University of Michigan Law School Alumni Survey Project | University of Michigan Law School Research | University of Michigan Law School Scholarship Repository

UMLS Alumni Survey Research Dataset


The current version of the Alumni Survey Research Dataset (ASRD) includes administrations of the Alumni Survey questionnaires from 1967 through 2015. For detailed documentation of variable names, code categories, question texts, and variable availability across cohorts and survey administrations, see this downloadable codebook.

Conditions for Use

Because most of the data in the ASRD was provided to the University of Michigan Law School on the basis of a promise of anonymity to respondents, and much of the rest derives from Law School records subject to the Family Educational and Privacy Rights Act (20 USC 1232g), the Law School imposes conditions on data use by researchers.

Those conditions are:

  1. The researcher must submit a Research Plan for review by the Law School. The research plan must state the objectives of the research, summarize the variables in the ASRD which the researcher believes to be relevant to the research objectives, and state the expected type of publication of research results (scholarly articles, reports to funding agencies, etc.). The Law School expects to approve any research plan with valid scientific objectives that can be adequately addressed by the variables in the ASRD.
  2. The researcher must be a faculty member (or a doctoral candidate under the supervision of a faculty member) at a college or university in the United States that has procedures for investigating and disciplining scientific misconduct, similar to the procedures outlined in 42 CFR 50.101 et seq. The researcher must provide the Law School with a copy (or link) to his/her college or university policy on scientific misconduct.
  3. The researcher must sign the Agreement for Use of the University of Michigan Law School Alumni Survey Research Dataset (which must be co-signed by all persons to whom the researcher will grant access to the data and by the faculty supervisor of a doctoral student, if applicable) and adhere to its terms.
  4. The researcher must cite to the ASRD using one of the following standard citations in all work that rely in any part on data from the ASRD:

    • Bluebook: University of Michigan Law School, University of Michigan Law School Alumni Survey Research Dataset (year the researcher received the dataset).
    • Chicago: University of Michigan Law School. [year the researcher received dataset]. University of Michigan Law School Alumni Survey Research Dataset. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan.

Contact Information for the Alumni Survey Project

Research plans, signed agreements, published works for deposit, and other inquiries regarding the ASRD may be directed to:

Professor J.J. Prescott
University of Michigan Law School
3170 South Hall
701 South State Street
Ann Arbor MI 48109