Content Posted in 2013
Ability to Pay, John A. E. Pottow
Absolute Priority and New Value, James J. White
Abstract Democracy: A Review of Ackerman's We the People, Terrance Sandalow
Abuse Prevention 2005, James J. White
Accelerated Depreciation Revisited—A Reply to Professor Blum, Douglas A. Kahn
Accelerated Depreciation—Tax Expenditure or Proper Allowance for Measuring Net Income?, Douglas A. Kahn
Achieving Fluency in Modernized and Formalized Hohfeld: Puzzles and Games for the Legal Relations Language, Layman Allen and Charles Saxon
A Child's Right to Physical Integrity, Suellyn Scarnecchia
A Child's Right to Protection from Transfer Trauma in a Contested Adoption Case, Suellyn Scarnecchia
A Closer Look at Law: Human Rights as Multi-Level Sites of Struggles Over Multi-Dimensional Equality, Susanne Baer
A Colleague's Tribute, James J. White
A Comment on Nielsen's and Albiston's Sample Selection Methodology, and Implications for the 'Have-Nots', Laura Nyantung Beny
A Control-Based Approach to Shareholder Liability for Corporate Torts, Nina A. Mendelson
A Crisis in Federal Habeas Law, Eve Brensike Primus
A Definition of Consideration, John B. Waite
A Dissent from the Miranda Dissents: Some Comments on the 'New' Fifth Amendment and the Old 'Voluntariness' Test, Yale Kamisar
Adjusting to Crawford: High Court Decision Restores Confrontation Clause Protection, Richard D. Friedman
ADR without Borders, Theodore J. St. Antoine
Advising the Neocapitalists, James J. White
Affirmative Action: Hypocritical Euphemism or Noble Mandate?, Theodore J. St. Antoine
After 70 Years of the NLRB: Warm Congratulations -- and a Few Reservations, Theodore J. St. Antoine
Afterword to Chicago-Kent Law Review, Theodore J. St. Antoine
A Functional Approach to Targeting and Detention, Monica Hakimi
Against Assisted Suicide - Even a Very Limited Form (Symposium: Assisted Suicide, Health Care and Medical Treatment Choices), Yale Kamisar
A Gambling Paradox: Why an Origin-Neutral 'Zero-Quota' Is Not a Quota Under GATS Article XVI, Donald H. Regan
Agency Burrowing: Entrenching Policies and Personnel before a New President Arrives, Nina A. Mendelson
Agency Hygiene, Nicholas Bagley
Aggregation and Choice of Law, Edward H. Cooper
Aggregation and Settlement of Mass Torts, Edward H. Cooper
Aggregation and Settlement of Mass Torts, Edward H. Cooper
A Glimpse Behind and Beyond Grutter, Evan H. Caminker
A Guide to the Estate and Gift Tax Amendments of 1970, Douglas A. Kahn
A Hidden Crisis: The Need to Strengthen Representation of Parents in Child Protective Proceedings, Vivek Sankaran
A "Humanitarian" Approach to Individual Injury, Christina B. Whitman
A Language-Normalization Approach to Information Retrieval in Law, Layman E. Allen
Alfred F. Conard and Allan F. Smith, Terrance Sandalow
Allan F. Smith—My 'Dean for a Day', Theodore J. St. Antoine
Allocating the Judicial Power in a 'Unified Judiciary' (Restructuring Federal Courts), Evan H. Caminker
Allocation of Scarce Goods under Section 2-615 of the Uniform Commercial Code: A Comparison of Some Rival Models, James J. White
All of a Piece Throughout: The Four Ages of U.S. International Taxation, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah
A Look Back on a Half-Century of Teaching, Writing and Speaking about Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure, Yale Kamisar
Alternatives to Civil Commitment of the Mentally Ill: Practical Guides and Constitutional Imperatives, David L. Chambers
America's Apostasy, James C. Hathaway
An Alternative and Discretionary § 1367 (Symposium: A Reappraisal of the Supplemental Jurisdiction Statute, Title 28 U.S.C. 1367), Edward H. Cooper
Anchors and Flotsam: Is Evidence Law 'Adrift'?, Richard D. Friedman
Andrew M. Walkover: 1949-1988, Thomas A. Green
Andrew Walkover, Terrance Sandalow
An Epilogue to the Age of Pound, Thomas A. Green
An Essay on Texas v. Lesage, Christina B. Whitman
A New Role for Secondary Proceedings in International Bankruptcies, John A. E. Pottow
An Inclusive, Progressive National Savings and Financial Services Policy, Michael S. Barr
An Interdisciplinary Seminar in Child Abuse and Neglect with a Focus on Child Protection Practice, Suellyn Scarnecchia
Ann Arbor and Legal Aid, James J. White
An Opt-Out Home Mortgage System, Michael S. Barr, Sendhil Mullainathan, and Eldar Shafir
Another Word on the President's Statutory Authority Over Agency Action, Nina A. Mendelson
Answering the Bayesioskeptical Challenge, Richard D. Friedman
Antibiotic Resistance, Jessica D. Litman
Antitrust and the Judicial Virtues, Daniel A. Crane
Application of Enriched Deontic Legal Relations: Federal Rules of Civil Procedure Rule 7(a), Pleadings, Layman Allen and Charles Saxon
'Appropriate' Means-Ends Constraints on Section 5 Powers, Evan H. Caminker
A Presumption Against Agency Preemption, Nina A. Mendelson
A Presumption of Innocence, Not of Even Odds, Richard D. Friedman
A Proposed National Incorporation Law, Horace LaFayette Wilgus
A Proposed Replacement of the Tax Expenditure Concept and a Different Perspective on Accelerated Depreciation, Douglas A. Kahn
Arbitration and Judicial Review, Theodore J. St. Antoine
Arbitration: Back to the Future, Theodore J. St. Antoine
A Reaffirmation: The Authenticity of the Roberts Memorandum, or Felix the Non-Forger (Justices Felix Frankfurter and Owen J. Roberts), Richard D. Friedman
A Rededication, John W. Reed
A Rejoinder by Professor Waggoner, Lawrence W. Waggoner
A Requiem for the Retail Investor?, Alicia J. Davis
A Research Agenda for International Law Librarianship, Barbara H. Garavaglia
A Resident of Evidenceland Defends His Turf, Richard D. Friedman
Are Twelve Heads Better Than One?, Phoebe C. Ellsworth
Are Twelve Heads Better Than One?, Phoebe C. Ellsworth
Article I, Article III, and the Limits of Enumeration, Gil Seinfeld
A Seed Germinates: Unjust Discharge Reform Heads toward Full Flower, Theodore J. St. Antoine
A Skeptical Look at Contemporary Republicanism, Terrance Sandalow
Assessing Evidence, Richard D. Friedman
A Structural Vision of Habeas Corpus, Eve Brensike Primus
A Touchstone for Labor Board Remedies, Theodore J. St. Antoine
A Tribute to Professor Leroy S. Merrifield, Theodore J. St. Antoine
A Tribute to Ruth G. Blumrosen, Evan H. Caminker
Attempts and Monopolization: A Mildly Expansionary Answer to the Prophylactic Riddle of Section Two, Edward H. Cooper
Authority and Value: Reflections on Raz's Morality of Freedom, Donald H. Regan
Authority of Allen v. Flood, Horace LaFayette Wilgus
Autistic Contracts (Symposium), James J. White
Back from the Dead: How to Revive Transfer Pricing Enforcement, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah
Banking for the Unbanked, Michael S. Barr
Banking the Poor, Michael S. Barr
Bankruptcy Noir, James J. White
Bargaining Over Loyalty, Daniel A. Crane
Bart Bartosic: What You See Is Not What You Get, Theodore J. St. Antoine
Beating Up on Women and Old Men and Other Enormities: A Social Historical Inquiry into Literary Sources, William I. Miller
Bedside Bureaucrats: Why Medicare Reform Hasn't Worked, Nicholas Bagley
Behaviorally Informed Financial Services Regulation, Michael S. Barr, Sendhil Mullainathan, and Eldar Shafir
Better Language, Better Thought, Better Communication: The A-Hohfeld Language for Legal Analysis, Layman Allen and Charles Saxon
Better Organization of Legal Knowledge, Layman E. Allen and Tomoyuki Ohta
Beyond Mitigation: Towards a Theory of Allocution, Kimberly A. Thomas
Billowing White Goo, Jessica D. Litman
Boilerplate and Economic Power in Auto Manufacturing Contracts, Omri Ben-Shahar and James J. White
Bolling Alone, Richard A. Primus
Bouquets for Jerry Israel, Yale Kamisar
Branch Rickey, '11: Much More than Pioneering Baseball Leader, Richard D. Friedman
Brewer v. Williams, Massiah and Miranda: What Is 'Interrogation'? When Does It Matter?, Yale Kamisar
Bridging the North/South Divide: International Redistribution and Tax Competition, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah
But I Didn't Do Anything Wrong: Revisiting the Rights of Non-Offending Parents in Child Protection Proceedings, Vivek Sankaran
Can a Manufacturer Be Compelled to Sell?, Henry M. Bates
"Can (Did) Congress 'Overrule' Miranda?, Yale Kamisar
Can Glucksberg Survive Lawrence? Another Look at the End of Life and Personal Autonomy, Yale Kamisar
Can International Refugee Law Be Made Relevant Again?, James C. Hathaway
Can the West Learn from the Rest?' The Chinese Legal Order's Hybrid Modernity, Nicholas C. Howson
Capture and Counteraction: Self- Help by Environmental Zealots (Allen Chair Symposium 1996: The Future of Environmental and Land-Use Regulation), James E. Krier
Cardozo the [Small r] realist, Richard D. Friedman
Central American-Dominican Republic Free Trade Agreement: Sources of Information, Barbara H. Garavaglia
Character Impeachment Evidence: Psycho-Bayesian (!?) Analysis and a Proposed Overhaul, Richard D. Friedman
