"An Empirical Analysis of Clinical Legal Education in Middle Age" by Robert R. Kuehn and David A. Santacroce

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Modern clinical legal education has turned fifty. Much has been written on its development and history, both as a pedagogy and in relation to the broader enterprise of legal education. But there has been no longitudinal empirical analysis documenting that growth until now. By looking at a series of nationwide surveys starting in 2007 and comparing those results to surveys dating back to the 1970s, this article paints a factual picture of clinical legal education’s progression from early adulthood to middle age.


© 2022 The authors and the Association of American Law Schools. AALS is the copyright holder of the edition of the Journal in which the article first appeared. Reproduced with permission; originally published as Kuehn, Robert R. and David A. Santacroce. "An Empirical Analysis of Clinical Legal Education at Middle Age." Journal of Legal Education 71, no. 4 (2022): 622-672.
