Works from 2017
The EEOC, the ADA, and Workplace Wellness Programs, Samuel R. Bagenstos
Federalism and the End of Obamacare, Nicholas Bagley
Remedial Restraint in Administrative Law, Nicholas Bagley
In Defense of the Restatement of Liability Insurance Law, Tom Baker and Kyle D. Logue
Financial Reform: Making the System Safer and Fairer, Michael S. Barr
Confirmation Bias, Patrick Barry
The Words Under the Words, Patrick Barry
Experiential Skills in Legal Education: Introducing Tomorrow’s Practitioners to Practicing Law, Edward R. Becker
Piling On? An Empirical Study of Parallel Derivative Suits, Stephen J. Choi, Jessica Erickson, and Adam C. Pritchard
The SEC's Shift to Administrative Proceedings: An Empirical Assessment, Stephen J. Choi and Adam C. Prichard
Addressing Cultural Bias in the Legal Profession, Debra Chopp
Timely Permanency or Unnecessary Removal?: Tips for Advocates for Children Who Spend Less Than 30 Days in Foster Care, Christopher Church, Monique Mitchell, and Vivek Sankaran
Why Sports Law?, Sherman J. Clark
The Possibility of Preemptive Forgiving, Nicholas Cornell
Wrongful Benefit & Arctic Drilling, Nicolas Cornell and Sarah E. Light
Further Reflections On Antitrust And Wealth Inequality, Daniel A. Crane
Why Intra-Brand Dealer Competition is Irrelevant to the Price Effects of Tesla's Vertical Integration, Daniel A. Crane
Contemporary Practice of the United States Relating to International Law, Kristina Daugirdas and Julian Davis Mortenson
Contemporary Practice of the United States Relating to International Law, Kristina Daugirdas and Julian Davis Mortenson
Contemporary Practice of the United States Relating to International Law, Kristina Daugirdas and Julian Davis Mortenson
The Impact of Mandated Corporate Social Responsibility: Evidence from India’s Companies Act of 2013, Dhammika Dharmapala and Vikramaditya Khanna
How to Think (Like a Lawyer) About Rape, Kimberly Kessler Ferzan and Peter K. Westen
Anishinaabe Law and The Round House, Matthew L.M. Fletcher
States and Their American Indian Citizens, Matthew L.M. Fletcher
Statutory Divestiture of Tribal Sovereignty, Matthew L.M. Fletcher
Tribal Jurisdiction – A Historical Bargain, Matthew L.M. Fletcher and Leah Jurss
Indian Children and the Federal-Tribal Trust Relationship, Matthew L.M. Fletcher and Wenona T. Singel
Stock Market Futurism, Merritt Fox and Gabriel Rauterberg
What We Think, What We Know and What We Think We Know about False Convictions, Samuel Gross
Constructing an International Community, Monica Hakimi
In Re Akhbar Beirut & Al Amin, Monica Hakimi
Introduction to Symposium on Unauthorized Military Interventions for the Public Good, Monica Hakimi
Reply on The Work of International Law, Monica Hakimi
The Work of International Law, Monica Hakimi
Treating Wrongs as Wrongs: An Expressive Argument for Tort Law, Scott Hershovitz
Democracy, Law, Compliance, Don Herzog
Business Tax Burdens and Tax Reform, James R. Hines Jr.
Factors in Fairness and Emotion in Online Case Resolution Systems, Youyang Hou, Cliff Lampe, Maximilian Bulinski, and J. J. Prescott
China's 'Corporatization without Privatization' and the Late 19th Century Roots of a Stubborn Path Dependency, Nicholas Howson
Emotions in the Early Common Law (c. 1166–1215), John Hudson
The Downside of Requiring Additional Experiential Courses in Law School, Douglas A. Kahn
Tax Treatment of a Marijuana Business, Douglas A. Kahn and Howard Bromberg
Debate on Carried Interest: A Response to the Defense of Eliminating Capital Gains Treatment for Carried Interest, Douglas A. Kahn and Jeffrey H. Kahn
The Fallacious Objections to the Tax Treatment of Carried Interest, Douglas A. Kahn and Jeffrey H. Kahn
The Inappropriateness of the Bad Checks Penalty, Douglas A. Kahn and Jeffrey H. Kahn
The Miranda Case Fifty Years Later, Yale Kamisar
Expanding the U.S. Electric Transmission and Distribution Grid to Meet Deep, Alexandra Klass
Future-Proofing Energy Transport Law, Alexandra Klass
Life Cycle Analysis and Transportation Energy, Alexandra Klass and Andrew Heiring
Reconstituting the Federalism Battle in Energy Transportation, Alexandra Klass and Jim Rossi
Contemporary Practice of the United States Relating to International Law, Daugirdas Kristina and Julian Davis Mortenson
Debunking Antinovelty, Leah Litman
Potential Life in the Doctrine, Leah Litman
