Works from 2025
How Design Thinking Can Help Lawyers Find Purpose in Work, Bridgette Carr and Vivek Sankaran
Works from 2024
Introduction to the Symposium, Julian Arato, Jonathan Bonnitcha, and Mavluda Sattorva
On the Cultural Stakes of Deep Seabed Mining, Julian Arato, Aline Jaeckel, and Lucas Lixinski
The Global Corporate Minimum Tax and MNE Home Countries, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah
The Discipline of Breaks: Making Time for Rest (and Revisions) in Legal Writing, Patrick Barry
Scrutiny of Employee Covenants Not to Compete Under the Rule of Reason: An Empirical Inquiry, Daniel A. Crane
Preface to Legal Comm. & Rhetoric: JALWD, Margaret C. Hannon and Jessica Wherry
Congress could soon spell the end of employment arbitration—but it’s not all good news for American workers., Lewis L. Maltby and Theodore J. St. Antoine
The First New Deal: Planning, Market Coordination, and the National Industrial Recovery Act of 1933, Sanjukta Paul
Are Race-Based Environmental Justice Policies Safe?, Oday Salim
Works from 2023
The First US Tax Treaty and Its Influence, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah
Flawless First Draft in Legal Writing: A Fantasy of the Uninitiated, Patrick Barry
Discussant commentary on the Twenty-Fourth Annual Grotius Lecture, Karima Bennoune
Preface to Legal Comm. & Rhetoric: JALWD, Margaret C. Hannon and Jessica Wherry
The Supreme Court is poised to reverse affirmative action: Here’s what you need to know., Richard O. Lempert
States Have Long Tried To Ban Ideas From The Classroom: The Current Road Brings a Fresh Evil, Leonard Niehoff
Works from 2022
Willard Hurst's Unpublished Manuscript on Law, Technology, and Regulation, BJ Ard and William J. Novak
White Paper: Effective Communication with Deaf, Hard of Hearing, Blind, and Low Vision Incarcerated People, Tessa Bialek and Margo Schlanger
Volume Introduction, I. Glenn Cohen, Timo Minssen, W. Nicholson Price II, Christopher Robertson, and Carmel Shachar
Testimony before the Commission on Native Children, Matthew L.M. Fletcher
Preface, Margaret C. Hannon and Ruth Anne Robbins
To Participate and Elect: Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act at 40, Ellen D. Katz, Brian Remlinger, Andrew Dziedzic, Brooke Simone, and Jordan Schuler
A MODERN DEMOCRATIC STATE, IF WE CAN KEEP IT: Response to Commentators in the Symposium on New Democracy: The Creation of the Modern American State, William J. Novak
Part I - AI and Data as Medical Devices, W. Nicholson Price II
Mich. Ruling Widens Sentencing Protections For Young Adults, Kimberly A. Thomas
Works from 2021
The New International Tax Framework: Evolution or Revolution?, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah
Central Bank of the Future Summary and Recommendations for Further Inquiry, Michael S. Barr, Adrienne A. Harris, Megan Kelly, Emma Macfarlane, and Bryan Ricketts
Should Central Banks Use Distributed Ledger Technology and Digital Currencies to Advance Financial Inclusion?, Michael S. Barr, Adrienne A. Harris, Lev Menand, and Karin Thrasher
The Law on Christmas, Daniel A. Crane
Introduction, Daniel A. Crane and Samuel Gregg
Slamming the Courthouse Door: 25 years of evidence for repealing the Prison Litigation Reform Act, Andrea Fenster and Margo Schlanger
Collection Development Policies and Other Basic Tools for Building A Foreign and International Law Collection, Barbara H. Garavaglia and Seth R. Quidachay-Swan
Preface, Margaret C. Hannon and JoAnne Sweeny
Foreword, James C. Hathaway
Foreword: From Personal Life to Private Law: The Jurisprudence of John Gardner, Scott Hershovitz