Character Impeachment Evidence: The Asymmetrical Interaction between Personality and Situation, Richard D. Friedman
"Charting the Course of Commerce Clause Challenge (Symposium: The Commerce Clause: Past, Present, and Future), Richard D. Friedman
Chevron and Preemption, Nina A. Mendelson
Chicago, Post-Chicago, and Neo-Chicago, Daniel A. Crane
Child Pornography and Community Notification: How an Attempt to Reduce Crime Can Achieve the Opposite, J. J. Prescott
China's Acquisitions Abroad - Global Ambitions, Domestic Effects, Nicholas C. Howson
China's Judicial System and Judicial Reform, Nicholas C. Howson
Chrysler's Bankruptcy: Money Laundering on a Grand Scale, James J. White
Chuck and Steve's Peccadillo (Symposium: Threats to Secured Lending and Asset Securitization), James J. White
Citizens United and the Corporate Form, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah
Civil Rule 52(a): Rationing and Rationalizing the Resources of Appellate Review, Edward H. Cooper
Civil Rule 53: An Enabling Act Challenge (Federal Practice and Procedure Symposiusm Honoring Charles Alan Wright), Edward H. Cooper
Class Action Advice in the Form of Questions, Edward H. Cooper
Class Action Rule Changes: A Midpoint Report, Edward H. Cooper
Class Gifts under the Restatement (Third) of Property, Lawrence W. Waggoner
Clinical Realism: Simulated Hearings Based on Actual Events in Students' Lives, Samuel R. Gross
Clint Eastwood and Equity: Popular Culture's Theory of Revenge, William I. Miller
Collection Development Policies and Other Basic Tools for Building A Foreign and International Law Collection, Barbara H. Garavaglia and Seth R. Quidachay-Swan
Collection Development Policies and Other Basic Tools for Building A Foreign and International Law Collection, Barbara H. Garavaglia
Combating Global Climate Change: Why a Carbon Tax is a Better Response to Global Warming than Cap and Trade, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah and David M. Uhlmann
Commentary: Meeting the Financial Needs of Children, David L. Chambers
Commentary on 'Multiemployer Bargaining Rules': The Limitations of a Strictly Economic Analysis, Theodore J. St. Antoine
Commentary (Response to article by H. David Rosenbloom), Reuven S. Avi-Yonah
Comment on Powell v. McCormack, Terrance Sandalow
Comment on Yin, Reforming the Taxation of Foreign Direct Investment by US Taxpayers, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah
Comments at the 1997 AALS Annual Meeting: Consumer Protection and the Uniform Commercial Code, James J. White
Comments on 'Tax Neutrality between Equity Capital and Debt', Douglas A. Kahn
Comparative Fiscal Federalism: What Can the U.S. Supreme Court and the European Court of Justice Learn From Each Other's Tax Jurisprudence?, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah
'Comparative Reprehensibility' and the Fourth Amendment Exclusionary Rule, Yale Kamisar
Comparison of Major Tax and Legal Advantages of Operating in an Unincorporated Form, Douglas A. Kahn
Compensatory and Punitive Damages for a Personal Injury: To Tax or Not to Tax, Douglas A. Kahn
Compulsory Joinder of Parties in Civil Actions, John W. Reed
Conclusion: 'If you don't pull up . . .'., James J. White
Conditional Probative Value: Neoclassicism without Myth, Richard D. Friedman
Confessions, Search and Seizure and the Rehnquist Court, Yale Kamisar
Confinement of the Insane, Thomas M. Cooley
Confrontation after Crawford, Richard D. Friedman
Confrontation and Forensic Laboratory Reports, Round Four, Richard D. Friedman
Confrontation as a Hot Topic: The Virtues of Going Back to Square One, Richard D. Friedman
Confrontation: The Search for Basic Principles, Richard D. Friedman
Congress' Arrogance, Yale Kamisar
Congress Promotes Perpetual Trusts: Why?, Lawrence W. Waggoner
Congress Underestimated: The Case of the World Bank, Kristina Daugirdas
Connell: Antitrust Law at the Expense of Labor Law, Theodore J. St. Antoine
Constitutional Expectations, Richard A. Primus
Constitutional Federalism, Individual Liberty, and the Securities Litigation Uniform Standards Act of 1998, Adam C. Pritchard
Constitutional Interpretation, Terrance Sandalow
Constitutional Sunsetting?: Justice O'Connor's Closing Comments on Grutter, Vikram David Amar and Evan H. Caminker
Constitutional Torts, Christina B. Whitman
Contracting under Amended 2-207 (Freedom from Contract Symposium), James J. White
Contract Law in Modern Commercial Transactions, an Artifact of Twentieth Century Business Life?, James J. White
Contribution of a Built-In Loss to a Partnership, Douglas A. Kahn
Controlling Inadvertent Ambiguity in the Logical Structure of Legal Drafting by means of the Prescribed Definitions of the A-Hohfeld Structural Language, Layman E. Allen and Charles S. Saxon
Copyright, Compromise and Legislative History, Jessica D. Litman
Copyright Legislation and Technological Change, Jessica D. Litman
Cornerstones of the Judicial Process, Jerold H. Israel
Corporate and International Tax Reform: Proposals for the Second Obama Administration (and Beyond), Reuven S. Avi-Yonah
Corporate Judgement Proofing: A Response to Lynn LoPucki's 'The Death of Liability', James J. White
Corporations, Society, and the State: A Defense of the Corporate Tax, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah
Corrective Justice for Civil Recourse Theorists, Scott Hershovitz
Crawford and Davis: A Personal Reflection, Richard D. Friedman
Crawford, Davis, and Way Beyond, Richard D. Friedman
Crawford Surprises: Mostly Unpleasant, Richard D. Friedman
Creative Reading, Jessica D. Litman
Credit Where It Counts: Maintaining a Strong Community Reinvestment Act, Michael S. Barr
Credit Where It Counts: The Community Reinvestment Act and Its Critics, Michael S. Barr
Crime, Politics, and Race (Symposium: Justice and the Criminal Justice Process), Samuel R. Gross
Criminal Justice and the 1967 Detroit 'Riot', Yale Kamisar
Criminal Procedure, the Burger Court, and the Legacy of the Warren Court, Jerold H. Israel
Cute Prickly Critter with Presbyopia, Donald J. Herzog
David Baldus and the Legacy of McCleskey v. Kemp, Samuel R. Gross
David E. Feller: The Happy Warrior, Theodore J. St. Antoine
Dealing with Evidentiary Deficiency, Richard D. Friedman
Default Rules in Sales and the Myth of Contracting Out, James J. White
Deferral to Arbitration and Use of External Law in Arbitration, Theodore J. St. Antoine
Degrees of Freedom: Building Citizenship in the Shadow of Slavery, Rebecca J. Scott
Democratic Credentials, Donald J. Herzog
Democratizing International Law, Steven R. Ratner and Robert E. Goodin
Detection of Deception: The Case of Handwriting Expertise, Samuel R. Gross
Deterrence and Distribution in the Law of Takings, Michael A. Heller and James E. Krier
Detroit Area Study on Financial Services: What? Why? How?, Michael S. Barr
Dick Wellman -- A Personal Remembrance, Lawrence W. Waggoner
Digital Copyright, Jessica D. Litman
Disclosing 'Political' Oversight of Agency Decision Making, Nina A. Mendelson
Discovery Cost Allocation: Comment on Cooter and Rubinfeld, Edward H. Cooper
Discrimination Bans Demonstrate Approaching Maturity of Employment Law, Theodore J. St. Antoine
Disentangling Administrative Searches, Eve Brensike Primus
Disparate Tax Treatment of Different Types of Business Organizations: Where Should We Go from Here?, Douglas A. Kahn
Does (Did) (Should) the Exclusionary Rule Rest on a 'Principled Basis' Rather than an 'Empirical Proposition'?, Yale Kamisar
Does Monopoly Broth Make Bad Soup?, Daniel A. Crane
Does Nonprofit Ownership Matter?, Jill R. Horwitz
Does the Power to Alienate in Fee Simple Defeat an Executory Devise?, Bradley M. Thompson
Do Investors in Controlled Firms Value Insider Trading Laws? International Evidence, Laura Nyantung Beny
Dores McCree, Theodore J. St. Antoine
Do Sex Offender Registration and Notification Laws Affect Criminal Behavior?, J. J. Prescott and Jonah E. Rockoff
Do Sex Offender Registries Make Us Less Safe?, J. J. Prescott
Double-Consciousness in Constitutional Adjudication, Richard A. Primus
Double or Nothing: A Tax Treaty for the 21st Century, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah and Oz Halabi
Do World Trade Organization Dispute Settlement Reports Affect the Obligations of Non-Parties? -- Response to McNelis, Donald H. Regan
"Dragonslaying." Review of Democracy Defended, by G. Mackie, Donald J. Herzog
Earl Warren: Law Enforcement Leads to Defendants' Rights, Yale Kamisar
Economic Analysis of Evidentiary Law: An Underused Tool, an Underplowed Field (Symposium: The Economics of Evidentiary Law), Richard D. Friedman
Educational Debts and the Worsening Position of Small-Firm, Government, and Legal-Services Lawyers, David L. Chambers
Edward L. Barrett, Jr.: The Critic with 'that Quality of Judiciousness Demanded of the Court Itself', Yale Kamisar
Effectively Curbing the GST Exemption for Perpetual Trusts, Lawrence W. Waggoner
