Content Posted in 2016
100+, University of Michigan Law School
100+, University of Michigan Law School
10th Annual Student Thank-A-Thon
1L Oral Advocacy Competition, University of Michigan Law School
2015 Distinguished Alumni Award Ceremony, University of Michigan Law School
3(A)(10) Financing: New Predatory Financing Using the Securities Act, Thomas S. Glassman
91st Henry M. Campbell Moot Court Competition Final Round, University of Michigan Law School
A Betrayed Ideal: The Problem of Enforcement of EU Sex Equality Guarantees in the CEE Post-socialist Legal Systems, Goran Selanec
A Bipartisan Tax Reform?, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah
A Business Ethics Perspective on Sarbanes-Oxley and the Organizational Sentencing Guidelines, David Hess
A Call for the End of the Doctrine of Realignment, Jacob S. Sherkow
Accelerating the Growth of the Next Generation of Innovators, Dana Thompson
A Comparative Fault Defense in Contract Law, Ariel Porat
A Comprehensive Theory of Civil Settlement, J. J. Prescott and Kathryn E. Spier
A Critical Guide to the Iraqi High Tribunal's Anfal Judgement: Genocide Against the Kurds, Jennifer Trahan
A Critique of the Proposed National Tobacco Resolution and a Suggested Alternative, Jon D. Hanson and Kyle D. Logue
"Acts of Ownership and Authority": The Enslavement of Eulalie Oliveau
A Day in Court for Data Breach Plaintiffs: Preserving Standing Based on Increased Risk of Identity Theft After Clapper v. Amnesty International USA, Thomas Martecchini
Addressing Default Trends in Patent-Based Section 337 Proceedings in the United States International Trade Commission, John C. Evans
A Demographic Threat? Proposed Reclassification of Arab Americans on the 2020 Census, Khaled A. Beydoun
A Directory of the Law Class of 1901
A Directory of the Law Class of Nineteen Hundred Three
Administrative Governance as Corporate Governance: A Partial Explanation for the Growth of China's Stock Markets, David A. Caragliano
A Feminist Approach to Social Scientific Evidence: Foundations, Andrew E. Taslitz
A Feminist Theory of Malebashing, Susan H. Williams and David C. Williams
Affirmative Action Statements, Michigan Journal of Gender and Law
A Framework for a Formal Sovereign Debt Restructuring Mechanism: The Kiss Principle (Keep It Simple, Stupid) and Other Guiding Principles, Charles W. Mooney Jr.
Against Practice, Anthony V. Alfieri
Agency, Code, or Contract: Determining Employees' Authorization Under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, Katherine Mesenbring Field
A Grateful Testimonial to Doug Kahn, Terrence G. Perris
"Airbrushed Out of the Constitutional Canon": The Evolving Understanding of Giles v. Harris, 1903-1925, Samuel Brenner
Aldous Huxley's Brave New World - Still a Chilling Vision After All These Years, Bob Barr
A Look Back at the "Gatehouses and Mansions" of American Criminal Procedure, Yale Kamisar
Alumni Panel for 2Ls, University of Michigan Law School
A Matter of Principle and Consistency: Understanding the Battered Woman and Cultural Defenses, Sharan K. Suri
Amendment Creep, Jonathan L. Marshfield
Amenities, Amenities, Amenities? How Policy Makers Can SWOT Their Way to Better Entrepreneurial Facility Options, Darren A. Prum
American Enterprise in the European Common Market: A Legal Profile. Volume 1., Eric Stein and Thomas L. Nicholson
American Enterprise in the European Common Market: A Legal Profile. Volume 2., Eric Stein and Thomas L. Nicholson
American "Injury-in-Fact" Standing vs. Canada's "Public Interest Standing": Which Should We Prefer?
Analyzing the Legal Aspects of the Nuclear Iran Deal
An Analysis of Article 28 of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, and Proposals for Reform, David Fautsch
An Analysis of Individual, Institutional, and Cultural Pimping, Evelina Giobbe
An Analysis of Potential Conflicts Between the Stockholm Convention and its Parties' WTO Obligations, D. Dean Batchelder
A Narrow Path to Diversity: The Constitutionality of Rezoning Plans and Strategic Site Selection of Schools After Parents Involved, Steven T. Collis
A Nation of Widening Opportunities: The Civil Rights Act at 50, Ellen D. Katz and Samuel R. Bagenstos
Anatomy and Ethics of a Child Protection Case
Anatomy and Ethics of a Startup Company Matter
Androgenius, David Boyle
An Economic Theory of Trust Modification
An Emerging Ethical and Medical Dilemma: Should Physicians Perform Sex Assignment Surgery on Infants with Ambiguous Genitalia?, Hazel Glenn Beh and Milton Diamond
An Empirical Study of Implicit Takings., James E. Krier and Stewart E. Sterk
An Essay on The Piano, Law, and the Search for Women's Desire, Julia E. Hanigsberg
An Evening with Hon. Gershwin Drain, '72, University of Michigan Law School
A New Dimension in Equal Protection?, Theodore J. St. Antoine
A New Take on an Old Problem: Employee Misclassification in the Modern Gig-Economy, Jennifer Pinsof
An Imperfect Remedy for Imperfect Violence: The Construction of Civil Rights in the Violence Against Women Act, David Frazee
An Information Theory of Willful Breach, Oren Bar-Gill and Omri Ben-Shahar
Annual Report of the Committee on Libraries, Legal Research and Publications, 1992-1993, Margaret A. Leary
An Opt-In Option for Class Actions, Scott Dodson
A Note, Robert T. Pelinka Jr.
Antiques Roadshow: The Common Law and the Coming Age of Groundwater Marketing, Dean Baxtresser
Anti-Terrorist Finance in the United Kingdom and United States, Laura K. Donohue
Antitrust and Wealth Inequality, Daniel Crane
Antitrust Modesty, Daniel A. Crane
An "Unintended Consequence": Dred Scott Reinterpreted, Sam Erman
An Unrecognized State in Foreign and International Courts: The Case of the Republic of China on Taiwan, Pasha L. Hsieh
APALSA - I Want My MTV Culture Show 2015
A Planet By Any Other Name…, Kimberly Kessler Ferzan
A Portrait of the Internet as a Young Man, Ann Bartow
April 11, 1974, University of Michigan Law School
April 11, 1974, University of Michigan Law School
April 1, 1977, University of Michigan Law School
April 12, 1971, University of Michigan Law School
April 13, 1973, University of Michigan Law School
April 14, 1972, University of Michigan Law School
April 14, 1977, University of Michigan Law School
April 14, 1979, University of Michigan Law School
April 14, 1980, University of Michigan Law School
April 15, 1976, University of Michigan Law School
April 18, 1975, University of Michigan Law School
April 18, 1978, University of Michigan Law School
April 19, 1974, University of Michigan Law School
April 20, 1971, University of Michigan Law School
April 20, 1973, University of Michigan Law School
April 21, 1972, University of Michigan Law School
April 21, 1977, University of Michigan Law School
April 21, 1980, University of Michigan Law School
April 2, 1979, University of Michigan Law School
April 22, 1976, University of Michigan Law School
April 23, 1976, University of Michigan Law School
April 25, 1975, University of Michigan Law School
April 26, 1974, University of Michigan Law School
April 26, 1978, University of Michigan Law School
April 27, 1973, University of Michigan Law School
April 28, 1971, University of Michigan Law School
April 28, 1972, University of Michigan Law School
April 3, 1975, University of Michigan Law School
April 4, 1978, University of Michigan Law School
April 5, 1974, University of Michigan Law School
April 6, 1971, University of Michigan Law School
April 6, 1973, University of Michigan Law School
April 7, 1972, University of Michigan Law School
April 7, 1977, University of Michigan Law School
April 7, 1980, University of Michigan Law School
April 8, 1976, University of Michigan Law School
April 9, 1979, University of Michigan Law School
Architectural Exclusion, University of Michigan Law School
A Reality Check on an Empirical Study: Comments on "Inside the Administrative State", Sally Katzen
Are EU Trade Sanctions on Burma Compatible with WTO Law?, Robert L. Howse and Jared M. Genser
A Response to The Durham Statement Two Years Later, Margaret A. Leary
A Response to Professor Laycock, Marci A. Hamilton
A Retrospective on the Criminal Trial Jury, 1200-1800, Thomas A. Green
A Review of Richard A. Posner, How Judges Think (2008), Jeffrey S. Sutton
Article 5: Highlights of the Proposed Revision, James J. White
Article 5 - Recent Developments, James J. White
Article 9 of the Constitution of Japan and the Use of Procedural and Substantive Heuristics for Consensus, Mark A. Chinen
ASAT-isfaction: Customary International Law and the Regulation of Anti-Satellite Weapons, David A. Koplow
A Sea of Confusion: The Shipowner's Limitation of Liability Act as an Independent Basis for Admiralty Jurisdiction, Amie L. Medley
A Short History and Some of the Graduates of the Department of Law of the University of Michigan, Burke A. Hinsdale
A Sign of "Weakness"? Disrupting Gender Certainties in the Implementation of Security Council Resolution 1325, Dianne Otto
Asking the Nearest Hippie, Shubha Ghosh
Assemblage-Oriented Ocean Resource Management: How the Marine Environment Washes Over Traditional Territorial Lines, John A. Duff
Assesing the Family and Medical Leave Act in Terms of Gender Equality, Work/Family Balance, and the Needs of Children, Angie K. Young
Assessing the Chrysler Bankruptcy, Mark J. Roe and David Skeel
Assignments with Intrinsic Lessons on Professionalism (Or, Teaching Students to Act Like Adults Without Sounding Like a Parent), Beth H. Wilensky
Astroturf Campaigns: Transparency in Telecom Merger Review, Victoria Peng
A Syllabus of Errors, Douglas Laycock
At a Crossroads: The Future of the Death Penalty
A Teacher, H. Jefferson Powell
'A Time to Build' - William W. Cook and His Architects: Edward York and Philip Sawyer, Margaret A. Leary
At the Fontier of the Younger Doctrine: Reflections on Google v. Hood, Gil Seinfeld
August 2, 1973, University of Michigan Law School
August 31, 1977, University of Michigan Law School
August 4, 1975, University of Michigan Law School
August 6, 1974, University of Michigan Law School
August 9, 1973, University of Michigan Law School
Automatic Generation of a Legal Expert System, Layman E. Allen and Charles S. Saxon
Automobile Accident Costs and Payments: Studies in the Economics of Injury Reparation, Alfred F. Conard, James N. Morgan, Robert W. Pratt Jr, Charles E. Voltz, and Robert L. Bombaugh
Autonomous Vehicles Conference
Averting Catastrophe: Why the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty is Losing its Deterrence Capacity and How to Restore it, Orde F. Kittrie
Back to 1913?: The Ryan Blueprint and Its Problems, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah
Bad News and Good News, John W. Reed
Balancing Effects Across Markets, Daniel A. Crane
Balancing Judicial Economy, State Opportunism, and Due Process Concerns in the WTO, Ana Frischtak
Banking the Poor: Overcoming the Financial Services Mismatch, Michael S. Barr
Bankruptcy Fire Sales, Lynn M. LoPucki and Joseph W. Doherty
Bankruptcy Vérité, Lynn M. LoPucki and Joseph W. Doherty
Barriers to the Ballot Box: Implicit Bias and Voting Rights in the 21st Century, Arusha Gordon and Ezra D. Rosenberg
Bates Overseas Fellowships Information Meeting
Be An Extern!, University of Michigan Law School
Be Careful What You Wish For: An Examination of Arrest and Prosecution Patterns of Domestic Violence Cases in Two Cities in Michigan, Andrea D. Lyon
Before Mayo & After Alice: The Changing Concept of Abstract Ideas, Magnus Gan
Behaviorally Informed Regulation, Michael S. Barr, Sendhil Mullainathan, and Eldar Shafir
Be Reasonable! Thoughts on the Effectiveness of State Criticism in Enforcing International Law, Michael Y. Kieval
Between Starvation and Globalization: Realizing the Right to Food in India, Lauren Birchfield and Jessica Corsi
Beyond Microfinance: Creating Opportunities for Women at the Base of the Pyramid, Deborah Burand
Beyond Rights: Legal Process and Ethnic Conflicts, Elana A. Baylis
Big Data in Finance, University of Michigan Law School
Big Data in Finance, University of Michigan Law School
Birthright Citizens: A History of Race and Rights in Antebellum America
Bisexual Jurisprudence: A Tripolar Approach to Law and Society, Rachel Haynes
Black-Box Immigration Federalism, David S. Rubenstein
Book Review: From Basic Needs to Basic Rights: Women's Claim to Human Rights. Edited by Margaret A. Schuler. Washington, D.C.: Women, Law and Development International, 1995. 597 pages., Joel Armstrong Schoenmeyer
Books, Microforms, Computers and Us: Who's Us?, Margaret A. Leary
Books Received, Michigan Journal of International Law
Books Received, Michigan Journal of International Law
Books Received, Michigan Journal of International Law
Books Received, Michigan Journal of International Law
Bordering Capabilities Versus Borders: Implications for National Borders, Saskia Sassen
BRANDED: Trademark Tattoos, Slave Owner Brands, And The Right To Have "Free" Skin, Shontavia Johnson
Brand New Deal: The Branding Effect of Corporate Deal Structures, Victor Fleischer
Bridging Bisexual Erasure in LGBT-Rights Discourse and Litigation, Nancy C. Marcus
Brief for the Plaintiff-Appellant Lucas Rosa in the United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit Lucas Rosa V. Park West Bank and Trust Company on appeal from the United States District Court for the District of Massachusetts, Jennifer L. Levi and Mary L. Bonauto
Bringing Your Identity to the Workplace, University of Michigan Law School
Building a Foreign Law Collection at the University of Michigan Law Library, 1910-1960, Margaret A. Leary
Building a Home for the Laws of the World: Part 1: Bates, Cook, and Coffey, Margaret A. Leary
Building a Home for the Laws of the World: Part II: Hoping, Hunting, and Honing, Margaret A. Leary
Building Labor's Constitution, Kate Andrias
