"Big Data in Finance: Highlights from the Big Data in Finance Conferenc" by Michael S. Barr, Brian Koziara et al.


How can financial data be made more accessible and more secure, as well as more useful to regulators, market participants, and the public? As new data sets are created, opportunities emerge. Vast quantities of financial data may help identify emerging risks, enable market participants and regulators to see and better understand financial networks and interconnections, enhance financial stability, bolster consumer protection, and increase access to the underserved. Data can also increase transparency in the financial system for market participants, regulators and the public. These data sets, however, can raise significant questions about security and privacy; ensuring data quality; protecting against discrimination or privacy intrusions; managing, synthesizing, presenting, and analyzing data in usable form; and sharing data among regulators, researchers, and the public. Moreover, any conflicts among regulators and financial firms over such data could create opportunities for regulatory arbitrage and gaps in understanding risk in the financial system.

The Big Data in Finance Conference, co-sponsored by the federal Office of Financial Research and the University of Michigan Center on Finance, Law, and Policy, and held at the University of Michigan Law School on October 27-28, 2016, covered a number of important and timely topics in the worlds of Big Data and finance. This paper highlights several key issues and conference takeaways as originally presented by the contributors and panelists who took part.


Business Law, Public Responsibility, and Ethics | Law | Law and Economics

Date of this Version