Effective Trial Counsel After Martinez v. Ryan: Focusing on the Adequacy of State Procedures, Eve Brensike Primus
Effect of a Change in the Law Upon Rights of Actions and Defences, Thomas M. Cooley
Efficiency Justifications for Personal Property Security, James J. White
Eight Cases and Section 251, James J. White
E' Is for Eclectic: Multiple Perspectives on Evidence (Symposium: New Perspectives on Evidence), Richard D. Friedman
Eleonora V. Eckert, Christina B. Whitman
Elfbrandt v. Russell: The Demise of the Loyalty Oath, Jerold H. Israel
Elias Finley Johnson, Jerome C. Knowlton
Eligibility to Office--As of What Time Determined, Floyd R. Mechem
Ex Proprio Vigore, James J. White
Emphasizing the Constitutional in Constitutional Torts (Symposium on Section 1983), Christina B. Whitman
Employment-at-Will—Is the Model Act the Answer?, Theodore J. St. Antoine
Employment Law and Social Equality, Samuel R. Bagenstos
Enforcement Without Foundation? Insider Trading and China's Administrative Law Crisis, Nicholas C. Howson
Enlightenment, Donald J. Herzog
Equality and Freedom of Speech (Eighteenth Annual Law Review Symposium: Demise of the First Amendment? Focus on RICO and Hate Crime Litigation), Terrance Sandalow
Equal Protection and Disparate Impact: Round Three, Richard A. Primus
Eric Stein, Theodore J. St. Antoine
Essential Health Benefits and the Affordable Care Act: Law and Process, Nicholas Bagley and Helen Levy
Estates in Fee Tail, Ralph W. Aigler
Ethics and International Law: Integrating the Global Justice Project(s), Steven R. Ratner
E.U. Accountability to International Law: The Case of Asylum, James C. Hathaway
Evaluating Article 2 of the Uniform Commercial Code: A Preliminary Empirical Expedition, James J. White
Evidentiary Rules and Rulings: The Role of Treatises, Richard D. Friedman
Evolutionary Theory and the Origin of Property Rights, James E. Krier
Examination of the Medical Expert, Harry B. Hutchins
Examining the Reality of Foreign National Child Victims of Human Trafficking in the United States, Bridgette A. Carr
Excessive Criminal Justice Caseloads: Challenging the Conventional Wisdom, Jerold H. Israel
Exclusion from Income of Compensation for Services and Pooling of Labor Occurring in a Noncommercial Setting, Douglas A. Kahn
Executive Power and the Discipline of History, Julian Davis Mortenson
Exit of Doctrine of Situs, John R. Rood
Expert Evidence, Samuel R. Gross
Expert Information and Expert Evidence: A Preliminary Taxonomy, Samuel R. Gross and Jennifer L. Mnookin
Explaining Variation in Insurance Anti-Discrimination Laws, Ronen Avraham, Kyle D. Logue, and Daniel Benjamin Schwarcz
"Externalities and Other Parasites." Review of The Strategic Constitution, by R. D. Cooter, and Constitutional Democracy, by D. C. Mueller, Donald J. Herzog
Extradition, Thomas M. Cooley
Facebook, the JOBS Act, and Abolishing IPOs, Adam C. Pritchard
Face to Face': Rediscovering the Right to Confront Prosecution Witnesses, Richard D. Friedman
Face to Face with the Right of Confrontation, Richard D. Friedman
Facts, Information, and the Newly Discovered Record in Pierson v. Post, James E. Krier
Faculty Spotlight, Nicholas J. Rine
Faculty Spotlight, Grace C. Tonner
Faculty Spotlight, Michael Heller
Fathers, the Welfare System, and the Virtues and Perils of Child-Support Enforcement, David L. Chambers
Favoritism and Corporate Law: The Confused Corporate Opportunity Doctrine in the Hyundai Motor Case, Hwa-Jin Kim, Seung Hwan Lee, and Stephen M. Woodcock
Federal Estate Tax Burden Borne by a Dissenting Widow, Douglas A. Kahn
Federalism and Social Change, Terrance Sandalow
Federal Regulation of the Workplace in the Next Half Century, Theodore J. St. Antoine
Federal Taxation of the Assignment of Life Insurance, Douglas A. Kahn and Lawrence W. Waggoner
Festschrift: Lee Loevinger, Layman E. Allen
First Person Singular, John W. Reed
Focus on Faculty, Richard D. Friedman
Focus on Faculty, William I. Miller
Foreign Direct Investment in Latin America Overview and Current Status, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah and Martin B. Tittle
Foreign Voluntary Assignments for the Benefit of Creditors, Edson R. Sunderland
Foreword: Brewer v. Williams--A Hard Look at a Discomfiting Record, Yale Kamisar
Foreword: Rulemaking, Democracy, and Torrents of E-mail, Nina A. Mendelson
Forfeiture of the Confrontation Right After Crawford and Davis, Richard D. Friedman
For Ira Ellman: One More Reason 'Why Making Family Law Is Hard', David L. Chambers
Formalizing Hohfeldian Analysis to Clarify the Multiple Senses of 'Legal Right': A Powerful Lens for the Electronic Age, Layman E. Allen
Form Contracts under Revised Article 2 (Symposium: Consumer Protection and the Uniform Commercial Code), James J. White
For Such a Time as This, John W. Reed
For Terry Sandalow - Challenger and Creator, Christina B. Whitman
For the Best of Friends and for Lovers of all Sorts, a Status Other than Marriage (Symposium: Unmarried Partners and the Legacy of Marvin v. Marvin)" , David L. Chambers
Francis A. Allen, Terrance Sandalow
Francis A. Allen--Architect of Modern Criminal Procedure Scholarship, Yale Kamisar
Francis A. Allen--Dean and Colleague, Theodore J. St. Antoine
Francis A. Allen--The Gainesville Years, Jerold H. Israel
Frank R. Kennedy, James J. White
Fred E. Inbau: 'The Importance of Being Guilty', Yale Kamisar
Freedom and Criminal Responsibility in the Age of Pound: An Essay on Criminal Justice, Thomas A. Green
Freedom of Contract, Jerome C. Knowlton
Freeing the Tortious Soul of Express Warranty Law, James J. White
Free Rider: A Justification for Mandatory Medical Insurance Under Health Care Reform?, Douglas A. Kahn and Jeffrey H. Kahn
Free Speech or Economic Weapon? The Persisting Problem of Picketing, Theodore J. St. Antoine
Free-standing Due Process and Criminal Procedure: The Supreme Court's Search for Interpretive Guidelines, Jerold H. Israel
From Here to Eternity: The Folly of Perpetual Trusts, Lawrence W. Waggoner
From Miranda to §3501 to Dickerson to...(Symposium: Miranda After Dickerson: The Future of Confession Law), Yale Kamisar
Further Thoughts on the Role of Regulatory Purpose Under Article III of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade: A Tribute to Bob Hudec, Donald H. Regan
Gain from the Sale of an Income Interest in a Trust, Douglas A. Kahn
Gates, 'Probable Cause', 'Good Faith', and Beyond, Yale Kamisar
Gay Men, AIDS, and the Code of the Condom, David L. Chambers
Gender and Race Bias against Lawyers: A Classroom Response, Suellyn Scarnecchia
George Palmer, Terrance Sandalow
Gideon v. Wainwright A Quarter-Century Later, Yale Kamisar
Gideon v. Wainwright: The Art of Overruling, Jerold H. Israel
Gifts, Gafts and Gefts: The Income Tax Definition and Treatment of Private and Charitable 'Gifts' and a Principled Policy Justification for the Exclusion of Gifts from Income, Douglas A. Kahn and Jeffrey H. Kahn
Giles v. California: A Personal Reflection, Richard D. Friedman
Gilmer in the Collective Bargaining Context, Theodore J. St. Antoine
Global-Change Scenarios: Their Development and Use, Edward A. Parson, Virginia Burkett, Karen Fisher-Vanden, David Keith, Linda Mearns, Hugh Pitcher, Cynthia Rosenzweig, and Mort Webster
Globalization and Tax Competition: Implications for Developing Countries, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah
Globalization, Law and Development: Introduction and Overview (Globalization, Law and Development Conference), Michael S. Barr and Reuven S. Avi-Yonah
Globalization, Tax Competition, and the Fiscal Crisis of the Welfare State, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah
Glosses on Dworkin: Rights, Principles, and Policies, Donald H. Regan
Gluttony, William I. Miller
Goldstein's Curse, James J. White
Good Faith and the Cooperative Antagonist (Symposium on Revised Article 1 and Proposed Revised Article 2 of the Uniform Commercial Code), James J. White
Government Involvement in Chrysler Bankruptcy: The Least-Worst Alternative?, John A. E. Pottow
Government Responsibility for Constitutional Torts, Christina B. Whitman
Grappling with the Meaning of 'Testimonial', Richard D. Friedman
Greed and Pride in International Bankruptcy: The Problems of and Proposed Solutions to 'Local Interests', John A. E. Pottow
Hanging on By a Thread: The Exclusionary Rule (Or What's Left of it) Lives for another Day, David A. Moran
Hardening of the Attitudes: Americans' Views on the Death Penalty, Phoebe C. Ellsworth and Samuel R. Gross
Harry Edward's Nostalgia, Paul D. Reingold
Harry Potter and the Trouble with Tort Theory, Scott Hershovitz
Has the Obama Justice Department Reinvigorated Antitrust Enforcement?, Daniel A. Crane
Holmes v. South Carolina Upholds Trial by Jury, Samuel R. Gross
Household Politics: Conflict in Early Modern England, Donald J. Herzog