Burkean Minimalism, Cass R. Sunstein
Burnt Things and Cinderella Perpetua, MTC Cronin
"By Night She Fought for Fair Use": Restoring the Integrity of Copyright Law, One Comic-Book Reader at a Time, Jessica Sawyer Wang
Cambridge Law School for Women: The Evolution and Legacy of the Nation's First Graduate Law School Exclusively for Women, Nina A. Kohn
Campbell Moot Competition Presents Jeff Lamken
Canada-United States Cooperative Approaches to Shared Marine Fishery Resources: Territorial Subversion?, Ted L. McDorman
Cancellation of Debt and Related Transactions, Douglas A. Kahn and Jeffrey H. Kahn
Can Criminal Law be Controlled?, Darryl K. Brown
Can Families Be Efficient? A Feminist Appraisal, Ann Laquer Estin
Capital Defense Lawyers: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, Sean D. O'Brien
Carnival!, University of Michigan Law School
Carrot or Stick? The Shift from Voluntary to Mandatory Disclosure of Risk Factors, Karen K. Nelson and Adam C. Pritchard
Cases on Procedure, Annotated: Trial Practice, Edson Sunderland
Cases on the Law of Agency, Floyd R. Mechem
Cases on the Law of Partnership, Floyd R. Mechem
Categorizing Categories: Property of the Estate and Fraudulent Transfers in Bankruptcy, Michael R. Cedillos
Causation or Correlation? The Impact of LULAC v. Clements on Section 2 Lawsuits in the Fifth Circuit, Elizabeth M. Ryan
Challenges Facing "One Country, Two Systems" in Hong Kong
Challenging Monohumanism: An Argument for Changing the Way We Think About Intercountry Adoption, Shani King
Challenging Solicitation Statues as Unconstitutional: Appellate Brief in Support of Defendant-Appellant in Ypsilanti v. Patterson, Lore A. Rogers
"Change Direction" 2006: Israeli Operations in Lebanon and the International Law of Self-Defense, Michael N. Schmitt
Chaos, Law, and God: The Religious Meanings of Homosexuality, Jay Michaelson
Charitable Choices: The Need for a Uniform Nonprofit Limited Liability Company Act (UNLLCA), Kenya J. H. Smith
Checks Lost in the Collection Process, James J. White
China Reexamined: The Worst Offender or a Strong Contender?, Yang Wang
China's Denial of Tibetan Women's Right to Reproductive Freedom, Eva Herzer and Sara B. Levin
Chinese Human Rights: So 80s, University of Michigan Law School
Choosing between the Necessity and Public Interest Standards in FCC Review of Media Ownership Rules, Peter DiCola
Clarifying Legal Drafting by Well-Structuring It: An Improved Version of the PLAIN LANGUAGE Game, Layman E. Allen
Class Action Myopia, Maureen Carroll
Class Annual: Law Class of '87
Class Annual: Law Class of '87
Class Annual: Law Class of '87
Class Annual: Law Class of '87
Class Annual: Law Class of '87
Class Annual: Law Class of '87
Class Annual: Law Class of '87
Class Bulletin no. 52: Law Class of 1897
Class Bulletin no. 53: Law Class of 1897
Class Bulletin no. 54: Law Class of 1897
Class Bulletin no. 55: Law Class of 1897
Class Bulletin no. 56: Law Class of 1897
Class Bulletin no. 57: Law Class of 1897
Class Bulletin no. 58: Law Class of 1897
Class Bulletin no. 59: Law Class of 1897
Class Bulletin no. 60: Law Class of 1897
Class Bulletin no. 61: Law Class of 1897
Class Bulletin no. 62: Law Class of 1897
Class Bulletin no. 63: Law Class of 1897
Class Bulletin no. 64: Law Class of 1897
Class Bulletin no. 65: Law Class of 1897
Class Directory: 1899 Law Class
Class Directory: 1901 Law Class
Class Directory of Law Class of 1898
Class History: Law Class of 1916, University of Michigan
Classic Revisited: Penal Theory in Paradise Lost, Jillisa Brittan and Richard A. Posner
Clinical Collaborations: Going Global to Advance Social Entrepreneurship, Deborah Burand, Susan R. Jones, Jonathan Ng, and Alicia E. Plerhoples
Clinic Newsletter, University of Michigan Law School
Clinic Newsletter, University of Michigan Law School
Clinics Information Fair, University of Michigan Law School
Clinic Times, University of Michigan Law School
Clinton, Bush, and Obama, University of Michigan Law School
Closing the Gap Between What is Lawful and What is Right in Police Use of Force Jurisprudence by Making Police Departments More Democratic Institutions, Jonathan M. Smith
Come Back to the Boat, Justice Breyer!, Richard D. Friedman
Commemorating Constitution Day
Comparative Conflict Resolution Procedures in Taxation: An Analytic Comparative Study, L. Hart Wright, Jean Van Houtte, Pierre Kerlan, Helmut Debatin, James Arthur Johnstone, H. Schuttevaer, and Elizabeth G. Brown
Comparative Fiscal Federalism: What Can the U.S. Supreme Court and the European Court of Justice Learn From Each Other's Tax Jurisprudence?, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah
Compensation for Porperty Under the European Convention on Human Rights, Tom Allen
Competing Legal Cultures and Legal Reform: The Battle of Chile, James M. Cooper
Competition, Corporate Responsibility, and the China Question, Jospeh Vining
Concentrated Ownership and Corporate Control: Wallenberg Sphere and Samsung Group, Hwa-Jin Kim
Concurring in Part & Concurring in the Confusion, Sonja R. West
Conditions on Taking the Initiative: The First Amendment Implications of Subject Matter Restrictions on Ballot Initiatives, Anna Skiba-Crafts
Condominum Arrangements in International Practice: Reviving an Abandoned Concept of Boundary Dispute Resolution, Joel H. Samuels
Confessions in an International Age: Re-Examining Admissibility Through the Lens of Foreign Interrogations, Julie Tanaka Siegel
Confidence in the Nonprofit Sector Through Sarbanes-Oxley-Style Reforms, Joseph Mead
Confrontation and the Re-Privatization of Domestic Violence, Deborah Tuerkheimer
Congress and Genocide: They're not Going to Get Away with It, Jordan J. Paust
Congress and the Reconstruction of Foreign Affairs Federalism, Ryan Baasch and Saikrishna Bangalore Prakash
Consensual Relationships and the Constitution: A Case of Liberty Denied, Gary E. Elliot
Conserving Marine Wildlife Through World Trade Law, Eric A. Bilsky
Constitutional Avoidance as Interpretation and as Remedy, Eric S. Fish
Constitutional Borrowing, Nelson Tebbe and Robert L. Tsai
Constitutionalizing Fetal Rights: A Salutary Tale from Ireland, Fiona de Londras
Constitutional Uniformity and Equality in State Taxation, Wade J. Newhouse
Contemporary Practice of the United States Relating to International Law, Kristina Daugirdas and Julian Davis Mortenson
Contemporary Practice of the United States Relating to International Law, Kristina Daugirdas and Julian Davis Mortenson
Contemporary Practice of the United States Relating to International Law, Kristina Daugirdas and Julian Davis Mortenson
Contemporary Practice of the United States Relating to International Law, Kristina Daugirdas and Julian Davis Mortenson
Contemporary Practice of the United States Relating to International Law., Kristina Daugirdas and Julian Davis Mortenson
Contingent Equal Protection: Reaching for Equality After Ricci and Pics, Jennifer S. Hendricks
Continuing Crimes in the Rome Statute, Alan Nissel
Contracts, Persons and Property: A Tribute to Margaret Jane Radin, Ruth L. Okediji
Controlling Presidential Control, Kathryn A. Watts
Coordinating Sanctions in Torts, Kyle D. Logue
Copyright Infringement, Sex Trafficking, and Defamation in the Fictional Life of a Geisha, Susan Tiefenbrun
Corporate Taxation and International Charter Competition, Mitchell A. Kane and Edward B. Rock
Corpus Christi College, Cambridge
Corpus Christi College, Oxford
Correcting the Record Regarding theRestatement of Property’s Slayer Rulein the Brooklyn Law Review’sSymposium Issue on Restatements, Lawrence W. Waggoner and John H. Langbein
Counterintuitive: Intelligence Operations and International Law, Glenn Sulmasy and John Yoo
Country by Country Reporting and Corporate Privacy: Some Unanswered Questions, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah
Covenant Marriage Turns Five Years Old, Steven L. Nock, Laura Sanchez, Julia C. Wilson, and James D. Wright
Covering Women and Violence: Media Treatment of VAWA's Civil Rights Remedy, Sarah F. Russell
Creating (and Teaching) the "Bail-to-Jail" Course, Jerold H. Israel
Creating Meaning: Building a Law Practice that Matters to You
Creation and Acquisition of MLAW Schedule
Crime, Criminals, and Competitive Crime Control, Wayne A. Logan
Criminal Conspiracy Law in Japan, Chris Coulson
Criminal Procedure, the Burger Court, and the Legacy of the Warren Court, Jerold H. Israel
Critical Rules in Negotiating Sales Contracts: The Lawyer's Job, James J. White
Cross-Racial Identifications: Solutions to the "They All Look Alike" Effect, Laura Connelly
Custody, Maintenance, and Succession: The Internalization of Women's and Children's Rights Under Customary Law in Africa, Allison D. Kent
Custom's Method and Process: Lessons from Humanitarian Law, Monica Hakimi
Daedalean Tinkering, Sean J. Griffith
Damned for Using Daycare: Appellate Brief of Jennifer Ireland in Ireland V. Smith, Julie Kunce Field
Dealing with Hate in the Feminist Classroom: Re-Thinking the Balance, Kathryn M. Stanchi
Death, Dying, and Domination, Marc Spindelman
Debunking Humphrey's Executor, Daniel A. Crane
Debunking the Myth of Universal Male Privilege, Jamie R. Abrams
December 10, 1971, University of Michigan Law School
December 1, 1972, University of Michigan Law School
December 2, 1976, University of Michigan Law School
December 3, 1971, University of Michigan Law School
December 3, 1979, University of Michigan Law School
December 4, 1978, University of Michigan Law School
December 5, 1975, University of Michigan Law School
December 6, 1970, University of Michigan Law School
December 6, 1974, University of Michigan Law School
December 7, 1973, University of Michigan Law School
December 8, 1972, University of Michigan Law School
December 8, 1977, University of Michigan Law School
December 9, 1976, University of Michigan Law School
Decentralizing Crime Control: The Political Economy Perspective, Doron Teichman
Deconstructing International Criminal Law, Kevin Jon Heller
Deconstructing Islamophobia, University of Michigan Law School
Defending Juveniles Facing Life Without Parole in Michigan, Kimberly A. Thomas
Defending Public Defense: Fixing the Michigan Indigent Defense Crisis
Defining "Disability": The Approach to Follow, Theodore J. St. Antoine
De-Moralized: Glucksberg in the Malaise, Steven D. Smith
Derechos y honra públicos: Louis Martinet, Plessy contra Ferguson y el acceso a la ley en Luisiana, 1888-1917, Rebecca J. Scott
Development: Domestic Constraints and External Opportunities from Glabalization, T. N. Srinivasan
Development Finance: Beyond Budgetary "Official Development Assistance", Anthony Clunies-Ross
Development, Globalization, and Law, Robert L. Kuttner
Diagnostics Need Not Apply, Rebecca S. Eisenberg
Did Bankruptcy Reform Fail? An Empirical Study of Consumer Debtors, Robert M. Lawless, Angela K. Littwin, Katherine M. Porter, John A. E. Pottow, Deborah K. Thorne, and Elizabeth Warren
Dionysian Disarmament: Security Coucil WMD Coercive Disarmament Measures and Their Legal Implication, James D. Fry
Diplomats, Scientists, and Politicians: The United States and the Nuclear Test Ban Negotiations, Harold Karan Jacobson and Eric Stein
Directory of Living Members of the 1902 University of Michigan Law Class
Directory of Living Members of the 1902 University of Michigan Law Class
Directory of the 1900 Law Class
Directory of the 1900 Law Class
Directory of the 1900 Law Class
Directory of the 1900 Law Class
Directory of the 1900 Law Class
Directory of the 1900 Law Class
Directory of the 1902 Law Class
Directory of the 1902 Law Class
Directory of the 1912 Law Class
Directory of the 1926 Law Class
Directory of the 1933 University of Michigan Law Class
Directory of the Columbian Law Class of 1892
Directory of the Columbian Law Class, University of Michigan, 1892
Directory of the Columbian Law Class, University of Michigan, 1892
Directory of the Law Class of 1886
Directory of the Law Class of 1886
Directory of the Law Class of 1886
Directory of the Law Class of 1886
Directory of the Law Class of 1886
Directory of the Law Class of 1890
Directory of the Law Class of 1890
Directory of the Law Class of 1890
Directory of the Law Class of 1891
Directory of the Law Class of 1891
Directory of the Law Class of 1893
Directory of the Law Class of 1893
Directory of the Law Class of 1893
Directory of the Law Class of 1896
Directory of the Law Class of 1896
Directory of the Law Class of 1896
Directory of the Law Class of 1896
Directory of the Law Class of 1896
Directory of the Law Class of 1898
Directory of the Law Class of 1898
Directory of the Law Class of 1908
Directory of the Law Class of 1913
Directory of the Law Class of 1914
Directory of the Law Class of 1922
Directory of the Law Class of 1922
Directory of the University of Michigan Law Class of 1933
Directory: University of Michigan Law Class: 1912
Disciplining Globalization: International Law, Illegal Trade, and the Case of Narcotics, Chantal Thomas
Discovering Mr. Cook, Margaret A. Leary
Discovering the Knowledge Monopoly of Law Librarianship Under the DIKW Pyramid, Xiaomeng Zhang
Discovering William Cook: Ten Sources for Reconstructing the Life of a Lawyer, Margaret A. Leary
Discovery before Trial, George Ragland Jr.
Disparate Impact and the Role of Classification and Motivation in Equal Protection Law After Inclusive Communities, Samuel Bagenstos
Distaster and Japanese Law: The Case of the 2011 Earthquake and Nuclear Meltdown
Distinguished Alumni Award Ceremony, University of Michigan Law School
Diversity and Strategic Planning
Divorcees Turn About in Their Graves as Ex-Spouses Cash In: Codified Constructive Trusts Ensure an Equitable Result Regarding ERISA-Governed Employee Benefit Plans, Sarabeth A. Rayho
Doctors & Juries, Philip G. Peters Jr.
