

A year ago, in December of 1950, when the war in Korea was going badly and the country appeared to be on the brink of general mobilization, it seemed inevitable that the demands of military service would make severe inroads upon this year's student enrollment in the Law School. Such inroads have been made, but although the recall of reservists and the call of Selective Service draftees have drawn into the armed forces many young men who would otherwise be studying law at Michigan, the effect has by no means been as severe as was anticipated. The current fall semester has opened with a reduction of only approximately 10% below the enrollment of a year ago. With 276 members of the first-year class (selected just as carefully as in previous years), 240 members of the second-year class, 301 members of the third-year class, and 35 graduate, and two unclassified students, the grand total of 854 students is still far above the maximum figures of pre-World War II years and is less than 100 below a year ago. Moreover, the total is substantially above the number for which the Law Quadrangle was designed. Classes are still too large for most effective teaching.

Although total mobilization has not taken place, the impending call to active duty hangs heavily over the heads of most of the students in the School. It creates an atmosphere of suspense and apprehension far from conducive to the best concentration upon the task of preparation for the bar. However, the faculty is very properly continuing to enforce the usual high standards in classroom and examinations, and accordingly future Michigan graduates will continue to be soundly trained for the bar, the vicissitudes created by the world situation notwithstanding.
