest-Free Demand Loans Are Not Taxable Gifts-Johnson v. United States, Michigan Law Review
Gillmor & Barron: Mass Communications Law: Cases and Comment, Nicholas Johnson
Gilmore: Security Interests in Personal Property, Jerry P. Belknap
Gleisser: Juries and Justice, Charles S. Desmond
Global Perspectives on Law, Policy, and Mobility Innovation Conference, University of Michigan Law School
Golden Parachutes and the Limits of Shareholder Voting, Albert H. Choi, Andrew C.W. Lund, and Robert Schonlau
Goodwill and Other Nondepreciable and Depreciable Intangible Property as Invested Capital, Frederick Thulin
Governmental Secrecy and the Founding Fathers: A Study in Constitutional Controls, Michigan Law Review
Government and the Consumer, Richard J. Barber
Government Contracts-Adoption of Uniform Commercial Code as the Applicable Federal Law in an Action for Breach of Government Contract-United States v. Wegematic Corp., Michigan Law Review
Government Contracts-Judicial Review Under Disputes Clause, Amos J. Coffman Jr.
Government Misconduct and Convicting the Innocent: The Role of Prosecutors, Police and Other Law Enforcement, Samuel R. Gross, Maurice J. Possley, Kaitlin Jackson Roll, and Klara Huber Stephens
Government Regulation of Bank Mergers: The Revolving Door ofPhiladelphia Bank, Alexander E. Bennett
Graduate Dual Degree Fair, University of Michigan
Grand Jury Secrecy, Richard M. Calkins
Gratitude Exchange, University of Michigan Law School
Gratuitous Partial Assignments, Edwin D. Dickinson
Graves: American Intergovernmental Relations: Their Origins, Historical Development, and Current Status, Joseph E. Kallenbach
Greenberg: Race Relations and American Law, Spencer L. Kimball
Green: Traffic Victims. Tort Law and Insurance, Spencer L. Kimball
Groping and Coping in the Shadow of Murphy's Law: Bankruptcy Theory and the Elementary Economics of Failure, James W. Bowers
Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry: Confidentiality and Privileged Communication in the Practice of Psychiatry, Henry Weihofen
Group Legal Services and the Right of Association, Michigan Law Review
Group Legal Services for Trade Associations, Richard D. Copaken
Growth and Development of the Police Power of the State, Collins Denny Jr
Grzybowski: Soviet Legal Institutions: Doctrines and Social Functions, Isaac Shapiro
Guided Tour in a Civil Law Library: Sources and Basic Legal Materials in French Civil and Commercial Law, G. M. Razi
Guides to Harmonizing Section 5 of the Federal Trade Commission Act with the Sherman and Clayton Acts, S. Chesterfield Oppenheim
Gun Safety in the Age of Kavanaugh, Joseph S. Hartunian
Habeas Corpus--Custody and Release From Custody Requirements of Habeas Corpus--Viability of McNally v. Hill in the Moden Context, Michigan Law Review
Habeas Corpus: Its History and Its Future, Charles Alan Wright
Habeas Corpus - Jurisdiction - Exhaustion of State Remedies as Prerequisite to Federal Relief, John D. Kelly S.Ed.
Habeas Corpus - Procedural Prerequisites - Motion Denied for Failure to Appeal Convicion Despite Failure Being Excusable, Harvey O. Mierke Jr.
Hail to the Chief: Earl Warren and the Supreme Court, Dennis J. Hutchinson
Haines: The Revival of Natural Law Concepts, Edwin W. Tucker
Handler: Antitrust in Perspective: The Complementary Roles of Rule and Discretion., James A. Rahl
Happy Slaves: A Critique of Consent Theory, Adam C. Sloane
Harper: Justice Rutledge and the Bright Constellation, Eugene Gressman
Hart & Honoré: Causation in the Law, Luke K. Cooperrider
Harvey: Law and Social Change in Ghana, Max Rheinstein
Hating Criminals: How Can Something That Feels So Good Be Wrong?, Joshua Dressler
Havard: The Detection of Secret Homicide, B. J. George Jr.
