Papers from 2025
Designing Contract Modification, Albert H. Choi and George Triantis
The Role of Unrealized Gains and Borrowing in the Taxation of the Rich, Edward Fox and Zachary Liscow
Bank Fragility After Mergers, Jeffrey Jou, Teng Wang, and Jeffery Y. Zhang
Sanctioning Negligent Bankers, Kyle D. Logue, W. Robert Thomas, and Jeffery Y. Zhang
Altering Rules: The New Frontier for Corporate Governance, Gabriel Rauterberg and Sarath Sanga
Read But Not Understood? An Empirical Analysis Of Consumer Comprehension In Homeowners Insurance, Daniel Schwarcz, Brenda J. Cude, Kyle D. Logue, and German Marquez Alcala
Papers from 2024
Retail Investors and Corporate Governance: Evidence from Zero-Commission Trading, Dhruv Aggarwal, Albert H. Choi, and Yoon-Ho Alex Lee
Contractual Remedies in Mergers: Lessons from Crispo v. Musk, Dhruv Aggarwal, Albert H. Choi, and Geeyoung Min
Building the Gateway: Why the Two Pillars Need Each Other, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah and Ajitesh Kir
Taxation and Corporate Governance, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah and Ariel Siman
Digital Lawyering: Advocacy in the Age of AI, Patrick Barry
Environmentalism and Antitrust, Albert H. Choi and Daniel A. Crane
Creditors, Shareholders, and Losers In Between: A Failed Regulatory Experiment, Albert H. Choi and Jeffery Zhang
Paying for Performance? Attorneys’ Fees in Securities Fraud Class Actions, Stephen J. Choi, Jessica M. Erickson, and A. C. Pritchard
COVID-19 Risk Factors and Boilerplate Disclosure, Stephen J. Choi, Mitu Gulati, Xuan Liu, and Adam C. Pritchard
The International Tax Revolution: Introduction, Christine Kim and Reuven S. Avi-Yonah
Regulating Algorithmic Harms, Sylvia Lu
Labor Law, Ownership, and the Firm, Sanjukta Paul
Shadow Banking and Securities Law, Gabriel Rauterberg and Jeffery Y. Zhang
Regulating Robo-advisors in an Age of Generative Artificial Intelligence, Daniel Schwarcz and Tom Baker
Consent Searches and Underestimation of Compliance: Robustness to Type of Search, Consequences of Search, and Demographic Sample, Roseanna Sommers and Vanessa K. Bohns
"Legally Magic" Words: An Empirical Study of the Accessibility of Fifth Amendment Rights, Roseanna Sommers and Kate Weisburd
Papers from 2023
Meme Corporate Governance, Dhruv Aggarwal, Albert H. Choi, and Yoon-Ho Alex Lee
The Meme Stock Frenzy: Origins and Implications, Dhruv Aggarwal, Albert H. Choi, and Yoon-Ho Alex Lee
After Pillar One, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah
A Response to Professor Choi’s Beyond Purposivism in Tax Law, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah
What Would Surrey Say? The Long Reach of Stanley S. Surrey, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah and Nir Fishbien
The Historical Origins of the Multilateral Tax Convention, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah and Eran Lempert
Fee Shifting, Nominal Damages, and the Public Interest, Maureen Carroll
The Business of Securities Class Action Lawyering, Stephen J. Choi, Jessica Erickson, and Adam C. Pritchard
All Stick and No Carrot? Reforming Public Offerings, Stephen J. Choi and Adam C. Pritchard
Flexibility and Conversions in New York City's Housing Stock: Building for an Era of Rapid Change, Ingrid Gould Ellen and Noah Kazis
Learning From Land Use Reforms: Housing Outcomes and Regulatory Change, Noah Kazis
Collusive Prosecution, Ben A. McJunkin and J.J. Prescott
Legitimacy and Online Proceedings: Procedural Justice, Access to Justice, and the Role of Income, Avital Mentovich, J.J. Prescott, and Orna Rabinovich-Einy
Valuing Social Data, Amanda Parsons and Salomé Viljoen
Love Hertz: Corporate Groups and Insolvency Forum Selection, John A. E. Pottow
Modular Bankruptcy: Toward a Consumer Scheme of Arrangement, John A. E. Pottow
Using ODR Platforms to Level the Playing Field: Improving Pro Se Litigation through ODR Design, J.J. Prescott
Cryptic Patent Reform Through the Inflation Reduction Act, Arti K. Rai, Rachel Sachs, and Nicholson Price
Interpreting the Administrative Procedure Act: A Literature Review, Christopher J. Walker and Scott MacGuidwin
Papers from 2022
New Developments in US Treaty Overrides, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah
Taxing Nomads: Reviving Citizenship-Based Taxation for the 21st Century, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah
Tax Harmony: The Promise and Pitfalls of the Global Minimum Tax, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah and Young Ran (Christine) Kim
A New Framework for Digital Taxation, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah, Young Ran (Christine) Kim, and Karen Sam
Initial Public Offering and Optimal Corporate Governance, Albert H. Choi
Liability for Non-Disclosure in Equity Financing, Albert H. Choi and Kathryn E. Spier
No New Tax Cuts? Examining the Rescue Plan's New State Tax Limits, Conor Clarke and Edward G. Fox
Criminal Enforcement of Section 2 of the Sherman Act: An Empirical Assessment, Daniel A. Crane
The New Major Questions Doctrine, Daniel Deacon and Leah Litman
