Law Quadrangle (formerly Law Quad Notes)
Article Title
Dean Allan F. Smith is appointed University Vice-President for Academic Affairs; Bar Foundation honors former Dean of Law School; Distinguished guests speak in Law School forum series; Student civil rights council reports successful first year; Statistical study profiles Michigan Law graduates; Law School awards presented at banquet; American liberalism is topic of annual Cook Lecture series; Four new members join Michigan Law faculty; Oppenheim and Coffey retire from law faculty; Paul Kauper is named to Butzel professorship; Law placement office reports successful year; 1965 graduates total 253, 58 receive Juris Doctor; Lawyers' Club is scheduled for renovation, will be first major effort since construction; Law school grading system is revised by the faculty; Law School Fund plans near completion for 1965; Four visiting professors will teach during 1965-66; Faculty news notes
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University of Michigan Law School,
Law Quadrangle Notes,
Law Quadrangle (formerly Law Quad Notes)
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