Hawley: The New Deal and the Monopoly Problem, Arthur D. Austin
Hay: Federalsim and Supranational Organizations. Patterns for New Legal Structures., Thomas Buergenthal
Healthy Data Protection, Lothar Determann
Henkin: Arms Control and Inspection in American Law, Eric Stein
Henry M. Campbell Moot Court Competition Final Round, University of Michigan Law School
Heritage Preservation as a Public Duty: The Abbé Grégoire and the Origins of an Idea, Joseph L. Sax
Hermann: Better Settlements--Through Leverage, James J. White
Hessel E. Yntema, Michigan Law Review
Hints to Young Lawyers. An Address Delivered to the Senior Class of the Law Department of the University of Michigan, Thomas M. Cooley
History of Michigan Constitutional Provision Prohibiting a General Revision of the Laws, W L. Jenks
History's Challenge to Feminism, Jeanne L. Schroeder
Ho Ah Kow v. Matthew Nuan, Thomas M. Cooley
Hobart Coffey, Michigan Law Review
Holt: Magna Carta, James F. Traer
Homelessness: A Historical Perspective on Modern Legislation, Mark Peters
Homer Clark: Colleague and Friend, James Boyd White
Homicide and Succession to Property, William M. McGovern Jr.
Honnold: Unification of the Law Governing International Sales of Goods, E. Allan Farnsworth
Horn: Subrogation in Insurance Theory and Practice, Spencer L. Kimball
Hospital Emergency Service and the Open Door, Leonard S. Powers
Housing Codes, Building Demolition, and Just Compensation: A Rationale for the Exercise of Public Powers Over Slum Housing, Daniel R. Mandelker
How a Conditional Limitation Operates, Harold M. Bowman
Howard: Mr. Justice Murphy, A Political Biography, Eugene Gressman
Howard: The Road from Runnymede: Magna Carta and Constitutionalism in America, Leonard W. Levy
How Consumer Remedies Fail, Bryant G. Garth
How Reporters Can Evaluate Automated Driving Announcements, Bryant Walker Smith
How Should We Talk about Corporations? The Languages of Economics and of Citizenship, James Boyd White
How Theology Might Learn from Law (Symposium: The Theology of the Practice of Law), James Boyd White
How to Succeed as a Summer Associate, University of Michigan Law School
How to Talk about Religion, James Boyd White
Human Dignity and the Claim of Meaning: Athenian Tragic Drama and Supreme Court Decisions, James Boyd White
Humanities and the Law: A Kinship of Performance, James Boyd White
Human Rights and Non-Intervention in the Inter-American System, José A. Cabranes
Hunt: Law and Locomotives: The Impact of the Railroad on Wisconsin Law in the Nineteenth Century, Alan N. Polasky
Hurst: Law and Social Process in United States History, Robert S. Hunt
Hutchins Hall, 1933, University of Michigan Law School
Hutchins Hall interior window, University of Michigan Law School
Hyneman: The Supreme Court on Trial, William W. Van Alstyne
ICC Conditions Merger Approval Upon Retention of Jurisdiction To Allow Inclusion of Additional Railroads in the Future, Michigan Law Review
Idea, Process, or Protected Expression?: Determining the Scope of Copyright Protection of the Structure of Computer Programs, Steven R. Englund
Identification of Property Subject to the Federal Estate Tax, Charles L.B. Lowndes and Richard B. Stephens
If Twitter Ruled the World, Would We Listen?, University of Michigan Law School
Illegitimacy: An Examination of Bastardy, Michigan Law Review
Illuminating Regulatory Guidance, Cary Coglianese
Illustrative Cases on Equity Jurisprudence, Harry B. Hutchins and Robert E. Bunker
Illustrative Cases on Equity Jurisprudence, Harry B. Hutchins and Robert E. Bunker
Immigration and Naturalization-Suspension of Deportation- A Look at a Benevolent Aspect of the McCarran-Walter Act, Kenneth W. Graham, Jr., S.Ed.
