

Oversized enrollment again characterizes the student body of the University of Michigan Law School for the year 1948-49. Somewhat reduced from last year's record of 1107 prospective lawyers, this year the William W. Cook Law Quadrangle is accommodating 1057 future members of the bar. The beginning class of 426 students, together with 279 second year students, 339 seniors, 10 candidates for the graduate degrees, and 3 special students all add up to 1057 total. In the total are included 24 future Portias of the bar. These figures should be compared and contrasted with pre-war enrollments approximating 600-650 students. The demand for legal education seems to be almost insatiable. Indeed, the number is kept within the bounds indicated only by careful selection from a very large number of applicants for admission. The 426 members of the first year class are selected from approximately 1200 applicants.
