Works from 2006
Foreword to Berkeley Law and Technology Law Journal 21, no. 1, Aaron Perzanowski and Tara Wheatland
Group Report: What is the Role of Heuristics in Litigation, Callia Piperides, Ronald J. Allen, Mandeep K. Dhami, Axel Flessner, Reid Hastie, Jonathan J. Koehler, Richard O. Lempert, Joachim Schulz, and Gerhard Wagner
Greed and Pride in International Bankruptcy: The Problems of and Proposed Solutions to 'Local Interests', John A. E. Pottow
The Totality of the Circumstances of the Debtor's Financial Situation in a Post-Means Test World: Trying to Bridge the Wedoff/Culhane & White Divide, John A. E. Pottow
Improving Criminal Jury Decision Making After the Blakely Revolution, J. J. Prescott and Sonja B. Starr
Judicial Power and Mobilizable History, Richard A. Primus
The Riddle of Hiram Revels, Richard A. Primus
The Irrational Auditor and Irrational Liability, Adam C. Pritchard
Well-Known Seasoned Issuers in Canada, Adam C. Pritchard
The Regulation of Public Auditing in Canada and the United States: Self-Regulation or Government Regulation?, Adam C. Pritchard and Poonam Puri
Land Feuds and Their Solutions: Finding International Law Beyond the Tribunal Chamber, Steven R. Ratner
The War on Terrorism and International Humanitarian Law, Steven R. Ratner
For Such a Time as This, John W. Reed
They're Playing a Tango, John W. Reed
Regulatory Purpose and 'Like Products' in Article III:4 of the GATT (with Additional Remarks on Article III:2), Donald H. Regan
But I Didn't Do Anything Wrong: Revisiting the Rights of Non-Offending Parents in Child Protection Proceedings, Vivek Sankaran
Out of State and Out of Luck: The Treatment of Non-Custodial Parents Under the Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children, Vivek Sankaran
Perpetuating the Impermanence of Foster Children: A Critical Analysis of Efforts to Reform the Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children, Vivek Sankaran
Afterword: Elite Principles: The ALI Proposals and the Politics of Law Reform, Carl E. Scheider
Civil Rights Injunctions Over Time: A Case Study of Jail and Prison Court Orders, Margo Schlanger
Second Best Damage Action Deterrence, Margo Schlanger
What We Know, and What We Should Know about American Trial Trends, Margo Schlanger
Using Court Records for Research, Teaching, and Policymaking: The Civil Rights Litigation Clearinghouse, Margo Schlanger and Denise Lieberman
After Autonomy, Carl E. Schneider
Life's Golden Tree: Empirical Scholarship and American Law, Carl E. Schneider and Lee E. Teitelbaum
The Provincial Archive as a Place of Memory: The Role of Former Slaves in the Cuban War of Independence (1895-98), Rebecca Scott
Grados de libertad: Democracia y antidemocracia en Cuby y Luisiana, 1898-1900, Rebecca J. Scott
The Provincial Archive as a Place of Memory: Confronting Oral and Written Sources on the Role of Former Slaves in the Cuban War of Independence (1895-98), Rebecca J. Scott
Offshore Outsourcing and Worker Rights, Theodore J. St. Antoine
Teaching ADR in the Labor Field in China, Theodore J. St. Antoine
The NAA Agora: What's Right with Labor Arbitration…And How to Keep it that Way., Theodore J. St. Antoine
Videotaping Investigative Interviews of Children in Cases of Child Sexual Abuse: One Community's Approach, Frank E. Vandervort
Addressing Putative Fathers in Child Protection Proceedings: Is 'John Doe' Still Alive?, Frank E. Vandervort and W. Lansat
Law's Own Ontology: A Comment on Law's Quandary, Jospeh Vining
What's Real for Law?, Jospeh Vining
Dick Wellman -- A Personal Remembrance, Lawrence W. Waggoner
A Tribute to Lewis H. LaRue, James Boyd White
Introduction to How Should We Talk About Religion?: Perspectives, Context and Particularities, James Boyd White
Abuse Prevention 2005, James J. White
Maiming the Cubs, James J. White
Maiming the Cubs, James J. White
Works from 2005
All of a Piece Throughout: The Four Ages of U.S. International Taxation, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah
Annex 3: Definition of 'Tax' in US Law, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah
From Income to Consumption Tax: Some International Implications, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah
Passport to Toledo: Cuno, the World Trade Organization, and the European Court of Justice, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah
The Cyclical Transformations of the Corporate Form: A Historical Perspective on Corporate Social Responsibility, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah
The Pitfalls of International Integration: A Comment on the Bush Proposal and its Aftermath, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah
The Silver Lining: The International Tax Provisions of the American Jobs Creation Act - A Reconsideration, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah
The Story of the Separate Corporate Income Tax: A Vehicle for Regulating Corporate Managers, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah
The WTO, Export Subsidies, and Tax Competition, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah
Credible Coercion, Oren Bar-Gill and Omri Ben-Shahar
Credit Where It Counts: The Community Reinvestment Act and Its Critics, Michael S. Barr
Detroit Area Study on Financial Services: What? Why? How?, Michael S. Barr
Legal Durability, Omri Ben-Shahar
Schiavo and Klein (Symposium), Evan H. Caminker
Tribute to John Pickering, Evan H. Caminker
The Real Impact of Eliminating Affirmative Action in American Law Schools: An Empirical Critique of Richard Sander's Study, David L. Chambers, Timothy T. Clydesdale, William C. Kidder, and Richard O. Lempert
Gender and Globalization, Christine M. Chinkin
Foreign Direct Investment and the Domestic Capital Stock, Mihir A. Desai, C. Fritz Foley, and James R. Hines Jr.
