Works from 2022
Gendered Normativities: The Role and Rule of Law, Susanne Baer
Anticipatory Edits, Patrick Barry
Elephant in the Room, Patrick Barry
Feedback Loops: Keep/Cut, Patrick Barry
Feedback Loops: Surviving the Feedback Desert, Patrick Barry
Investigative Advocacy: The Mechanics of Muckraking, Patrick Barry
Noise Pollution, Patrick Barry
The Syntax of Sports, Class 4: Parallel Structure, Patrick Barry
Ma'ii and Nanaboozhoo Fistfight in Heaven, Tamera Begay and Matthew Fletcher
White Paper: Effective Communication with Deaf, Hard of Hearing, Blind, and Low Vision Incarcerated People, Tessa Bialek and Margo Schlanger
Exclusion Cycles: Reinforcing Disparities in Medicine, Ana Bracic, Shawneequa L. Callier, and Nicholson Price
Reducing Prejudice Through Law: Evidence From Experimental Psychology, Sara Emily Burke and Roseanna Sommers
Non-Lawyer Judges in Devalued Courts, Maureen Carroll
A Quiet Revolution: How Judicial Discipline Essentially Eliminated Foster Care and Nearly Went Unnoticed., Melissa Carter, Christopher Church, and Vivek Sankaran
International Law as a Vehicle for Peace: Feminist Engagements., Hilary Charlesworth, Christine M. Chinkin, and Shelley Wright
Women, Peace, and Security: A Human Rights Agenda?, Christine M. Chinkin
Just Say No? Shareholder Voting on Securities Class Actions, Albert H. Choi, Stephen J. Choi, and Adam C. Pritchard
Volume Introduction, I. Glenn Cohen, Timo Minssen, W. Nicholson Price II, Christopher Robertson, and Carmel Shachar
Antitrust as an Instrument of Democracy, Daniel A. Crane
Institutional Considerations for the Regulation of Internet Service Providers, Daniel Deacon
Fenceposts Without a Fence, Katherine E. Dr Lucido, Nicholas K. Tabor, and Jeffery Y. Zhang
Is Corporate Law Nonpartisan?, Ofer Eldar and Gabriel V. Rauterberg
Happily Ever After, Phoebe C. Ellsworth
Wandering into Psychology and Law, Phoebe C. Ellsworth
The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on First-Generation Women Test-Takers: Magnifying Adversities, Stress, and Consequences for Bar Exam Performance., Freiburger Erin, Victor D. Quintanilla, Kurt Hugenberg, Sam Erman, Nedim Yel, Anita Kim, and Mary C. Murphy
Marijuana and Patents: The Complicated Relationship between Patent Rights and the Federal Criminalization of Marijuana, Reza Roghani Esfahani and Howard Bromberg
Corporate Taxes and Union Wages in the United States, Alison R. Felix and James R. Hines Jr.
Muskrat Textualism, Matthew L.M. Fletcher
Professionalism in Tribal Jurisdictions, Matthew L.M. Fletcher
Reflections on the Restatement of the Law of American Indians, Matthew L.M. Fletcher
Restatement as Aadizookaan, Matthew L.M. Fletcher
Uncomfortable Truths about Sovereignty and Wealth, Matthew L.M. Fletcher
Preemption, Commandeering, and the Indian Child Welfare Act, Matthew L.M. Fletcher and Randall F. Khalil
In Defense of Its Identity, Daniel H. Halberstam and Werner Schroeder
Legal Writing Mechanics: A Bibliography, Margaret Hannon
Plant Closings and Reductions in Force, Margaret Hannon
Open-Source Clinical Machine Learning Models: Critical Appraisal of Feasibility, Advantages, and Challenges, Keerthi B. Harish, W. Nicholson Price II, and Yindalon Aphinyanaphongs
Susan Reynolds, John G. H. Hudson and David L. d'Avray
Mary Lou Graves, Nolen Breedlove, and the Nineteenth Amendment, Ellen D. Katz
To Participate and Elect: Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act at 40, Ellen D. Katz, Brian Remlinger, Andrew Dziedzic, Brooke Simone, and Jordan Schuler
Shareholder Engagement in the United States, Vikramaditya S. Khanna
Evaluating Project Need for Natural Gas Pipelines in an Age of Climate Change: A Spotlight on FERC and the Courts, Alexandra Klass
Regulating for Energy Justice, Alexandra B. Klass and Gabriel Chan
Local Power, Alexandra Klass and Rebecca Wilton
An Empirical Analysis of Clinical Legal Education in Middle Age, Robert R. Kuehn and David A. Santacroce
The Psychology of Taxing Capital Income: Evidence from a Survey Experiment on the Realization Rule, Zachary Liscow and Edward G. Fox
Textualism, Judicial Supremacy, and the Independent State Legislature Theory, Leah Litman and Katherine Shaw
The Case for Banning (and Mandating) Ransomware Insurance, Kyle D. Logue and Adam B. Shniderman
Grid Reliability through Clean Energy, Joshua Macey, Shelley Welton, Alexandra Klass, and Hannah Wiseman
Not a Suicide Pact: Urgent Strategic Recommendations for Reducing Domestic Terrorism in the United States, Barbara L. McQuade
From Zero to Thrive: A Model of Cross-System and Cross-Sector Relational Health to Promote Early Childhood Development across the Child-Serving Ecosystem, Alison L. Miller, Sara F. Stein, Rebeccah Sokol, Rachel Varisco, Phoebe Trout, Megan M. Julian, Julie Ribaudo, Joshua B. Kay, Natasha V. Pilkauskas, Nicole Gardner-Neblett, Todd I. Herrenkohl, Kara Zivin, Maria Muzik, and Katherine L. Rosenblum
