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Download Recent Legislation Affecting the Defendant's Appearance in Court (46.6 MB)

Download Oil and Gas Leases Affected by Accretion (11.7 MB)

Download Priority of Liens Against Real Property (44.3 MB)

Download Forfeitures in Land Contracts (62.8 MB)

Download Mortgagees Interest in Rents and Profits (25.3 MB)

Download Limitations Upon Possibilities of Reverter and Rights of Entry (30.9 MB)

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In the preface to our first volume of this series we expressed an intent to publish subsequent volumes periodically, though not necessarily annually. A little over one year after the publication of that first volume we are ready to publish the second. Even though we do not have as many studies as in the first volume we have decided to publish them annually if possible. Our conclusion has been that if our research is to be of maximum value it should be available to the legislators and lawyers and teachers at the earliest practicable moment. Actually this volume is still substantial in size because many of the studies are of considerable length.

For those who have not seen our first volume we are reprinting here its foreword and preface so that the scope of our efforts and the explanation of our selection of topics and methods of research will be available to those who wish to evaluate the studies included in this second volume.

Publication Date



Michigan Law School


Ann Arbor, MI


State legislation, Michigan statutes, weather modification, judgment fund, rule against perpetuities, defendant's appearance in court, accretion, oil and gas leases, liens, real property, land contracts, rents and profits, mortgages, reverter and rights of entry, conveyancing


Legislation | State and Local Government Law


Published under the auspices of the University of Michigan Law School (which, however, assumes no responsibility for the views expressed) with partial aid of funds derived from gifts to the University of Michigan by William W. Cook

Current Trends in State Legislation 1953-1954