The New Public/Private Equilibrium and the Regulation of Public Companies, Elisabeth de Fontenay and Gabriel V. Rauterberg
Fenceposts Without a Fence, Katherine Di Lucido, Nicholas Kean Tabor, and Jeffery Zhang
How to Improve Legal Representation of Children in America's Child Welfare System, Donald Duquette
Is Corporate Law Nonpartisan?, Ofer Eldar and Gabriel V. Rauterberg
Racial Discrimination in Life Insurance, William G. Gale, Kyle D. Logue, Nora Cahill, Rachel Gu, and Swati Joshi
Protecting the Sovereign's Money Monopoly, Gary B. Gordon and Jeffery Zhang
Evaluating Project Need for Natural Gas Pipelines in an Age of Climate Change, Alexandra B. Klass
Hierarchy, Race & Gender in Legal Scholarly Networks, Keerthana Nunna, W. Nicholson Price II, and Jonathan Tietz
On Firms, Sanjukta Paul
Subjective Beliefs about Contract Enforceability, JJ Prescott and Evan Starr
Distributed Governance of Medical AI, W. Nicholson Price II
Liability for Use of Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, W. Nicholson Price, Sara Gerke, and I. Glenn Cohen
What is the Law’s Role in a Recession?, Gabriel V. Rauterberg and Joshua Younger
Unreasonable Risk: The Failure to Ban Asbestos and the Future of Toxic Substances Regulation, Rachel Rothschild
Prison and Jail Civil Rights/Conditions Cases: Longitudinal Statistics, 1970-2021, Margo Schlanger
Learning to Manipulate a Financial Benchmark, Megan Shearer, Gabriel V. Rauterberg, and Michael P. Wellman
Papers from 2021
International Tax Law- Status Quo, Trends and Perspectives, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah
Is GILTI Constitutional?, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah
Rebellion, Rascals, and Revenue: Pleasingly Gaudy and Preposterous, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah
Tax Treaties, the Constitution, and the Noncompulsory Payment Rule, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah
The International Tax Regime at 100: Reflections on the OECD's BEPS Project, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah
The New International Tax Regime, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah
The US Taxpayer Bill of Rights: Reflections on a Toddler, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah
Constitutional Review of Federal Tax Legislation, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah and Yoseph M. Edrey
Coca Cola: A Decisive IRS Transfer Pricing Victory, at Last, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah and Gianluca Mazzoni
Stanley Surrey, The 1981 US Model, and the Single Tax Principle, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah and Gianluca Mazzoni
Noise Pollution, Patrick Barry
The Economics of Class Action Waivers, Albert H. Choi and Kathryn E. Spier
Reforming Michigan Vehicle Direct Sales Laws, Daniel A. Crane
Funding Global Governance, Kristina B. Daugirdas
Autonomy and the Folk Concept of Valid Consent, Joanna Demaree-Cotton and Roseanna Sommers
Controlling Externalities: Ownership Structure and Cross-Firm Externalities, Dhammika Dharmapala and Vikramaditya S. Khanna
The Case for Banning (and Mandating) Ransomware Insurance, Kyle D. Logue and Adam B. Shniderman
New Innovation Models in Medical AI, Nicholson Price II, Rachel Sachs, and Rebecca S. Eisenberg
Problematic Interactions between AI and Health Privacy, W. Nicholson Price II
The Problem with Assumptions: Revisiting the Dark Figure of Sexual Recidivism, Tamara Rice Lave, JJ Prescott, and Grady Bridges
Reducing Prejudice Through Law: Evidence from Experimental Psychology, Roseanna Sommers and Sara Burke
Papers from 2020
Federal Forum Provisions and the Internal Affairs Doctrine, Dhruv Aggarwal and Albert H. Choi
Constructive Dialogue: BEPS and the TCJA, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah
COVID-19 and US Tax Policy: What Needs to Change?, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah
Do Lawyers Need Economists? Review of Katja Langenbucher, Economic Transplants: On Lawmaking for Corporations and Capital Markets (Cambridge U. Press, 2017), Reuven S. Avi-Yonah
Overcoming Political Polarization: Federal Funding of Education Is the Key, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah
Overcoming Political Polarization: Federal Funding of Education Is the Key, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah
Should US Tax Law Be Constitutionalized? Centennial Reflections on Eisner v. Macomber (1920), Reuven S. Avi-Yonah
Taxation and Business: The Human Rights Dimension of Corporate Tax Practices, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah
Taxes in the Time of Coronavirus: Is It Time to Revive the Excess Profits Tax?, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah
Why Study Tax History?, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah
Legitimacy and Agency Implementation of Title IX, Samuel R. Bagenstos
May Hospitals Withhold Ventilators from COVID-19 Patients with Pre-Existing Disabilities? Notes on the Law and Ethics of Disability-Based Medical Rationing, Samuel R. Bagenstos
Class Actions and Private Antitrust Litigation, Albert H. Choi and Kathryn E. Sprier