

Boundaries - Property Conveyed - Half of "Lot" Street - Plaintiff and defendants own, respectively, the easterly and westerly halves of "lot 17" of a certain tract of land. Defendants' deed described the land conveyed to them as the "westerly one-half of lot 17" of said tract, according to a recorded map, which indicated that the western boundary of lot 17 is the center line of an avenue 6o feet wide. Plaintiff sues to quiet title to a strip of land i5 feet wide adjacent to the center line of said lot. Held, that the 3o-foot strip covered by the avenue was not part of the lot within the meaning of the deed, and that therfore the eastern boundary of defendants' land was a line halfway between the eastern boundary of the avenue and the eastern boundary of lot x. Earl v. Dutour et at. (Cal., i919), 183 Pac. 438.

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