"Preventing Child Maltreatment Through Medical-Legal Partnership" by Debra Chopp

Document Type

Book Chapter

Publication Date



There has been significant attention in recent years to health care delivery models that address social determinants of health. One such model is medical-legal partnership (MLP). MLPs join health care providers with lawyers to address health-harming legal needs in the lives of vulnerable patients. Research on MLPs has demonstrated their success in reducing stress and increasing health and well-being in the patients they serve and in their families. This chapter explores the possibility of using MLP as a tool to prevent child maltreatment.


Reproduced with permission. Originally published as Chopp, Debra. "Preventing Child Maltreatment Through Medical-Legal Partnership." In Preventing Child Abuse: Critical Roles and Multiple Perspectives, edited by Vincent J Palusci, Frank E. Vandervort, Donald E. Greydanus, and Joav Merrick. Hauppauge, NY: Nova, 2021.