"Imminent Danger of Addiction" as a Ground for Involuntary Commitment in California--People v. Victor, Michigan Law Review
Impact of Recent Tax Stimulants on Modest Enterprises, L. Hart Wright and Jerome B. Libin
Implementing Legalization: The State of Marijuana Legalization in the Federal System, The Frank Murphy Society
Implementing the Tokyo Round: Legal Aspects of Changing International Economic Rules, John H. Jackson, Jean-Victor Louis, and Mitsuo Matsushita
Income Tax--Capital Gains Tax--Meaning of "More Than 80 Percent in Value of the Outstanding Stock" Under Section 1239, Michigan Law Review
Income Tax: Corporate Distribution--Tax Benefit Rule Does Not Qualify the Explicit Nonrecognition of Gain Provision of Section 337--Anders v. Commissioner, Michigan Law Review
Income Tax: Corporations--Incorporated Professional Service Organization Taxable as a Corporation; Kintner Regulations Held Invalid--Empey v. United States, Michigan Law Review
Income Tax- Corporations-Legal Expenses Incurred in Sale of Assets Pursuant to a Section 337 Liquidation Are Deductible-United States v. Mountain States Mixed Feed Co., Michigan Law Review
Income Tax-Deductions-Lessor's Amortization of the Amount by which the Purchase Price of Improved Realty Exceeds the Appraised Value of Land-Bender v.United States, Michigan Law Review
Income Tax--Listing Abandoned Residence for Sale and Not for Rent Considered Sufficient To Convert to "Property Held for the Production of Income"--Hulet P. Smith, Michigan Law Review
Income Tax--Recovered Property Previously Deducted Included in Gross Income in Year of Recovery--Alice Phelan Sullivan Corp. v. United States, Michigan Law Review
Increasing Case Traffic: Expanding the International Criminal Court's Focus on Human Trafficking Cases, Nadia Alhadi
Incrementalist vs. Maximalist Reform: Solitary Confinement Case Studies, Margo Schlanger
In Defense of Equality: A Reply to Professor Westen, Erwin Chemerinsky
Index, Michigan Law Review
Index, Michigan Law Review
Index, Michigan Law Review
Index, Michigan Law Review
Index, Michigan Law Review
Index, Michigan Law Review
Index, Michigan Law Review
Index, Michigan Law Review
Index, Michigan Law Review
Index, Michigan Law Review
Index, Michigan Law Review
Index, Michigan Law Review
Indirect Revocation and Termination by Death of Offers, James Lewis Parks
Industrial Self-Regulation and the Public Interest, Harper W. Boyd Jr. and Henry Claycamp
Industry Influence in Federal Regulatory Agencies, Michigan Law Review
Inheritance Taxation - Selected Provisions of Michigan, Illinois and Ohio - A Study in Application and Justification, Edward B. Stulberg S.Ed.
Inheritance, Wealth, and Society, Michigan Law Review
Innovation Consolidation: Industry Concentration and the Commercialization of Intellectual Property, University of Michigan Law School
Innovation in a Legal Vacuum: The Uncertain Legal Landscape for Shared Micro-Mobility, David Pimentel, Michael B. Lowry, Timothy W. Koglin, and Ronald W. Pimentel
In Personam Jurisdiction Over Nonresident Manufacturers in Product Liability Actions, Harry B. Cummins
Insider Securities Dealings During Corporate Crises, Victor Brudney
Insurance - Federal Regulation - Authority of Federal Trade Commission to Regulate False Advertising by Insurance Companies as Affected by the McCarran-Ferguson Act, Charles C. Moore S.Ed.
