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In speaking to this conference about religion and law I am in a decidedly peculiar position, for it may be that every one of you has thought longer and harder about the relation between these two forms of life than I have. When Scott Idleman first asked me to talk to you, I explained that I was no expert, to put it mildly, and that the most that I could offer would be the reflections of a neophyte. He said that this was fine-perhaps he was just desperate for a speaker; perhaps he thought that it might be helpful to have a fresh look from the outside at some of the difficulties and possibilities of thought in this field. Whether I can achieve such a thing is of course a real question; but I do want to say that I am grateful to him and to you for the opportunity, since in thinking about this topic for this occasion I have learned a great deal. Perhaps you can take what I say as the observations of a visitor to a terrain that is familiar to you.
