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This is an action for injunctive and monetary relief brought by Plaintiff pursuant to the Michigan Uniform Trade Secrets Act of 1998, MCL 445 .1901 et seq. Specifically, Plaintiff alleges that Defendant {corporation I individual}, in violation of state law, has {acquired Plaintiff's trade secrets knowing, or having reason to know, that the trade secrets were acquired by improper means I disclosed or used Plaintiff's trade secrets without Plaintiff's consent}.


This material is reprinted with permission from Chapter 42: Misappropriation of Trade Secrets, by Leonard Niehoff, from Michigan Causes of Action Formbook, © 2017 the Institute of Continuing Legal Education (ICLE), ICLE has granted the University of Michigan Law School permission to use this material in a non-commercial institutional repository (http:// to preserve and provide access to the scholarship of the Law School. Any further sharing, copying, distribution, display, republication, reuse, or resale of this material without ICLE’s written permission is strictly prohibited.
