
Forthcoming, AIIB Yearbook of International Law ___ (2020)

The final version of this work can be found as Daugirdas, Kristina. "Breaking the Silence: Why International Organizations Should Acknowledge Customary International Law Obligations to Provide Effective Remedies." Sachi Schuricht, co-author. AIIB Y. B. Int'l L. (2020): 54-87. DOI: and in the repository.


To date, international organizations have remained largely silent about their obligations under customary international law. This chapter urges international organizations to change course, and to expressly acknowledge customary international law obligations to provide effective remedies. Notably, international organizations’ obligations to afford effective remedies need not precisely mirror States’ obligations to do so. Instead, international organizations may be governed by particular customary international law rules. By publicly acknowledging obligations to afford effective remedies, international organizations can influence the development of such particular rules. In addition, by acknowledging obligations to afford effective remedies — and by actually providing effective remedies — international organizations can rebut arguments that they are above the law, and can help to retain support for their immunities.


International Law | Law and Economics | Public Law and Legal Theory

Date of this Version