Do Liquidated Damages Encourage Breach? A Psychological Experiment, Tess Wilkinson-Ryan
DOMA: An Unconstitutional Establishment of Fundamentalist Christianity, James M. Donovan
Domestic Violence and the Jewish Community, Stacey A. Guthartz
Donald N. Duquette, University of Michigan Law School
Do Noncompetes Chill Employee Mobility?
Doug Kahn - A Personal Appreciation, Patricia D. White
Doug Kahn: Class Master, Dennis E. Ross
Doug Kahn: The Pied Piper of Tax Law, Barrie Lawson Loeks and Burt P. Rosen
Do We Need a New Fourth Amendment?, Orin S. Kerr
Dowry Deaths: Proposing a Standard for Implementation of Domestic Legislation in Accordance with Human Rights Obligations, Namratha S. Ravikant
Do You Stand with Standing Rock?, University of Michigan Law School
Dual-Class Capital Structures: A Legal, Theoretical & Empirical Buy-Side Analysis, Christopher C. McKinnon
Due Process Traditionalism, Cass R. Sunstein
Early Interview Week 2016 Orientation
Economic Solutions to Nuclear Energy's Financial Challenges, Zachary Robock
Editorial Introduction, Michigan Journal of Gender & Law
Educative Friendship - A Personal Note, Jeanne Gaakeer
"Eggshell" Victims, Private Precautions, and the Societal Benefits of Shifting Crime, Robert A. Mikos
Election Law Federalism, Justin Weinstein-Tull
Could Breach of Contract Be Immoral?, Seana Shiffrin
Crawford v. Washington: The Next Ten Years, Jeffrey L. Fisher
Dirks and the Genesis of Personal Benefit, Adam C. Pritchard
La Responsabilisation de L'economie: What the United States Can Learn from the New French Law on Consumer Overindebtedness, Jason J. Kilborn
Milkovich v. Lorain Journal Twenty-Five Years Later: The Slow, Quiet, and Troubled Demise of Liar Libel, Leonard Niehoff and Ashley Messenger
NFIB v. Sebelius and the Individual Mandate: Thoughts on the Tax/Regulation Distinction, Kyle D. Logue
Parens Patriae and a Modest Proposal for the Twenty-First Century: Legal Philosophy and a New Look at Children's Welfare, Natalie Loder Clark
Rebus Sic Stantibus: Notification of Consular Rights After Medellin, Aaron A. Ostrovsky and Brandon E. Reavis
Roe as We Know It, Cary Franklin
Sanchez-Llamas v. Oregon and Article 36 of the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations: The Supreme Court, The Right to Consul, and Remediation, Mark J. Kadish and Charles C. Olson
Snyder v. Louisiana: Continuing the Historical Trend Towards Increased Scrutiny of Peremptory Challenges, John P. Bringewatt
Washington v. Glucksberg Was Tragically Wrong, Erwin Chemerinsky
Ending too Big to Fail?, University of Michigan Law School
End of Year Celebration for Graduate Students & Research Scholars, University of Michigan Law School
Environmental Law and Policy Program Career Series
Environmental Law and Policy Program Career Series
Environmental Law and Policy Program Lecture Series
Environmental Law and Policy Program Lecture Series
Environmental Law and Policy Program Lecture Series
Envisioning a Global Legal Culture, Charles H. Koch Jr.
Epilogue, Jennifer L. Levi
Equal Protection- The Social Dimension of European Community Law, T. Koopmans
Equations Presented as an Example of a Nonsimulation Game, Layman E. Allen and Joan K. Ross
Essays on Labor Economics and Advertising Auctions (Ph.D Dissertation, University of Michigan), Joseph M. Golden
Establishing Inequality, Gene R. Nichol
EU Citizenship and Fundamental Rights: Empirical, Normative, and Conceptual Problems
Evaluating Punishment in Purgatory: The Need to Separate Pretrial Detainees' Conditions-of-Confinement Claims from Inadequate Eighth Amendment Analysis, David C. Gorlin
Evolving Objective Standards: A Developmental Approach to Constitutional Review of Morals Legislation, Christian J. Grostic
Examining Presidential Power Through the Rubric of Equity, Eric A. White
Exclusion Confusion? A Defense of the Federal Circuit's Specific Exclusion Jurisprudence, Peter Curtis Magic
Exonerations in the United States, 1989-2012: Report by the National Registry of Exonerations, Samuel R. Gross and Michael Shaffer
Experimental Investigation of Judical Decision-Making
Exploring Computer Aided Generation of Questions for Normalizing Legal Rules, Layman E. Allen and Charles S. Saxon
Expressive Law and the Americans with Disabilities Act, Alex C. Geisinger and Michael Ashley Stein
Extraterritorial Criminal Jurisdiction, Michael Farbiarz
Face-to-Face with Facial Recognition Evidence: Admissibility Under the Post-Crawford Confrontation Clause, Joseph Clarke Celentino
Facing Evil, Joseph E. Kennedy
Faculty Briefs, University of Michigan Law School
Faculty Briefs, University of Michigan Law School
Faculty Spotlight - Kyle D. Logue, Kyle D. Logue
Faculty & Student Newsletter, University of Michigan Law School
Faculty & Student Newsletter, University of Michigan Law School
Faculty & Student Newsletter, University of Michigan Law School
Faculty & Student Newsletter, University of Michigan Law School
Faculty & Student Newsletter, University of Michigan Law School
Failure and Forgiveness: A Review, James J. White
Failure of a "Basic Assumption": The Emerging Standard for Excuse Under MAE Provisions, Nathan Somogie
Failures to Punish: Command Responsibility in Domestic and International Law, Amy J. Sepinwall
Faith in Justice: Fiduciaries, Malpractice & Sexual Abuse by Clergy, Zanita E. Fenton
Faith, Power, and Family: Law and Christianity in Interwar Cameroon
False Convictions, Phoebe C. Ellsworth and Samuel R. Gross
Fault at the Contract-Tort Interface, Roy Kreitner
Fault in Contract Law, Eric A. Posner
February 10, 1977, University of Michigan Law School
February 11 & 18, 1972, University of Michigan Law School
February 11, 1980, University of Michigan Law School
February 1, 1974, University of Michigan Law School
February 12, 1979, University of Michigan Law School
February 13, 1976, University of Michigan Law School
February 14, 1975, University of Michigan Law School
February 15, 1974, University of Michigan Law School
February 16, 1971, University of Michigan Law School
February 16, 1973, University of Michigan Law School
February 16, 1978, University of Michigan Law School
February 17, 1977, University of Michigan Law School
February 18, 1980, University of Michigan Law School
February 19, 1979, University of Michigan Law School
February 20, 1976, University of Michigan Law School
February 21, 1975, University of Michigan Law School
February 2, 1971, University of Michigan Law School
February 2, 1973, University of Michigan Law School
February 22, 1974, University of Michigan Law School
February 23, 1971, University of Michigan Law School
February 23, 1972, University of Michigan Law School
February 23, 1978, University of Michigan Law School
February 24, 1977, University of Michigan Law School
February 25, 1972, University of Michigan Law School
February 25, 1980, University of Michigan Law School
February 26, 1979, University of Michigan Law School
February 27, 1976, University of Michigan Law School
February 28, 1975, University of Michigan Law School
February 3, 1977, University of Michigan Law School
February 4, 1972, University of Michigan Law School
February 4, 1980, University of Michigan Law School
February 5, 1979, University of Michigan Law School
February 6, 1976, University of Michigan Law School
February 7, 1975, University of Michigan Law School
February 8, 1974, University of Michigan Law School
February 9, 1973, University of Michigan Law School
February 9, 1978, University of Michigan Law School
Federal Child Welfare Law and Policy: Understanding the Federal Law and Funding Process., Miriam Rollin, Frank Vandervort, and Ann M. Haralambie
Federal Child Welfare Legislation., Frank Vandervort
Federal Fairness to State Taxpayers: Irrationality, Unfunded Mandates, and the "SALT" Deduction, Brian Galle
Feminist Voices in the Debate over Single-Sex Schooling: Finding Common Ground, Rosemary C. Salomone
Fifth Colloquium on Challenges in International Refugee Law. The Michigan Guidelines on the Right to Work., Penelope Mathew
Fighting Anti-Gay Abuse in Schools: The Opening Appellate Brief of Plaintiff Jamie Nabozny in Nabozny V. Podlesny, Patricia M. Logue and David S. Buckel
Finality and Judicial Review under the Immigration and Nationality Act: A Jurisprudential Review and Proposal for Reform, Jesi J. Carlson, Patrick J. Glen, and Kohsei Ugumori
Finance and Income Inequality: 5 Years after Dodd-Frank
Financing for Development, the Monterrey Consensus: Achievements and Prospects, Abdel Hamid Bouab
First Reunion of the Law Class of 1873 of the University of Michigan
Fixing 404, Joseph A. Grundfest and Steven E. Bochner
Fixing Patent Boundaries, Tun-Jen Chiang
Foiled by the Banks? How a Lender's Decision May Support or Undermine a Jurisdiction's Environmental Policies that Promote Green Buildings, Darren A. Prum
Food Law and Policy Panel on Urban Farming
Foreign Income and Domestic Deductions, James R. Hines Jr.
Foreign Personal Representatives, Banks McDowell Jr.
Foreward, Whitmore Gray
Foreword: Fault in American Contract Law, Omri Ben-Shahar and Ariel Porat
Foreword: Innocent Until Proven Poor, Sara Zampierin
Foundations: Curriculum & Faculty, University of Michigan Law School
Foundations: Curriculum & Faculty, University of Michigan Law School
Foundations for 15(1): Equality Rights in Canada, Martha A. McCarthy and Joanna L. Radbord
Fraud on the Widow’s Share, W. D. Macdonald
Free Speech and the Case for Constitutional Exceptionalism, Roger P. Alford
Free Speech Federalism, Adam Winkler
Free Will to Will? A Case for the Recognition of Intestacy Rights for Survivors to a Same-Sex Marriage or Civil Union?, Christine A. Hammerle
Friends with Benefits?, Laura A. Rosenbury
From Dyad to Triad: Reconceptualizing the Lawyer-Client Relationship for Litigation in Regional Human Rights Commissions, Melissa E. Crow
From Indifference to Engagement: Bystanders and International Criminal Justice, Laurel E. Fletcher
From Pinochet to Rumsfeld: Universal Jurisdiction in Europe 1998-2008, Wolfgang Kaleck
From Presumed Fathers to Lesbian Mothers: Sex Discrimination and the Legal Construction of Parenthood, Susan E. Dalton
From the Wrong End of the Telescope: A Response to Professor David Bernstein, Margaret A. Berger and Aaron D. Twerski
Full circle? The Single Tax Principle, BEPS, and the New US Model, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah
Gas Smalls Awful: U.N. Forces, Riot-Control Agents, and the Chemical Weapons Convention, James D. Fry
Gatekeeper Failures: Why Important, What to Do, Merritt B. Fox
Gateway to Freedom: The Hidden History of the Underground Railroad
Gender and Non-Normative Sex in Sub-Saharan Africa, Johanna Bond
Gender, Risk Taking, and Negotiation Performance, Charles B. Craver and David W. Barnes
Genes as Tags: The Tax Implications of Widely Available Genetic Information, Kyle D. Logue and Joel Slemrod
Geneva Externship, University of Michigan Law School
Geneva, India, and South Africa Externships Information Meeting
Getting the Word Out about Fraud: A Theoretical Analysis of Whistleblowing and Insider Trading, Jonathan Macey
Gewirth on Necessary Goods: What Is the Agent Committed to Valuing?, Donald H. Regan
Gideon's Army, University of Michigan Law School
Giving in to Baby Markets: Regulation Without Prohibition, Sonia M. Suter
Globalisation of Contract Law: Rules for Commercial Contracts in the 21st Century, Whitmore Gray
Globalization and Tax Competition: Implications for Developing Countries, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah
Global Markets and the Evolution of Law in China and Japan, Takao Tanase
Global Sex Trafficking and the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000: Legislative Responses to the Problem of Modern Slavery, Rosy Kandathil
God vs. the Gavel: A Brief Rejoinder, Douglas Laycock
Government Speech Doctrine in the wake of Walker v. Texas Division, Sons of Confederate Veterans
Graduates of the Law Department of the University of Michigan: A Record, 1860-75, Henry A. Chaney
Granting Political Asylum to Potential Victims of Female Circumcision, Gregory A. Kelson
Habermas, the Public Sphere, and the Creation of a Racial Counterpublic, Guy-Uriel Charles and Luis Fuentes-Rohwer
Hacking into International Humanitarian Law: The Principles of Distinction and Neutrality in the Age of Cyber Warfare, Jeffrey T.G. Kelsey
Hacking into your own self-driving car: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, University of Michigan Law School
Hands Off Policy: Equal Protection and the Contact Sports Exemption of Title IX, Jamal Greene
Hanging Together: A Multilateral Approach to Taxing Multinationals, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah
Harmonizing the Policy of the Bankruptcy Code and Article 9, Edwin E. Smith, Elizabeth Warren, and James J. White
Harry Potter and the Half-Crazed Bureaucracy, Benjamin H. Barton
Harvey's Silence (Symposium: Letters to the Commission), James J. White
Has Corporate Law Failed? Addressing Proposals for Reform, Antony Page
"Has the Millennium Yet Dawned?": A History of Attitudes Toward Pregnant Workers in America, Courtni E. Molnar
Helping a Lawyer to Understand What it Means to Think Like an Architect, Kevin Emerson Collins
Henry M. Campbell Mandatory Informational Meeting
Herbert Hart Elucidated, A. W. Brian Simpson
Hiring Ruled Contractual, Bill Gore, Douglas A. Kahn, and Stan Shields
History of Law Clas of 1883 of Michigan University, Charles I. York
Home and Homelessness in the Middle of Nowhere, William I. Miller
Honesty, Privacy, And Shame: When Gay People Talk About Other Gay People to Nongay People, David L. Chambers and Steven K. Homer
Honors Convocation, University of Michigan Law School
Honors Convocation, University of Michigan Law School
Honors Convocation, University of Michigan Law School
Honors Convocation, University of Michigan Law School
Honors Convocation, University of Michigan Law School
Honors Convocation, University of Michigan Law School
Honors Convocation, University of Michigan Law School
Honors Convocation, University of Michigan Law School
Honors Convocation, University of Michigan Law School
Honors Convocation, University of Michigan Law School
Honors Convocation, University of Michigan Law School
Honors Convocation, University of Michigan Law School
Honors Convocation, University of Michigan Law School
Honors Convocation, University of Michigan Law School
Honors Convocation, University of Michigan Law School
Honors Convocation, University of Michigan Law School
Honors Convocation, University of Michigan Law School
Honors Convocation, University of Michigan Law School
Honors Convocation, University of Michigan Law School
Honors Convocation, University of Michigan Law School
Honors Convocation, University of Michigan Law School
Honors Convocation, University of Michigan Law School
Honors Convocation, University of Michigan Law School
Honors Convocation, University of Michigan Law School
Honors Convocation, University of Michigan Law School
Honors Convocation, University of Michigan Law School
Honors Convocation, University of Michigan Law School
Honors Convocation, University of Michigan Law School
Honors Convocation, University of Michigan Law School
Honors Convocation, University of Michigan Law School
Honors Convocation, University of Michigan Law School
Honors Convocation, University of Michigan Law School
Honors Convocation, University of Michigan Law School
Honors Convocation, University of Michigan Law School
Honors Convocation, University of Michigan Law School
Honors Convocation, University of Michigan Law School
Honors Convocation, University of Michigan Law School
Honors Convocation, University of Michigan Law School
Honors Convocation, University of Michigan Law School
Honors Convocation, University of Michigan Law School
Honors Convocation, University of Michigan Law School
Honors Convocation, University of Michigan Law School
Honors Convocation, University of Michigan Law School
Hostile Environent Sexual Harassment Claims and the Unwelcome Influence of Rape Law, Janine Benedet
How and Why International Law Binds International Organizations, Kristina Daugirdas
How Does Culture Count in Legal Change?: A Review with a Proposal from a Social Movement Perspective, Setsuo Miyazawa
How Insurance Substitutes For Regulation, Omri Ben-Shahar and Kyle D. Logue
How Not to Apply the Rule of Reason: The O’Bannon Case, Michael A. Carrier
How to Negotiate a Sales Contract, James J. White
Human Security and the Rights of Refugees: Transcending Territorial and Disciplinary Borders, Alice Edwards
Husband and Wife are One - Him: Bennis v. Michigan as the Resurrection of Coverture, Amy D. Ronner
Identity, Effectiveness, and Newness in Transjudicialism's Coming of Age, Mark Toufayan
"I'd Like to Teach the World to Sing (In Perfect Harmony)": International Judicial Dialogue and the Muses - Reflections on the Perils and the Promise of International Judicial Dialogue, Ronald J. Krotoszynski Jr.
