"Avoiding Common Problems in Using Teaching Assistants: Hard Lessons Le" by Edward R. Becker and Rachel Croskery-Roberts

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A majority of American law schools rely on teaching assistants to help administer first-year legal writing, research, and analysis (LWRA) courses. Specifically, surveys jointly conducted by the Association of Legal Writing Directors (ALWD) and the Legal Writing Institute (LWI) consistently detail the extensive use many LWRA professors make of teaching assistants. Likewise, Julie Cheslik recognized in her article about her 1994 survey on the use of TAs in the typical LWRA course that "[o]ne of the most prevalent uses of peer teachers in the law school setting is the employment of upper-level law students as teaching assistants in the first-year legal research and writing.., course." As one professor observed, "[we] couldn't do it without the TAs."
