"On Disenrollment" by Matthew L. M. Fletcher

On Disenrollment

Document Type

Book Review

Publication Date



A snowy, icy workday in Anishinaabeki. The headquarters of the Lake Matchimanitou Band of Anishinaabek. Tribal council chambers. The seven tribal council members sit on an elevated platform behind a large table, with the tribal chief executive, Ogema AJIJAAK, sitting in the middle. Several dozen tribal citizens and employees sit in the audience at attention. AJIJAAK pounds a gavel.

Ogema AJIJAAK: Aaniin. Let’s call the meeting to order. We have an important action item to consider today. I know there will be much to say today. We have on the agenda a draft resolution proposing disenrollment of the Waabshkaande and Old Womansiblings’ families. Is there a motion to approve the agenda?


Work published when author not on Michigan Law faculty.