IEEPA's Override Authority: Potential for a Violation of the Geneva Conventions' Right to Access for Humanitarian Organizations?, Jennifer R. White
If Taxpayers Can't Be Fooled, Maybe Congress Can: A Public Choice Perspective on the Tax Transition Debate, Kyle D. Logue
Illegal Peace?: An Inquiry into the Legality of Power-Sharing with Warlords and Rebels in Africa, Jeremy I. Levitt
Illuminating Secrecy: A New Economic Analysis of Confidential Settlements, Scott A. Moss
Impediments to Financial Development in the Banking Sector: A Comparison of the Impact of Federalism in the United States and Germany, Khalil Nicholas Maalouf
Implementing Symmetric Treatment of Financial Contracts in Bankruptcy and Bank Resolution, E. J. Janger and John A.E. Pottow
Imposters and Fictitious Payees, James J. White
Improving Patent Quality Through Post-Grant Claim Amendments: A Comparison of European Opposition Proceedings and U.S. Post-Grant Proceedings, Jennifer Turchyn
Improving Skill in Applying Mathematical Ideas: A Preliminary Report on the Instructional Gaming Program at Pelham Middle School in Detroit, Layman E. Allen and Joan Ross
Incentive Regulation, New Business Models, and the Transformation of the Electric Power Industry, Inara Scott
Independent Invention as a Defense to Patent Infringement, Samson Vermont
Index of Books Reviewed, Michigan Law Review
Indigenous Recognition in International Law: Theoretical Observations, Patrick Macklem
Individual and State Responsibility for Intelligence Gathering, Dieter Fleck
Information Asymmetries and the Rights to Exclude, Lior Jacob Strahilevitz
Innocent Spouses, Reasonable Women and Divorce: The Gap Between Reality and the Internal Revenue Code, Stephen A. Zorn
In (Partial) Defense of Strict Liability in Contract, Robert E. Scott
In Praise of Law Books and Law Reviews (And Jargon-Filled Academic Writing), Cass R. Sunstein
In Praise of (Some) Ex Post Regulation: A Response to Professor Galle, Kyle D. Logue
In re Law 1886, John T. Moffit
Inside Regulatory Interpretation: A Research Note, Christopher J. Walker
Inside the Administrative State: A Critical Look at the Practice of Presidential Control, Lisa Schultz Bressman and Michael P. Vandenbergh
In Step with the Times: Law Library Keeps Up with Changes in Legal Research, Margaret A. Leary
Institutional Alliances and Derivative Legitimacy, Claire R. Kelly
Instructions in Inequality: Development, Human Rights, Capabilities, and Gender Violence in School, Erika George
Insuring Against Terrorism -- And Crime, Saul Levmore and Kyle D. Logue
Integration of Public Utility Holding Companies, Robert F. Ritchie
Intellectual Property Issues in Genomics, Rebecca S. Eisenberg
Interdisciplinary Approaches to Financial Stability
Interested in Environmental Law, International Law, or Government Work?
"International" In Japanese Courts
International Law and Constitutional Interpretation: The Commander in Chief Clause Reconsidered, Ingrid Brunk Wuerth
International Responsibility and the Admission of States to the United Nations, Thomas D. Grant
International Treaty Enforcement as a Public Good: Institutional Deterrent Sanctions in International Environmental Agreements, Tseming Yang
Interpreting Data: A Reply to Professor Pardo, Robert M. Lawless, Angela K. Littwin, Katherine M. Porter, John A. E. Pottow, Deborah K. Thorne, and Elizabeth Warren
Interstellar at Munger's Theater
Interview with James Boyd White, James Boyd White
In the Laboratory of the States: The Progress of Glucksberg's Invitation to States to Address End-of-Life Choice, Kathryn L. Tucker
In the Supreme Court of the United States Barbara Grutter, Petitioner, v. Lee Bollinger, et al., Respondents. On Writ of Certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit, Jerome S. Hirsch, Joseph N. Sacca, Scott D. Musoff, Mark Lebovitch, and Linda M. Wayner
Introducing Marijuana Law into the Legal Writing Curriculum, Howard Bromberg and Mark K. Osbeck
Introducing the Construct of the Jury into Family Violence Proceedings and Family Court Jurisprudence, Melissa L. Breger
Introduction, Steven R. Ratner
Introduction to "Books", Margaret A. Leary
Inventing Equal Sovereignty, Leah M. Litman
Investment Protection in Bilateral and Free Trade Agreements: Implications for the Granting of Compulsory Licenses, Carlos M. Correa
Irrational War and Constitutional Design: A Reply to Professors Nzelibe and Yoo, Paul F. Diehl and Tom Ginsburg
Irrelevant Oversight: "Presidential Administration" from the Standpoint of Arbitrary and Capricious Review, Daniel P. Rathbun
Is Marriage Obsolete?, Lynn D. Wardle
Is More Antitrust the Answer to Wealth Inequality?, Daniel A. Crane
Is Poetry a War Crime? Reckoning for Radovan Karadzic the Poet-Warrior, Jay Surdukowski
Is Theocracy Our Politics? Thoughts on William Baude's 'Is Originalism Our Law?', Richard A. Primus
Is There a Dormant Extraterritoriality Principle?: Commerce Clause Limits on State Antitrust Laws, Michael J. Ruttinger
Is There a Duty?: Limiting College and University Liability for Student Suicide, Susanna G. Dyer
Is Unilateral Humanitarian Intervention Compatible with the U.N. Charter?, Petr Valek
It’s a Sin to Kill a Mockingbird: The Need for Idealism in the Legal Profession, Jonathan A. Rapping
"I Will Not Sit Idly By While My Future is Determined:" The Response of the University of Michigan Black Law Students' Alliance to Grutter V. Bollinger, Et Al., The Black Law Students' Alliance
January 12, 1973, University of Michigan Law School
January 12, 1978, University of Michigan Law School
January 14, 1972, University of Michigan Law School
January 14, 1977, University of Michigan Law School
January 14, 1979, University of Michigan Law School
January 14, 1980, University of Michigan Law School
January 16, 1976, University of Michigan Law School
January 17, 1975, University of Michigan Law School
January 18, 1974, University of Michigan Law School
January 19, 1973, University of Michigan Law School
January 19, 1978, University of Michigan Law School
January 21, 1972, University of Michigan Law School
January 21, 1977, University of Michigan Law School
January 21, 1980, University of Michigan Law School
January 22, 1979, University of Michigan Law School
January 23, 1976, University of Michigan Law School
January 24, 1975, University of Michigan Law School
January 25, 1974, University of Michigan Law School
January 26, 1971, University of Michigan Law School
January 26, 1973, University of Michigan Law School
January 26, 1978, University of Michigan Law School
January 27, 1977, University of Michigan Law School
January 28, 1972, University of Michigan Law School
January 28, 1980, University of Michigan Law School
January 29, 1979, University of Michigan Law School
January 30, 1976, University of Michigan Law School
January 31, 1975, University of Michigan Law School
January 8, 1979, University of Michigan Law School
January Special Bulletin, 1944
Judge, Lisa Demsky
Judging Judicial Elections, Michael S. Kang and Joanna M. Shepherd
Judging Magic: Can You See the Sleight of Hand?, Rebecca Johnson
Judging Sex in War, Karen Engle
Judicial Compensation and the Definition of Judicial Power in the Early Republic, James E. Pfander
July 11, 1974, University of Michigan Law School
July 12, 1973, University of Michigan Law School
July 14, 1972, University of Michigan Law School
July 19, 1973, University of Michigan Law School
June 13, 1974, University of Michigan Law School
June 14, 1973, University of Michigan Law School
June 19, 1975, University of Michigan Law School
June 20, 1974, University of Michigan Law School
June 21, 1973, University of Michigan Law School
June 23, 1972, University of Michigan Law School
June 27, 1974, University of Michigan Law School
June 28, 1973, University of Michigan Law School
June 6, 1974, University of Michigan Law School
June 7, 1973, University of Michigan Law School
June 9, 1972, University of Michigan Law School
Juridical Substance or Myth Over Balance-of-Payment: Developing Countries and the Role of the International Monetary Fund in the World Trade Organization, Ugochukwu Chima Ukpabi
Jurisdiction Without Territory: From the Holy Roman Empire to the Responsibility to Protect, Anne Orford
Justice Ginsburg's Umbrella, Ellen D. Katz
"Just Like One of the Family": Domestic Violence Paradigms and Combating On-The-Job Violence Against Household Workers in the United States, Kristi L. Graunke
"Just" Married?: Same-Sex Marriage and a Hustory of Family Plurality, Judith E. Koons
Katrina, Federalism, and Military Law Enforcement: A New Exception to the Posse Comitatus Act, Sean McGrane
Keeping the Door Ajar for Foreign Plaintiffs in Global Cartel Cases after Empagran, Jeremy M. Suhr
Keeping the State Out: The Separation of Law and State in Classical Islamic Law, Lubna A. Alam
Kermit Gosnell's Murder Conviction
Keynote Address, Jeffrey H. Smith
Keynote Remarks, Vanita Gupta
Keynote Remarks: How the Criminalization of Poverty has Become Normalized in American Culture and Why You Should Care, Sarah Geraghty
L3CS: An Innovative choice for Urban Entrepreneurs and Urban Revitalization, Dana Thompson
Labor Standards and the Generalized System of Preferences: The European Labor Incentives, Anthony N. Cole
Labor Unions and Title VII: A Bit Player at the Creation Looks Back, Theodore St. Antoine
Launch of an International Transactions Clinic: Doing Good While Doing Deals, Deborah Burand
Law and Culture in China and Japan: A Framework for Analysis, John O. Haley
Law as a Tool for a Sexual Revolution: Israel's Prevention of Sexual Harassment Law- 1998, Tzili Mor
Law Class, 1886: University of Michigan: Record of 1941 Meeting
Law Class Directory: Class of '95
Law Enforcement in Subordinated Communities: Innovation and Response, Richard Delgado
Law, Norms, and Legal Change: Global and Local in China and Japan, Nicholas C. Howson and Mark D. West
Law School Institutional Repositories: A Survey, Kincaid C. Brown
Law, Self-Pollution, and the Management of Social Anxiety, Geoffrey P. Miller
Law's Expressive Value in Combating Cyber Gender Harassment, Danielle Keats Citron
Law's Halo, Donald H. Regan
Law Students: Share Your Feedback!, University of Michigan Law School
Lawyers and Domestic Violence: Raising the Standard of Practice, John M. Burman
Leaps and Bounds, Nestor M. Davidson
Learning the Wrong Lessons from "An American Tragedy": A Critique of the Berger-Twerski Informed Choice Proposal, David E. Bernstein
Left Behind: The Dying Principle of Family Reunification Under Immigration Law, Anita Ortiz Maddali
Left Out in the Cold: Trafficking Victims, Gender, and Misinterpretation of the Refugee Convention's "Nexus" Requirement, Martina Pomeroy
Legal Aid's Once and Future Role for Impacting the Criminalization of Poverty and the War on the Poor, Aneel L. Chablani
Legal "Black Hole"? Extraterritorial State Action and International Treaty Law on Civil and Political Rights, Ralph Wilde
Legal Directory of the Law Class of 1891
Legal Directory of the Law Class of 1891
Legal Fictions in Pierson v. Post, Andrea McDowell
Legal Institutions and International Trade Flows, Daniel Berkowitz, Johannes Moenius, and Katharina Pistor
Legal Limits and the Implementation of the Affordable Care Act, Nicholas Bagley
Legal Transitions, Rational Expectations, and Legal Progress, Kyle D. Logue
Legislative Approaches to Reducing the Hegemony of the Priestly Model of Medicine, Nancy K. Kubasek
Legitimacy, Selectivity, and the Disunitary Executive: A Reply to Sally Katzen, Lisa Schultz Bressman and Michael P. Vandenbergh
Les papiers de la liberté: Une mère africaine et ses enfants à l'époque de la révolution haïtienne, Rebecca Scott and Jean M. Hebrard
Lessons for the United States: A Greek Cypriot Model for Domestic Violence Law, Joan L. Neisser
Letters of Credit: Highlights of Revised Article 5, Edwin E. Smith and James J. White
Let Us Never Blame a Contract Breaker, Richard A. Posner
Liberating Sexual Harassment Law, Lua Kamál Yuille
Library Support for Faculty Research, Margaret A. Leary
Life-Giving Speech Amid an Empire of Silence, Walter Brueggemann
Limiting a Constitutional Tort Without Probably Cause: First Amendment Retaliatory Arrest After Hartman, Colin P. Watson
Limiting the Role of Patents in Technology Transfer, Rebecca Sue Eisenberg
Linking International Markets and Global Justice, Jeffrey L. Dunoff
Litigation- Civil, Criminal, and Appellate; Public Interest and Government
Looking Backward: Richard Epstein Ponders the "Progressive" Peril, Michael Allan Wolf
Loss Causation and Class Certification, Steven Serajeddini
Loving v. Virginia, University of Michigan Law School
Lucas Rosa V. Park West Bank and Trust Company, Katherine M. Franke
Major Questions About the "Major Questions" Doctrine, Kevin O. Leske
Making a Buck While Making a Difference, Alphonse A. Gerhardstein
Male Sexuality: Why Ownership is Sexy, John Stoltenberg
Mandatory Arbitration: Bane or Boon?, Theodore St. Antoine
Mandatory Summer Funding Meeting
Manufacturing Barriers to Biologics Competition and Innovation, W. Nicholson Price II. and Arti K. Rai