How Earl Warren's Twenty-Two Years in Law Enforcement Affected His Work as Chief Justice, Yale Kamisar
How the Gun-Free School Zones Act Saved the Individual Mandate, Richard A. Primus
How the Wagner Act Came to Be: A Prospectus, Theodore J. St. Antoine
How to Be a Moorean, Donald H. Regan
"How to Think about Equality." Review of Sovereign Virtue: The Theory and Practice of Equality, by R. Dworkin, Donald J. Herzog
How to Think about the Federal Commerce Power and Incidentally Rewrite United States v. Lopez, Donald H. Regan
How to Use, Abuse—And Fight Back with—Crime Statistics, Yale Kamisar
Hydraulic Fracturing: Sources of Law and Information, Barbara H. Garavaglia
Imagining Children's Rights, Suellyn Scarnecchia
Implementing the Standby Letter for Credit Convention with the Law of Wyoming, James J. White
Improving Criminal Jury Decision Making After the Blakely Revolution, J. J. Prescott and Sonja B. Starr
Improving the Procedure for Resolving Hearsay Issues, Richard D. Friedman
In Appreciation of Ted St. Antoine, Terrance Sandalow
Incidental Injuries from Exercise of Lawful Rights, Thomas M. Cooley
Incidental Injuries from Exercise of Lawful Rights, Thomas M. Cooley
Incorporating a 'Best Interests of the Child' Approach into Immigration Law and Procedure, Bridgette A. Carr
Individual and Community: An Appreciation of Mr. Justice Powell, Christina B. Whitman
Infinite Strands, Infinitesimally Thin: Storytelling, Bayesianism, Hearsay and Other Evidence, Richard D. Friedman
In Memoriam: David P. Leonard, Richard D. Friedman
In Memoriam: Francis A. Allen, Yale Kamisar
In Memoriam: Francis A. Allen, Yale Kamisar
In Memoriam: Lewis F. Powell, Jr., Christina B. Whitman
In Memoriam: Memorial Tributes for Professor Elizabeth B. Clark, Thomas A. Green
In Memoriam. Professor Kenneth K. Luce, Theodore J. St. Antoine
In Memoriam: Professor Richard E. Speidel; 1933-2008, James J. White
Innovation Held Hostage: Has Federal Intervention Stifled Efforts to Reform the Child Welfare System?, Vivek Sankaran
In Re Lattouf's Will and the Presumption of Lifetime Fertility in Perpetuity Law, Lawrence W. Waggoner
Insider Trading Laws and Stock Markets Around the World: An Empirical Contribution to the Theoretical Law and Economics Debate, Laura Nyantung Beny
Insider Trading Rules Can Affect Attractiveness of Country's Stock Markets, Laura Nyantung Beny
Integrity and Circumspection: The Labor Law Vision of Bernard D. Meltzer, Theodore J. St. Antoine
Intellectual Liability, Daniel A. Crane
Internationale Handelsgessellschaft mbH V.Einfuhrund Vorratsstelle für Getreide und Futtermittel (Favorite Case Symposium), James E. Krier
International Refugee Law: The Michigan Guidelines on the Internal Protection Alternative, James C. Hathaway
International Standards for Detaining Terrorism Suspects: Moving Beyond the Armed Conflict-Criminal Divide, Monica Hakimi
International Standards for Detaining Terrorism Suspects: Moving Beyond the Armed Conflict-Criminal Divide, Monica Hakimi
International Tax Law as International Law, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah
Introduction, Terrance Sandalow
Introduction, Douglas A. Kahn
Introduction to Special Symposium Feature: Successes and Failures in International Human Trafficking Law, Bridgette A. Carr
Introduction to the Banking Law Symposium: A 200 Year Journey from Anarchy to Oligarchy, James J. White
I Remember Professor Wechsler, Yale Kamisar
Irrelevance, Minimal Relevance, and Meta-Relevance (Response to David Crump), Richard D. Friedman
Is a Gift Forever?, William I. Miller
Is International Law Impartial?, Steven R. Ratner
Issue Brief: Overcoming Legal Barriers to the Bulk Sale of At-Risk Mortgages, Michael S. Barr and James A. Feldman
Is the Exclusionary Rule an 'Illogical' or 'Unnatural' Interpretation of the Fourth Amendment?, Yale Kamisar
Is the Report of Lazarus's Death Premature? A Reply to Cameron and Postlewaite, Douglas A. Kahn
Is Tort Law a Form of Institutionalized Revenge, Gabriel S. Mendlow
It Started with Quinlan: The Ever Expanding 'Right to Die', Yale Kamisar
It's Worth Remembering, John W. Reed
James A. Martin: A Man of Grand Strengths, Delightful Foibles, James J. White
James K. Robinson—56th President of the State Bar of Michigan, John W. Reed
Jefferson B. Fordham: His Contribution to Local Government Law, Terrance Sandalow
Joe Grano: The 'Kid from South Philly' Who Educated Us All (In Tribute to Joseph D. Grano), Yale Kamisar
John H. Jackson: Master of Policy - and the Good Life (A Tribute to John Jackson), Theodore J. St. Antoine
John W. Reed and the High Style, Theodore J. St. Antoine
John W. Reed and the High Style, Theodore J. St. Antoine
Joint Tenancies and Tenancies by the Entirety in Michigan—Federal Gift Tax Considerations, Douglas A. Kahn
Judicial Caution and the Supreme Court's Labor Decisions, October Term 1971, Theodore J. St. Antoine
Judicial Power and Mobilizable History, Richard A. Primus
Judicial Protection of Minorities, Terrance Sandalow
Judicial Review of Labor Arbitration Awards: A Second Look at Enterprise Wheel and Its Progeny, Theodore J. St. Antoine
Judicial Review of Member-State Regulation of Trade within a Federal or Quasi-Federal System: Protectionism and Balancing, Da Capo, Donald H. Regan
Judicial Selection in Michigan - Time for a Change?, John W. Reed
Judicial Valour and the Warren Court's Labor Decisions, Theodore J. St. Antoine
Jurisdictional Competition in Criminal Justice: How Much Does It Really Happen?, Samuel R. Gross
Jury Reform at the End of the Century: Real Agreement, Real Changes, Phoebe C. Ellsworth
Justice Frank Murphy and American Labor Law, Theodore J. St. Antoine
Justice Lewis F. Powell, Jr. and the Counterrevolution in the Federal Securities Laws, Adam C. Pritchard
Juvenile Life Without Parole: Unconstitutional in Michigan?, Kimberly A. Thomas
Kauper's 'Judicial Examination of the Accused' Forty Years Later—Some Comments on a Remarkable Article, Yale Kamisar
Kevin E. Kennedy, David L. Chambers
King Arthur Confronts TwIqy Pleading, Edward H. Cooper
Labor and Employment Law in Two Transitional Decades, Theodore J. St. Antoine
Late-Night Law Firms, Scott Hershovitz
Launching the Insider Trading Revolution: SEC v. Capital Gains Research Bureau, Adam C. Pritchard
Law and Sex, Christina B. Whitman
Lawful Personal Use, Jessica D. Litman
Law in the Backwaters: A Comment of Mirjan Damaška's Evidence Law Adrift, Samuel R. Gross
Learning From the Unique and Common Challenges: Clinical Legal Education in Jordan, Nisreen Mahasneh and Kimberly A. Thomas
Learning to Trust: Thoughts from a Law Clinic, David A. Santacroce
Legal Barriers to Worker Participation in Management Decision Making, Theodore J. St. Antoine
Legal Education: Its Relation to the People and the State, Harry B. Hutchins
Legislative Regulation of Searches and Seizures: The Michigan Proposals, Jerold H. Israel
Letter to Judge Harry Edwards, James J. White
Leveraging Asylum, James C. Hathaway
Liability of Public Officers to Private Actions for Neglect of Official Duty, Thomas M. Cooley
Liability of Railroad Companies for Medical Services Rendered to Injured Employees and Others, Harry B. Hutchins
Liberalism Stumbles in Tennessee, Donald J. Herzog
Light-Hearted Thoughts about Discovery Reform, John W. Reed
Lilly v. Virginia Glimmers of Hope for the Confrontation Clause?, Richard D. Friedman
Limits of Interpretivism, Richard A. Primus
Limits to State Control of Private Business, Thomas M. Cooley
Linking the Visions, Donald J. Herzog
Linking the Visions, Donald H. Regan
Linking the Visions, Thomas A. Green
Linking the Visions, Phoebe C. Ellsworth
Linking the Visions, Christina B. Whitman
linkLine's Institutional Suspicions, Daniel A. Crane
Litigation Strategies for Dealing with the Indigent Defense Crisis, Eve Brensike Primus
Living with the Death Penalty, Samuel R. Gross
Local Government in Sweden, Terrance Sandalow
Logic and Elements. (Premises and Conclusions: Symbolic Logic for Legal Analysis)." , Richard D. Friedman
London as Delaware?, Adam C. Pritchard
London as Delaware?, Adam C. Pritchard
Looking Back on Planned Parenthood v. Casey, Christina B. Whitman
Loss of Innocence: Eyewitness Identification and Proof of Guilt, Samuel R. Gross
Lost Lives: Miscarriages of Justice in Capital Cases, Samuel R. Gross
Lost Lives: Miscarriages of Justice in Capital Cases, Samuel R. Gross
Maiming the Cubs, James J. White
Maiming the Cubs, James J. White
Major Resources for the New Family Law Attorney, Barbara H. Garavaglia
Making Something Out of Nothing: The Law of Takings and Phillips v. Washington Legal Foundation, Michael A. Heller and James E. Krier
Making Uncle Sam Pay: A Review of Equal Access to Justice Act Cases in the Sixth Circuit, 1983-1987, Martin Geer and Paul D. Reingold
Mandatory Arbitration of Employee Discrimination Claims: Unmitigated Evil or Blessing in Disguise?, Theodore J. St. Antoine
Mandatory Arbitration: Why It's Better Than It Looks, Theodore J. St. Antoine
