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•Senate Pulls $900 Out of its Shirt •Dozens Vie for Clerk Positions •Pluralism Paramount Here •Let's Talk TV •Anti-Speech Act: Signs Torn Down •Cut the Social Committee More •Candidate Racism Censure Not Evenhanded •Simpson-Mazzoli Short on Facts •Critics Polish and Peel New Apple •U-M Students Get Apple Price Break •Notices •Law Students Form Arms Control Group •Dean Allows SFF to Name Firms •Elections •Waves of Guinness Float Ark to New Spot •Jeopardy II: What is 'Imitation'? •Beeristers Slide Past Righteous Ones, 3-0 •Crossword •Stalking the Trivial Pursuit •Law in the Raw
Recommended Citation
University of Michigan Law School, "Vol. 33, No. 4, October 3, 1984" (1984). Res Gestae. 370.