Delegation at the Founding: A Response to Critics, Julian Davis Mortenson and Nicholas Bagley
The Stoic Litigator, Leonard M. Niehoff
The Everyday First Amendment, Leonard M. Niehoff and Thomas Sullivan
A MODERN DEMOCRATIC STATE, IF WE CAN KEEP IT: Response to Commentators in the Symposium on New Democracy: The Creation of the Modern American State, William J. Novak
Willard Hurst, Technological Changes, and the Transformation of American Public Law, William J. Novak
Possibilidades de uma História Pragmática do Político, William J. Novak and Stephen W. Sawyer
Against a Deconstitutionalisation of International Law in Times of Populism, Pandemic, and War, Anne Peters
Distributed Governance of Medical AI, Nicholson Price
Congressional Myopia in Biomedical Innovation Policy, W. Nicholson Price II
Part I - AI and Data as Medical Devices, W. Nicholson Price II
New Innovation Models in Medical AI, W Nicholson Price II, Rachel E. Sachs, and Rebecca S. Eisenberg
Limiting Access to Remedies: Select Criminal Law and Procedure Cases from the Supreme Court's 2021-22 Term, Eve Brensike Primus and Justin Hill
International Law Rules on Treaty Interpretation, Steven R. Ratner
What is the Law's Role in a Recession?, Gabriel Rauterberg and Joshua Younger
Comment: Without Effective Lawyers, Do More Determinate Legal Standards Really Matter?, Vivek S. Sankaran
Of Rights and Regulation, Stephen W. Sawyer and William J. Novak
Pandemic Rules: COVID-19 and the Prison Litigation Reform Act's Exhaustion Requirement, Margo Schlanger and Betsy Ginsberg
Ending the Discriminatory Pretrial Incarceration of People with Disabilities: Liability under the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Rehabilitation Act, Margo Schlanger, Elizabeth Jordan, and Roxana Moussavian
AI Insurance: How Liability Insurance Can Drive the Responsible Adoption of Artificial Intelligence in Health Care, Ariel Dora Stern, Avi Goldfarb, Timo Minssen, and W. Nicholson Price II
Mich. Ruling Widens Sentencing Protections For Young Adults, Kimberly A. Thomas
A Congressional Review Act for the Major Questions Doctrine, Christopher J. Walker
Race Belongs in Week One of LRW, Beth H. Wilensky
The Orkney Slew and Central Bank Digital Currencies, Jeffery Y. Zhang and Gary B. Gordon
Works from 2021
Offenders and SORN Laws, Amanda Agan and J.J. Prescott
"Constructing Countervailing Power: Law and Organizing in an Era of Political Inequality", Kate Andrias and Benjamin I. Sachs
Has Tax Competition Been Curbed? Reaction to L.Ahrens, L. Hakelberg & T. Rixen, Reuven Avi-Yonah
Federalizing Tax Justice, Reuven Avi-Yonah, Orli Avi-Yonah, Nir Fishbien, and Hayian Xu
A Different Way to Tax Stock Buybacks, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah
Globalization, Tax Competition and the Fiscal Crisis of the Welfare State: A Twentieth Anniversary Retrospective, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah
Is GILTI Constitutional?, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah
Is the Net Investment Income Tax a Treaty Override? Reflections on Toulouse, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah
Lecture in Human Rights: Tax Policy, Global Economics, Labor and Justice in Light of COVID-19, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah
Rebellion, Rascals, and Revenue: Pleasingly Gaudy and Preposterous, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah
Stanley Surrey, the 1981 US Model, and the Single Tax Principle, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah
Taxation and Business: The Human Rights Dimension of Corporate Tax Practices, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah
The Baby and the Bathwater: Reflections on the TCJA’s International Provisions, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah
The Case for Reviving the Corporate AMT, REUVEN S. AVI-YONAH
The Ingenious Biden Tax Plan, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah
The New International Tax Framework: Evolution or Revolution?, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah
The Worst Tax Law Ever Enacted?, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah
Stanley Surrey, the Code and the Regime, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah and Nir Fishbien
Is New York's Market-to-Market Act Unconstitutionally Retroactive?, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah, David Gamage, Darien Shanske, and Kirk J. Stark
Due Diligence in International Tax Law, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah and Gianluca Mazzoni
The New Eugenics, Samuel R. Bagenstos
California v. Texas — Ending the Campaign to Undo the ACA in the Courts, Nicholas Bagley
Central Bank of the Future Summary and Recommendations for Further Inquiry, Michael S. Barr, Adrienne A. Harris, Megan Kelly, Emma Macfarlane, and Bryan Ricketts
Editing and Interleaving, Patrick Barry
Good with Words: Speaking and Presenting, Patrick Barry
Notes on Nuance: Volume 1, Patrick Barry