Works from 2009
Florida v. Bostick, Yale Kamisar
I Remember Professor Wechsler, Yale Kamisar
Mallory v. United States, Yale Kamisar
Massiah v. United States, Yale Kamisar
Miranda v. Arizona, Yale Kamisar
Barack Obama, Margarita Lopez Torres, and the Path to Nomination, Ellen D. Katz
From Bush v. Gore to NAMUDNO: A Response to Professor Amar, Ellen D. Katz
Withdrawal: The Roberts Court and the Retreat from Election Law, Ellen D. Katz
How Should We Study District Judge Decision-Making?, Pauline T. Kim, Margo Schlanger, Christina L. Boyd, and Andrew D. Martin
Punitive Damages after Exxon Shipping Company v. Baker: The Quest for Predictability and the Role of Juries, Alexandra Klass
Tort Experiments in the Laboratories of Deomcracy, Alexandra Klass
Evolutionary Theory and the Origin of Property Rights, James E. Krier
Facts, Information, and the Newly Discovered Record in Pierson v. Post, James E. Krier
Interpreting Data: A Reply to Professor Pardo, Robert M. Lawless, Angela K. Littwin, Katherine M. Porter, John A. E. Pottow, Deborah K. Thorne, and Elizabeth Warren
The Copyright Revision Act of 2026, Jessica D. Litman
The Politics of Intellectual Property, Jessica D. Litman
Quick Off the Mark? In Favor of Empowering the President-Elect, Nina A. Mendelson
Review of The Apology Ritual: A Philosophical Theory of Punishment, by Christopher Bennett., Gabriel S. Mendlow
Deceit in War and Trade, William I. Miller
Hatred, William I. Miller
Working Group on Chapter 1 of the Proposed Restatement of Employment Law: Existence of Employment Relationship, Dennis R. Nolan, Theodore J. St. Antoine, Joseph E. Slater, and Alvin Goldman
Rethinking Anticircumvention's Interoperability Policy, Aaron Perzanowski
Procedural Obstacles to Reviewing Ineffective Assistance of Trial Counsel Claims in State and Federal Postconviction Proceedings., Eve Brensike Primus
Limits of Interpretivism, Richard A. Primus
London as Delaware?, Adam C. Pritchard
London as Delaware?, Adam C. Pritchard
Monitoring of Corporate Groups by Independent Directors, Adam C. Pritchard
The Screening Effect of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act, Adam C. Pritchard, Stephen J. Choi, and Karen K. Nelson
Securities Law and the New Deal Justices, Adam C. Pritchard and Robert B. Thompson
Do International Organisations Play Favourites? An Impartialist Account, Steven Ratner
Individual Accountability for Human Rights Abuses: Historical and Legal Underpinnings, Steven R. Ratner, Jason S. Abrams, and James L. Bischoff
How to Think About PPMs (and Climate Change), Donald H. Regan
Parens Patriae Run Amuck: The Child Welfare System's Disregard for the Constitutional Rights of Non-Offending Parents, Vivek Sankaran
Protecting a Parent's Right to Counsel in Child Welfare Cases, Vivek Sankaran
When Child Protective Services Comes Knocking, Vivek Sankaran
Report on the 2007-2008 CSALE Survey of Applied Legal Educators, David A. Santacroce and Robert R. Kuehn
Review of Staying with Conflict: A Strategic Approach to Ongoing Disputes, Carl E. Schneider
The Patient Life: Can Consumers Direct Health Care?, Carl E. Schneider and Mark A. Hall
Professional Obligations When Patients Pay Out of Pocket, Carl Schneider and Mark A. Hall
Microhistory Set in Motion: A Nineteenth-Century Atlantic Creole Itinerary, Rebecca J. Scott
Reinventar la esclavitud, garantizar la libertad: De Saint-Domingue a Santiago a Nueva Orleáns, 1803-1809, Rebecca J. Scott
The Federal Courts as a Franchise: Rethinking the Justifications for Federal Question Jurisdiction, Gil Seinfeld
'Race Salience' in Juror Decision-making: Misconceptions, Clarifications, and Unanswered Questions, Samuel R. Sommers and Phoebe C. Ellsworth
The Future of American Labor and Employment Law: Hopes, Dreams, and Realities, Theodore J. St. Antoine
Ensuring Defense Counsel Competence at International Criminal Tribunals, Sonja B. Starr
Sentence Reduction as a Remedy for Prosecutorial Misconduct, Sonja B. Starr
Environmental Crime Comes of Age: The Evolution of Criminal Enforcement in the Environmental Regulatory Scheme, David M. Uhlmann
Prosecuting Worker Endangerment: The Need for Stronger Criminal Penalties for Violations of the Occupational Safety and Health Act, David M. Uhlmann
Preemption and Theories of Federalism, Robert R. M. Verchick and Nina A. Mendelson
The Resilience of Law, Joseph Vining
The UPC Addresses the Class-Gift and Intestacy Rights of Children of Assisted Reproduction Technologies, Lawrence W. Waggoner and Sheldon F. Kurtz
