Law Quadrangle (formerly Law Quad Notes)
Article Title
Law School alumni win State Bars Champions of justice award; an insiders helping hand in the scramble for a judicial clerkship; who can stay in the race with technology?; International Reunion offers "rich mix" of activities; Irene R. Cortes, LL.M. '56, S.J.D. '66, dies in Philippines; a tribute to Michigan Supreme Court Judge Charles Levin, JD. '4 7; Alumni reunions; three presidents = one John Feikens appointment; physicians must be healers, alumnus tells U.S. Supreme Court; Richard W Pogue, JD. '53: Cleveland is a place to celebrate; from Law School to Congress: Harold E. Ford, Jr., JD. '96; class notes
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University of Michigan Law School,
Law Quadrangle (formerly Law Quad Notes)
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