Works from 2020
Antitrust and the Corporate Tax: Why We Need Progressive Corporate Tax Rates, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah and Lior Frank
Biden's International Tax Plan, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah and Gianluca Mazzoni
Coca-Cola: A Decisive IRS TransferPricing Victory, at Last, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah and Gianluca Mazzoni
Disability and Reproductive Justice, Samuel Bagenstos
Disability Rights and the Discourse of Justice., Samuel Bagenstos
Lochner Lives On, Samuel Bagenstos
Who Gets the Ventilator? Disability Discrimination in COVID-19 Medical-Rationing Protocols, Samuel Bagenstos
Consent, Coercion, and Employment Law, Samuel R. Bagenstos
Litigation for the People, Samuel R. Bagenstos
Legitimacy and Agency Implementation of Title IX, Samuel R. Bagenstos
Towards an Urban Disability Agenda, Samuel R. Bagenstos
Olmstead v. L.C.: The Supreme Court Case, Samuel R. Bagenstos, Irv Gornstein, Michael Gottesman, and Jennifer Mathis
Executive Power and the ACA, Nicholas Bagley
Is Obamacare Really Unconstitutional?, Nicholas Bagley
Errors and Insights, Patrick Barry
Numbers, Patrick Barry
Rhetorical Repetition, Patrick Barry
The Syntax of Sports Class 2: The Power of the Particular, Patrick Barry
What Will (Or Might?) Law School Look Like This Fall?: Teaching in the Midst of a Pandemic, Ted Becker
Using Transactional Practice Competitions to Introduce Students to Key Deal-Making Skills, Ted Becker and Eric Zacks
Decolonization as Dialectic Process in Law and Literature, Laura Nyantung Beny
Mapping the Iceberg: The Impact of Data Sources on the Study of District Courts, Christina L. Boyd, Pauline T. Kim, and Margo Schlanger
Civil Procedure and Economic Inequality, Maureen Carroll
Judges Behaving Badly . . . Then Slinking Away, Maureen Carroll
Fee-Shifting Statutes and Compensation for Risk, Maureen S. Carroll
Covid-19, Single-Sourced Diagnostic Tests, and Innovation Policy, Deb Chaarushena, Osman Moneer, and Nicholson W. Price II
Golden Parachutes and the Limits of Shareholder Voting, Albert H. Choi, Andrew C.W. Lund, and Robert Schonlau
Designing and Enforcing Preliminary Agreements, Albert H. Choi and George Triantis
Working Hard or Making Work? Plaintiffs' Attorneys Fees in Securities Fraud Class Actions, Stephen J. Choi, Jessica Erickson, and A. C. Pritchard
What Do We Remedy?, Nicholas B. Cornell, Paul Miller, and John Oberdiek
Competition Wrongs, Nicolas Cornell
Taxes as Pandemic Controls, Ashley C. Craig and James R. Hines Jr.
Christianity and the International Economic Order, Daniel A. Crane
The Restatements and the Rule of Law, Kristina Daugirdas
Breaking the Silence: Why International Organizations Should Acknowledge Customary International Law Obligations to Provide Effective Remedies, Kristina Daugirdas and Sachi Shuricht
Abandoning Copyright, Dave Fagundes and Aaron Perzanowski
Feigned Consensus: Usurping the Law in Shaken Baby Syndrome/Abusive Head Trauma Prosecutions, Keith A. Findley, D. Michael Risinger, Patrick D. Barnes, Julie A. Mack, David A. Moran, Barry C. Scheck, and Thomas L. Bohan
The Law of Genocide and Indigenous Peoples, Matthew L. M. Fletcher
Indian Law Reality Television, or How to Stop Worrying When Losing in the Supreme Court, Matthew L.M. Fletcher
Indian Lives Matter: Pandemics and Inherent Tribal Powers, Matthew L.M. Fletcher
Politics, Indian Law, and The Constitution, Matthew L.M. Fletcher
Does Capital Bear the U.S. Corporate Tax After All? New Evidence from Corporate Tax Returns, Edward Fox
Sharp Lines and Sliding Scales in Tax Law, Edward Fox and Jacob Goldin
A Case for Higher Corporate Tax Rates, Edward G. Fox and Liscow D. Zachary
Race, Reform, & Progressive Prosecution, Daniel Fryer
The Coronavirus and the Risks to the Elderly in Long-Term Care, William Gardner, David States, and Nicholas Bagley
Government Misconduct and Convicting the Innocent: The Role of Prosecutors, Police and Other Law Enforcement, Samuel R. Gross, Maurice J. Possley, Kaitlin Jackson Roll, and Klara Huber Stephens
The Integrative Effects of Global Legal Pluralism, Monica Hakimi
Thin And Thick Conceptions of The Nineteenth Amendment Right to Vote and Congress's Power to Enforce It, Richard L. Hasen and Leah M. Litman
Series Editor's Preface, James C. Hathaway
Income Inequality, Progressive Taxation and Tax Expenditures, James R. Hines Jr.