Insurance Law- Business and Investment Limitations - Authority of Foreign Life Insurer to Acquire a Fire and Casualty Subsidiary, G. E. Oppenneer
Insurance Law - Recovery - Action for Wrongful Refusal to Settle Claim Precluded by Bankruptcy of Insured, James A. McDermott
Insurance - Motor Vehicle Accident Indemnification Corporation Law - Compensation Assured for Innocent Automobile Accident Victims, Bartlett A. Jackson
Insurance--Motor Vehicles--"Newly Acquired Automobile" Clause Extended to Cover Previously Owned Inoperable Vehicles--National Indem. Co. v. Giampapa, Michigan Law Review
Insurance - Rate Regulation - Competitors' Standing to Seek Administrative Review of Rate Filings, Joel N. Simon S. Ed.
Insurance-Rate Regulation-Construction and Effect of Guaranty Bond Agreement, Robert L. Harmon
Insurance - Recovery - Delay of Insurance Company in Rejecting Application for Insurance, Harry D. Krause S.Ed.
Insurance - Recovery - Extent Under Interest Limitation Clause of the Standard Fire Insurance Policy, Roger W. Kapp
Insurance - Regulation - The Extraterritorial Effect of Insurance Regulation, With Particular Emphasis on New York, Bartlett A. Jackson S.Ed.
Insurance - Settlement - Extent of Insurer's Liability for Wrongful Refusal to Settle When Subsequent Judgment Exceeds Policy Limits, Michael B. Lewiston
Insurance-State Regulation-Surplus Line Insurance, James C. Lockwood S.Ed.
Insurance-State Regulation-Unauthorized Insurers False Advertising Process Act, Chester A. Skinner
Insurance-Variable Annuities-Application of Investment Company Act of 1940, William C. Brashares
Insuring Rule 11 Sanctions, Cary Coglianese
Intellectual Integration, James Boyd White
Interest on Claims in Receivership Proceedings, Ralph E. Clark
Interior view of State Street entrance. 1934, University of Michigan Law School
Internal Affairs of Labor Unions Under the Labor Reform Act of 1959, Archibald Cox
International Commission of Jurists: The Rule of Law in a Free Society: a Report on the International Congress of Jurists, William B. Harvey
International Conflict of Laws - Title to Chattels "Act of State" Doctrine, John C. Peters S.Ed.
International Control of the Safety of Nuclear-Powered Merchant Ships, William H. Berman and Lee M. Hydeman
International Law, Edwin D. Dickinson
International Law- Criminal Law- Jurisdiction Over Aliens for Crimes Committed Abroad, Frank G. Reeder S. Ed
International Law - Meaning of the Term "Declaration of War" as Used in a Time Charter, Glenn O. Fuller
International Law-Sovereign Immunity-State Court Authority to Determine Title to Property Under Its Jurisdiction Despite A Department of State Suggestion of Immunity, John A. Krsul Jr., S.Ed.
International Law - Sovereignty - Judicial Examination of Foreign Act of State Under International Law, Lawrence Ray Bishop
International Law-Soverign Immunity-The First Decade of the Tate Letter Policy, John M. Niehuss S.Ed.
International Law - The United Nations Emergency Force - Legal Status, Dudley H. Chapman S.Ed.
International Law - Treaties - Inclusion of Purely Domestic Matters in Reservations, Peter H. Hay S.Ed.
