

This work, which is practically an annotated and well arranged selection of extracts from leading cases and from the rules laid down and followed by various railroad commissions and public service companies, puts in extremely convenient form a great deal of very valuable material. There has been such a diversity in the rules laid down by the courts as to the methods of valuation and the elements that should enter into a determination of the value of a public service plant, that it requires a large amount of investigation to bring together and analyze the various important cases. One can take this work and get a good general view of the subject in a comparatively short time. The author treats of valuation for rate purposes and for the purpose of purchase, gives a very clear view- of the various theories that have been adopted, and extensive extracts from the best cases and, opinions of the various commissions, with discriminating discussion of the differences, both real and apparent, in the methods followed and in the conclusions reached. There is perhaps no other work on this subject in which one can find so large an amount of valuable information in so short a time as in this book. It includes the cases decided down to the date when the work went to press.
