Michigan Technology Law Review | Journals | University of Michigan Law School

Founded in 1994 as the Michigan Telecommunications and Technology Law Review, MTLR is one of the nation's first online, student-published law journals. The Michigan Technology Law Review promotes informed discourse about legal issues arising from emerging technologies from a wide variety of fields. Because every substantive area of the law may involve a “technological hook,” MTLR has a uniquely broad scope. Past articles, essays, and notes have examined topics in antitrust law, competition policy, administrative law, biotechnology and the law, computer and Internet law, constitutional law (including privacy rights, property rights, freedom of expression, and criminal procedure), criminal law, genetics and the law, international law, law and economics, patent law, copyright law, trademark law, and media and entertainment law. The limitless integration of technology and law gives MTLR authors the flexibility to cover a vast array of legal topics and to make their mark in many emerging areas of law.

Moreover, MTLR is committed to using interactive media to provide an interdisciplinary approach to the legal, social, public policy, and business challenges presented by diverse emerging technologies. Our publications are available electronically on the Digital Commons, Westlaw, and LexisNexis. Hard copies are also available to subscribers.

Current Issue: Volume 31, Issue 1 (2024)



Innovation Originators
Tabrez Y. Ebrahim and Rafeel Wasif
