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T HE subject of this symposium, the proposed Michigan Revised Criminal Code (Proposed Code),' is the product of a three-year study by a Joint Committee of the State Bar. The study was undertaken pursuant to a 1964 resolution of the State Bar Commissioners calling for a "complete revision of the criminal code to redefine crimes and penalties."'2 The Joint Committee is an extraordinarily large group, being composed of members of both the standing Criminal Jurisprudence Committee and the Special Code Revision Committee.' Its membership reflects great diversity in viewpoint and professional interests, including not only prosecutors, defense attorneys and judges, but also corrections officials, police officers and clergymen. The Proposed Code is a product of the total committee and naturally reflects the give-and-take of any group effort of this type. Not every committee member agreed with every section, but they all concluded that the Proposed Code, taken as a whole, would represent a vast improvement over the current law. The objective of this article is to explain, in a general fashion, the basis for that conclusion.
