Law School History and Publications | University of Michigan Law School Research | University of Michigan Law School Scholarship Repository
The University of Michigan Law School was founded in 1859, and enjoys a long and distinguished history. Here you will find various series related to the publications of the Law School or its history, including those related to classes and academics; the Cook Lectures and Cooley Lectures; newsletters and Res Gestae; the Michigan Legal Studies Series; and more. Specific series in this collection can be browsed below.


Browse the Law School History and Publications Collections:

Class Schedules

Cook Lecture Materials

Cooley Lecture Materials

Class Photographs

Commencement and Honors Materials

Event Materials

Event Posters and Flyers

Law Library Publications

Michigan Legal Studies Series


Res Gestae

Summer Institute on International and Comparative Law

Yearbooks & Class Year Publications

Miscellaneous Law School History & Publications

Miscellaneous Student Publications