Mandatory Buy-Out Agreements for Stock of Closely Held Corporations, Douglas A. Kahn
Mandatory Employment Arbitration: Keeping it Fair, Keeping it Lawful, Theodore J. St. Antoine
Mandatory Rules and Default Rules in Insurance Contracts, Tom Baker and Kyle D. Logue
Marketable Pollution Allowances (Great Lakes Symposium), James E. Krier
Markets as Monitors: A Proposal to Replace Class Actions with Exchanges as Securities Fraud Enforcers, Adam C. Pritchard
Marriage Today: Legal Consequences for Same Sex and Opposite Sex Couples, David L. Chambers
Mass and Repetitive Litigation in the Federal Courts, Edward H. Cooper
Materials of Jurisprudence, James V. Campbell
Meaning in the Natural World, Joseph Vining
Men Who Know They Are Watched: Some Benefits and Costs of Jailing for Nonpayment of Support, David L. Chambers
Message to Congress: Halt the Tax Exemption for Perpetual Trusts, Lawrence W. Waggoner
Methods for Multicountry Studies of Corporate Governance (and Evidence from the BRIKT Countries), Bernard S. Black, Antonio Gledson De Carvalho, Vikramaditya Khanna, Woochan Kim, and B. Burcin Yurtoglu
Michigan Family Law Research Resources: Review and Update, Barbara H. Garavaglia
Microfinance and Financial Development, Michael S. Barr
Minimizing the Jury Over-Valuation Concern (Visions of Rationality in Evidence Law Symposium), Richard D. Friedman
Minority Preferences Reconsidered, Terrance Sandalow
Miranda and Some Puzzles of 'Prophylactic' Rules, Evan H. Caminker
Miranda: The Case, the Man, and the Players, Yale Kamisar
Miranda Thirty-Five Years Later: A Close Look at the Majority and Dissenting Opinions in Dickerson, Yale Kamisar
Mitigating the Problem of Vulture Holdout: International Certification Boards for Sovereign Debt Restructurings, John A. E. Pottow
Moral Courage and Civility, William I. Miller
More IA needed in AI: interpretation assistance for coping with the problem of multiple structural interpretations, Layman Allen and Charles Saxon
Mortgagee in Possession in New York and Michigan, Edgar N. Durfee
National Labor Policy: Reflections and Distortions of Social Justice, Theodore J. St. Antoine
National Regulation of Multinational Enterprises: An Essay on Comity, Extraterritoriality, and Harmonization, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah
Need of a National Incorporation Law, Horace LaFayette Wilgus
No Harm, No Foul? Why Harmless Error Analysis Should not Be Used to Review Wrongful Denials of Counsel to Parents in Child Welfare Cases, Vivek Sankaran
Nonpopulation Factors Relevant to an Acceptable Standard for Apportionment, Jerold H. Israel
Nonprofits and Narrative: Piers Plowman, Anthony Trollope, and Charities Law, Jill R. Horwitz
Normalized Legal Drafting and the Query Method, Layman E. Allen and C. Rudy Engholm
Northwestern Railway Situation, Horace LaFayette Wilgus
NSF Fees, James J. White
Obama's Antitrust Agenda, Daniel A. Crane
Offshore Outsourcing and Worker Rights, Theodore J. St. Antoine
Of Outlaws, Christians, Horsemeat, and Writing: Uniform Laws and Saga Iceland, William I. Miller
Of the Right to Waive a Tort and Sue in Assumpsit, Thomas M. Cooley
Of the Right to Waive a Tort and Sue in Assumpsit, Thomas M. Cooley
On Becoming a Law Professor, Terrance Sandalow
On Charting a Course through the Mathematical Quagmire: The Future of Baker v. Carr, Jerold H. Israel
One Inspiring Jury, Phoebe C. Ellsworth
One More Final Exam?, Edward H. Cooper
One Use of Computerized Instructional Gaming in Legal Education: To Better Understand the Rich Logical Structure of Legal Rules and Improve Legal Writing, Layman E. Allen and Charles S. Saxon
On Preferences and Promises: A Response to Harsanyi, Donald H. Regan
On Recognizing Variations in State Criminal Procedure, Jerold H. Israel
On the Fortieth Anniversary of the Miranda Case: Why We Needed It, How We Got It--And What Happened to It, Yale Kamisar
On the 'Fruits' of Miranda Violations, Coerced Confessions, and Compelled Testimony, Yale Kamisar
On the Stickiness of Default Rules, Omri Ben-Shahar and John A. E. Pottow
On the Topology of Uniform Environmental Standards in a Federal System and Why it Matters (Symposium: Environmental Federalism), James E. Krier
Optimizing Private Antitrust Enforcement, Daniel A. Crane
Our Broken Misdemeanor Justice System: Its Problems and Some Potential Solutions, Eve Brensike Primus
Out of State and Out of Luck: The Treatment of Non-Custodial Parents Under the Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children, Vivek Sankaran
Pangloss Responds, Daniel A. Crane
Paper Thin: Freedom and Re-enslavement in the Diaspora of the Haitian Revolution, Rebecca J. Scott
Parens Patriae Run Amuck: The Child Welfare System's Disregard for the Constitutional Rights of Non-Offending Parents, Vivek Sankaran
People, Times, Law School Leadership Join to Launch South Africa Program, David L. Chambers
Performance of Legal Obligation as a Consideration for a Promise, John B. Waite
Performer's Rights and Digital Sampling under U.S. and Japanese Law, Jessica D. Litman
Perpetuities: A Perspective on Wait-and-See, Lawrence W. Waggoner
Perpetuity Reform, Lawrence W. Waggoner
"Per Se Illegality for Reverse Payment Settlements?" Review of "Unsettling Drug Patent Settlements: A Framework for Presumptive Illegality, Daniel A. Crane
Phoebe's Lament (Symposium: Empirical Research in Commercial Transactions), James J. White
Physician Assisted Suicide: A Bad Idea, Yale Kamisar
Physician-Assisted Suicide: The Problems Presented by the Compelling, Heartwrenching Case, Yale Kamisar
Plata v. Brown and Realignment: Jails, Prisons, Courts, and Politics, Margo Schlanger
Policies to Expand Minority Entrepreneurship: Closing Comments, Michael S. Barr
Polygamy and Same-Sex Marriage, David L. Chambers
Populist Retribution and International Competition in Financial Services Regulation, Adam C. Pritchard
Post-Admissions Educational Programming in a Post-Grutter World: A Response to Professor Brown, Evan H. Caminker
Postscript: Another Look at Patane and Seibert, the 2004 Miranda 'Poisoned Fruit' Cases, Yale Kamisar
Potter Stewart, Terrance Sandalow
Power of Judiciary to Declare a Law Unconstitutional, Charles A. Kent
Power to Appoint to Office--Its Location and Limits, Floyd R. Mechem
Preferences Arising from Trust Relations, Harry B. Hutchins
Pretrial Incentives, Post-Conviction Review, and Sorting Criminal Prosecutions by Guilt or Innocence, Samuel R. Gross
Preventing the Unnecessary Entry of Children into Foster Care, Vivek Sankaran
Prevention of Antiunion Discrimination in the United States, Theodore J. St. Antoine
Prevention of Double Deductions of a Single Loss: Solutions in Search of a Problem, Douglas A. Kahn and Jeffrey H. Kahn
Price Discrimination Law and Economic Efficiency, Edward H. Cooper
Principles That Should Govern in the Framing of Tax Laws, Thomas M. Cooley
Prior Statements of a Witness: A Nettlesome Corner of the Hearsay Thicket, Richard D. Friedman
Prison Segregation: Symposium Introduction and Preliminary Data on Racial Disparities, Margo Schlanger
Private Liability for Reckless Consumer Lending, John A. E. Pottow
Private Regulation of Insider Trading in the Shadow of Lax Public Enforcement: Evidence from Canadian Firms, Laura Nyantung Beny and Anita Anand
Private Remedies for Public Wrongs under Section 5 (Symposium: New Directions in Federalism), Evan H. Caminker
Procedural Incrementalism: A Model for International Bankruptcy, John A. E. Pottow
Procedural Obstacles to Reviewing Ineffective Assistance of Trial Counsel Claims in State and Federal Postconviction Proceedings., Eve Brensike Primus
Promise Fulfilled and Principle Betrayed, James J. White
Property Rights: A View from the Trenches, Michael A. Heller
Proposed Amendments to Fed. R. Crim. P. 26: An Exchange: Remote Testimony, Richard D. Friedman
Provigil: A Commentary, Daniel A. Crane
Public Consensus as Constitutional Authority, Richard A. Primus
Public Rights, Social Equality, and the Conceptual Roots of the Plessy Challenge, Rebecca J. Scott
Public Ruses, James E. Krier and Christopher Serkin
Putting the Dormancy Doctrine Out of Its Misery, Richard D. Friedman
QUERIES 'N THEORIES: An Instructional Game on the DOT, DOT, DOT... Approach to Scientific Method, Layman E. Allen
Quick Off the Mark? In Favor of Empowering the President-Elect, Nina A. Mendelson
Race, Peremptories, and Capital Jury Deliberations, Samuel R. Gross
Racial Preferences in Higher Education: Political Responsibility and the Judicial Role, Terrance Sandalow
Ratification by an Undisclosed Principal, Edwin C. Goddard
Readers' Copyright, Jessica D. Litman
Real Copyright Reform, Jessica D. Litman
Reasons, Authority, and the Meaning of 'Obey': Further Thoughts on Raz and Obedience to Law, Donald H. Regan
Recent Developments in Gift and Estate Taxation, Douglas A. Kahn
Reconsidering the Taxation of Foreign Income, James R. Hines Jr.
