"Joseph Weiler, Eric Stein, and the Transformation of Constitutional La" by Daniel Halberstam

Document Type

Book Chapter

Publication Date



This chapter pursues that idea in three parts. Part I reviews the key contributions of The Transformation of Europe. Part II takes us back for a critical analysis of the idea of ‘constitutionalism’ as first developed by Eric Stein and then deployed by Joseph Weiler. On closer inspection, we shall see here that The Transformation of Europe may have neglected a core element of constitutional law, something this chapter terms a ‘generative space’ for law and politics. As this part further explains, recognising this generative element of constitutionalism lies at the heart of the struggle to make sense both practically and conceptually of European integration to this day. Part III then briefly outlines an emerging response to this challenge, and relates this response more broadly to the transformation of constitutional law.


Reproduced with permission. All rights reserved. Copyright 2017 Cambridge University Press. Available at https://doi.org/10.1017/9781316662465.011
