

Plaintiff, a consulting engineer, had developed a clientele affording him a weekly income of $200, and was considering Purdue University's attractive offer of an associate professorship. Knowing these facts, defendant corporation proposed by telephone that if plaintiff would reject the Purdue offer and agree to purchase the home of defendant's power superintendent, it would give plaintiff permanent employment at a salary of $600 per month. Relying thereon, plaintiff immediately accepted, rejecting the Purdue offer, contracting to purchase the home, and performing his duties under the employment contract for about twenty-two months, after which defendant discharged him without cause. In affirming an order sustaining a demurrer to the complaint, the court held that the hiring was for an indefinite period, terminable at the will of either party. Skagerberg v. Blandin Paper Co., (Minn. 1936) 266 N. W. 872.