Recovery of the Purchase Price before Title Has Passed, John B. Waite
Refining Conditional Probative Value, Richard D. Friedman
Reflections on Air Capture: The Political Economy of Active Intervention in the Global Environment; An Editorial Comment, Edward A. Parson
Reformation of Wills on the Ground of Mistake: Change of Direction in American Law?, John H. Langbein and Lawrence W. Waggoner
Reforming the Law of Gratuitous Transfers: The New Uniform Probate Code, John H. Langbein and Lawrence W. Waggoner
Refugees' Human Rights and the Challenge of Political Will, James C. Hathaway
Regulating Segregation: The Contribution of the ABA Criminal Justice Standards on the Treatment of Prisoners, Margo Schlanger
Regulatory Beneficiaries and Informal Agency Policymaking, Nina A. Mendelson
Regulatory Purpose and 'Like Products' in Article III:4 of the GATT (With Additional Remarks on Article II:2), Donald H. Regan
Regulatory Takings in Institutional Context: Beyond the Fear of Fragmented International Law, Steven R. Ratner
Rejoinder (Response to article by William G. Bowen and Derek Bok), Terrance Sandalow
Remembering the 'Old World' of Criminal Procedure: A Reply to Professor Grano, Yale Kamisar
Reply to Daniel Polsby (Symposium: The New York Death Penalty in Context), Samuel R. Gross
Representing the Low Income Consumer in Repossessions, Resales and Deficiency Judgment Cases, James J. White
Requiem for Section 1983, Paul D. Reingold
Rescue and the War Story, William I. Miller
Responding to Gender Bias in the Courts: Progress without Accountability, Suellyn Scarnecchia
Restyling the Civil Rules: Clarity Without Change, Edward H. Cooper
Rethinking Merger Efficiencies, Daniel A. Crane
Rethinking the Substantive Rules for Custody Disputes in Divorce, David L. Chambers
Retirees Beware: Don't Worry About the British, 'Taxmageddon' is Coming, Douglas A. Kahn and Lawrence W. Waggoner
Revaluing Restitution: From the Talmud to Postsocialism, Michael A. Heller and Christopher Serkin
Reverberations from the Collision of Tort and Warranty (Products Liability Law Symposium in Memory of Professor Gary T. Schwartz), James J. White
Review of A Bibliography on Foreign and Comparative Law, Whitmore Gray
Review of Better Settlements -- Through Leverage, by P. J. Hermann. , James J. White
Review of Cardozo: A Study in Reputation, by R. Posner, Richard D. Friedman
Review of Cases and Materials on Taxation, 2nd ed., by P. W. Bruton, John W. Reed
Review of Concerning Dissent and Civil Disobedience, by A. Fortas, Terrance Sandalow
Review of Contemporary Chinese Law: Research Problems and Perspectives, Whitmore Gray
Review of Contemporary Soviet Law: Essays in Honor of John N. Hazard, Whitmore Gray
Review of Crime and Public Order in England in the Later Middle Ages, Thomas A. Green
Review of Crime in England, 1550-1800, Thomas A. Green
Review of Digest of Procedural Statutes and Court Rules: Pleading, Joinder and Judgment Record, by E. G. Brown, John W. Reed
Review of Disputes and Settlements: Law and Human Relations in the West, by J. Bossy, editor., William I. Miller
Review of The Judge in a Communist State: A View from Within, Whitmore Gray
Review of Encyclopedia of Soviet Law, Whitmore Gray
Review of Environmental Protection Policy, by E. Rehbinder and R. Stewart, James E. Krier
Review of Explaining the English Revolution: Hobbes and His Contemporaries, Donald J. Herzog
Review of Handbook of Appellate Advocacy, by M. Josephson., Douglas A. Kahn
Review of Jurisprudence: Men and Ideas of the Law, by E. W. Patterson, John W. Reed
Review of Labor and the Legal Process, by H. H. Wellington, Theodore J. St. Antoine
Review of Leaving the Bench: Supreme Court Justices at the End, by D. N. Atkinson, Richard D. Friedman
Review of Michigan and Federal Estate and Tax Planning, by P. Chirco and S. Ward, Douglas A. Kahn
Review of Napoleon and the British, Donald J. Herzog
Review of On Voluntary Servitude: False Consciousness and the Theory of Ideology, Donald J. Herzog
Review of Political Discourse in Early Modern Britain, Donald J. Herzog
Review of Pre-Trial, by H. D. Nimis, John W. Reed
Review of Protecting American Workers: An Assessment of Government Programs, by S. A. Levitan et al., Theodore J. St. Antoine
Review of Rethinking Refugee Law, by N. Nathwani. , James C. Hathaway
Review of Seeds of Destruction: Why the Path to Economic Ruin Runs through Washington, and How to Reclaim American Prosperity, Michael S. Barr
Review of Successful Tax Practice, by H. C. Bickford, John W. Reed
Review of The Dark Side of the Left: Illiberal Egalitarianism in America, Donald J. Herzog
Review of The Idea of a Liberal Theory: A Critique and Reconstruction, Donald J. Herzog
Review of The Landrum-Griffin Act: Twenty Years of Federal Protection of Union Members' Rights, by J. R. Bellace and A. D. Berkowitz, Theodore J. St. Antoine
Review of The Law of Restitution, Whitmore Gray
Review of The Selling of Supreme Court Nominees, by J. A. Maltese, Richard D. Friedman
Review of The Soviet Legal System and How Russia Is Ruled, Whitmore Gray
Review of The Supreme Court on Trial, by C. S. Hyneman., Jerold H. Israel
Review of Trial of Modernity: Judicial Reform in Early Twentieth Century China, 1901-37, by Xiaoqun Xu, Nicholas C. Howson
Review of Willful Liberalism: Voluntarism and Individuality in Political Theory and Practice, Donald J. Herzog
Revising Article 9 to Reduce Wasteful Litigation, James J. White
Revisiting 'Truth in Securities Revisited': Abolishing IPOs and Harnessing Private Markets in the Public Good, Adam C. Pritchard
Rewriting Roe v. Wade, Donald H. Regan
Rewriting Shutts for Fun, Not to Profit, Edward H. Cooper
Right of Jury to Review Decisions of the Court upon the Admissibility of Evidence as Illustrated in the Law of Dying Declarations, Victor H. Lane
Rights of Subrogation in Letters of Credit Transactions, James J. White
Risk and Design, James E. Krier
Roundtable Discussion: Science, Environment, and the Law, James E. Krier
Rule 23: Challenges to the Rulemaking Process (Symposium: The Institute of Judicial Administration Research Conference on Class Actions), Edward H. Cooper
Rule against Perpetuities as Applied to Options, John R. Rood
Sales Between a Partnership And Non-Partners, Douglas A. Kahn
Sanctuary, Redlight Districts, and Washington, D.C.: Some Observations on Neuman's Anomalous Zones (Symposium: Surveying Law and Borders), William I. Miller
Schiavo and Klein (Symposium), Evan H. Caminker
Scholarly Books: What, To Whom and Why, James J. White
Scholarship on Soviet Family Law in Perspective, Whitmore Gray
Search Neutrality as an Antitrust Principle, Daniel A. Crane
Secondary Human Rights Law, Monica Hakimi
Section 338 and Its Foolish Consistency Rules - The Hobgoblin of Little Minds, Douglas A. Kahn
Securities Law in the Roberts Court: Agenda or Indifference?, Adam C. Pritchard
Selected Michigan Probate Law Research Resources, Barbara H. Garavaglia
Selective Incorporation Revisited, Jerold H. Israel
Self-Regulation and Securities Markets, Adam C. Pritchard
Senator McCain's Corporate Tax Proposals A Critical Examination, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah
Sentencing: Where Case Theory and the Client Meet, Kimberly A. Thomas
Sequential Climate Change Policy, Edward A. Parson and Darshan Karwat
Settling for a Judge: A Comment on Clermont and Eisenberg, Samuel R. Gross
Seven Habits of a Highly Effective Scholar, Jerold H. Israel
Shaken Baby Syndrome, Abusive Head Trauma, and Actual Innocence: Getting it Right, Keith A. Findley, Patrick D. Barnes, David A. Moran, and Waney Squier
Shedding a Tear, William I. Miller
Should Congress Repeal Securities Class Action Reform?, Adam C. Pritchard
Should General Utilities Be Reinstated to Provide Partial Integration of Corporate and Personal Income—Is Half a Loaf Better than None?, Douglas A. Kahn
Should Mass Comments Count?, Nina A. Mendelson
Siamese Essays: (I) CTS Corp. v. Dynamics Corp. of America and Dormant Commerce Clause Doctrine; (II) Extraterritorial State Legislation, Donald H. Regan
Simplified Rules of Federal Procedure?, Edward H. Cooper
Sincere and Strategic Voting Norms on Multimember Courts, Evan H. Caminker
Slavery and the Law in Atlantic Perspective: Jurisdiction, Jurisprudence, and Justice, Rebecca J. Scott
Social Justice and Fundamental Law: A Comment on Sager's Constitution, Terrance Sandalow
Some Checks and Balances in Government, Thomas M. Cooley
Some Examples of Using Legal Relations Language in the Legal Domain: Applied Deontic Logic, Layman E. Allen
Some Hints on Defects in the Jury System, James V. Campbell
Some Legal Aspects of Special Assessments, Frank L. Sage
Some Modest Proposals on the Vice-Presidency, Richard D. Friedman
Some Petty Complaints about Article Three, James J. White
Sources of Presidential Papers and Documents on the Web, Barbara H. Garavaglia
Souter Passant, Scalia Rampant: Combat in the Marsh, Samuel R. Gross
Soviet Tort Law: The New Principles Annotated, Whitmore Gray
Special Assessments upon Cemeteries, Ralph W. Aigler
Specialization, Certification, and Exclusion in the Law Profession, John W. Reed
Squeezing Daubert Out of the Picture, Richard D. Friedman
Stalking the Squeeze: Understanding Commodities Market Manipulation, Richard D. Friedman
Standards of Persuasion and the Distinction between Fact and Law, Richard D. Friedman
Starting Out: Changing Patterns of First Jobs for Michigan Law School Graduates, Terry K. Adams and David L. Chambers
State Immunity Waivers for Suits by the United States, Evan H. Caminker
State Law of Patent Exploitation, Edward H. Cooper
Still Photographs in the Flow of Time, Richard D. Friedman
Still Unfair, Still Arbitrary - But Do We Care?, Samuel R. Gross
Stock Redemptions: The Standards for Qualifying as a Purchase under Section 302(b)., Douglas A. Kahn
Stoneridge Investment Partners v. Scientific-Atlanta: The Political Economy of Securities Class Action Reform, Adam C. Pritchard
Strategic Voting on Multimember Courts, Evan H. Caminker
Strong Criticism of the American System of Trial by Jury, Yale Kamisar
Structural Reform in Criminal Defense: Relocating Ineffective Assistance of Counsel Claims, Eve Brensike Primus
Substance, Procedure, and Institutions in the International Harmonization of Competition Policy, Daniel A. Crane
Summary and Recommendations (Symposium on Designing a Federal VAT, Part I), Reuven S. Avi-Yonah
Switching Time and Other Thought Experiments: The Hughes Court and Constitutional Transformation, Richard D. Friedman
Symposium: Examining Shaken Baby Syndrome Convictions in Light of New Medical and Scientific Research, David A. Moran
Symposium Reflections: A Rulemaking Perspective, Edward H. Cooper
Taking from Farm Lenders and Farm Debtors: Chapter 12 of the Bankruptcy Code, James J. White
Taking of Equitable Easements for Public Use, Edgar N. Durfee
Takings from Freund to Fischel." Review of Regulatory Taking: Law, Economics, and Politics, by W. A. Fischel, James E. Krier
Tales of Two Cities: AIDS and the Legal Recognition of Domestic Partnerships in San Francisco and New York, David L. Chambers
Taxation of Damages after Schleier - Where Are We and Where Do We Go from Here?, Douglas A. Kahn
Tax Consequences of Assigning Life Insurance - Time for Another Look, Douglas A. Kahn and Lawrence W. Waggoner
Tax Consequences When a New Employer Bears the Cost of the Employee's Terminating a Prior Employment Relationship, Douglas A. Kahn and Jeffrey H. Kahn
Tax Filing Experiences and Withholding Preferences of Low- and Moderate-Income Households Preliminary Evidence from a New Survey, Michael S. Barr and Jane Dokko
Taxing Consumption and Other Sins, James R. Hines Jr.
