Works from 1992
State Regulation of Commerce (Update), Donald H. Regan
Constitutional Interpretation, Terrance Sandalow
Discretion and Rules: A Lawyer's View, Carl E. Scheider
Labor, Theodore J. St. Antoine
Administrative Agencies, Joseph Vining
The Constitution as Literature, James Boyd White
The Ethics of Meaning, James Boyd White
The Invisible Discourse of the Law: Reflections on Legal Literacy and General Education, James Boyd White
Sex Discrimination (Update 1), Christina B. Whitman
Works from 1991
Automatic Generation of a Legal Expert System, Layman E. Allen and Charles S. Saxon
More IA needed in AI: interpretation assistance for coping with the problem of multiple structural interpretations, Layman Allen and Charles Saxon
Some Implications of Cognitive Appraisal Theories of Emotion, Phoebe C. Ellsworth
Drafting the Dispute Resolution Clause, Whitmore Gray
Final Frontier: Life, Death and Law, Yale Kamisar
The Fourth Amendment: The Right of the People to Be Secure in Their Persons, Homes, Papers, and Effects, Yale Kamisar
The Moral Responsibilities of Universities, Terrance Sandalow
Whither Arbitration?—Comments, Theodore J. St. Antoine
Generalization in Interpretive Theory, Joseph Vining
Making Sense of Criminal Law, James Boyd White
Feminist Jurisprudence, Christina B. Whitman
Works from 1990
Stepparents, Biologic Parents, and the Law's Perception of 'Family' After Divorce, David L. Chambers
The First Year Courses: What's There and What's Not, David L. Chambers
Translation, Interpretation, and the Law, James Boyd White
Works from 1989
Independent Representation of Children in Protection Proceedings, Donald N. Duquette
An Introduction to the American Criminal Justice Process, Jerold H. Israel
Central Feud in Njáls Saga., William I. Miller
The University and the Aims of Professional Education, Terrance Sandalow
Conflict Resolution in Industrial Relations, Theodore J. St. Antoine
Dispute Resolution Between the General Motors Corporation and the United Automobile Workers, 1970-1982, Theodore J. St. Antoine
Works from 1988
Exploring Computer Aided Generation of Questions for Normalizing Legal Rules, Layman E. Allen and Charles S. Saxon
The Federal Government and a Program of 'Advance Maintenance' in the United States, David L. Chambers
Unpleasant Facts: The Supreme Court's Response to Empirical Research on Capital Punishment, Phoebe C. Ellsworth
A Retrospective on the Criminal Trial Jury, 1200-1800, Thomas A. Green
A Response to "Two Puzzles", Carl E. Schneider
The Legal and Economic Implications of Union-Management Cooperation: The Case of GM and the UAW, Theodore J. St. Antoine
Judicial Criticism, James Boyd White
Works from 1987
Liberty and Lawyers in Child Protection, Donald N. Duquette
The Autonomy of Law: Two Visions Compared, Richard O. Lempert
The Collective Bargaining Process, Theodore J. St. Antoine
Works from 1986
Terminating Parental Rights, Donald N. Duquette
Euthanaisa Legislation: Some Non-Religious Objections, Yale Kamisar
Police Interrogation and Confessions, Yale Kamisar
Styles of Law and the Attainment of Social Justice, Richard O. Lempert and Joseph Sanders
Duties of Preservation, Donald H. Regan
Duties of Preservation, Donald H. Regan
Philosophy and the Constitution, Donald H. Regan
Boycott, Theodore J. St. Antoine
Picketing, Theodore J. St. Antoine
Compulsory Process, Right to, Peter K. Westen
Hearsay Rule, Peter K. Westen
Arrest, James Boyd White
Burden of Proof, James Boyd White
Jury Discrimination, James Boyd White
The Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure, James Boyd White
Works from 1985
Computer-Aided Normalizing and Unpacking: Some Interesting Machine-Processable Transformations of Legal Rules, Layman E. Allen and Charles S. Saxon
Environmental Regulation and the Constitution, James E. Krier
Privacy in Confucian and Taoist Thought, Christina B. Whitman
Works from 1984
The First Year Courses: What's There and What's Not, David L. Chambers
Drafting the Arbitration Clause, Whitmore Gray
The Jury, Seditious Libel and the Criminal Law, Thomas A. Green
Legal Theory and the Obligation of a Judge: The Hart/Dworkin Dispute, Philip Soper
Reformulating the Structure of Estates: A Proposal for Legislative Action, Lawrence W. Waggoner
Works from 1983
Child Support in the Twenty-First Century, David L. Chambers
Collaboration between Lawyers and Mental Health Professionals: Making It Work, Donald N. Duquette
Criminal Procedure, the Burger Court, and the Legacy of the Warren Court, Jerold H. Israel
Confessions, Yale Kamisar
Paternalism, Freedom, Identity, and Commitment, Donald H. Regan
Arbitration Procedures, Theodore J. St. Antoine
Individual Rights in the Work Place: The Burger Court and Labor Law, Theodore J. St. Antoine
The Invisible Discourse of the Law: Reflections on Legal Literacy and General Education, James Boyd White
Works from 1982
Protecting Individual Liberties in the Context of Screening for Child Abuse, Donald N. Duquette
Criminal Procedure, the Burger Court, and the Legacy of the Warren Court, Jerold H. Israel
A Dissent from the Miranda Dissents: Some Comments on the 'New' Fifth Amendment and the Old 'Voluntariness' Test, Yale Kamisar
The Expansion of Federal Legislative Authority, Terrance Sandalow
Protection Against Unjust Discipline: An Idea Whose Time Has Long Since Come, Theodore St. Antoine
Works from 1981
Interstate Enforcement of Child Protection Orders, Donald N. Duquette
Legal Roles, Donald N. Duquette
The Legal Aspects of Child Abuse and Neglect, Donald N. Duquette
Interviewing the Child, Donald N. Duquette and Janet Stubbs
Products Liability, Whitmore Gray
Protection Against Unjust Discipline: An Idea Whose Time Has Long Since Come, Theodore J. St. Antoine
The Role of Law, Theodore J. St. Antoine
Works from 1980
Language, Law, and Logic: Plain Legal Drafting for the Electronic Age, Layman E. Allen
Liberty and Lawyers in Child Protection, Donald N. Duquette
Sentencing, the Dilemma of Discretion, Jerold H. Israel
Desert and Deterrence: An Evaluation of the Moral Bases for Capital Punishment, Richard O. Lempert
Rewriting Roe v. Wade, Donald H. Regan
Minority Preferences in Law School Admissions, Terrance Sandalow
Works from 1979
Jury Size and the Peremptory Challenge: Testimony on Jury Reform, Richard O. Lempert
Works from 1978
A Perspective on the Michigan Law of Damages, John W. Reed
Opinions and Expert Testimony, John W. Reed
Rules Pertaining to Witnesses, John W. Reed
Judicial Review of Labor Arbitration Awards: A Second Look at Enterprise Wheel and Its Progeny, Theodore J. St. Antoine
Works from 1977
The First-Year Courses: What's There and What's Not, David L. Chambers
Evidence Problems in Criminal Cases, John W. Reed
Racial Preferences in Higher Education: Political Responsibility and the Judicial Role, Terrance Sandalow
Works from 1976
Child Support Collections in Michigan: A Study of the Effects of Tenacity and Terror, David L. Chambers
The Child Support Enforcement Process Study, David L. Chambers
The Principle of the Least Restrictive Alternative for Mentally-Retarded Persons: The Constitutional Issues, David L. Chambers