"The NAA Agora: What's Right with Labor Arbitration…And How to Keep it " by Theodore J. St. Antoine

Document Type

Symposium Transcript

Publication Date



Now it’s time for all of us to step into the Agora, the National Academy’s marketplace of ideas. Leading the discussion this morning and introducing the members of the First Circle will be Professor Roger Abrams. Roger’s not on the stage right now, for reasons that will become obvious in just a moment. By way of introduction, Roger, of course, is a National Academy member. He is the Richardson Professor of Law at Northeastern University Law School; and currently he is a visiting Professor of Law at Harvard Law School. Roger is the former dean of Northeastern Law, of Rutgers Law School, and of Nova University School of Law. Many of you may know Roger from his prominence in baseball, as an arbitrator, as a writer, as a commentator, and, I suspect, as a fan. I would like for you to join me in welcoming our provocateur, Roger Abrams, to come lead the Agora. Roger? [Enter Roger Abrams, wearing a toga.]


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