The Dubious Empirical and Legal Foundations of Wellness Programs, Adrianna McIntyre, Nicholas Bagley, Austin Frakt, and Aaron Carroll
Small Change, Big Consequences — Partial Medicaid Expansions under the ACA, Adrianna McIntyre, Allan M. Joseph, and Nicholas Bagley
Zivotofsky: The Difference Between Inherent and Exclusive Presidential Power, Julian Davis Mortenson
Are Trump's Attacks on the Media Adversely Affecting Public Opinion?, Leonard M. Niehoff
Bankrupt Marketplace: First Amendment Theory and the 2016 Presidential Election, Leonard M. Niehoff
Doe v. University of Michigan: Free Speech on Campus 25 Years Later, Leonard M. Niehoff
Toward a History of the Democratic State, William J. Novak, Stephen W. Sawyer, and James T. Sparrow
You Buy It, You Break It, Aaron Perzanowski
What We Buy When We "Buy Now", Aaron Perzanowski and Chris Jay Hoofnagle
Rethinking Criminal Contempt, John A.E. Pottow and Jason S. Levin
Improving Access to Justice in State Courts with Platform Technology, J. J. Prescott
Artificial Intelligence in Health Care: Applications and Legal Implications, W. Nicholson Price II
Expired Patents, Trade Secrets, and Stymied Competition, W. Nicholson Price II
Regulating Black-Box Medicine, W. Nicholson Price II
Risk and Resilience in Health Data Infrastructure, W. Nicholson Price II
Disentangling Miranda and Massiah: How to Revive the Sixth Amendment Right to Counsel as a Tool for Regulating Confession Law, Eve Brensike Primus
Federal Review of State Criminal Convictions: A Structural Approach to Adequacy Doctrine, Eve Brensike Primus
The Constitutional Constant, Richard A. Primus
The Cost of the Text, Richard A. Primus
The Gibbons Fallacy, Richard A. Primus
Debating Is the Constitution Special?, Richard Primus, Kevin M. Stack, Christopher Serkin, and Nelson Tebbe
Toward a Theory of Motion Practice and Settlement: Comment, Adam C. Pritchard
From Baby-selling to Boilerplate: Reflections on the Limits of the Infrastructures of the Market, Margaret Jane Radin
International Investment Law Through the Lens of Global Justice, Steven Ratner
Contracting Out of the Fiduciary Duty of Loyalty: An Empirical Analysis of Corporate Opportunity Waivers, Gabriel Rauterberg and Eric Talley
Fundamental Rights, Federal States, and Sovereignty: Some Random Remarks, Donald H. Regan
We Need Protection from Our Protectors: The Nature, Issues, and Future of the Federal Trust Responsibility to Indians, Daniel I.S.J. Rey-Bear and Matthew L.M. Fletcher
Child Welfare's Scarlet Letter: How a Prior Termination of Parental Rights can Permanently Brand a Parent as Unfit, Vivek S. Sankaran
Moving Beyond Lassiter: The Need for a Federal Statutory Right to Counsel for Parents in Child Welfare Cases, Vivek S. Sankaran
International Law and Contemporary Slavery: The Long View, Rebecca J. Scott
How Does the Law Put a Historical Analogy to Work?: Defining the Imposition of "A Condition Analogous to That of a Slave" in Modern Brazil, Rebecca J. Scott, Leonardo Augusto de Andrade Barbosa, and Carlos Henrique Borlido Haddad
Trabalho escravo: l'esclavage contemporain au Brésil, Rebecca J. Scott and Jean Hebrard
Labor and Employment Arbitration today: Mid-Life Crisis or New Golden Age?, Theodore J. St. Antonie
Random if Not "Rare"? The Eighth Amendment Weaknesses of Post-Miller Legislation, Kimberly Thomas
Juvenile Lifers and Juveniles in Michigan Prisons: A Population of Special Concern, Kimberly A. Thomas
From Grace to Grids: Rethinking Due Process Protections for Parole., Kimberly A. Thomas and Paul D. Reingold
Resurrecting (and Modernizing) the Research Treasure Hunt, Nancy E. Vettorello
Update Your Bookmarks! Great Sites for Effective Research, Nancy E. Vettorello
Reimagining Legal Education: Incorporating Live-Client Work into the First-Year Curriculum, Nancy Vettorello and Beth Hirschfelder Wilensky
Contracts Ex Machina, Kevin Werbach and Nicolas Cornell
Judge Kozinski Objects, Beth H. Wilensky
Works from 2016
Building Labor's Constitution, Kate Andrias
Confronting Power in Public Law, Kate Andrias
Separations of Wealth: Inequality and the Erosion of Checks and Balances, Kate Andrias
The New Labor Law, Kate Andrias
The Logic of Contract in the World of Investment Treaties, Julian Arato
A Bipartisan Tax Reform?, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah