Works from 2020
Business and Human Rights: Seizing the Opportunity, Steven R. Ratner
International Investment Law and Domestic Investment Rules: Tracing the Upstream and Downstream Flows, Steven R. Ratner
Introduction to the Symposium on Soft and Hard Law on Business and Human Rights, Steven R. Ratner
International Law and Theories of Global Justice: Remarks, Steven R. Ratner, James Stewart, Jiewuh Song, and Carmen Pavel
The Essential Roles of Agency Law, Gabriel Rauterberg
Importing Prescription Drugs from Canada — Legal and Practical Problems with the Trump Administration's Proposal, Rachel E. Sachs and Nicholas Bagley
Rethinking Foster Care: Why Our Current Approach to Child Welfare has Failed, Vivek Sankaran and Christopher Church
Incrementalist vs. Maximalist Reform: Solitary Confinement Case Studies, Margo Schlanger
Discerning a Dignitary Offense: The Concept of Equal 'Public Rights' during Reconstruction, Rebecca J. Scott
Reforming State Corporate Income Taxes Can Yield Billions, Darien Shanske, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah, and David Gamage
Why R&D Should be Allocated to Subpart F and GILTI, Stephen E. Shay, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah, Patrick Driessen, J. Clifton Fleming Jr., and Robert J. Peroni
Commonsense Consent, Roseanna Sommers
Consumer Psychology and the Problem of Fine Print Fraud, Roseanna Sommers and Meirav Furth-Matzkin
Making Employment Arbitration Fair and Accessible, Theodore J. St. Antoine
The Behavioral Effects of (Unenforceable) Contracts, Evan Starr, JJ Prescott, and Norman Bishara
Back to the Future: Creating a Bipartisan Environmental Movement for the 21st Century, David M. Uhlmann
How I Finally Overcame My Apprehension About Peer Review, Beth H. Wilensky
The Personal Responsibility Pandemic: Centering Solidarity in Public Health and Employment Law, Lindsay F. Wiley and Samuel R. Bagenstos
Works from 2019
An American Approach to Social Democracy: The Forgotten Promise of the Fair Labor Standards Act, Kate Andrias
Janus's Two Faces, Kate Andrias
The Private Law Critique of International Investment Law, Julian Arato
Amazon Goldcrest Project and the Relevance of Comparability Analysis under the Arm's Length Principle, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah
If Not Now, When? U.S. Tax Treaties with Latin America After TCJA, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah
US and Capital Flight, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah
A U.S. DST? The Potential Impact of the Cloud Regulations, Reuven Avi-Yonah and Karen Sam
Toward a 21st-Century International Tax Regime, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah and Kimberly A. Clausing
India's New Profit Attribution Proposal and the Arm's-Length Standard, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah and Ajitesh Kir
Complete Distributive Rules and the Single Tax Principle: A Review of Recent Italian Case Law, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah and Gianluca Mazzoni
Alpha Duties: The Search For Excess Returns and Appropriate Fiduciary Duties, Ian Ayres and Edward Fox
Strengthening the Passivity Default, Ian Ayres and Edward Fox
The Procedure Fetish, Nicholas Bagley
The Orphan Drug Act at 35: Observations and an Outlook for the Twenty-First Century, Nicholas Bagley, Benjamin Berger, Amitabh Chandra, and Craig Garthwaite
Corresponding Ideas in Corresponding Forms, Patrick Barry
Good Sentences, Patrick Barry
Uselessly Accurate, Patrick Barry
Transferability: Helping Students and Attorneys Apply What They Already Know to New Situations (Part 1), Edward R. Becker
Transferability: Helping Students and Attorneys Apply What They Already Know to New Situations (Part 2), Edward R. Becker
How Many Copies Are Enough Revisited: Open Access Legal Scholarship in the Time of Collection Budget Constraints, Kincaid C. Brown
Location Tracking and Digital Data: Can Carpenter Build a Stable Privacy Doctrine?, Evan H. Caminker
Class Actions, Indivisibility, and Rule 23(b)(2), Maureen Carroll
Crisis-Driven Tax Law: The Case of Section 382, Albert H. Choi, Quinn Curtis, and Andrew T. Hayashi
Should I Stay or Should I Go? The Gender Gap for Securities and Exchange Commission Attorneys, Stephen J. Choi II, Mitu Gulati, and Adam C. Pritchard
Energy and Eminent Domain, James W. Coleman and Alexandra Klass
Ecosystem Competition and the Antitrust Laws, Daniel A. Crane
Scrutinizing Anticompetitive State Regulations Through Constitutional and Antitrust Lenses, Daniel A. Crane
Reputation and Accountability: Another Look at the United Nations’ Response to the Cholera Epidemic in Haiti, Kristina Daugirdas
Reputation as a Disciplinarian of International Organizations, Kristina Daugirdas
Financing the World Health Organization: What Lessons for Multilateralism?, Kristina Daugirdas and Gian Luca Burci
Federal Common Law Versus Agency Power: An Essay on Epic Systems Corporation v. Lewis, Daniel T. Deacon
A Functional Approach to Judicial Review of PTAB Rulings on Mixed Questions of Law and Fact, Rebecca S. Eisenberg
Opting Into Device Regulation in the Face of Uncertain Patentability, Rebecca S. Eisenberg
Cannabis for Medical Use: FDA and DEA Regulation in the Hall of Mirrors, Rebecca S. Eisenberg and Deborah B. Leiderman
Clown Eggs, Dave Fagundes and Aaron Perzanowski
Indian Children and the Fifth Amendment, Matthew L.M. Fletcher
The Restatement of the Law of American Indians: The Process and Why It Matters, Matthew L.M. Fletcher
Spoiler Alert: When the Supreme Court Ruins Your Brief Problem Mid-Semester, Margaret Hannon
Assigning Protection: Can Refugee Rights and State Preferences be Reconciled?, James C. Hathaway
Investment Ramifications of Distortionary Tax Subsidies, James R. Hines Jr. and Jongsang Park
Inter Vivos Transfers of Ownership in Family Firms, James R. Hines Jr., Niklas Potrafke, Marina Riem, and Christoph Schinke
The Tethered Economy, Chris Jay Hoofnagle, Aniket Kesari, and Aaron Perzanowski
Return of an Employee's Claim of Right Income, Douglas A. Kahn
Suspension of Miscellaneous Itemized Deductions is Ill-Advised, Douglas A. Kahn
The Games They Will Play: Tax Games, Roadblocks, and Glitches Under the 2017 Tax Legislation, David Kamin, David Gamage, Ari Glogower, Rebecca Kysar, Darien Shanske, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah, Lily Batchelder, J. Clifton Fleming, Daniel Hemel, Mitchell Kane, David Miller, Daniel Shaviro, and Manoj Viswanathan
Advocating for Children with Disabilities in Child Protection Cases, Joshua B. Kay
New Juvenile Discovery Rules: Mandatory, Comprehensive, and Streamlined., Joshua B. Kay
The Americans with Disabilities Act: Legal and Practical Applications in Child Protection Proceedings, Joshua B. Kay
Stock Market Reactions to India's 2016 Demonetization., Vikramaditya S. Khanna and Dhammika Dharmapala
Public Utilities and Transportaton Electrification, Alexandra Klass
Imaginary Bottles, Jessica Litman
Dignity and Civility, Reconsidered, Leah Litman
New Textualism and the Thirteenth Amendment, Leah Litman
Should Automakers Be Responsible for Accidents?, Kyle D. Logue
The Deterrence Case for Comprehensive Automaker Enterprise Liability, Kyle D. Logue
There is No Work-Life Balance, Bridget M. McCormack and Leonard M. Niehoff
Sex Offenders: Technological Monitoring and the Fourth Amendment, Ben A. McJunkin and J.J. Prescott
Prosecutors and Voters Are Becoming Smart on Crime, Barbara L. McQuade
Tribes, Cities, and Children: Emerging Voices in Environmental Litigation, Nina A. Mendelson
The Elusive Object of Punishment, Gabriel S. Mendlow
Article II Vests Executive Power, Not the Royal Prerogative, Julian Davis Mortenson
Catch and Kill: Does the First Amendment Protect Buying Speech To Bury It?, Leonard M. Niehoff
The Progressive Idea of Democratic Administration, William J. Novak
The Progressive Idea of Democratic Administration, William J. Novak
Targeting Poverty in the Courts: Improving the Measurement of Ability to Pay Fines, Meghan M. O'Neil and J.J. Prescott
The Dialogic Aspect of Soft Law in International Insolvency: Discord, Digression, and Development, John A. E. Pottow
Artificial Intelligence in the Medical System: Four Roles for Potential Transformation, Will Nicholson Price II
Grants, Nicholson Price II
Artificial Intelligence in the Medical System: Four Roles for Potential Transformation, W. Nicholson Price II
Medical AI and Contextual Bias, W. Nicholson Price II
Privacy in the Age of Medical Big Data, W. Nicholson Price II and I. Glenn Cohen
Potential Liability for Physicians Using Artificial Intelligence, W. Nicholson Price II, Sara Gerke, and I Glenn Cohen
Shadow Health Records Meet New Data Privacy Laws, W. Nicholson Price II, Margot E. Kaminski, Timo Minssen, and Kayte Spector-Bagdady
Equitable Gateways: Toward Expanded Federal Habeas Corpus Review of State Court Criminal Convictions, Eve Brensike Primus
Select Criminal Law and Procedure Cases from the U.S. Supreme Court's 2018-2019 Term, Eve Brensike Primus and Kristin Froehle
The Most Revealing Word in the United States Report, Richard Primus
Second Redemption, Third Reconstruction, Richard A. Primus
International Law and Political Philosophy: Uncovering New Linkages, Steven R. Ratner
An Agent-Based Model of Financial Benchmark Manipulation, Gabriel Virgil Rauterberg, Megan Shearer, and Michael Wellman
A Cure Worse Than the Disease? The Impact of Removal on Children and Their Families, Vivek Sankaran, Christopher Church, and Monique Mitchell
Social Freedom, Democracy and the Political: Three Reflections on Axel Honneth's Idea of Socialism, Stephen W. Sawyer, William J. Novak, and James T. Sparrow