International Law-Treaties-Inheritance Rights of Residents of Yugoslavia, Charles F. Niemeth
International Law--Witholding of Political Recognition--Suit by Russian Corporation in Court of Equity, Edwin D. Dickinson
International Legal Argumentation Outside the Courtroom, University of Michigan Law School
International Megan's Law as Compelled Speech, Alexandra R. Genord
International Political Questions in the National Courts, Edwin D. Dickinson
Interpretation of the Eleventh Amendment, LeRoy G. Pilling
Inter Vivos Trusts-Potential Beneficiary's Right To Compel Trustee To Render a Formal Accounting and Disclose Information, Michigan Law Review
In the Belly of the Beast: Letters from Prison, Michigan Law Review
In the Regulation of Manmade Carcinogens, If Feasibility Analysis is the Answer, What is the Question?, Christopher H. Schroeder
Intrinsic Limitations on the Power of Constitutional Amendment, George D. Skinner
Invasion of Privacy: The Cross Creek Trial of Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings, Laura J. Hines
Investigation of Unauthorized Practice of Law by Omnibus Proceeding: The Ohio Method, Jerome M. Smith
Investment Advice and the Fraud Rules, Robert N. Leavell
Investor-State Arbitration: Economic and Empirical Perspectives, Michael Faure and Wanli Ma
Invoking Summary Criminal Contempt Procedures--Use of Abuse? United States v. Dellinger --The "Chicago Seven" Contempts, Michigan Law Review
Is Equality a Totally Empty Idea?, Anthony D'Amato
Is Groton the Next Evenwel?, Paul H. Edelman
Is Prison Necessary?, National Lawyer's Guild
Israels and Guttman: Modern Securities Transfers, Berto Rogers
Is the Crime of Piracy Obsolete?, Edwin D. Dickinson
Jacobson: Diplomats, Scientists, and Politicians: The United States and the Nuclear Test Ban Negotiations, Bernard G. Bechhoefer
Jail By Another Name: ICE Detention of Immigrant Criminal Defendants on Pretrial Release, Kerry Martin
James: Civil Procedure, Jon R. Waltz
James T. Fant v. The Auditor of Public Accounts, Thomas M. Cooley
Japan, IP, Asia Law Society
Jean Paul Slusser's Art Class in the Quadrangle, 1930 (ca), University of Michigan Law School
Jennings & Marsh, Jr: Securities Regulation: Cases and Materials (2d ed.), Homer Kripke
Jessup: Transnational Law, Eric Stein
John Barker Waite, Michigan Law Review
John Evarts Tracy, Michigan Law Review
John P. Cook Dormitory in March 1930, University of Michigan Law School
Joint Tenancy: The Estate Lawyer's Continuing Burden, John E. Riecker
Judge Carlton Reeves, The American Constitution Society
Judges in the British Cabinet and the Struggle which Led to Their Exclusion After 1806, Arthur Lyon Cross
Judging the Judges: Three Opinions, James Boyd White
Judgment Against Insured Is Conclusive Proof of Amount of Claim Against Dissolved Insurer- Commonwealth ex rel. Woodside v. Seaboard Mut. Cas. Co., Michigan Law Review
Judgments - Res Judicata - Limitation of California Doctrine of Collateral Estoppel in Multiple Claimant Cases, Sidney B. Hopps
Judicial Criticism, James Boyd White
Judicial Discretion: Is One More of a Good Thing Too Much?, David B. Sentelle
Judicial Enforcement of Administrative Subpoena Must Be Initiated by Service of Process- Hemphill v. Lenz, Michigan Law Review
Judicial Reform: Setting the Prairies Afire, Monroe G. McKay
Judicial Responses to the EEOC's Failure to Attempt Conciliation, Michigan Law Review
Judicial System of Michigan under Governor and Judges, W L. Jenks
Jurisdiction--Atomic Energy--Federal Pre-emption and State Regulation of Radioactive Air Pollution: Who Is the Master of the Atomic Genie?, Michigan Law Review
Jurisdiction--Foreign Patents--Jurisdiction Over Foreign Patent Claims, Michigan Law Review
Jurisdiction--Libel--First Amendment's Role in Determining Place of Trial in Libel Actions, Michigan Law Review
Jury - Pre-Trial Selection - Suggested Improvements, Edward B. Stulberg
Justice, Gender and the Family, Christine A. Pagac
Just Schools: The Idea of Racial Equality in American Education, Michigan Law Review
Kaiser: Planung I-Recht und Politik der Planung in Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft, Hugo J. Hahn
Kamisar, Inbau & Arnold: Criminal Justice in Our Time, Theodore Souris
Kant: The Metaphysical Elements of Justice, Edwin W. Tucker
Kaplan: An Unhurried View of Copyright, W. Brown Morton Jr.
Kaplan & Katzenbach: The Political Foundations of International Law, Leo Gross
Kauper: Religion and the Constitution, Wilber G. Katz
Keeping the Barbarians at the Gates: The Promise of the UNESCO and UNIDROIT Conventions for Developing Countries, Michael P. Goodyear
Killing Soleimani: The Deterioration of Iran-US Relations and International Law, University of Michigan Law School
Kimball: Insurance and Public Policy, Albert A. Ehrenzweig
Kirchheimer: Political Justice: The Use of Legal Procedure for Political Ends, Kenneth S. Carlston
Kittelle & Lamb: Trade Association Law and Practice, H. Thomas Austern
"Knock, Knock" Is No Joke: Announcement Rules for Business Premises, Michigan Law Review
Know-How Licensing and the Antitrust Laws, David R. Macdonald
Konefsky: The Legacy of Holmes and Brandeis, Ernest J. Brown
Labor Law - Appropriate Bargaining Unit Under Section 9(b) of the Taft-Hartley Act- Determination Requires NLRB to Exercise Discretion, James N. Adler
Labor Law-Arbitration and Award-Judicial Review of Labor Arbitration Awards Which Rely on the Practices of the Parties, Michigan Law Review
Labor Law - Arbitration - Determination of the Question of Arbitrability Under Section 301(a) of Labor-Manabement Relations Act, Cecil R. Mellin
Labor Law - Arbitration - Necessity of According Individual Employees Right to Independent Representation in Arbitration Proceeding, Alan E. Price
Labor Law - Arbitration - Power of Arbitrator to Enjoin Union from Continuing Slowdown, Lawrence M. Kelly
Labor Law - Arbitration - Restriction of Judicial Intervention Into the Arbitration Process, James J. White
Labor Law--Bankruptcy--The Effect of the Bankruptcy of an Employer on the Employment Relationship and on Jurisdiction over Labor Disputes Involving the Employer, Michigan Law Review
Labor Law--Boycotts and Strikes--Picketing--The Picketing of an Independent Warehouse I Which a Primary Employer's Goods Are Stored-- Steelworkers, Local 6991 (Auburndale Freezer Corp.), Michigan Law Review
Labor Law-Collective Bargaining Agreements-Implied Limitation on Management's Right to Subcontract, A. Paul Victor
Labor Law-Collective Bargaining Agreements-Sham Exception to the Parol Evidence Rule in Welfare Trust Fund Agreement, John M. Price
Labor Law - Collective Bargaining - Duty of Employer to Furnish Information Relating to Ability to Pay, William H. Leighner S.Ed.
Labor Law - Collective Bargaining - Jurisdiction of District Court to Vacate an "Unlawful" Order of the NLRB, Stephen B. Flood
Labor Law - Collective Bargaining - Right of Power of Municipalities to Engage in Collective Bargaining, Allen C. Dewey S.Ed.
Labor Law - Collective Bargaining - Union's Unprotected Harassing Activites as a Refusal to Bargain in Good Faith, William Y. Webb
Labor Law-Duty to Bargain-Disclosure to Union of Costs of Noncontributory Group Insurance, Burton L. Raimi
Labor Law - Evidence- Production of Pre-Trial Statements for Purpose of Cross-Examination in NLRB Proceeding, Bruce L. Bower
Labor Law-Fair Labor Standards Act-- Coverage of Construction Workers, David G. Davies
Labor Law - Fair Labor Standards Act - Recovery in Suit by Secretary of Labor of Wages Lost Through Wrongful Discharge, Robert Brooks
Labor Law - Federal Pre-Emption - Limitations on State Jurisdiction in Causes Arising Out of Labor Disputes, Robert J. Margolin S.Ed.
Labor Law--Federal Pre-emption--Scope of Arguable NLRB Jurisdiction, Martin B. Dickinson Jr., S.Ed.
Labor Law--Federal Pre-Emption--State Jurisdiction to Prosecute Labor Organizers for Criminal Trespass, John W. Galanis
Labor Law-Federal Pre-Emption-State Power to Exclude Ex-Felons From Union Office, Charles E. Voltz
Labor Law - Hot Cargo Clauses No Defense to Secondary Boycotts, Joel D. Tauber S.Ed.
