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Download Priority Position of Mortgagees for Optional Future Advances (19.0 MB)

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The Legislative Research Center of the University of Michigan Law School herewith presents the first of a series of volumes which will, over the years, assume very substantial proportions-a series prepared and published by the Center dealing with current problems of statute law.

A major aspect of the work of the Legislative Research Center involves a continuing study of contemporary trends in state legislation- studies to show where the legislative process is leading us. The present volume on "Current Legislative Trends" is the first in a continuing series of annual or biennial monographs dealing with statute law as it is being currently written into the books by the several legislatures. This first volume of "Current Trends," including, as it does, such interesting contemporary statutory subjects as defamation by radio, statutory notice requirements, the right of dissenting shareholders to appraisals, reciprocal enforcement of support, administrative enforcement of civil rights, photographic records as evidence, and other subjects of substantial concern, constitutes, so far as we know, the first attempt to publish in this country a careful and objective continuing study of current trends in statute law. In view of the ever increasing importance of the subject matter, it seems altogether appropriate that these studies be made available for the assistance of members of the legal profession, legislators, and others who are interested in current legislative developments. If the series serves a useful purpose in making available carefully compiled information concerning and appraisals of these statutory trends, thus promoting better understanding of statutory problems and their solutions, we shall feel that the Legislative Research Center of the Law School, with this and its other activities to its credit, is contributing something of material value in the contemporary scene.

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Michigan Law School


Ann Arbor, MI


Michigan statutes, state constitutions, written law, defamation by radio, Mullane doctrine, right of dissenting shareholder to appraisal, reciprocal support legislation, civil rights, photographic evidence, place of trial, forum non conveniens, stockholder's derivative actions, mortgagees for optional future advances, New Jersey's statutory trust deposit, double liability


Legislation | State and Local Government Law


Published under the auspices of the University of Michigan Law School (which, however, assumes no responsibility for the views expressed) with partial aid of funds derived from gifts to the University of Michigan by William W. Cook

Current Trends in State Legislation 1952
