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This is the third year of Dicta, the law school's literary journal and a child of the vision of two 1996 graduates, Miles Yanick and Matt Morris. We hope that this creative forum will continue to grow and to flourish, enriching the law school community by offering a spectrum of poetry, fiction, essays, photography, and artwork. The editors faced a difficult task again this year as we again received more material than we could publish. We continued the policy of considering all submissions anonymously. This final product reflects the often conflicting views of the editors who tried to select a variety of compelling pieces for the Spring 1997 issue.
We extend our thanks to the many people who have helped Dicta to become a reality. Thanks to the Law School Student Senate, who have pledged another year of financial support to this journal. Thanks also to the community who has given its creative work, its enthusiasm, and its compliments since the first year of this project. Thanks to those editors who have pledged to continue Dicta another year. Finally, thanks to the people from the classes of 1995 and 1996 who first made this journal a reality.
We invite each member of the law school community to become involved with Dicta. Please consider contributing your time and your energy to keep this journal vital and to maintain a forum for the creativity of the University of Michigan Law School's students, faculty and staff. In the words of Miles Yanick and Matt Morris, "don't let a good thing die."
University of Michigan Law School, "Dicta" (1997). Miscellaneous Law School History & Publications.