

In this opus perfectissimum, Dr. Chrimes, whose book, English Constitutional Ideas in the Fifteenth Century, marks him as the man best fitted for the task, has filled one of the gaps which existed in the scientific examination of the sources of English law. We have Mr. Nicholl's Britton and Professor Woodbine's Glanvil and his still unfinished Bracton, Mr. Ogg's edition of Selden's Dissertatio, and the Hughes-Crump-Johnson edition of The Dialogue on the Exchequer. All these are admirable. There are left only St. Germain and Fleta, both of which cry aloud for an editor of the quality of any of those just mentioned. I should like to add the Leges Willelmi and the Leges Henrici, although they are on the threshold of the common law rather than within it.
