

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is highly prevalent in United States prisons and jails. In prisons and jails, rates of infection are ten to twenty times greater than national levels. And, more than thirty percent of all people living with HCV in the United States will spend time in prisons and jails in any given year. Rates are especially high among people who inject drugs (PWID), a population whose members are also likely to move between carceral settings and the community. Thus, addressing HCV among incarcerated populations would have a significant effect on the virus’s transmission both in and out of confinement and is a crucial part of any HCV elimination strategy. Safe and effective HCV treatment is available. Direct-acting antivirals (DAAs) offered in an eight to twelve week course of oral treatment cure HCV in more than ninety percent of cases.

Widespread testing and treatment in prisons and widespread testing and treatment or linkage to community care in jails are essential public health approaches. But testing and treatment in confinement lags behind medical guidance and public health recommendations.

People incarcerated in prisons and detained in jails are entitled to adequate health care, and the U.S. Constitution prohibits deliberate indifference to their serious medical needs. In recent years, lawsuits filed by people with HCV in carceral facilities across the country have alleged violations of federal law for failure to provide DAA treatment. Although litigation results have been mixed, settlement agreements in states across the country have expanded HCV testing and broadened access to DAA treatment. These settlement agreements reflect a growing understanding that widespread testing and treatment is cost-effective, avoid the harmful health consequences of disease progression, and meaningfully reduce community transmission.

This paper recommends model policies for prisons and jails to expand HCV testing and DAA treatment. The policy recommendations draw from relevant settlement agreements and current medical guidelines, supplemented by input from public health experts, medical professionals, and advocates. The paper proceeds as follows:

• Part I describes the HCV epidemic in United States prisons and jails, the recent sea change in treatment protocols, and relevant clinical guidance and public health recommendations.

• Part II sets out the legal landscape, including governing federal law and judicial decisions interpreting that law in this context, and describes settlement agreements in class action lawsuits addressing DAA access.

• Finally, Part III offers model policies for prisons and jails to expand testing and treatment and to support successful outcomes for people with HCV in their custody.
