"Application of Enriched Deontic Legal Relations: Federal Rules of Civi" by Layman Allen and Charles Saxon

Application of Enriched Deontic Legal Relations: Federal Rules of Civil Procedure Rule 7(a), Pleadings

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date



Deontic LEGAL RELATIONS are quantified OBLIGATION or PERMISSION statements in the Logic of LEGAL RELATIONS. Such LEGAL RELATIONS stem from Hohfeld’s right-dutyprivilege- no-right set of fundamental legal conceptions, The four Hohfeldian roots are enriched by more detailed specification in terms of quantifier, deontic, action and temporal logics. The 1600 enriched deontic LEGAL RELATIONS defined in the Logic of LEGAL RELATIONS are both more specific and more discriminating than their Hohfeldian predecessors. A brief summary is presented of the 800 active enriched deontic LEGAL RELATIONS along with other parts of the LEGAL RELATIONS Language involved in the analysis of the important Rule 7(a) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure dealing with pleadings,


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