Introduction: Situating, Researching, and Writing Comparative Legal History, John G. H. Hudson and William Eves
International Legal Argumentation: Practice in Need of a Theory, Ian Johnstone and Steven R. Ratner
Challenges and Opportunities for Hotel-to-Housing Conversions in NYC, Noah Kazis, Elisabeth Appel, and Matt Murphy
Breaking Down the Silos that Harm Children: A Call to Child Welfare, Domestic Violence and Family Court Professionals, Joan S. Meier and Vivek Sankaran
Works from 2020
Parsing and Managing Inconsistency in Investor-State Dispute Settlement, Julian Arato, Chester Brown, and Federico Ortino
Lochner Lives On, Samuel Bagenstos
Government Misconduct and Convicting the Innocent: The Role of Prosecutors, Police and Other Law Enforcement, Samuel R. Gross, Maurice J. Possley, Kaitlin Jackson Roll, and Klara Huber Stephens
Series Editor's Preface, James C. Hathaway
2019-20 Survey of Applied Legal Education, Robert R. Kuehn, Margaret Reuter, and David A. Santacroce
L.M.-M. v. Cuccinelli and The Illegality of Delegating Around Vacant Senate-Confirmed Offices, Nina A. Mendelson
New Environmental Crimes Project Data Shows That Pollution Prosecutions Plummeted During the First Two Years of the Trump Administration, David M. Uhlmann
Works from 2019
9th Circ. Got Cost-Sharing Right In Altera v. Commissioner, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah
Interview with Khaled Beydoun, Khaled Beydoun, Nina Mozeihem, and Samuel Bagenstos
Ask a Director: Tackling Technology Competencies, Kincaid C. Brown
Buckets, Kincaid C. Brown
General Editor's Introduction to the Treatise, Richard D. Friedman
Preface to the Third Edition by the General Editor. Preface to The New Wigmore: A Treatise on Evidence: Selected Rules of Limited Admissibility, Richard D. Friedman
Introduction to the Symposium on Cyber Attribution, Monica Hakimi
Response to Dude, Where's my Deduction?, Douglas A. Kahn and Howard J. Bromberg
Response to 'Reverse Al Capone-ism' and the Tax Treatment of Marijuana Businesses, Douglas A. Kahn and Howard J. Bromberg
Of Bee Stings, Mud Pies, and Outhouses: Exploring the Value of Satire Through the Theory of Useful Untruths, Leonard M. Niehoff
Risks and Remedies for Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare, W. Nicholson Price II
The Hague Rules on Business and Human Rights Arbitration, Bruno Simma, Diane Desierto, Martin Doe Rodriguez, Jan Eijsbouts, Ursula Kriebaum, Pablo Lumerman, Abiola Makinwa, Richard Meeran, Sergio Puig, Steven Ratner, Giorgia Sangiuolo, Martijn Scheltema, Anne van Aaken, and Katerina Yiannibas
Submissions from 2018
The Michigan Guidelines on Refugee Freedom of Movement
Peril and Possibility: Strikes, Rights, and Legal Change in the Era of Trump, Kate Andrias
Behavioral Finance Symposium Summary Paper, Michael S. Barr, Annabel Jouard, Andrew Norwich, Josh Wright, and Katy Davis
Opting for Regulation When Patentability Is In Doubt, Rebecca S. Eisenberg
Special Feature: Eighth Colloquium on Challenges in International Refugee Law, James C. Hathaway
Litigating Federal Habeas Corpus Cases: One Equitable Gateway at a Time, Eve Brensike Primus
Family Separation and the Triumph of Cruelty, Richard A. Primus
Submissions from 2017
Tax Symposium: Introduction, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah
Race and Wrongful Convictions in the United States, Samuel R. Gross, Maurice Possley, and Klara Stephens
A Big Gap between ‘law in books’ and ‘law in action’ and "A New Taxonomy of Enforcement Strategies", Robin H. Huang and Nicholas C. Howson