Law, Economics, and Torture, James Boyd White
In Memoriam: Professor Richard E. Speidel; 1933-2008, James J. White
Warranties in the Box, James J. White
Works from 2008
A Coordinated Withholding Tax on Deductibility Payments, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah
Back to the Future? The Potential Revival of Territoriality, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah
Comment on Yin, Reforming the Taxation of Foreign Direct Investment by US Taxpayers, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah
Enforcing Dividend Withholding on Derivatives, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah
Senator McCain's Corporate Tax Proposals A Critical Examination, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah
Senator McCain’s Corporate Tax Proposals: A Critical Examination, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah
Business Profits (Article 7 OECD Model Convention), Reuven S. Avi-Yonah and Kimberly A. Clausing
Commentary: More Open Issues Regarding the Consolidated Corporate Tax Base in the European Union, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah and Kimberly A. Clausing
Policies to Expand Minority Entrepreneurship: Closing Comments, Michael S. Barr
Third-Party Tax Administration: The Case of Low- and Moderate-Income Households, Michael S. Barr and Jane K. Dokko
Issue Brief: Overcoming Legal Barriers to the Bulk Sale of At-Risk Mortgages, Michael S. Barr and James A. Feldman
An Opt-Out Home Mortgage System, Michael S. Barr, Sendhil Mullainathan, and Eldar Shafir
Behaviorally Informed Financial Services Regulation, Michael S. Barr, Sendhil Mullainathan, and Eldar Shafir
Using Ethics Codes to Reinforce Lessons of Statutory Interpretation, Edward R. Becker
Do Investors in Controlled Firms Value Insider Trading Laws? International Evidence, Laura Nyantung Beny
Angelica, Mother; Arias Sanchez, Oscar; St. Laurent, Louis; Salazar, António., Howard Bromberg
Kiddie Law Is Growing Up: Board Certification in Child Welfare Law, Donald N. Duquette
Noncompliance, Nonenforcement, Nonproblem? Rethinking the Anticommons in Biomedical Research, Rebecca S. Eisenberg
Pharma's Nonobvious Problem, Rebecca S. Eisenberg
Enhanced Views, Phoebe C. Ellsworth
Indian Tribal Businesses and the Off Reservation Market, Matthew L.M. Fletcher
The Original Understanding of the Political Status of Indian Tribes, Matthew L.M. Fletcher
The Supreme Court and the Rule fo Law: Indian Law Case Studies, Matthew L.M. Fletcher
The Supreme Court's Indian Problem, Matthew L.M. Fletcher
Does an Accused Forfeit the Confrontation Right by Murdering a Witness, Absent a Purpose to Render Her Unavailable?, Richard D. Friedman
Is a Forensic Laboratory Report Identifying a Substance as a Narcotic 'Testimonial'?, Richard D. Friedman
The Confrontation Right Across the Systemic Divide, Richard D. Friedman
Limiting Federal Agency Preemption: Recommendations for a New Federalism Executive Order, William Funk, Thomas McGarity, Nina A. Mendelson, Sidney Shapiro, David Vladeck, Matthew Shudtz, and James Goodwin
Social Science and the Evolving Standards of Death Penalty Law, Samuel R. Gross and Phoebe C. Ellsworth
Frequency and Predictors of False Conviction: Why We Know So Little, and New Data on Capital Cases, Samuel R. Gross and Barbara O'Brien
International Standards for Detaining Terrorism Suspects: Moving Beyond the Armed Conflict-Criminal Divide, Monica Hakimi
The Professional Ethics of Billing and Collections, Mark A. Hall and Carl E. Schneider
The Human Rights Quagmire of 'Human Trafficking', James C. Hathaway
The Value of Year Books of International Law, James C. Hathaway
Foreign Income and Domestic Deductions, James R. Hines Jr.
The Virtues of Medicare, Jill R. Horwitz
(Debate) Medicare: Did the Devil Make Us Do It?, D. A. Hyman and Jill R. Horwitz
The Proper Tax Treatment of the Transfer of a Compensatory Partnership Interest, Douglas A. Kahn
Will the Tax Man Cometh to Coach Rodriguez?, Douglas A. Kahn and Jeffrey H. Kahn
Can Glucksberg Survive Lawrence? Another Look at the End of Life and Personal Autonomy, Yale Kamisar
Why Counting Votes Doesn't Add Up: A Response to Cox and Miles' Judging the Voting Rights Act, Ellen D. Katz and Anna Baldwin
State Innovation and Preemption: Lessons from State Climate Change Efforts, Alexandra Klass
The Frontier of Eminent Domain, Alexandra Klass