Works from 1996
The Warren Court and Criminal Justice, Yale Kamisar
Capture and Counteraction: Self- Help by Environmental Zealots (Allen Chair Symposium 1996: The Future of Environmental and Land-Use Regulation), James E. Krier
Internationale Handelsgessellschaft mbH V.Einfuhrund Vorratsstelle für Getreide und Futtermittel (Favorite Case Symposium), James E. Krier
Takings from Freund to Fischel." Review of Regulatory Taking: Law, Economics, and Politics, by W. A. Fischel, James E. Krier
Remembrances of William D. Murphy, Margaret A. Leary
Copyright Law and Electronic Access to Information, Jessica D. Litman
Faculty Spotlight - Kyle D. Logue, Kyle D. Logue
Tax Transitions, Opportunistic Retroactivity, and the Benefits of Government Precommitment, Kyle D. Logue
Toward a Tax-Based Explanation of the Liability Insurance Crisis, Kyle D. Logue
Review of Authority: Construction and Corrosion, William I. Miller
Sanctuary, Redlight Districts, and Washington, D.C.: Some Observations on Neuman's Anomalous Zones (Symposium: Surveying Law and Borders), William I. Miller
Judicial Selection in Michigan - Time for a Change?, John W. Reed
Why Hard Cases Make Good (Clinical) Law, Paul D. Reingold
Faculty Spotlight, Nicholas J. Rine
On Becoming a Law Professor, Terrance Sandalow
Moral Discourse, Bioethics, and the Law, Carl E. Schneider
The Law and the Stability of Marriage: The Family as a Social Institution, Carl E. Schneider
Harmonizing the Policy of the Bankruptcy Code and Article 9, Edwin E. Smith, Elizabeth Warren, and James J. White
Letters of Credit: Highlights of Revised Article 5, Edwin E. Smith and James J. White
Law's Normative Claims, Philip E. Soper
Arbitration: Back to the Future, Theodore J. St. Antoine
Faculty Spotlight, Grace C. Tonner
Walter Trinkaus, Grace C. Tonner
Fighting Words: Individuals, Communities, and Liberties of Speech, Joseph Vining
Theorists' Belief: A Comment on the Moral Tradition of American Constitutionalism, Jospeh Vining
Meaning in the Life of the Lawyer, James Boyd White
The Rhythms of Hope and Disappointment in the Language of Judging (St. John's University School of Law: Rededication Symposia), James Boyd White
Why I Write, James Boyd White
Gas Sale Contracts under the Uniform Commercial Code, James J. White
Rights of Subrogation in Letters of Credit Transactions, James J. White
Works from 1995
Better Language, Better Thought, Better Communication: The A-Hohfeld Language for Legal Analysis, Layman Allen and Charles Saxon
Probability and Proof in State v. Skipper: An Internet Exchange, Ronald J. Allen, David J. Balding, Peter Donnelly, Richard D. Friedman, David H. Kaye, Lewis Henry LaRue, Roger C. Park, Bernard Robertson, and Alexander Stein
The International Implications of Tax Reform, Reuven Avi-Yonah
Fathers, the Welfare System, and the Virtues and Perils of Child-Support Enforcement, David L. Chambers
Children's Task Force Reports, Donald N. Duquette and CD Stephens
Opinion Letter as to the Patentability of Certain Inventions Associated with the Identification of Partial cDNA Sequences, Rebecca S. Eisenberg and Robert P. Merges
Reply to Comments on the Patentability of Certain Inventions Associated with the Identification of Partial cDNA Sequences, Rebecca S. Eisenberg and Robert P. Merges
Are Twelve Heads Better Than One?, Phoebe C. Ellsworth
Asymmetrical Peremptories Defended: A Reply, Richard D. Friedman
Prior Statements of a Witness: A Nettlesome Corner of the Hearsay Thicket, Richard D. Friedman
Still Photographs in the Flow of Time, Richard D. Friedman
Confrontation and the Utility of Rules, Richard D. Friedman, Ronald J. Allen, Alex Stein, Roger C. Park, Margaret A. Berger, Nancy J. King, John Jackson, Eleanor Swift, Craig R. Callen, and Eileen A. Scallen
Alternative Dispute Resolution Mechanisms: Experience in the United States, Whitmore Gray
The Challenge of Asian Law, Whitmore Gray
Freedom and Criminal Responsibility in the Age of Pound: An Essay on Criminal Justice, Thomas A. Green
The Romance of Revenge: An Alternative History of Jeffrey Dahmer's Trial, Samuel R. Gross
Review of The Idea of a Liberal Theory: A Critique and Reconstruction, Donald J. Herzog
Taxation of Damages after Schleier - Where Are We and Where Do We Go from Here?, Douglas A. Kahn
Against Assisted Suicide - Even a Very Limited Form (Symposium: Assisted Suicide, Health Care and Medical Treatment Choices), Yale Kamisar