March 10, 1972, University of Michigan Law School
March 1, 1974, University of Michigan Law School
March 14, 1975, University of Michigan Law School
March 14, 1978, University of Michigan Law School
March 15, 1974, University of Michigan Law School
March 17, 1977, University of Michigan Law School
March 17, 1980, University of Michigan Law School
March 19, 1976, University of Michigan Law School
March 19, 1979, University of Michigan Law School
March 21, 1975, University of Michigan Law School
March 2, 1971, University of Michigan Law School
March 2, 1973, University of Michigan Law School
March 22, 1974, University of Michigan Law School
March 22, 1978, University of Michigan Law School
March 23, 1971, University of Michigan Law School
March 23, 1973, University of Michigan Law School
March 24, 1972, University of Michigan Law School
March 24, 1977, University of Michigan Law School
March 24, 1980, University of Michigan Law School
March 26, 1976, University of Michigan Law School
March 26, 1979, University of Michigan Law School
March 28, 1975, University of Michigan Law School
March 28, 1978, University of Michigan Law School
March 30, 1971, University of Michigan Law School
March 30, 1973, University of Michigan Law School
March 31, 1972, University of Michigan Law School
March 31, 1980, University of Michigan Law School
March 3, 1972, University of Michigan Law School
March 9, 1971, University of Michigan Law School
March 9, 1973, University of Michigan Law School
Mark(et)ing Nondiscrimination: Privatizing ENDA with a Certification Mark, Ian Ayres and Jennifer Gerarda Brown
Marriage Law: Obsolete or Cutting Edge?, Michigan Journal of Gender & Law
Mary Snapp, '84, University of Michigan Law School
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
May 2, 1975, University of Michigan Law School
May 3, 1973, University of Michigan Law School
Megasubsidiaries and Asset Sales under Section 271: Which Shareholders Must Approve Subsidiary Asset Sales, Yaman Shukairy
Memorial: Beverley J. Pooley (1934-2001), Margaret A. Leary
Memorial: Margaret Althea Goldblatt (1948-2000), Margaret A. Leary
Memorial of the Third Reunion U. of M. Law '73
Men and Women of the Bar: The Impact of Gender on Legal Careers, Kenneth G. Dau-Schmidt, Marc S. Galanter, Kaushik Mukhopadhaya, and Kathleen E. Hull
Mens Rea, Criminal Responsibility, and the Death of Freddie Gray, Michael Serota
Methods of Power for Development: Weapons of the Weak, Weapons of the Strong, John Braithwaite
Michigan 1904 (Law) News and Directory
Michigan 1904 (Law) News and Directory
Michigan Access Program Open House
Michigan Guidelines 10th Anniversary, University of Michigan Law School
Michigan Law 2016 Young Scholars' Conference
Michigan Law Sesquicentennial Celebration, University of Michigan Law School
Michigan's First Woman Lawyer: Sarah Killgore Wertman, Margaret A. Leary
Mickey, Can You Spare a Dime? DisneyWar, Executive Compensation, Corporate Governance, and Business Law Pedagogy, Kenneth M. Rosen
Microfranchising: A Business Approach to Fighting Poverty, Deborah Burand and David W. Koch
Migration, Development, and the Promise of CEDAW for Rural Women, Lisa R. Pruitt
Militating Democracy: Comparative Constitutional Perspectives, Ruti Teitel
Minimization Criteria for Off-Road Vehicle Use, Louisa S. Eberle
Minimizing Probate-Error Risk, Mark Glover
Minimum Wages, Inequality, and Globalization, T. H. Gindling and Katherine Terrell
Minority Preferences in Law School Admissions, Terrance Sandalow
Minors as Medical Decision Makers: The Pretextual Reasoning of the Court in the Abortion Cases, J. Shoshanna Ehrlich
Minutes of Quarter Centennial Reunion
Missed Opportunities: The Unrealized Equal Protection Framework in Maher v. Roe and Harris v. McRae, Amelia Bailey
Misunderstanding Lawyers' Ethics, Monroe H. Freedman and Abbe Smith
Monitoring of Corporate Groups by Independent Directors, Adam C. Pritchard
Moot Court Competition: Final Round
Mooting Tips & Tricks with Winston & Strawn LLP
More than BRIC-a-Brac: Testing Chinese Exceptionalism in Patenting Behavior Using Comparative Empirical Analysis, Jay P. Kesan, Alan Marco, and Richard Miller
More than Mere Semantics: The Case for an Expansive Definition of Persecution in Sexual Minority Asylum Claims, Monica Saxena
Mostly Harmless: An Analysis of Post-AEDPA Federal Habeas Corpus Review of State Harmless Error Determinations, Jeffrey S. Jacobi
Multinational Firms and Tax Havens, Anna Gumpert, James R. Hines Jr., and Monika Schnitzer
Naming the Grotesque Body in the "Nascent Jurisprudence of Transsexualism", Richard F. Storrow
Narrowing the Tax Gap Through Presumptive Taxation, Kyle D. Logue and Gustavo G. Vettori
National University of Ireland
Negligence and Insufficient Activity: The Missing Paradigm in Torts, David Gilo and Ehud Guttel
Networking and Your Legal Career
Network Neutrality and the First Amendment, Andrew Patrick and Eric Scharphorn
Ninth Reunion: Century Law Class
No More Quid Pro Quo: Abandoning the Personal Benefit Requirement in Insider Trading Law, Shannon Seiferth
Nonprofit Corporation Statutes: A Critique and Proposal, Ralph E. Boyer
Noontime Dumping: Why States Have Broad Discretion to Regulate Onboard Treatments of Ballast Water, Kyle H. Landis-Marinello
"Normalizing" the International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling, Michael Bowman
Note & Comment, Michigan Law Review
Notes From The Underground, University of Michigan Law School
Notes From The Underground, University of Michigan Law School
Notes From The Underground, University of Michigan Law School
Notification of Data Security Breaches, Paul M. Schwartz and Edward J. Janger
Not Just Doctrine: The True Motivation for Federal Incorporation and International Human Rights Litigation, Daniel Abebe
November 10, 1972, University of Michigan Law School
November 10, 1977, University of Michigan Law School
November 11, 1971, University of Michigan Law School
November 1, 1974, University of Michigan Law School
November 12, 1976, University of Michigan Law School
November 12, 1979, University of Michigan Law School
November 13, 1970, University of Michigan Law School
November 13, 1978, University of Michigan Law School
November 14, 1975, University of Michigan Law School
November 15, 1974, University of Michigan Law School
November 16, 1970, University of Michigan Law School
November 16, 1973, University of Michigan Law School
November 17, 1977, University of Michigan Law School
November 17 & 24, 1972, University of Michigan Law School
November 19, 1971, University of Michigan Law School
November 19, 1976, University of Michigan Law School
November 19, 1979, University of Michigan Law School
November 20, 1970, University of Michigan Law School
November 21, 1975, University of Michigan Law School
November 2, 1973, University of Michigan Law School
November 22, 1974, University of Michigan Law School
November 30, 1973, University of Michigan Law School
November 3, 1972, University of Michigan Law School
November 3, 1977, University of Michigan Law School
November 5, 1971, University of Michigan Law School
November 5, 1976, University of Michigan Law School
November 5, 1979, University of Michigan Law School
November, 6, 1978, University of Michigan Law School
November 7, 1975, University of Michigan Law School
November 8, 1974, University of Michigan Law School
November 9, 1973, University of Michigan Law School
"Now For a Clean Sweep!": Smiley v. Holm, Partisan Gerrymandering, and At-Large Congressional Elections, Benedict J. Schweigert
Nudge, Choice Architecture, and Libertarian Paternalism, Pierre Schlag
October 10, 1975, University of Michigan Law School
October 11, 1974, University of Michigan Law School
October 1, 1971, University of Michigan Law School
October 1, 1976, University of Michigan Law School
October 12, 1973, University of Michigan Law School
October 13, 1972, University of Michigan Law School
October 13, 1977, University of Michigan Law School
October 15, 1971, University of Michigan Law School
October 15, 1976, University of Michigan Law School
October 16, 1970, University of Michigan Law School
October 16, 1978, University of Michigan Law School
October 17, 1975, University of Michigan Law School
October 18, 1974, University of Michigan Law School
October 19, 1973, University of Michigan Law School
October 19, 1977, University of Michigan Law School
October 20, 1972, University of Michigan Law School
October 2, 1970, University of Michigan Law School
October 2, 1978, University of Michigan Law School
October 22, 1971, University of Michigan Law School
October 22, 1976, University of Michigan Law School
October 23, 1970, University of Michigan Law School
October 23, 1978, University of Michigan Law School
October 24, 1975, University of Michigan Law School
October 25, 1974, University of Michigan Law School
October 26, 1973, University of Michigan Law School
October 26, 1977, University of Michigan Law School
October 27, 1972, University of Michigan Law School
October 29, 1971, University of Michigan Law School
October 29, 1976, University of Michigan Law School
October 29, 1979, University of Michigan Law School
October 30, 1970, University of Michigan Law School
October 3, 1975, University of Michigan Law School
October 4, 1974, University of Michigan Law School
October 5, 1973, University of Michigan Law School
October 6, 1972, University of Michigan Law School
October 6, 1977, University of Michigan Law School
October 8, 1971, University of Michigan Law School
October 8, 1976, University of Michigan Law School
October 9, 1970, University of Michigan Law School
October 9, 1978, University of Michigan Law School
Of Coase, Calabresi, and Optimal Tax Liability, Kyle D. Logue and Joel Slemrod
Of Federalism, Human Rights, and the Holland Caveat: Congressional Power to Iplement Treaties, Ana Maria Merico-Stephens
Offsetting Risks, Ariel Porat
Of Property Rights and Rights to Property, James E. Krier
Of Sexual Bondage: The 'Legitimate Penological Interest' in Restricting Sexual Expression in Women's Prisons, Joanna E. Saul
Of Visible Race-Consciousness and Institutional Role: Equal Protection and Disparate Impact after Ricci and Inclusive Communities, Richard A. Primus
Oil Under Troubled Waters?: Some Legal Aspects of the Boundary Dispute Between Malawi and Tanzania Over Lake Malawi, Tiyanjana Maluwa
On Black South Africans, Black Americans, and Black West Indians: Some Thoughts on We Want What’s Ours, Eleanor Marie Lawrence Brown
"Once Victim, Always Victim": Compensated Individuals Under the Amended Sentencing Guidelines on Fraud, Jacqueline Harrington
On Class-Not-Race, Samuel R. Bagenstos
On Communication, John Greenman
On Dworkin and Borkin, Tom Lininger
One Stop, No Stop, Two Stop, Terry Stop: Reasonable Suspicion and Pseudoephedrine Purchases by Suspected Methamphetamine Manufacturers, Andrew C. Goetz
Online Case Resolution Systems: Enhancing Access, Fairness, Accuracy, and Efficiency, Maximilian A. Bulinski and J.J. Prescott
On Territoriality and International Investment Law: Applying China's Investment Treaties To Hong Kong And Macao, Odysseas G. Repousis
On the Road: Images of Truthtelling in Rural America, Emily A. Spieler
Opening the Doors to South Hall, University of Michigan Law School
Opinion Letter as to the Patentability of Certain Inventions Associated with the Identification of Partial cDNA Sequences, Rebecca S. Eisenberg and Robert P. Merges
Opportunism in Sequential Investment Settings: On Strategies for Overcoming Holdups and Holdouts
Optimal Political Control of the Bureaucracy, Matthew C. Stephenson
Optimal Property Rights for Emerging Natural Resources: A Case Study on Owning Atmospheric Moisture, Jianlin Chen
Optimal Tax Compliance and Penalties When the Law is Uncertain, Kyle D. Logue
Our Legal System and How it Operates, Burke W. Shartel
Our Not-So-Great Depression, Craig Green
Our Pain, Bentina Chisolm
Overtaxing the Working Family: Uncle Sam and the Childcare Squeeze, Shannon Weeks McCormack
"O Wind, Remind Him That I Have No Child": Infertility and Feminist Jurisprudence, Linda J. Lacey
Paper Dragon: Inadequate Protection of Intellectual Property Rights in China, Omario Kanji
Parallels in Public and Private Environmental Governance, Sarah E. Light and Eric W. Orts
Party On: The Right to Voluntary Blanket Primaries, Margaret P. Aisenbrey
Passions We Like… and Those We Don't: Anti-Gay Hate Crime Laws and the Discursive Construction of Sex, Gender, and the Body, Yvonne Zylan
Patent Privateers and Antitrust Fears, Matthew Sipe
Patents: Help or Hindrance to Technology Transfer?, Rebecca S. Eisenberg
Pathological Patenting: The PTO as Cause or Cure, Rochelle Dreyfuss
Patients as Consumers: Courts, Cotnracts, and the New Medical Marketplace, Mark A. Hall and Carl E. Schneider
Peace Through Law? The Failure of a Noble Experiment, Robert J. Delahunty and John C. Yoo
Peggy Radin, Mentor Extraordinaire, R. Anthony Reese
Peter Mieszkowski and the General Equilibrium Revolution in Public Finance, James R. Hines Jr.
