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•Police Brutality Criticized By Drug War Panelists •SFF Falls Short, New Drive Kicks Off Today •Faculty Panelists Describe Hiring Process •Faculty Must Show Commitment to Save Public Interest Option •Letters to the Editor •Affirmative Action Needed •Model Minority Myth Dispelled •The Rebuttal Column •''Violence'' Reconsidered •Thinking About Political Correctness •On P.C. and Prejudice •MSA Turnover: Dawn of a New Age •The Docket •LSSS Stance Provokes Mixed Reactions •Moot Court Finals Set for Today •Hawaiian Gov. Ariyoshi Speaks On Asians In Government •Guelcher's Guesses on American League •Crossword •The Brady Bunch •On Grace •Law in the Raw
Recommended Citation
University of Michigan Law School, "Vol. 41, No. 11, April 8, 1991" (1991). Res Gestae. 246.