Labor Law-Independent Contractor Status-Extension of the Right of Control Test, F. Bruce Kulp Jr.
Labor Law--Injunctions--Order Restraining Election Aboard "Flag-of-Convenience" Vessel, Lee D. Powar
Labor Law--Jurisdiction--Contractual Interpretation, Unfair Labor Practices, and Arbitration: A Proposed Resolution of Jurisdictional Overlap, Michigan Law Review
Labor Law - Labor-Management Relations Act - Constitutionality of the Emergency Strike Provisions, James N. Adler
Labor Law - Labor-Management Relations Act- Extent of Discretion Exercised by District Courts in Issuing Temporary Injunctions Against Alleged Unfair Labor Practice, John A. Beach S.Ed.
Labor Law - Labor Management Relations Act - Linking "Employer Free Speech" to No-Solicitation Rule, Barbara Burger
Labor Law - LMRA - Injunctive Relief for Breach of No-Strike Agreement, Mark Shaevsky
Labor Law - National Labor Relations Act - Power of NLRB to Order Employer to Withhold Recognition from Assisted Union Until Union is Certified, John H. Jackson
Labor Law - National Labor Relations Board - Effect of the NLRB's Refusal to Take Jurisdiction, Joseph O. Sullivan and John C. Dowd S.Ed.
Labor Law - NLRA - "Ally" Doctrine, William P. Wooden S.Ed.
Labor Law--NLRB Refuses To Apply Related Work Doctrine to Construction Site Picketing--Building and Construction Trades Council (Markwell & Hartz), Michigan Law Review
Labor Law-NLRB Regulation of Employer's Pre-Election Captive Audience Speeches, Michigan Law Review
Labor Law--Nonemployee Union Organizers Granted Access to Company Property for Solicitation Purposes--Solo Cup Company and United Papermakers and Paperworkers, AFL-CIO, Michigan Law Review
Labor Law-NRAB Awards in Work Assignment Disputes Are Unenforceable Unless the Board Has Considered the Interest of the Competing Union-Order of R.R. Telegraphers v. Union Pac. R.R., Michigan Law Review
Labor Law - Picketing - Peaceful Picketing for Recognition by Minority Union, Roger W. Findley S.Ed.
Labor Law-Picketing-Per Se Application of Washington Coca Cola Doctrine Overruled by the NLRB, John W. Galanis
Labor Law-Prima Facie Tort Doctrine Bars Unreasonable Deprivation of Union Membership-Hurwitz v. Directors Guild of America, Inc., Michigan Law Review
Labor Law- Railway Labor Act-Union Referendum Provisions as an Indication of Failure to Bargain in Good Faith, Paul D. Borman
Labor Law--Remedies--An Assessment of the Proposed "Make-Whole" Remedy in Refusal-To-Bargain Cases, Michigan Law Review
Labor Law--Res Judicata--The Applicability of Res Judicata and Collateral Estoppel to Actions Brought Under Section 8(b) (4) of the National Labor Relations Act, Michigan Law Review
Labor Law-State Court Jurisdiction Over Employee's Damage Action Against Union for Failure To Process Fully Grievance Is Not Pre-empted by the NLRB-Sipes v. Vaca, Michigan Law Review
Labor Law--The Judicial Role in the Enforcement of the "Excelsior Rule", Michigan Law Review
Labor Law-Two Views of a Labor Relations Consultant's Duty To Report Under Section 203 of the LMRDA, Michigan Law Review
Labor Law--Unions--The National Labor Relations Board's Role in Examining the Use of Union Dues Collected Pursuant to a Union Security Agreement, Michigan Law Review
Labor Relations--Consumer Picketing Under Section 8(b) (4) (ii) (B) of the National Labor Relations Act--Honolulu Typographical Union, No. 37, I.T.U., A.F.L.-C.I.O. v. NLRB, Michigan Law Review