"Does Time Make Ancient Good Uncouth?" by John W. Reed

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The somewhat arch title of my remarks, which I'll explain later, came to me at the end of December, when all forms of the media were filled with references to the fast approaching turn of the calendar when we shall greet a twenty-first century and a third millennium. Whether it comes in with the year 2000, as popularly believed, or, more properly, the year 2001, it will be a time for reflection, for taking stock of ourselves and our world. Predictably, we already are inundated with pronouncements from pundits and politicians, from scientists and seers, from philosophers and fools. I predict that we shall be sick of it by that notable New Year's Day of the Third Millennium of the so-called Christian era. At the same time, we should be grateful for any opportunity which stimulates reflection on the meaning and condition of our lives. In the familiar phrase, the unexamined life is not worth living; yet most of us are so caught up in the every-dayness of living that we fail to give thoughtful attention to what is really happening to us and to our lives. Happily, the approach of a milestone gives occasion to think about those things, especially a milestone as portentous as this one will be.


Deposited with permission of the International Society of Barristers.