Taxing Inheritances, Taxing Estates, James R. Hines Jr.
Taxing the Platypygous, James J. White
Tax Stories and Tax Histories: Is There a Role for History in Shaping Tax Law?, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah
Teaching ADR in the Labor Field in China, Theodore J. St. Antoine
Teaching ADR in the Labor Field in China, Theodore J. St. Antoine
Ted St. Antoine: An Appreciation, Terrance Sandalow
Televising the Court: A Category Mistake (Symposium on Televising the Supreme Court), Christina B. Whitman
Telling the Story of the Hughes Court, Richard D. Friedman
Tender Offers by Controlling Shareholders: The Specter of Coercion and Fair Price, Adam C. Pritchard
The Abolition of Self-Help Repossession: The Poor Pay Even More, James J. White
The Abuses of Social Science: A Response to Fineman and Opie., David L. Chambers
The American Advantage: The Value of Inefficient Litigation, Samuel R. Gross
The Articulate Frank Allen, James J. White
The Assassination Attempt, Yale Kamisar
The A Student Who Gave Up the Law for Baseball, Yale Kamisar
The Attack on Nonprofit Status: A Charitable Assessment, James R. Hines Jr., Jill R. Horwitz, and Austin Nichols
The Baker [Baker v. State, 744 A.2d 864 (Vt. 1999)] Case, Civil Unions, and the Recognition of our Common Humanity: An Introduction and a Speculation, David L. Chambers
The Basic Course—A Mild Dissent, Whitmore Gray
The Basic Law at 60 - Equality and Difference: A Proposal for the Guest List to the Birthday Party, Susanne Baer
The Basic Law at 60 - Introduction to the Special Issue, Susanne Baer, Christian Boulanger, Alexander Klose, and Rosemarie Will
The Big One, Edward A. Parson
The Bildisco Case and the Congressional Response, James J. White
The Boundaries of Private Property, Michael A. Heller
The Burdens of Educational Loans: The Impacts of Debt on Job Choice and Standards of Living for Students at Nine American Law Schools, David L. Chambers
The California Greenhouse Gas Waiver Decision and Agency Interpretation: A Response to Galle and Seidenfeld, Nina A. Mendelson
The Canon Has a History, Richard A. Primus
The Case for Behaviorally Informed Regulation, Michael S. Barr, Sendhil Mullainathan, and Eldar Shafir
The Case for Retaining the Corporate AMT, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah
The Cases in Which the Master Is Liable for Injuries to Servants in His Employ, Thomas M. Cooley
The Causal Nexus in International Refugee Law, James C. Hathaway
The Challenge of Asian Law, Whitmore Gray
The Challenges of Calculating the Benefits of Providing Access to Legal Services, J. J. Prescott
The Changing Face of Legal Education: Implications for the Practice of Law and the Courts, John W. Reed
The Changing Role of Labor Arbitration (Symposium: New Rules for a New Game: Regulating Employment Relationships in the 21st Century), Theodore J. St. Antoine
The (Cloudy) Future of Class Actions, Edward H. Cooper
The Coming Curtailment of Compulsory Child Support, David L. Chambers
The Confrontation Clause Re-Rooted and Transformed, Richard D. Friedman
The Constitutionality of Taxing Compensatory Damages for Mental Distress When There Was No Accompanying Physical Injury, Douglas A. Kahn
The Constitution and the New Deal, Richard D. Friedman
The Conundrum of Children, Confrontation, and Hearsay, Richard D. Friedman
The Copyright Revision Act of 2026, Jessica D. Litman
The Cutting Edge of Poster Law, Michael A. Heller
The Cyclical Transformations of the Corporate Form: A Historical Perspective on Corporate Social Responsibility, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah
The Death of a Friendly Critic, James J. White
The Decline of the Contract Market Damage Model, James J. White
The Distrust of Politics, Terrance Sandalow
The Dynamic Analytics of Property Law, Michael A. Heller
The Economics of Open Access Law Publishing, Jessica D. Litman
The Emergence of a General Reformation Doctrine for Wills, Lawrence W. Waggoner and John H. Langbein
The Kerr Principle, State Action, and Legal Rights, Donald J. Herzog
The End of the World News (Symposium: Twenty-Five Years of Environmental Regulation), James E. Krier
The Exclusionary Rule in Historical Perspective: The Struggle to Make the Fourth Amendment More than 'An Empty Blessing', Yale Kamisar
The Federal Courts as a Franchise: Rethinking the Justifications for Federal Question Jurisdiction, Gil Seinfeld
The Financial Crisis and the Path of Reform, Michael S. Barr
The Functions of Ethical Originalism, Richard A. Primus
The Funding of Children's Educational Costs, Douglas A. Kahn
The Future of Disparate Impact, Richard A. Primus
The Government and Union Democracy, Theodore J. St. Antoine
The Guarantee of Order and Republican Government in the States, Thomas M. Cooley
The Gulf Spill Context: Peak Oil, Risky Oil, and Energy Strategy, Edward A. Parson
The Human Rights Quagmire of 'Human Trafficking', James C. Hathaway
The Illusory Right to Counsel, Eve Brensike Primus
The Influence of International Practice on the Revision of Article 5 of the UCC, James J. White
The Invention of Common Law Play Right, Jessica D. Litman
The Investor Compensation Fund, Alicia J. Davis
The Irrational Auditor and Irrational Liability, Adam C. Pritchard
The Jurisprudence of Yogi Berra, Edward H. Cooper and Grace C. Tonner
The Jury and the English Law of Homicide, 1200-1600, Thomas A. Green
The Legal Argument Game of Legal Relations, Layman E. Allen and Charles S. Saxon
The 'Legalization' of the Family: Toward a Policy of Supportive Neutrality, David L. Chambers
The Legal Status of the Teacher, Floyd R. Mechem
The Liability of Water Companies for Fire Losses, Edson R. Sunderland
The Limits to Legislative Power in the Passage of Curative Laws, Thomas M. Cooley
The Making of the Model Employment Termination Act, Theodore J. St. Antoine
The Meaning of 'Investment': ICSID's Travaux and the Domain of International Investment Law, Julian Davis Mortenson
The Meaning of 'Necessary' in GATT Article XX and GATS Article XIV: The Myth of Cost-Benefit Balancing, Donald H. Regan
The Method of Electing the President, Thomas M. Cooley and Abram S. Hewitt
The Michigan Guidelines on Protection Elsewhere, Colloquium on Challenges in International Refugee Law
The Michigan Judicature Act of 1915, Edson R. Sunderland
The Moral Responsibility of Law Schools, Terrance Sandalow
The Multiple-Marriage Society and Spousal Rights under the Revised Uniform Probate Code, Lawrence W. Waggoner
The Myth (and Realities) of Forum Shopping in Transnational Insolvency, John A. E. Pottow
The Need for Clear Structure in 'Plain Language' Legal Drafting, Layman E. Allen and C. Rudy Engholm
The New Federal Administration, Thomas M. Cooley
The NLRA: A Call to Collective Bargaining, Theodore J. St. Antoine
The Nondischargeability of Student Loans in Personal Bankruptcy Proceedings: The Search for a Theory, John A. E. Pottow
The Obama Justice Department's Merger Enforcement Record: An Armchair Reply to Baker and Shapiro, Daniel A. Crane
The OECD Harmful Tax Competition Report: A Tenth Anniversary Retrospective, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah
The Pastor, The Burning House, and The Double Jeopardy Clause: The True Story Behind Evans v. Michigan, David A. Moran
The Physician as an Expert, Harry B. Hutchins
The Political Economy of Barry Commoner, James E. Krier
The Politics of Intellectual Property, Jessica D. Litman
The Power of the Senate to Amend a Treaty, Bradley M. Thompson
The President's Enforcement Power, Kate Andrias
The Problem of Social Cost Revisited, Donald H. Regan
The Process of Penal Law Reform—A Look at the Proposed Michigan Revised Criminal Code, Jerold H. Israel
The Public Domain, Jessica D. Litman
The Puzzle of Complete Preemption, Gil Seinfeld
The Recent Erosion of the Secured Creditor's Rights through Cases, Rules and Statutory Changes in Bankruptcy Law, James J. White
The Regulation of Labor Unions, Theodore J. St. Antoine
The Report of the President's Advisory Panel on Federal Tax Reform: A Critical Assessment and a Proposal, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah
The Riddle of Hiram Revels, Richard A. Primus
The Right of States to Repatriate Former Refugees, James C. Hathaway
The 'Right to Die': A Catchy but Confusing Slogan, Yale Kamisar
The 'Right to Die': On Drawing (and Erasing) Lines, Yale Kamisar
The Rise, Decline and Fall(?) of Miranda, Yale Kamisar
The Rise in Elder Bankruptcy Filings and the Failure of U.S. Bankruptcy Law, John A. E. Pottow
