"Recent Important Decisions" by Michigan Law Review


Administrator--Debt Due From Him to the Estate--Effect of Administrator's Insolvency; Agency--Action by Undisclosed Principal--Abstractoer's Liability; Agency--Liability for Acting Without Authority; Agency--duty to Exercise Good Faith--Commissions; Bankruptcy--Preferences; Banks and Banking--Subagent--Collection; Conflict of Laws--Married Women--Note made in One State but Payable in Another, and Action Brought in the Third; Constitutional Law--bill of lading--Conclusive Evidence; Constitutional law--Eminent Domain--Right to Compensation Before Entry; Constitutional Law--Legislative Control of Municipal Contracts--Eight Hour Law; Constitutional Law--Privileges and Innumities of citizens--Statute Authorizing Personal Judgment on Constructive Service; Corporations--Notice to Corporators; Court--disturbance--Power to Prevent; Criminal Law--Commencement of Term of Imprisonment; Criminal Law--Depriving of Necessary Sustenance--Medicine; Deeds--Covenants that Run witht the Land; False Imprisonment--rights of Finder of Lost Articles--Punitive Damages Where Injury Nominal; Fraudulent Conveyance--Judgement Liens; Fraudulent Conveyance--Preferences; Insurance--Death in Same disaster--Presumption of Survivorship--Burdon of Proof; Llimitations of Actions--Malpractice; Madamus--to Vacate Provisional Injunction Improperly Granted; Marriage--Bigamy--Curative Statute--Validity; Master and Servant--Liability of Master for Acts of Independant Contractor; Master and Servant--Liability of Master when Servant is injured in an Attempt to Save Master's Property; Negligence--Injury to Employee--Liability of Employer; Negligence--Liability of State Fair Association for Negligence of Persons Conducting a Side-Show on the Fair Grounds; Partnership--Illegal Transaction--Accounting; public Officers--Taxation--Salaries of Judges; Railroads--Abolition o fGrade Crossing--Temporary Use of Streets--Damage to Abutting Owner; Sales--Warranty; Telegraph Company--Delay in Delivery--Damages; Trial--Coercion of Jury by Failure to Furnish Opportunity to Sleep; Wills--conveyance to Take Effect After Death;