Physician-Assisted Suicide in Oregon: A Medical Perspective, Herbert Hendin and Kathleen Foley
Pimping and Pornography as Sexual Harassment: Amicus Brief in Support of Plaintiff-Respondent in Thoreson v. Penthouse Int'l LTD., Dorchen A. Leidholdt
Plausible Pleading in Patent Suits: Predicting the Effects of the Abrogation of Form 18, Kyle R. Williams
"Please Write 'E' in This Box" Toward Self-Identification and Recognition of a Third Gender: Approaches in the United States and India, Jennifer Rellis
Plenary Power is Dead! Long Live Plenary Power, Michael Kagan
Political Lawyering, One Person at a Time: The Challenge of Legal Work Against Domestic Violence for the Impact Litigation/Client Service Debate, Peter Margulies
Pornography as Trafficking, Catharine A. MacKinnon
Post-WTO China Tax Law System Reform and the Rule of Law: Progress and Prospects, Tianlong Hu
Poverty Law Society General Body Meeting
Power, Norms, and International Intellectual Property Law, Tai-Heng Cheng
Practice Makes Perfect? An Empirical Study of Claim Construction Reversal Rates in Patent Cases, David L. Schwartz
Practice Your Language Skills Kickoff!, University of Michigan Law School
Pragmatism and Parity in Appointments, Yxta Maya Murray
Preemptive Strategies in International Law, Michael N. Schmitt
Preparation of the Multistate Bar Examination: One Drafting Committee's Perspective, John W. Reed
Preserving a Racial Hierarchy: A Legal Analysis of the Disparate Racial Impact of Legacy Preferences in University Admissions, Kathryn Ladewski
Preserving the Seeds of Gender Fluidity: Tribal Courts and the Berdache Tradition, Andrew Gilden
Pretextual Sanctions, Contempt, and the Practical Limits of Bearden-Based Debtors' Prison Litigation, Colin Reingold
Private Actors and Public Corruption: Why Courts Should Adopt a Broad Interpretation of the Hobbs Act, Megan DeMarco
Private Environmental Governance, University of Michigan Law School
Private Ordering and Intimate Spaces: Why the Ability to Negotiate is Non-Negotiable, Michele Goodwin
Private Production of Public Goods: Liability for Unrequested Benefits, Ariel Porat
Privatization and the Human Right to Water: Challenges for the New Century, Melina Williams
Problems in Probate Law: Including a Model Probate Code, Lewis M. Simes and Paul E. Basye
Pro Bono Newsletter, University of Michigan Law School
Productivity and Affinity in the Age of Dignity, Stephen Lee
Professional Rules and Responsibilitty: Whose Law?, Michele Goodwin
Prologue to a Voluntarist War Convention, Robert D. Sloane
Property and Relative Status, Nestor M. Davidson
Property, Contracts, and Politics, Mark Tushnet
Property, Duress, and Consensual Relationships, David Blankfein-Tabachnick
Property Rights & the Demands of Transformation, Bernadette Atuahene
Property Rules, Liability Rules, and Uncertainty about Property Rights, Stewart E. Sterk
Proposed Regulatory Change of Treatment of a Guaranteed Payment from a Partnership to a Partner, Douglas A. Kahn
Proposed Revisions Concerning Products Liability Caveat Vendor, James J. White
Prosecuting Human Rights Violations in Europe and America: How Legal System Structure Affects Compliance with International Obligations, Micah S. Myers
Prosecuting Torturers, Protecting "Child Molesters": Toward a Power Balance Model of Criminal Process for International Human Rights Law, Mykola Sorochinsky
Prostitution: A Narrative by a Former "Call Girl", Anonymous
Prostitution and Civil Rights, Catharine A. MacKinnon
Prostitution and Male Supremacy, Andrea Dworkin
Prostitution is Cruelty and Abuse to Women and Children, Susan Kay Hunter
Prostitution: Where Racism & Sexism Intersect, Vednita Nelson
Protecting Personal Information: Achieving a Balance between User Privacy and Behavioral Targeting, Patrick Myers
Protection Elsewhere: The Legal Implications of Requiring Refugees to Seek Protection in Another State, Michelle Foster
Provisions Denying a Deduction for Illegal Expenses and Expenses of an Illegal Business Should Be Repealed, Douglas A. Kahn and Howard Bromberg
Proximate Cause in Constitutional Torts: Holding Interrogators Liable for Fifth Amendment Violations at Trial, Joel Flaxman
Public Access to Primary Legal Information in China: Challenges and Opportunities, Xiaomeng Zhang
Public International Law and Its Territorial Imperative, Dino Kritsiotis
Public Trust Doctrine Implications of Electricity Production, Lance Noel and Jeremy Firestone
Pursuing the Perfect Mother: Why America's Criminalization of Maternal Substance Abuse is Not the Answer- A Compartive Legal Analysis, Linda C. Fentiman
"Quotidian" Judges vs. Al-Qaeda, Mark S. Davies
Race and the Police: Community Perspectives
Race and the Police: Identifying Current Challenges
Race and the Police: Law and Paths Forward
Race and the Police: Police Perspectives
Race Nuisance: The Politics of Law in the Jim Crow Era, Rachel D. Godsil
Race Relations on Campus and the First Amendment
Rape and the Querela in Italy: False Protection of Victim Agency, Rachel A. Van Cleave
Rape at Rome: Feminist Interventions in the Criminalization of Sex-Related Violence in Positive International Criminal Law, Janet Halley
Rational Choice, Reputation, and Human Rights Treaties, Alex Geisinger and Michael Ashley Stein
Rationalism in Regulation, Christopher C. DeMuth and Douglas H. Ginsburg
Rationing the Infinite, Leonard M. Niehoff
Reading Too Much into Reeder-Simco?, Jeremy M. Suhr
Reasoned Awards in International Commercial Arbitration: Embracing and Exceeding the Common Law-Civil Law Dichotomy, S. I. Strong
Rebutting the Fraud on the Market Presumption in Securities Fraud Class Actions: Halliburton II Opens the Door, Victor E. Schwartz and Christopher E. Appel
Recent Legal Literature, Henry H. Swan, James F. Tracey, Robert E. Bunker, Floyd R. Mechem, Bradley Thompson, James H. Brewster, Floyd R. Mechem, and Horace LaFayette Wilgus
Reconstituting Japanese Law: International Norms and Domestic Litigation, Timothy Webster
Redistributing Optimally: Of Tax Rules, Legal Rules, and Insurance, Kyle D. Logue and Ronen Avraham
Red, White, and "Go Blue", University of Michigan Law School
Re-Examining the Role of Private Property in Market Democracies:Problematic Ideological Issues Raised by Land Registration, Joel M. Ngugi
Reforming (But Not Eliminating) the Parental Discipline Defense, Hazel Blum
Refugee Law Is Not Immigration Law, James C. Hathaway
Refugee Protection In International Law: UNHCR's Global Consultations on International Protection, Taylor H. Garrett
Refugees and Asylum, James C. Hathaway
Refusal to Dispense Emergency Contraception in Washington State: An Act of Conscience or Unlawful Sex Discrimination?, Dana E. Blackman
Regional Projects Require Regional Planning: Human Rights Impacts Arising from Infrastructure Projects, Abby Rubinson
Regulating Sexual Relationships Between Faculty and Students, Margaret H. Mack
Regulating to Achieve Stability in the Domain of High-Frequency Trading, Lindsey C. Crump
Rejected for Exposure, Jessica Hanes and Seth Quidachay-Swan
Remembrances of William D. Murphy, Margaret A. Leary
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Rent-Seeking and Inter Partes Review: An Analysis of Invalidity Assertion Entities in Patent Law, W. Michael Schuster
Reparations as Redistribution, Kyle D. Logue
Reply to Becker and Fuest, James R. Hines Jr.
Reply to Comments on the Patentability of Certain Inventions Associated with the Identification of Partial cDNA Sequences, Rebecca S. Eisenberg and Robert P. Merges
Representing Parents in Child Welfare Cases, Vivek Sankaran
Reproductive Liberty Under the Threat of Care: Deputizing Private Agents and Deconstructing State Action, Linda Kelly
Rescued from the Grave and Then Covered with Mud: Justice Scalia and the Unfinished Restoration of the Confrontation Right, Richard D. Friedman
Residential Protectionism and the Legal Mythology of Home, Stephanie M. Stern
Resolving the Divided Patent Infringement Dilemma, Nathanial Grow
Response to Wayne P. Kelley, Margaret A. Leary
Responsibility of International Organizations: The Accountability Mechanisms of Multilateral Development Banks, Eisuke Suzuki and Suresh Nanwani
Restructuring 101: Bankruptcy Basics and Career Advice from Kirkland & Ellis Attorneys
Restructuring the Marital Bedroom: The Role of the Privacy Doctrine in Advocating the Legalization of Same-Sex Marriage, Nadine A. Gartner
Retention and Reform in Japanese Capital Punishment, David T. Johnson
Rethinking Treaty Shopping: Lessons for the European Union, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah and C. H. Panayi
Return of the American City, Redeeming the American Dream
Reverse Monitoring: On the Hidden Role of Employee Stock-Based Compensation, Sharon Hannes
Review of Foreign Direct Investment and the Regional Economy, James R. Hines Jr.
Review of The Justice of the Western Consular Courts in Nineteenth Century Japan, Whitmore Gray
Review of The Province of Legislation Determined: Legal Theory in Eighteenth-Century Britain, Thomas A. Green
Review of The Validity of Sales Contracts: A Comparative Study, Whitmore Gray
Review of Understanding Labor and Employment Law in China, by Ronald C.Brown, Nicholas C. Howson
Revisiting Germany's Residenzpflicht in Light of Modern E.U. Asylum Law, Paul McDonough
Revisiting the Accredited Investor Standard, Syed Haq
Revisiting the Roles of Legal Rules and Tax Rules in Income Redistribution: A Response to Kaplow & Shavell, Ronen Avraham, David Fortus, and Kyle D. Logue
Rewarding Outside Directors, Assaf Hamdani and Reinier Kraakman
Risks, Rents and Regressivity Revisited, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah
Robocall (F)Laws: A Critique of Recent FCC Rulings that Threaten the Validity of Telephone Survey Research, University of Michigan Law School
Roll of 1891: Thirty Years After
Roll of 1891: Those Present Thirty-five Years After
Roll of 1891: Twenty-five Years After
Roll of 1891: Twenty Years After
Roman Rape: An Overview of Roman Rape Laws from the Republican Period to Justinian's Reign, Nghiem L. Nguyen
Rosalie of the Poulard Nation: Freedom, Law, and Dignity in the Era of the Haitian Revolution, Rebecca J. Scott and Jean M. Hébrard
Rural Poverty, Farmworkers' Rights, and Labor Exploitation
SALT Survey: Minority Group Persons in Law School Teaching, David L. Chambers
Same Old, Same Old: Scientific Evidence Past and Present, Edward K. Cheng
Sarbanes-Oxley and the Cross-Listing Premium, Kate Litvak
Saving Customary International Law, Andrew T. Guzman
Scaling "Local": The Implications of Greenhouse Gas Regulation in San Bernardino County, Hari M. Osofsky
Scandal, Sukyandaru, and Chouwen, Benjamin L. Liebman
Schooling the Police: Race, Disability, and the Conduct of School Resource Officers, Amanda Merkwae
Science, Humanity, and Atrocity: A Lawyerly Examination, Steven D. Smith
Scrutinizing the Second Amendment, Adam Winkler
Scrutiny Land, Randy E. Barnett
Search Incident to Probable Cause?: The Intersection of Rawlings and Knowles, Marissa Perry
SEC Investigations and Securities Class Actions: An Empirical Comparison, Stephen J. Choi and Adam C. Pritchard
Secondhand Smoke Signals from Prison, Scott C. Wilcox
Second-Parent Adoption: Overcoming Barriers to Lesbian Family Rights, Maxwell S. Peltz
Secrets and Lies: Intelligence Activities and the Rule of Law in Times of Crisis, Simon Chesterman
Senior Day 2016, University of Michigan Law School
Separations of Wealth: Inequality and the Erosion of Checks and Balances, Kate Andrias
September 10, 1971, University of Michigan Law School
September 10, 1976, University of Michigan Law School
September 11, 1973, University of Michigan Law School
September 11, 1978, University of Michigan Law School
September 1, 1972, University of Michigan Law School
September 12, 1975, University of Michigan Law School
September 13, 1974, University of Michigan Law School
September 15, 1972, University of Michigan Law School
September 17, 1971, University of Michigan Law School
September 17, 1976, University of Michigan Law School
September 18, 1977, University of Michigan Law School
September 18, 1978, University of Michigan Law School
September 19, 1975, University of Michigan Law School
September 20, 1974, University of Michigan Law School
September 21, 1973, University of Michigan Law School
September 21, 1977, University of Michigan Law School
September 22, 1970, University of Michigan Law School
September 22, 1972, University of Michigan Law School
September 22, 1977, University of Michigan Law School
September 24, 1971, University of Michigan Law School
September 24, 1976, University of Michigan Law School
September 25, 1970, University of Michigan Law School
September 25, 1978, University of Michigan Law School
September 26, 1975, University of Michigan Law School
September 27, 1974, University of Michigan Law School
September 28, 1973, University of Michigan Law School
September 29, 1972, University of Michigan Law School
September 29, 1977, University of Michigan Law School
September 5, 1975, University of Michigan Law School
September 5, 1978, University of Michigan Law School
September 7, 1973, University of Michigan Law School
September 7, 1977, University of Michigan Law School
September 8, 1972, University of Michigan Law School
Serving Clients, Serving the Public: Integrating Government Service with a Law Firm Career
Settler's Remorse, Floyd Abrams
Sex Determination for Federal Purposes: Is Transsexual Immigration Via Marriage Permissible Under the Defense of Marriage Act?, John A. Fisher
Sex-Separation in Public Restrooms: Law, Architecture, and Gender, Terry S. Kogan
Sexual Slavery and the International Criminal Court: Advancing International Law, Valerie Oosterveld
Shale Play Governance: Politics and Policy Across the Marcellus Shale States
Shared Responsibility Regulation Model for Cross-Border Reproductive Transactions, Sharon Bassan
Shareholder Compensation as Dividend, James J. Park
Should Patent Infringement Require Proof of Copying?, Mark A. Lemley
Signaling Conformity: Changing Norms in Japan and China, David Nelken
Slavery Rhetoric and the Abortion Debate, Debora Threedy
Smokers' Compensation: Toward a Blueprint for Federal Regulation of Cigarette Manufacturers, Jon D. Hanson, Kyle D. Logue, and Michael S. Zamore
Solving the Judgment-Proof Problem, Kyle D. Logue
Some Steps between Attitudes and Verdicts, Phoebe C. Ellsworth
Some Troubling Elements in the Treaty Language of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, Catherine R. Blanchet
So much to do … so little time!!
