Home > Journals > Michigan Law Review > MLR > Volume 19 > Issue 8 (1921)
Attorney at Law - Disbarment - Disloyalty - Margolis was admitted to the bar in ioio and in disbarment proceedings he admitted he was an anarchist, a syndicalist, a communist, a Bolshevik, an I. W. W. and a member of the Union of Russian Workers. He had aided in the distribution through the mails of an anti-war magazine, was active in the organization of the Anti-Conscription League, and encouraged others to violate the laws of the land. He was disbarred, and although he had not been convicted under any statute, the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania affirmed the order, saying :-"He was actively participating in efforts to nullify the law" and that its standard of professional integrity for lawyers was not satisfied by such conduct as merely enables them to escape the penalties of the criminal law. In Re Margolis (Penna., I92o), 112 AtI. 478.
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