On the 'Fruits' of Miranda Violations, Coerced Confessions, and Compelled Testimony, Yale Kamisar
Physician Assisted Suicide: The Last Bridge to Active Voluntary Euthanasia, Yale Kamisar
Strong Criticism of the American System of Trial by Jury, Yale Kamisar
The Warren Court and Criminal Justice: A Quarter-Century Retrospective, Yale Kamisar
Helping the Grim Reaper: Oregon's Measure 16 and Three Court Cases Put Assisted Suicide on a Fast Track to Supreme Court, Yale Kamisar, N. Schuyler, and T. Balmer
At Issue: Should Active Euthanasia Be Legalized?, Yale Kamisar and Cheryl K. Smith
African-American Freedom in Antebellum Cumberland County, Virginia, Ellen D. Katz
The Six Companies and the Geary Act: A Case Study in Nineteenth-Century Civil Disobedience and Civil Rights Litigation, Ellen D. Katz
On the Topology of Uniform Environmental Standards in a Federal System and Why it Matters (Symposium: Environmental Federalism), James E. Krier
Property Rules and Liability Rules: The Cathedral in Another Light, James E. Krier and Stewart J. Schwab
The Honest Scientist's Guide to DNA Evidence, Richard O. Lempert
The Honest Scientist's Guide to DNA Evidence, Richard O. Lempert
Deep Inner Lives, Individualism and People of Honour, William I. Miller
Upward Contempt, William I. Miller
O'Melveny Meyers v. FDIC: Imputation of Fraud and Optimal Monitoring, Adam C. Pritchard
Equality and Freedom of Speech (Eighteenth Annual Law Review Symposium: Demise of the First Amendment? Focus on RICO and Hate Crime Litigation), Terrance Sandalow
A Child's Right to Protection from Transfer Trauma in a Contested Adoption Case, Suellyn Scarnecchia
Imagining Children's Rights, Suellyn Scarnecchia
Judging Girls: Decision Making in Parental Consent to Abortion Cases, Suellyn Scarnecchia and Julie Kunce Field
From Consumer Choice to Consumer Welfare, Carl E. Schneider
The Intersections of Articles 2 and 9: Recommendations for Clarification and Revisions, Richard E. Speidel and James J. White
Warranties and Remedies on Breach: Proposed Revision of Article 2 and Related Proposals Concerning Products Liability Law, Richard E. Speidel and James J. White
Art of Judgement in Planned Parenthood v. Casey, James Boyd White
On the Virtues of Not Understanding, James Boyd White
Reading One Poet in Light of Another: Herbert and Frost, James Boyd White
What's an Opinion For? (Special Issue: Judicial Opinion Writing), James Boyd White
Advising the Neocapitalists, James J. White
Harvey's Silence (Symposium: Letters to the Commission), James J. White
How to Negotiate a Sales Contract, James J. White
The Influence of International Practice on the Revision of Article 5 of the UCC, James J. White
Works from 1994
Controlling Inadvertent Ambiguity in the Logical Structure of Legal Drafting by means of the Prescribed Definitions of the A-Hohfeld Structural Language, Layman E. Allen and Charles S. Saxon
Gay Men, AIDS, and the Code of the Condom, David L. Chambers
Discovery Cost Allocation: Comment on Cooter and Rubinfeld, Edward H. Cooper
A Technology Policy Perspective on the NIH Gene Patenting Controversy, Rebecca S. Eisenberg
Limiting the Role of Patents in Technology Transfer, Rebecca S. Eisenberg
Levels of Thought and Levels of Emotion, Phoebe C. Ellsworth
Some Reasons to Expect Universal Antecedents of Emotion, Phoebe C. Ellsworth
Hardening of the Attitudes: Americans' Views on the Death Penalty, Phoebe C. Ellsworth and Samuel R. Gross
A Reaffirmation: The Authenticity of the Roberts Memorandum, or Felix the Non-Forger (Justices Felix Frankfurter and Owen J. Roberts), Richard D. Friedman
Character Impeachment Evidence: The Asymmetrical Interaction between Personality and Situation, Richard D. Friedman
Conditional Probative Value: Neoclassicism without Myth, Richard D. Friedman
Switching Time and Other Thought Experiments: The Hughes Court and Constitutional Transformation, Richard D. Friedman
The Death and Transfiguration of Frye, Richard D. Friedman
Property Rights: A View from the Trenches, Michael A. Heller
Democratic Credentials, Donald J. Herzog
Review of Political Discourse in Early Modern Britain, Donald J. Herzog
No Place Like Home: Tax Incentives and the Location of R&D by American Mutlinationals, James R. Hines Jr.
Section 338 and Its Foolish Consistency Rules - The Hobgoblin of Little Minds, Douglas A. Kahn
Taxation of Punitive Damages Obtained in a Personal Injury Claim, Douglas A. Kahn