Sony and the Future of Cyber Conflict
Sources of Information on the Trans-Pacific Partnership, Barbara H. Garavaglia
South Hall Dedication Weekend, University of Michigan Law School
SOX and Whistleblowing, Terry Morehead Dworkin
Special Feature Seventh Colloquium on Challenges in International Refugee Law, James C. Hathaway
Speech, Silence, and Ethical Lives in the Law, Robin West
Spies in the Skies: Dirtboxes and Airplane Electronic Surveillance, Brian L. Owsley
Stapled Securities--"The Next Big Thing" for Income Trusts? Useful Lessons from the US Experience with Stapled Shares, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah, Tim Edgar, and Fadi Shaheen
State-Action Immunity and Section 5 of the FTC Act, Daniel A. Crane and Adam Hester
State Intelligence Gathering: Conflict of Laws, Charles H.B. Garraway
States, Markets, and Gatekeepers: Public-Private Regulatory Regimes in an Era of Economic Globalization, Christopher M. Bruner
Staying Within the Negotiated Framework: Abiding by the Non-Discrimination Clause in Trips Article 27, Kevin J. Nowak
Stipulated Damages, Super-Strict Liability, and Mitigation in Contract Law, Saul Levmore
Strange Bedfellows and Prison Reform
Strategies of Connection: Prostitution and Feminist Politics, Margaret A. Baldwin
Structure and Precedent, Jeffrey C. Dobbins
Stubborn Things: An Empirical Approach to Facts, Opinions, and the First Amendment, Daniel E. Herz-Roiphe
Student Funded Fellowship 30th Annual Auction for Public Interest, University of Michigan Law School
Student Organizations Open House
Student Organizations Open House, University of Michigan Law School
Substantive Due Process After Gonzales v. Carhart, Steven G. Calabresi
Substantive Due Process for Noncitizens: Lessons from Obergefell, Anthony O'Rourke
Suburbs as Exit, Suburbs as Entrance, Nicole Stelle Garnett
Succeeding in Law School: A Comparison of Women's Experiences at Brooklyn Law School and the University of Pennsylvania, Marsha Garrison, Brian Tomko, and Ivan Yip
Suing the Government: A Growth Industry, University of Michigan Law School
Suing the Government Is a Growth Industry
Summer Starters, University of Michigan Law School
Supporting Faculty Research: A Direct Role for the Library, Margaret A. Leary
Supporting Sustained Economic Development, Steven Radelet
Supreme Court Jurisprudence of the Personal in City of Los Angeles v. Patel, Brian L. Owsley
Supreme Neglect of Text and History, William Michael Treanor
Surveillance & Targeted Communities
Symbolic Logic: A Razor-Edged Tool for Drafting and Interpreting Legal Documents, Layman E. Allen
Tactics and Terms in the Negotiation of Electronic Resource Licenses, Kincaid C. Brown
Take the Long Way Home: Sub-Federal Integration of Unratified and Non-Self-Executing Treaty Law, Lesley Wexler
Taking Safety Seriously: Using Liberalism to Fight Pornography, John M. Kang
Taking Text too Seriously: Modern Textualism, Original Meaning, and the Case of Amar's Bill of Rights, William Michael Treanor
Talking to Ourselves: Democracy and The Law
Tax Competition: Harmful to Whom?, Michael Littlewood
Taxing Civil Rights Gains, Anthony C. Infanti
Taxing Sales of Depreciable Assets, James R. Hines Jr.
Tax Law Uncertainty and the Role of Tax Insurance, Kyle D. Logue
Tax Policy and the Efficiency of U.S. Direct Investment Abroad, Mihir A. Desai, C. Fritz Foley, and James R. Hines Jr.
Tax Preparation Services for Low- and Moderate-Income Households: Preliminary Evidence from a New Survey, Michael S. Barr and Jane K. Dokko
Tax Transitions, Opportunistic Retroactivity, and the Benefits of Government Precommitment, Kyle D. Logue
Technological Advancement and International Human Rights: Is Science Improving Human Life or Perpetuating Human Rights Violations?, Christine A. Khalili-Borna
Temporary Accidents?, M. Elizabeth Magill
Temporary Protection of Refugees: Threat or Solution?, James C. Hathaway
Tesla, Dealer Franchise Laws, and the Politics of Crony Capitalism, Daniel A. Crane
Testing Constitutional Pluralism in Strasbourg: Responding to Russia's "Gay Propaganda" Law, Jesse W. Stricklan
The Affordable Care Act, Experience Rating, and the Problem of Non-Vaccination, Eric Esshaki
The AIDS Reporting of Jeff Schmalz and How it Tranformed the New York Times
The Anatomy of a Clinical Law Course, James J. White
The Angel is in the Big Picture: A Response to Lemley, Samson Vermont
The APIA Voice: A Panel of Asian Americans in Government
The Appropriations Power and Sovereign Immunity, Paul F. Figley and Jay Tidmarsh
The Battle to Establish an Adversarial Trial System in Italy, William T. Pizzi and Mariangela Montagna
The Beginning of the Constitutional Era: A Bicentennial Comparative Study of the American and French Constitutions, Rett R. Ludwikowski
The Best of Res Gestae 1971-1974, University of Michigan Law School
The Bureaucratic Court, Benjamin C. Mizer
The Case for the Third-Party Doctrine, Orin S. Kerr
The Case of the Disappearing Briefs: A Study in Preservation Strategy, Margaret A. Leary
The Changing Market for Criminal Law Casebooks, Jens David Ohlin
The Changing Process of International Law and the Role of the World Court, J. Patrick Kelly
The Charter of the United Nations: A Commentary of Bruno Simma's Commentary, Alain Pellet
The Citizenship Paradox in a Transnational Age, Cristina M. Rodríguez
The Cognitive Psychology of Circumstantial Evidence, Kevin Jon Heller
The Complicated Economics of Prison Reform, John F. Pfaff
The Conflict of Laws: A Comparative Study, Second Edition. Volume One. Introduction: Family Law, Ernst Rabel
The Conflict of Laws: A Comparative Study. Volume One. Introduction: Family Law, Ernst Rabel
The Conflict of Laws: A Comparative Study. Volume Two. Foreign Corporations: Torts: Contracts in General, Ernst Rabel
The Congressional Caucus for Women's Issues: An Inside Perspective on Lawmaking by and for Women, Julia L. Ernst
The Corporate Monitor: The New Corporate Czar?, Vikramaditya Khanna and Timothy L. Dickinson
The Corporation’s Place in Society, Gabriel Rauterberg
The Cost of Confusion: The Paradox of Trademarked Pharmaceuticals, Hannah Brennan
The Costs of Cigarettes: The Economic Case for Ex Post Incentive-Based Regulation, Jon D. Hanson and Kyle D. Logue
The Court of Life and Death: The Two Tracks of Constitutional Sentencing Law and the Case for Uniformity, Rachel E. Barkow
The Crawford Transformation, Richard D. Friedman
The Culture of Legal Change: A Case Study of Tobacco Control in Twenty-First Century Japan, Eric A. Feldman
The Current Landscape of Race: Old Targets, New Opportunities, Richard Delgado
The Current Life Insurance Crisis: How the Law Should Respond, Kyle D. Logue
The Customer is Always Right… Not! Employer Liability for Third Party Sexual Harassment, Lea B. Vaughn
The Debt Dilemma, Katherine Porter
The Disability Cliff, Samuel R. Bagenstos
The Disgorgement Interest in Contract Law, Melvin A. Eisenberg
The D'oh! Of Popular Constitutionalism, Neal Devin's
The Economic Impact of Backdating of Executive Stock Options, M. P. Narayanan, Cindi A. Schipani, and H. Nejat Seyhun
The Effect of Instructional Gaming Upon Absenteeism: The First Step, Layman E. Allen and Dana B. Martin
The Effect of Section 1-102(3) and 1-103 on Commercial Agreements Involving UCC Tansactions: Should They Be Revised?, James J. White
The Effect of Time of Day on Reference Interactions in Academic Law Libraries, Seth Quidachay-Swan
The Crawford Debacle, George Fisher
The Emerging Article 2: Remedies for Breach of the Contract for Sale, Richard E. Speidel and James J. White
The Glucksberg Renaissance: Substantive Due Process since Lawrence v. Texas, Brian Hawkins
The Lotus Principle in ICJ Jurisprudence: Was the Ship Ever Afloat?, Hugh Handeyside
The End of Citizenship?, Jonathan Weinberg
The Era of Deference: Courts, Expertise, and the Emergence of New Deal Administrative Law, Reuel E. Schiller
The Estate Tax Marital Deduction, Harold Dubroff and Douglas A. Kahn
The E.U. Leniency Program and U.S. Civil Discovery Rules: A Fraternal Fight?, Roberto Grasso
The European Union's Human Rights Obligations Towards Distant Strangers, Aravind Ganesh
The Evolution of Same-Sex Marriage in Canada: Lessons the U.S. Can Learn from Their Northern Neighbor Regarding Same-Sex Marriage Rights, Christy M. Glass and Nancy Kubasek
The Exceptional Circumstances of Johnson v. United States, Leah M. Litman
The Executive Role in Culturing Export Control Compliance, Matthew G. Morris
The Failure of Breast Cancer Informed Consent Statuses, Rachael Anderson-Watts
The Fair Housing Act and Disparate Impact in Homeowners Insurance, Dana L. Kaersvang
The Family Law Doctrine of Equivalence, Amy L. Wax
The Fault Principle As the Chameleon of Contract Law: A Market Function Approach, Stefan Grundmann
The Fault That Lies Within Our Contract Law, George M. Cohen
The Firing Squad as "A Known and Available Alternative Method of Execution" Post-Glossip, Deborah W. Denno
The First-Party Insurance Externality: An Economic Justification for Enterprise Liability, Jon D. Hanson and Kyle D. Logue
The Folklore of Legal Biography, Mark Fenster
The Four Pillars of Work Law, Orly Lobel
The Frame of Reference and Other Problems, Richard D. Friedman and Jeffrey L. Fisher
The Freedom to Marry for Same-Sex Couples: The Opening Appellate Brief of Plaintiffs Stan Baker Et Al. In Baker Et Al. V. State of Vermont, Mary Bonauto, Susan M. Murray, and Beth Robinson
The Freedom to Marry for Same-Sex Couples: The Opening Appellate Brief of Plaintiffs Stan Baker Et Al. In Baker Et Al. V. State of Vermont, Mary Bonauto, Susan M. Murray, and Beth Robinson
The Future of Books Related to the Law?, Eugene Volokh
The Future of Law and Development: Second Generation Reforms and the Incorporation of the Social, Kerry Rittich
The Gay Agenda, Libby Adler
The Genie and the Bottle: Collateral Sources Under the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund, Kenneth S. Abraham and Kyle D. Logue
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Reflections of a Counterclerk, Gil Seinfeld
The Health Effects of Environmental Violations, University of Michigan Law School
The High Stakes of WTO Reform, James Thuo Gathii
The Honorable Constance Baker Motley: The Honor and Burden of Being First
The Imagination of James Boyd White, Lee C. Bollinger
The Impact of Trauma on Advocacy
The Implications of IFRS on the Functioning of the Securities Antifraud Regime in the United States, Lance J. Phillips
The Importance of Core Labor Rights in World Development, Jonathan P. Hiatt and Deborah Greenfield
The Incest Horrible: Delimiting the Lawrence v. Texas Right to Sexual Autonomy, Y. Carson Zhou
The Incremental Retributive Impact of a Death Sentence Over Life Without Parole, Michael L. Radelet
The Indian Child Welfare Act., Frank Vandervort
The Inexorable Rise of the VAT: Is the US Next?, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah
The Inherent Jurisdiction of WTO Tribunals: The Select Application of Public International Law Required by the Judicial Function, Andrew D. Mitchell and David Heaton
The International Law of State Responsibility: Revolution or Evolution?, Pierre-Marie Dupuy
The Intersection of Articles 2 and 9, Steven L. Harris and James J. White
The Intersections of Articles 2 and 9: Recommendations for Clarification and Revisions, Richard E. Speidel and James J. White
The Jury, Seditious Libel and the Criminal Law, Thomas A. Green
The Key to Unlocking the Clubhouse Door: The Application of Antidiscrimination Laws to Quasi-Private Clubs, Sally Frank
The Lactating Angel or Activist? Public Breatsfeeding as Symbolic Speech, Elizabeth Hildebrand Matherne
The Law and Culture of the Apology in Korean Dispute Settlement (With Japan and the United States in Mind), Ilhyung Lee
The Law and Finance of Anti-Takeover Statutes
The Law and the Non-Law, Katharina Pistor
The (Legal) Pains of Vioxx: Why Product Liability Can Make Products More Dangerous, Omri Ben-Shahar
The Life of the Mind and a Life of Meaning: Reflections on Fahrenheit 451, Rodney A. Smolla
The Limits of Courage and Principle, Jedediah Purdy
The Logician Versus the Linguist- an Empirical Tale of Functional Discrimination in the Legal Academy, Andrea Kayne Kaufman
The Many Faces of Fault in Contract Law: Or How to Do Economics Right, Without Really Trying, Richard A. Epstein
The Marriage Dower: Essential Guarantor of Women's Rights in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, Heather Jacobson
The Marriage Mirage: The Personal and Social Indentity Implications of Same-Gendered Matrimony, Linda S. Eckols
The Michigan Guidelines on Risk for Reasons of Political Opinion, Colloquium on Challenges in International Refugee Law