Medical Marijuana, Taxation, and Internal Revenue Code Section 280E, Douglas A. Kahn and Howard J. Bromberg
Eight Months Later, Ellen D. Katz
Eminent Domain Law as Climate Policy, Alexandra Klass
Regulating the Energy "Free Riders", Alexandra Klass
The Public Use Clause in an Age of U.S. Natural Gas Exports, Alexandra Klass
What's Left of the Affordable Care Act?, Helen Levy, Andrew Ying, and Nicholas Bagley
Lawyers Democratic Dysfunction, Leah Litman
Muted Justice, Leah Litman
On Sexual Harassment in the Judiciary, Leah Litman and Deeva Shah
Compassion: The Necessary Foundation to Reunify Families Involved in the Foster Care System, Katherine Markey and Vivek Sankaran
Introduction: International Law Governing Armed Conflict, Christian Marxsen and Anne Peters
Before the Cell Door Shuts: Justice Reform Efforts Should Focus on Steps besides Sentencing, Barbara L. McQuade
The Permissibility of Acting Officials: May the President Work around Senate Confirmation?, Nina A. Mendelson
L.M.-M. v. Cuccinelli and The Illegality of Delegating Around Vacant Senate-Confirmed Offices, Nina A. Mendelson
May the State Punish What It May Not Prevent?, Gabriel S. Mendlow
May the State Punish What it May Not Prevent?, Gabriel S. Mendlow
Are Litigation Outcome Disparities Inevitable? Courts, Technology, and the Future of Impartiality., Avital Mentovich, J.J. Prescott, and Orna Rabinovich-Einy
Regulatory Responses to Medical Machine Learning, Timo Minssen, Sara Gerke, Mateo Aboy, W. Nicholson Price II, and Glenn Cohen
The Executive Power Clause, Julian Mortenson
Proof at the Salem Witch Trials, Leonard M. Niehoff
What Litigators Can Learn from B Movies, Leonard M. Niehoff
The American Law of Overruling Necessity: The Exceptional Origins of State Police Power, William J. Novak
Epilogue: The Need for a New and Critical Democracy, William J. Novak and Stephen W. Sawyer
The Hidden Disability Consensus in the 2020 Campaign, Harold A. Pollack and Samuel R. Bagenstos
Cross-Border Corporate Insolvency in the Era of Soft(ish) Law, John A.E. Pottow
Understanding Violent-Crime Recidivism, J.J. Prescott, Benjamin Pyle, and Sonja B. Starr
Expungement of Criminal Convictions: An Empirical Study, J.J. Prescott and Sonja B. Starr
The Power of a Clean Slate, J.J. Prescott and Sonja B. Starr
The Cost of Novelty, Will Nicholson Price II
Winks, Whispers, and Prosecutorial Discretion in Rural Iowa, 1925-1928, Emily Prifogle
Why Women Also Know History, Emily Prifogle and Karin Wulf
Disaggregating Ineffective Assistance of Counsel Doctrine: Four Forms of Constitutional Ineffectiveness, Eve Brensike Primus
Incorporating Social Science into Criminal Defense Practice, Eve Brensike Primus
A Small but Mighty Docket: Select Criminal Law and Procedure Cases from the Supreme Court's 2019-20 Term, Eve Brensike Primus and Jeremy Shur
Herein of 'Herein Granted': Why Article I's Vesting Clause Does Not Support the Doctrine of Enumerated Powers, Richard A. Primus
Lin-Manuel Miranda and the Future of Originalism, Richard A. Primus
Marshaling McCulloch, Richard A. Primus
The Support-or-Advocacy Clauses, Richard Primus and Cameron O. Kistler
Business and Human Rights: Seizing the Opportunity, Steven R. Ratner
International Investment Law and Domestic Investment Rules: Tracing the Upstream and Downstream Flows, Steven R. Ratner
International Law, Steven R. Ratner
Introduction to the Symposium on Soft and Hard Law on Business and Human Rights, Steven R. Ratner
International Law and Theories of Global Justice: Remarks, Steven R. Ratner, James Stewart, Jiewuh Song, and Carmen Pavel
Importing Prescription Drugs from Canada — Legal and Practical Problems with the Trump Administration's Proposal, Rachel E. Sachs and Nicholas Bagley
Rethinking Foster Care: Why Our Current Approach to Child Welfare has Failed, Vivek Sankaran and Christopher Church
Incrementalist vs. Maximalist Reform: Solitary Confinement Case Studies, Margo Schlanger
Discerning a Dignitary Offense: The Concept of Equal 'Public Rights' during Reconstruction, Rebecca J. Scott
Eighty Years of Federalism Forbearance: Rationing, Resignation, and the Rule of Law, Gil Seinfeld
Reforming State Corporate Income Taxes Can Yield Billions, Darien Shanske, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah, and David Gamage