The Future of Labor Plenary Panel Discussion, Jack Ahern, His Eminence Edward Cardinal Egan, Samuel Estreicher, Richard Michael Fischl, Lawrence Joseph, Cynthia Nance, Gene Orza, Bernie Ricke, Judith A. Scott, and Theodore J. St. Antoine
The 2016-17 Survey of Applied Legal Education, Robert R. Kuehn, David A. Santacroce, Margaret Reuter, and Sue Schechter
Afterword - Agape and Reframing, James Boyd White
Submissions from 2016
The Michigan Guidelines on Risk for Reasons of Political Opinion
Is Corporate Integration a Good Idea?, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah, David Burton, Curtis Dubay, David S. Miller, Steven T. Miller, Stuart L. Rosow, Eric Toder, Alan D. Viard, and Richard A. Westin
Commentary on The Ongoing Indigenous Political Enterprise: What's Law Got to Do with It?, Monica Hakimi
Special Feature Seventh Colloquium on Challenges in International Refugee Law, James C. Hathaway
How the ADA Regulates and Restricts Solitary Confinement for People with Mental Disabilities, Margo Schlanger
Juvenile Justice Reform and the Myth of the Superpredator, Frank E. Vandervort
Works from 2015
Minority and Women Entrepreneurs: Building Capital, Networks, and Skills, Michael S. Barr
Conferring About the Conference, Aaron Perzanowski, Jessica Silbey, and Marketa Trimble
Strange Bedfellows: How Child Welfare Agencies Can Benefit from Investing in Multidisciplinary Parent Representation, Vivek S. Sankaran, Patricia L. Rideout, and Martha L. Raimon
Submissions from 2014
The Voting Rights Amendment Act of 2014: A Constitutional Response to Shelby County, Samuel Bagenstos, Gabriel Chin, Gilda Daniels, and Nicholas Stephanopoulos
Introduction to Freedom and Criminal Responsibility in American Legal Thought, Andrew Thomas Green
Conclusion to Freedom and Criminal Responsibility in American Legal Thought, Thomas Green
Case Closed: Addressing Unmet Legal Needs & Stabilizing Families, Vivek S. Sankaran and Martha L. Raimon
Submissions from 2013
The Michigan Guidelines on the Exclusion of International Criminals
Panel III: Politics and the Public in IP & Info Law Policy Making, Michael J. Burstein, Derek Khanna, Jessica D. Litman, Sherwin Siy, and Richard S. Whitt
Witness Recantation Study: Preliminary Findings, Alexandra E. Gross and Samuel R. Gross
Sixth Colloquium on Challenges in International Refugee Law: Introduction, James C. Hathaway
Growing Up in Law and Society: The Pulls of Policy and Methods, Richard Lempert
The Bible of Labor Arbitration: Tribute to Professor Frank Elkouri, Theodore J. St. Antoine
Toward A Sustainable Future: An Environmental Agenda for the Second Term of the Obama Administration, David M. Uhlmann
Works from 2012
The Status of Clinical Faculty in the Legal Academy: Report of the Task Force on the Status of Clinicians and the Legal Academy, Bryan L. Adamson, Bradford Colbert, Kathy Hessler, Katherine R. Kruse, Robert R. Kuehn, Mary Helen McNeal, Calvin G. C. Pang, and David A. Santacroce
Exonerations in the United States, 1989-2012: Report by the National Registry of Exonerations, Samuel R. Gross and Michael Shaffer
The Law of Occupation and UN Administration of Territory: Mandatory, Desirable, or Irrelevant?, Steven R. Ratner
Report on the 2010-11 CSALE Survey of Applied Legal Education, David A. Santacroce and Robert R. Kuehn
Employment Arbitration: Panel Discussion, Theodore J. St. Antoine
Works from 2011
Rookie Mistakes to Avoid, Edward R. Becker
Teaching Transactional Skills and Law in an International Context, Deborah Burand, Kojo Yelpaala, and Peter Linzer
Works from 2010
Introduction to Global Issues in Antitrust and Competition Law, Daniel A. Crane
Child Welfare Law and Practice: Purpose and Use of this Publication, Donald N. Duquette