The Michigan Guidelines on the Right to Work, Colloquium on Challenges in International Refugee Law
The Michigan Law Quadrangle: Architecture and Origins, Kathryn Horste
The (Mis)Categorization of Sex in Anglo-American Cases of Transsexual Marriage, John Parsi
The Misunderstood Right to Be Forgotten: The Future of Free Expression and Privacy in the Online World, University of Michigan Law School
The Multistate Bar Exam as a Theory of Law, Daniel J. Solove
The Myth and the Reality of American Constitutional Exceptionalism, Stephen Gardbaum
The Neglected Political Economy of Eminent Domain, Nicole Stelle Garnett
The New Codex Alimentarius Commission Standards for Food Created with Modern Biotechnology: Implications for the EC GMO Framework's Compliance with the SPS Agreement, Aaron A. Ostrovsky
The New International Law-Makers? Conferences of the Parties to Multilateral Environmental Agreements, Annecoos Wiersema
The New Labor Law, Kate Andrias
The Next Generation: Milhaupt and West on Japanese Economic Law, Kent Anderson
The Ohio Model for Combatting Debtors' Prisons, Jocelyn Rosnick and Mike Brickner
The Pace of International Criminal Justice, Jean Galbraith
The Passage of Community Property Laws, 1939-1947: Was "More Than Money" Involved?, Jennifer E. Sturiale
The Pendulum Swings: Reconsidering Corporate Criminal Prosecution, David M. Uhlmann
The Perverse Effects of Subsidized Weather Insurance, Omri Ben-Shahar and Kyle D. Logue
The Political Economy of Rule of Law Reform in Developing Countries, Ronald J. Daniels and Michael Trebilcock
The Political Market for Criminal Justice, Rachel E. Barkow
The Prevention of Repeated Crime, John B. Waite
The Price of Carceral Citizenship: Punishment, Surveillance, and Social Welfare Policy in an Age of Carceral Expansion, Reuben Jonathan Miller and Amanda Alexander
The Price of Conflict: War, Taxes, and the Politics of Fiscal Citizenship, Ajay K. Mehrotra
The Private Causes of Action under CERCLA: Navigating the Intersection of Sections 107(a) and 113(f), Jeffrey M. Gaba
The Problem of Purpose in International Criminal Law, Patrick J. Keenan
The "Progressive" Public Defender (and Its Alternatives) in Los Angeles, 1914-1949
The Promotion of Free-Trade Areas Viewed in Terms of Most-Favored-Nation Treatment and "Imperial Preference", Sydney M. Cone III
The Purpose of Development, Kamal Malhotra
The Quest for Creative Jurisdiction: The Evolution of Personal Jurisdiction Doctrine of Israeli Courts Toward the Palestinian Territories, Michael M. Karayanni
The Relationship of IMF Structural Adjustment Programs to Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights: The Argentine Case Revisited, Jason Morgan-Foster
There's No "I" in "League": Professional Sports Leagues and the Single Entity Defense, Nathaniel Grow
The Responsibility to Protect: A Beaver Without a Dam?, Jeremy I. Levitt
The Return of Coverture, Allison Anna Tait
The Rights of Putative Fathers to Their Infant Children in Contested Adoptions: Strengthening State Laws that Currently Deny Adequate Protection, Robbin Pott Gonzalez
The Role of Fault in Contract Law: Unconscionability, Unexpected Circumstances, Interpretation, Mistake, and Nonperformance, Melvin Aron Eisenberg
The Role of Law, Theodore J. St. Antoine
The Role of Patents in Exploiting the Genome, Rebecca S. Eisenberg
The Role of Trade & Foreign Direct Investment in Development, Kevin A. Hassett
The SEC, Administrative Usurpation, and Insider Trading, Adam C. Pritchard
The SEC's Shift to Administrative Proceedings: An Empirical Assessment, Adam C. Pritchard and Stephen Choi
The Sexual Regulation Dimension of Contemporary Welfare Law: A Fifty State Overview, Anna Marie Smith
The Shifting Border of Immigration Regulation, Ayelet Shachar
The Significance of the Local in Immigration Regulation, Cristina M. Rodríguez
The Social Construction of Sarbanes-Oxley, Donald C. Langevoort
The “Sources for Treaty Interpretation” and How to Use Them, According to the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, Donald Regan
The Spy Who Came in From the Cold War: Intelligence and International Law, Simon Chesterman
The Success of Chapter 11: A Challenge to the Critics, Elizabeth Warren and Jay Lawrence Westbrook
The Sun Doesn't Always Shine in Ohio: Reevaluating Renewable Portfolio Standards in Light of Changed Conditions, Jeffrey M. Smith
The Supreme Assimilation of Patent Law, Peter Lee
The Supreme Court's Controversial GVRs - And an Alternative, Aaron-Andrew P. Bruhl
The "Sweet Mystery" of Anthony Kennedy: Understanding the Supreme Court's Swing Vote
The Sweet Mystery of Justice Kennedy
The Tax Injunction Act and Federal Jurisdiction: Reasoning from the Underlying Goals of Federalism and Comity, David Fautsch
The Theory and Practice of Tax Reform, Lawrence Zelenak
The Three Causes of Inversions: Reflections on Pfizer/Allergan and Notice 2015-79, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah
The Three C's of Jurisdiction Over Human Rights Claims in U.S. Courts, Chimène I. Keitner
The Triumph of Hate Speech Regulation: Why Gender Wins but Race Loses in America, Jon Gould
The Uneasy Case for the Retirement of Douglas Kahn, Jeffrey H. Kahn
The Unintended Effects of Government-Subsidized Weather Insurance, Omri Ben-Shahar and Kyle D. Logue
The United States as Global Sheriff: Using Unilateral Sanctions to Combat Human Trafficking, Janie Chuang
The United States, The United Nations, and Micronesia: Questions of Procedure, Substance, and Faith, Harry G. Prince
The Unresolved Equation of Espionage and International Law, A. John Radsan
The Use of Article 31(3)(C) of the VCLT in the Case Law of the ECtHR: An Effective Anti-Fragmentation Tool or a Selective Loophole for the Reinforcement of Human Rights Teleology?, Vassilis P. Tzevelekos
The Use of Drug Testing to Police Sex and Gender in the Olympic Games, Haley K. Olsen-Acre
The Use of Efficient Market Hypothesis: Beyond SOX, Dana M. Muir and Cindy A. Schipani
The Use of Force Against States That Might Have Weapons of Mass Destruction, Matthew C. Waxman
The Use of Human Rights Discourse to Secure Women's Interests: Critical Analysis of the Implications, Renu Mandhane
The Victims of Victim Participation in International Criminal Proceedings, Charles P. Trumbull IV
The Vitality of the American Sovereign, Todd E. Pettys
The War Against Iraq and the Future of International Law: Hegemony or Pluralism?, Andreas Paulus
The Water-Energy-Climate Nexus Under International Law: A Central Asian Perspective, Anatole Boute
The World Is on Our Side: The U.S. Origins of the United Nations' Race Convention
The Worldwide Market for Sex: A Review of International and Regional Legal Prohibitions Regarding Trafficking in Women, Susan Jeanne Toepfer and Bryan Stuart Wells
The Yukos Money Laundering Case: A Never-Ending Story, Dmitry Gololobov
Think of the Children: Using IIED to Reformulate Disturbing Speech Restrictions, Richard Lorren Jolly
Thin Rationality Review, Jacob Gersen and Adrian Vermeule
Thoughts from Across the Water on Hearsay and Confrontation, Richard D. Friedman
Thou Shalt Not Electioneer: Religious Nonprofit Political Activity and the Threat “God PACs” Pose to Democracy and Religion, Jonathan Backer
Three Problems (And Two Solutions) in the Law of Partnership Formation, Shawn Bayern
To Err is Human, Keith A. Rowley
Too Vast to Succeed, Miriam H. Baer
Torts and Innovation, Gideon Parchomovsky and Alex Stein
To Seek a Newer World: Prisoners’ Rights at the Frontier, David M. Shapiro
Toward a New Framework for Understanding Political Opinion, Catherine Dauvergne
Toward a Tax-Based Explanation of the Liability Insurance Crisis, Kyle D. Logue
Toward a Third-Wave Feminist Legal Theory: Young Women, Pornography and the Praxis of Pleasure, Bridget J. Crawford
Towards a Right to Privacy in Transnational Intelligence Networks, Francesca Bignami
Towards a Universal Framework for Insurance Anti-Discrimination Laws, Ronen Avraham, Kyle D. Logue, and Daniel Schwarcz
Towards Reasonable: The Rise of State Pregnancy Accommodation Laws, Stephanie A. Pisko
To Wit: Department of Law, University of Michigan
Traditional Hindu Law in the Guise of 'Postmodernism:' A Review Article, Donald R. Davis Jr.
Traffic Jam: Recommendations for Civil Penalties to Curb the Recent Trafficking of Women from Post-Cold War Russia, Christopher M. Pilkerton
Traffickers Cross Borders: Legal Solutions
Transactional Law Competition: Informational Meeting
Transactions Subject to Gift Tax, Douglas A. Kahn and Earl M. Colson
Transcending the Body Politic, Katherine Wise
Transgovernmental Networks vs. Democracy: The Case of the European Information Privacy Network, Francesca Bignami
Transitional Justice in Times of Conflict: Colombia's Ley de Justicia y Paz, Lisa J. Laplante and Kimberly Theidon
Transnational Families in Crisis: An Analysis of the Domestic Violence Rule in E.U. Free Movement Law, Adam Weiss
Transnational Networks and International Criminal Justice, Jenia Iontcheva Turner
Transparency: An Analysis of an Evolving Fundamental Principle in International Economic Law, Carl-Sebastian Zoellner
Transparency and Comparative Executive Clemency: Global Lessons for Pardon Reform in the United States, Andrew Novak
"Trapped" in Sing Sing: Transgendered Prisoners Caught in the Gender Binarism, Darren Rosenblum
Travelers Checks, James J. White
Trolling for Trolls: The Pitfalls of the Emerging Market Competition Requirement for Permanent Injunctions in Patent Cases Post-eBay, Benjamin H. Diessel
Twins or Triplets?: Protecting the Eleventh Amendment through a Three-Prong Arm-of-the-State Test, Héctor G. Bladuell
Two Paradigms of Jurisdiction, Ralf Michaels
Two Randomized Field Experiments in Access to Justice
UCC Proposals Concerning Consumer Transactions, James J. White
Uncertainty Revisited: Legal Prediction and Legal Postdiction, Ehud Guttel and Alon Harel
Uncovering Identity, Paul Horowitz
Underbanked: Cooperative Banking as a Potential Solution to the Marijuana-Banking Problem, Patrick A. Tighe
Understanding and Regulating Twenty-First Century Payment Systems: The Ripple Case Study, Marcel T. Rosner and Andrew Kang
Understanding Insurance Anti-Discrimination Laws, Ronen Avraham, Kyle D. Logue, and Daniel Schwarcz
Understanding Noncompetition Agreements: The 2014 Noncompete Survey Project, J. J. Prescott, Norman D. Bishara, and Evan Starr
Understanding Pleading Doctrine, A. Benjamin Spencer
Understanding the Election Results, University of Michigan Law School
U.N. General Assembly Meetings Held Outside New York, Yehuda Z. Blum
United Nations Convention Documents in Light of Feminist Theory, R. Christopher Preston and Ronald Z. Ahrens
United States Military Academy
Universal Jurisdiction as an International "False Conflict" of Laws, Anthony J. Colangelo
University of British Columbia
University of Have New Legal Research Library: William W. Cook, '80, 82L, Donor of the Lawyers' Club and Martha Cook Dormitory, Makes Gift, The Michigan Alumnus
University of Michigan: 1914 Law Class
University of Michigan: A Directory of the Law Class of 1903
University of Michigan: Directory, Law Class of 1922
University of Michigan Law Class of 1929: Class Directory
University of Michigan Law Class of 1929: Class Directory
University of Michigan Law School: Directory: Class of 1922
University of Michigan Law School Faculty, 06/07, University of Michigan Law School
University of Michigan Law School Faculty, 07/08, University of Michigan Law School
University of Michigan Law School Faculty, 08/09, University of Michigan Law School
University of Michigan Law School Faculty, 2005-2006, University of Michigan Law School
University of Michigan Law School Faculty, 2009-2010, University of Michigan Law School
University of Michigan Law School Faculty, 2010-2011, University of Michigan Law School
University of Michigan Law School Faculty, 2011-2012, University of Michigan Law School
University of Michigan Legal Directory, Arthur E. Lybolt
Unsettling Drug Patent Settlements: A Framework for Presumptive Illegality, Michael A. Carrier
Untold Stories: Gender-Related Persecution and Asylum in South Africa, Lindsay M. Harris
Unusual Suspects: Recognizing and Responding to Female Staff Perpetrators of Sexual Misconduct in U.S. Prisons, Lauren A. Teichner
U. of M. 1895 Law: Class Directory
U. of M. 1895 Law: Class Directory
Upcoming Reproductive Justice Events
U.S. Bankruptcy Code in Puerto Rico, University of Michigan Law School
U.S. Defense Contracts During the Tax Expenditure Battles of the 1980s, Susan J. Guthrie and James R. Hines Jr.
US Perpetual Trusts, Lawrence W. Waggoner