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This is one of the sectoral guides that are part of the Gender Management System (GMS) resource kit, a series of publications presenting GMS. GMS is an innovative system developed by the Commonwealth Secretariat for gender mainstreaming. The system is a comprehensive network of structures, mechanisms and processes for bringing a gender perspective to bear on all government policies, plans, programmes and projects. The kit consists of a handbook which presents the GMS in detail; sectoral guides to gender mainstreaming in specific sectors; and resource documents to assist the user in gender analysis, monitoring, evaluation and other aspects of gender mainstreaming. Each sectoral guide also has a corresponding Quick Guide a short, user-friendly publication presenting the essential points. It is designed for policymakers, planners, field staff and other government personnel involved in gender mainstreaming, as well as for academic users, NGOs, the private sector and others who have a stake in advancing gender equality and equity.

This manual offers guidelines for mainstreaming gender into the legal and constitutional affairs of states. Its main objective is to assist governments in advancing gender equality in their countries. Gender mainstreaming in the state’s legal and constitutional structures is a corollary to mainstreaming gender in development and ensuring equal opportunities and outcomes for women and men. Major factors for achieving real change include political will and commitment of resources, concrete and realistic targets, programmes grounded at the national level based on local contexts and evaluation.



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Commonwealth Secretariat


London, U.K.


gender mainstreaming, Commonwealth Secretariat, Gender Mainstreaming System (GMS), 1995 Commonwealth Plan of Action on Gender and Development and its Update, rights-based approach, Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), sex discrimination, human rights, Beijing Platform for Action (PFA), violence against women, gender


Human Rights Law | International Law | Law and Gender


Copyright (c) 2001 Commonwealth Secretariat. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Gender Mainstreaming in Legal and Constitutional Affairs: A Reference Manual for Governments and Other Stakeholders