The Risks of Death: Why Erroneous Convictions are Common in Capital Cases (Symposium: The New York Death Penalty in Context), Samuel R. Gross
The Role of Clinical Programs in Legal Education, Suellyn Scarnecchia
The Romance of Revenge: An Alternative History of Jeffrey Dahmer's Trial, Samuel R. Gross
The SEC at 70: Time for Retirement?, Adam C. Pritchard
The SEC at 70: Time for Retirement?, Adam C. Pritchard
The Sheriff's Return, Edson R. Sunderland
The Sky is Still Not Falling, Richard D. Friedman
The Sometimes-Bumpy Stream of Commerce Clause Doctrine (Symposium: The Commerce Clause: Past, Present, and Future), Richard D. Friedman
The S&P Litigation and Access to Federal Court: A Case Study in the Limits of Our Removal Model, Gil Seinfeld
The Supreme Court and State Protectionism: Making Sense of the Dormant Commerce Clause, Donald H. Regan
The Supreme Court in Politics., Terrance Sandalow
The Supreme Court's Misconstruction of a Procedural Statute-A Critique of the Court's Decision in Badaracco, Douglas A. Kahn
The Surrender of Fugitives from Justice, Thomas M. Cooley
The Takings-Puzzle Puzzle, James E. Krier
The Three Goals of Taxation, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah
The Three Threats to Miranda, Yale Kamisar
The Totality of the Circumstances of the Debtor's Financial Situation in a Post-Means Test World: Trying to Bridge the Wedoff/Culhane & White Divide, John A. E. Pottow
The Tragedy of the Anticommons: Property in the Transition from Marx to Markets, Michael A. Heller
The Tragedy of the Commons, Part Two, James E. Krier
The Trouble with Hairdressers, Donald J. Herzog
The Two Faces of Tax Neutrality: Do They Interact or Are They Mutually Exclusive?, Douglas A. Kahn
The Unaffordable Health Care Act - A Reponse to Professors Bagley and Horwitz, Douglas A. Kahn and Jeffrey H. Kahn
The Uniform Probate Code Extends Antilapse-Type Protection to Poorly Drafted Trusts, Lawrence W. Waggoner
The Uniform Probate Code's Elective Share: Time for a Reassessment, Lawrence W. Waggoner
The Uniform Statutory Rule Against Perpetuities: Oregon Joins Up, Lawrence W. Waggoner
The Uniform Statutory Rule Against Perpetuities: The Rationale of the 90-Year Waiting Period, Lawrence W. Waggoner
The (Unlikely) Death of Property, James E. Krier
The UPC Authorizes Notarized Wills, Lawrence W. Waggoner
The Usury Trompe L'Oeil, James J. White
The Value of Rational Nature, Donald H. Regan
The Value of Year Books of International Law, James C. Hathaway
The Vexations of Aging from the Imagination (A Lot) and Life (A Little) of Bill Miller, James J. White
The Virtue of Speed in Bankruptcy Proceedings, James J. White
The Virtues of Medicare, Jill R. Horwitz
The Wagner Act: Labor Law's Signal Event, Theodore J. St. Antoine
The Warren Court and Criminal Justice: A Quarter-Century Retrospective, Yale Kamisar
The Writings of John Barker Waite and Thomas Davies on the Search and Seizure Exclusionary Rule, Yale Kamisar
They're Playing a Tango, John W. Reed
They're Playing a Tango, John W. Reed
This Is Gary (Ann C. Rosenfield Symposium in Tribute to Gary T. Schwartz), James E. Krier
Thomas G. S. Christensen, Theodore J. St. Antoine
Thoughts on Teaching, Christina B. Whitman
Three Faces of Private Property, Michael A. Heller
Timing as Jurisdiction: Federal Civil Appeals in Context, Edward H. Cooper
Torrens Acts': Some Comparisons, James H. Brewster
Toward a Partial Economic, Game-Theoretic Analysis of Hearsay, Richard D. Friedman
Towards a (Bayesian) Convergence?, Richard D. Friedman
Transactions Subject to the Federal Gift Tax, Douglas A. Kahn
Treasure Islands, James R. Hines Jr.
Treating Tax Issues through Trade Regimes (Symposium: International Tax Policy in the New Millennium), Reuven S. Avi-Yonah
Tribute: Dores McCrary McCree, David L. Chambers
Tribute to John Pickering, Evan H. Caminker
Tribute to William F. Fratcher: Marital Property Rights in Transition, Lawrence W. Waggoner
Truth and Its Rivals in the Law of Hearsay and Confrontation (Symposium: Truth and Its Rivals: Evidence Reform and the Goals of Evidence Law)." , Richard D. Friedman
Trying to Make Peace with Bush v. Gore (Symposium: Bush v. Gore Issue 2001), Richard D. Friedman
Unbundling Constitutionality, Richard A. Primus
Uncoupling the Law of Takings, Michael A. Heller and James E. Krier
Understanding the AMT, and its Unadopted Sibling, the AMxT, James R. Hines Jr. and Kyle Logue
Unitary Taxation and International Tax Rules, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah
United States--Certain Measures Affecting Imports of Poultry from China: The Fascinating Case that Wasn't, Donald H. Regan
United States v. O'Hagan: Agency Law and Justice Powell's Legacy for the Law of Insider Trading, Adam C. Pritchard
Up from Individualism (The Brennan Center Symposium on Constitutional Law)." , Donald J. Herzog
US Subpart F Legislative Proposals: A Comparative Perspective, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah and Oz Halabi
Wade H. McCree, Jr., David L. Chambers
Wait-and-See: The New American Uniform Act on Perpetuities, Lawrence W. Waggoner
Waiting for the Other Shoe: Hudson and the Precarious State of Mapp, David A. Moran
Walter Trinkaus, Grace C. Tonner
War and Peace: The 34th Annual Donald C. Brace Lecture, Jessica D. Litman
Warranties in the Box, James J. White
Wayne R. LaFave: Search and Seizure Commentator at Work and Play, Yale Kamisar and Jerold H. Israel
Weak Legs: Misbehavior before the Enemy, William I. Miller
We Could Pass a Law...What Might Happen if Contingent Legal Fees Were Banned, Samuel R. Gross
We Really (for the most part) Mean It!, Richard D. Friedman
Were Standard Oil's Railroad Rebates and Drawbacks Cost Justified?, Daniel A. Crane
What a Sensible Natural Lawyer and a Sensible Utilitarian Agree about and Disagree about: Comments on Finnis, Donald H. Regan
What Does Graham Mean in Michigan?, Kimberly A. Thomas
What Does Tort Law Do? What Can it Do?, Scott Hershovitz
What If? The Legal Consequences of Marriage and the Legal Needs of Lesbian and Gay Male Couples, David L. Chambers
What Is the Outlook for the Lawyer?, Henry M. Bates
What Is This Thing Called Hearsay?, John W. Reed
When Federal and State Systems Converge: Foreign National Human Trafficking Victims Within Juvenile and Family Courts, Bridgette A. Carr
When 'Good' Corporate Governance Makes 'Bad' (Financial) Firms: The Global Crisis and the Limits of Private Law, Nicholas C. Howson
When Is a Preferential Transfer Required to Be Recorded?, Evans Holbrook
When Is There a Constitutional 'Right to Die'? When Is There No Constitutional 'Right to Live'?, Yale Kamisar
When Should Original Meanings Matter?, Richard A. Primus
Who Cares?, Adam C. Pritchard
Who Is Jessica's Mother? Defining Motherhood through Reality, Suellyn Scarnecchia
Who Said the Crawford Revolution Would Be Easy?, Richard D. Friedman
Whose Loyalties?, Christina B. Whitman
Who Should Watch Over Refugee Law?, James C. Hathaway
Who We Were and Who We Are: How Michigan Law Students Have Changed Since the 1950s: Findings from 40 Years of Alumni Surveys, David L. Chambers and Terry K. Adams
Why China?: A Startling Transformation, Nicholas C. Howson
Why Did Voters Reject Michigan's Physician-Assisted Suicide Initiative?, Yale Kamisar
Why Hard Cases Make Good (Clinical) Law, Paul D. Reingold
Why I Do Law Reform, Lawrence W. Waggoner
Why It's Called the Affordable Care Act, Nicholas Bagley and Jill R. Horwitz
Why It’s Called the Affordable Care Act, Nicholas Bagley
Why I Write (and Why I Think Law Professors Generally Should Write), Yale Kamisar
Why Refugee Law Still Matters, James C. Hathaway
Why Sudan? Ambiguous Identities Forge Persistent Conflict, Laura Nyantung Beny
Why Tax the Rich? Efficiency, Equity, and Progressive Taxation, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah
Why the Proposal to Legalize Physician-Assisted Suicide in Michigan Failed, Yale Kamisar
Why We Need the Independent Sector: The Behavior, Law, and Ethics of Not-for-Profit Hospitals, Jill R. Horwitz
Why Y? Reflections on the Baucus Proposal, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah
William J. Pierce, Lawrence W. Waggoner
William J. Pierce, Theodore J. St. Antoine
Women in the Law, James J. White
Work and Play in Revising Article 9 (Symposium on the Revision of Article 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code), James J. White
Yale Kamisar: A Principled Man for All Seasons, Douglas A. Kahn
Yale Kamisar: Up Close and Personal, William I. Miller