"Secondary Legal Sources: A Selected Subject Bibliography of Treatises," by Peter C. Schanck, Leah M. Gunn et al.

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This bibliography is a selected subject list of secondary American and international law sources in this Library, consisting primarily of textbooks and treatises, but also including form books and looseleaf services. We have selected those books which we deem to be of most use to law students conducting research on the current law. In no respect should this bibliography be construed as a substitute for the Card Catalog. Consultation of the Catalog will be necessary on any substantial research problem.

Virtually all the volumes listed here either describe, explain, summarize, interpret or analyze the law and are directed at law students, legal scholars or attorneys. A few items for the laymen are included where it is believed they will benefit the law student. With rare exceptions this list excludes polemical, critical or political works containing a minimum of exposition and a maximum of opinion. For the greater part, proposals for law reform, criticisms of legal institutions and analyses of the law from a social science perspective have been omitted. Books for a single state or region of the country have been excluded entirely.

The bibliography is current as of January 1, 1977. Annual revisions are planned.