Reply to Grubert, Mihir A. Desai and James R. Hines Jr.
Establishing Legal Permanence for the Child, Donald N. Duquette
Non-Adversarial Case Resolution, Donald N. Duquette
Representing Children and Youth, Donald N. Duquette and Marvin Ventrell
Learning the Value of Drugs - Is Rofecoxib a Regulatory Success Story?, Rebecca S. Eisenberg
The Problem of New Uses, Rebecca S. Eisenberg
Legal Reasoning, Phoebe C. Ellsworth
The Insidious Colonialism of the Conqueror: The Federal Government in Modern Tribal Affairs, Matthew L.M. Fletcher
The Legal Fiction of Lake Matchimanitou Indian School, Matthew L.M. Fletcher
Confrontation after Crawford, Richard D. Friedman
Crawford Surprises: Mostly Unpleasant, Richard D. Friedman
Grappling with the Meaning of 'Testimonial', Richard D. Friedman
Central American-Dominican Republic Free Trade Agreement: Sources of Information, Barbara H. Garavaglia
Exonerations in the United States 1989 Through 2003, Samuel R. Gross, Kriten Jacoby, Daniel J. Matheson, Nicholas Montgomery, and Sujata Patil
Closing the International Tax Gap, Joseph Guttentag and Reuven S. Avi-Yonah
The Right of States to Repatriate Former Refugees, James C. Hathaway
Another Tocqueville, Donald J. Herzog
"Dragonslaying." Review of Democracy Defended, by G. Mackie, Donald J. Herzog
Do Tax Havens Flourish?, James R. Hines Jr.
Shortfalls in the Long Run: Predictions about the Social Security Trust Fund, James R. Hines Jr. and Timothy Taylor
Do Different Types of Hospitals Act Differently?, Jill R. Horwitz
The Common Law Power of the Legislature: Insurer Conversions and Charitable Funds, Jill R. Horwitz and Marion R. Fremont-Smith
Regulation of Companies with Publicly Listed Share Capital in the People's Republic of China, Nicholas C. Howson
Guaranteed Payments Made in Kind by a Partnership, Douglas A. Kahn and Faith Cuenin
Earl Warren: Law Enforcement Leads to Defendants' Rights, Yale Kamisar
How Earl Warren's Twenty-Two Years in Law Enforcement Affected His Work as Chief Justice, Yale Kamisar
Documenting Discrimination in Voting: Judicial Findings Under Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act Since 1982, Ellen D. Katz, Margaret Aisenbrey, Anna Baldwin, Emma Cheuse, and Anna Weisbrodt
Bees, Trees, Preemption and Nuisance: A New Path to Resolving Pesticide Land Use Disputes through FIFRA, Alexandra Klass
Pesticides, Children's Health Policy, and Common Law Tort Claims, Alexandra Klass
The Sony Paradox, Jessica D. Litman
Tax Law Uncertainty and the Role of Tax Insurance, Kyle D. Logue
Damage Caps: Recent Trends in American Tort Law, Mark K. Osbeck
Prometheus Radio Project V. FCC: The Persistence of Scarcity, Aaron Perzanowski
Procedural Incrementalism: A Model for International Bankruptcy, John A. E. Pottow
The SEC at 70: Time for Retirement?, Adam C. Pritchard
The SEC at 70: Time for Retirement?, Adam C. Pritchard
Do Institutions Matter? The Impact of the Lead Plaintiff Provision of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act, Adam C. Pritchard, Stephen J. Choi, and Jill E. Fisch
What Counts as Fraud? An Empirical Study of Motions to Dismiss Under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act, Adam C. Pritchard and Hillary A. Sale
Foreign Occupation and International Territorial Administration: The Challenges of Convergence, Steven R. Ratner
Is International Law Impartial?, Steven R. Ratner
Review of Human Rights: Between Idealism and Realism, Steven R. Ratner